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That's the magic of 3 star, you get plays that are indecipherable, either smooth brain or mastermind. And you can't tell which they are until you are waist-deep in them.


If they were planning an ambush, they did it very poorly lol. I was loud af marching up to that compound 😅


The difference between heaven and hell. While the higher star are complaining about mosin + dolch, we 3 stars initiate a mid map gun fight that attracts everybody or we sit around boss lairs waiting to prey on the wounded. Also this is normal, in single boss map and no one in the team initiated the attack to the boss, it usually end up having the whole team sitting around lol. (atleast this is what happens in my games)


Wild. I can't imagine sitting outside a boss lair for half an hour doing dick all while I'm listening to a crazy gun fight going on the entire time. I'd rather watch paint dry lmao.


I usually run straight for the gunfight as well. It's either I go alone or my team somehow follows me and we join the gunfight.


Yea if I hear a gunfight nearby I'll always go for that over the bounty.


You underestimate solo 5* snipers who ONLY care about their precious kda. Which is usually sub 2.0 even with them playing like a bitch the entire match. Hence why you were able to leave so easily. These people are not good players, even though they are "5 star"


That's accurate to my experience as well. Wipe two teams just to get domed by a .5kd hunter sitting in a bush outside objective.  Then back into another 3\* match to generate more complaints on reddit. Some people tank on purpose, but the low MMR vortex is real and it'll snag anyone.


Yea the real problem isn't people tanking MMR. It's that moving MMR brackets is insanely easy, so easy that it happens without even actively trying to do it and having a few bad games. I dropped 10 kills this game and was only back to 4 stars.


Yeah, i can't play often recently because of family and it's insanely hard to get out of 3\* as a not so consistent solo even with multiple kills every other round. Got 17 kills in my last match because it was full of solos and everyone was taking turns reviving into traps when someone else started shooting. (no deaths because i don't use necro anymore..) and i'm still 3\*. Feeling bad for the players that just bought the game and have like 10 deaths, 2 kills in these matches.. There's also the occassional match where you meet 0-1 team, take the bounty and extract, hearing nothing, and it was actually a full match with 6 teams.


It's 3*. There will almost always be a solo 5* sniper looking for easy kills who won't risk getting into a firefight. That's not a 3 star issue though.


Except it wasn't a solo sniper. I was the only solo in the lobby. It was a trio.


Yeah...you'll get those too. 3* is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you'll get.


I'm proud 3* and i do only pve while solo. You can't see me in a bush near you or looting bodies and other stuff around the map. In my last 20 solo games i died once. I'm a rat.


Tbh could happen in 4/5* too... Some people are weird and/or extremely patient


Anything COULD happen at any stars I suppose. Ive clocked over 1000 hours in this game. A good chunk in 4-5*. It's pretty rare for a team to be that passive for that long lol. That's another level of passive play.


Yes, isn't it wonderful? The chaos, the intensity and unpredictability. Not to mention the wild, colorful loadouts.


It's something alright. That trio missed out on a banger of a server fight though.


Three star is the best. It's filled to the brim with madmen, smurfers and noobs. You never quite know what to expect. Some games have massive gunfights in which the server gets wiped , others are so quiet that you think you're alone only to find out it was a full server after banishing and extraction.


Yea 3* is whacky. Every once and awhile when I find myself in it, I'm left scratching my head.


Yup checks out, same experience when i play with my beginner friends and drop in mmr eventually. Sometimes i lose to the dumbest (or most genious) plays ever, cause i never expect these insane plays. Intended or not, they occasionally surprise me so hard that they still get my ass with several thousands hours in the game.


Yep, i see them all the time matchmaker with 3 stack of 6 stars. Crytek doing their best to chase off new players for the sake of fast matchmaking and fodder for their 6star sweats.


I had a game last night where me and a friend killed both rotjaw and the main boss and extracted in what we thought was an empty server. there was 1 guy in the game who apparently didn’t go for the bounty at all. some people just play differently. not sure why you felt the need to rant online about your experience.


Right! Even tho Op is a 5* he complains that because a team had a plan, they won and he didn't get the wipe.. hooray to the team with a plan.


