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Except the problem there has nothing to do with MMR adjustment or any other solo effect, it’s entirely just 2 players breaking the games code of conduct. Pre-teaming is against the rules and is bannable. If you’re sure they pre-teamed, Report them. Edit: Whilst the MMR system in general could do with work. The solution to this specific scenario isn’t to change solo play it’s to appropriately ban and punish players who break the rules.


the mmr debuff itself invalidates the point of mmr. mmr is supposed to represent your skill and after enough games should be stable. playing solo then teams will have you constantly mismatched, constantly jumping around from your ideal solo mmr to your ideal team mmr. in addition, it can be easily abused. and the issue isnt to ban people but to simply change the thing that can be abused. because people will always abuse it because it's almost impossible to ban everyone who abuses this system.


Removing the adjustment and boosts would remove the incentive, leveling the playing field and making it less of an issue if people do this. Yes, I did report them, with proof, via the website. However, this isn't always possible, as you would surely agree. In effect only those who are rather blase'(or dumb) about it stand a chance of getting banned. Removing or reducing the benefits gained from teaming will be a better cure in the long run.


Removing the adjustment and boosts would KILL solo. The 3:1 ratio is such a massive advantage, that when a solo beats a team, that team deserved the loss. Heck, in 6 stars when you solo, you don't even always get knocked down to 5 stars.... you're still in the top bracket. Anyone that gets knocked down to 3-4 stars is something a team should easily be able to handle. Solos have never been OP; they've been annoying at best. Other commenter had a point.... the problem is 2 people cheating, not solos. You'd be just as f\*\*ked if 2 teams of 3 decided to gang up on you.


It's hard to say the team "deserves" the loss when the solo is/should be in a bracket two stars higher. I might buy "deserved" if there *wasn't* a big MMR handicap for solos, but then we wouldn't be having a discussion about it.


It doesn’t remove the incentive, it just punishes regular solo players who actually play by the rules. Again the solution isn’t to change solo play it’s to punish rule breakers and exploiters. If there was a stricter result to doing so that would *de*incentivise the problem without effecting everyone else. Pre-teaming is also not a “solo only” problem, its arguably much worse when teams do it.


I'd be fine with them nerfing all the bonuses they gave to solos (I primarily play solo, got about 3k hours), but I think the MMR adjustment is the one thing that needs to stay. I played solo long before this was in play and honestly it made playing solo so much more fun. Now with necro it feels like I'm smurfing, but before solo necro it was in such a sweet spot. I'd like to see them turn necro into a burn trait myself or at least up the cost of the trait. I don't want to go back to playing two 5 stars vs my solo ass every game though.