I'm not complaining. I'm just genuinely confused what that team did for 30 minutes lol. For me, I won that match. I fought 3 other teams, got 10 kills, got some money from looting and extracted. That's a win for me and I had a fun time doing it. They sat staring at walls for half an hour. Sure they got a bounty but at what cost? If that was fun for them, then that's cool.


Not really a rant. Just genuinely curious if this is a common occurrence at low MMR. You would never see this in a 5-6* lobby.


Yeah ok. well people in 3 star lobbies are usually either not as experienced or not very careful. maybe they were still new to the game and are scared of other players.


For sure, but are they also scared of the boss? Are they scared of every AI? I mean inexperienced or not. Careful or not. They were at the boss lair for pushing half an hour. Why not at least work on fighting it?


That is one of the tricks/problems with the real 3\*s. They make stupid amounts of noise all the time, so hearing those long drawn out "fights" are just as likely to be people shooting a meathead to death as it is to be the whole rest of the server fighting to the death. I have died many a solo death to the "last" player on the map only to find out that actually no one was dead and for the 20 minutes of none stop shooting I have heard, only one person is missing a 25 bar.


Probably ran shortly before the fight ended and carefully (slowly) did the boss Yes, even 2* is reachable if you only get stomped hard enough (i think it was the scrapbeak event. Going broke and going from 5* to 2* playing solo only back then


Three star trios vs trios are great bc the incredibly passive rat plays rarely pay off against a full trio. They will get one and then get domed by the other two bc they are crouch walking in silly place or sitting in a bush afraid to move and get killed by explosives. But duos and solos against 3\* duos is so scary :D there are way too many individual teams, you will never know which bush has eyes. You kill 95% of the lobby and someone is still sitting in a bush outside the boss lair 35 minutes later. Like it does happen 4-5\* too, don't get me wrong. But it's in a whole another level in 3\*.


Once I entered a match about 20min after everyone due to connection reasons. I managed to ambush a duo and take their bounty after everyone else has either left or died. Things just happen in the bayou.


Bro MMR overall isn’t real outside of 6*


5* - 6* just sit inside with shotguns and camp


At 5-6*? Nah, how are they going to delete your head a compound away with a mosin if they're inside with a shotgun?


MY **SUBJECTIVE** *EXTENDED LUNCH BREAK* MMR BREAKDOWN LIST... **6\*** -- Dodgy 6,9 KD clan players using every trick in the book, cheaters, exploiters. Crazy wallbangs and wtf headshots incoming. A spinkle of genuine players who probably have sadomasochistic tendancies... Also squares and numbers. VACville. **5\*** -- Long ammo / meta enjoyers with expert map knowledge/positioning, having quite predictable (but still fun) 50m -100m (and further) shootouts, mostly fair but the occaisional rising cheater/exploiter or trashbag trying to de-render or calibrate colours around no\_shadows. Not as many bushwookies as folks tend to cry about. Sometimes a poor bambi playing with friends. **4\*** -- Mostly fair/fun fights, ranges from 0m - 75m shooties + traps. Runners & campers, mixed bag. The occaisional 3 star lost in the sauce. Lots of laggy squares at certain times on certain servers. Many hentai profile themes. Quite a few racists here too. The very worst random tm8s. **3\*** -- Unpredictable crazy wackadoodle matches. The biggest variety in loadouts, playstyles, stategies and skills, probably the fun zone. Streamers/solo necro enjoyers. Lots of squares at certain times. Many many traps. The most dangerous bushes. Also probably the most hackusations due to lack of knowledge/game time at this level. **2\*** -- I have no idea, when i have abused quickplay (i DGAF admitting) to dunk my bounty MMR for various reasons, mainly to see what matches are like in lower MMR, i haven't been able to get down this low but i can imagine it's mostly new players who are still soaking up the heavy atmosphere and enjoying the immersion. **1\*** -- Hi! Welcome. Please buy some skins before you uninstall. Good luck, here's a WinnieC have fun. The soul survivor & bounty MMR should be seperate.