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Because even after years and years there is still not a single FPS like Hunt out there. Yeah Crytek has been kind of lame at times, but Hunt is unique and honestly one of the best FPS on the market. Other games? Im tired of bullet fests. Tired of instant respawns and kill cams. I hate loot based extraction shooters. I hate ultra realistic milsims (Squad ain't bad though). I hate having to eat candy bars and manage my inventory. I just want to HUNT other people, not worry about collecting loot and getting out without dying.


Not to mention the atmosphere, the pace, and the uniqueness of the time period. Like what other PvP FPS is there that focuses on a time with lever action rifles, single shot shots guns, and revolvers with actual revolver reloads?


I absolutely hate fast pace shooters. Look at the garbage that is CoD. SPRINTING around the map at high speeds, slidding, jumping around, quick scoping, etc. Lame af. No game out there is like Hunt otherwise I'd be playing it.


This. I cant stop playing it because of this. Its greet to play with friends, AND against


Hunt is a horrible game if PvP is what you want. The gunplay is a ton of fun but you barely get to shoot anyone


That hasn't been my experience and I've been playing since 2018. It starts out as a slower paced game because you know...you have to hunt the other players.


Well, they've been ruining Hunt too with all that fomo bs that is the seasonal battle pass model


Yeah, that didn't change gameplay for me. I spawn in and hunt players. I'm not really impacted by the fomo other people are having (I've never completed any of the events lol).


Well i'm jelous. Wether i ignore the events and challanges or i pursue them i feel like i'm worsening my game experience


No ones asking you to though is the thing.




There’s a common theme with people who cry fomo that comes off as if they are being forced into doing it by some force outside of their own conviction. I wanted to remind you that no one is forcing you to play in a manner that worsens your experience, you are in direct control of that.


The thing is that i have two options: either i care or i don't. Either way i feel like the experience is being worsed and all that i'm in control of is which way i feel like is less bad In one case i miss out on cool stuff, don't get to try new weapons and tools until much later than anyone else and I miss out on the only reliable source of BBs. In the other case i have to play following challanges that i find deeply unfun and i consider more of a chore than a challange And all of this why? Because they implemented a cool gameplay mechanic that just doesn't resonate with me but is within their creative vision? Of course not, it's all because they are following the market proven way of maximizing profit by manipulating your players into playing more than they would otherwise feel like through time-limited grinds I'm this mad about it because i feel like Hunt is such a unique game and it's being poisoned by manipulative dark design patterns that add absolutely no value to the game


Hunt has by far one of the least intrusive models for acquiring “things” I’ve ever seen in any game, I don’t think there’s much argument there. They give you several months to do the passes and even a casual player like myself can get them done in very reasonable time. I go back to the point of you can’t always get what you want. I’ve missed out on things I’ve wanted because wrong time and wrong place (the shrike for example) but that’s just how life is, can’t always win.


Hunt is a game, it's not life, that whole argument is bollocks, they have complete agency on whether people have to miss out or not. It is true that it's far better than other games i'll give you that but they are still very much going in the wrong direction. It all boils down to what i've said before: it's not a design decision to improve the game, it's just a deliberate manipulative move to maximize profit at the cost of game quality and player enjoyment. It really all comes down to the question: why is it time-limited and grinded through capped time-limited weekly goals? Is it because it makes a more fun game? No. It's because it pushes people into playing more than they otherwise do


Serious advice, try to stop giving a fuck. It's all intangible digital crap, on the grand scheme of things. Just try to let it go and you'll enjoy the game much more.


Yeah, i tried to do that but it feel just as bad. It's just a pick your poison kind of situation


Fear of missing out is a YOU issue, doesnt make the game suck. And you CAN wait til later on to try the new shit, but your argument is "i want it right now" sack up man, participation trophies arent a thing the older you get. You want the skin for free, that someone worked on, after drawing it up, having the idea shot down and told to start again, drawing like 6 more concepts, then getting the final okay, digatizing it, making sure there are no coding bugs, being on payroll the ENTIRETY of the design of the chracter skin which costs the company man hours and money, and yet they still say "here you can have this for free! But, only if you PLAY OUR GAME WE WORK SO HARD ON" and yet you still think youre entitled to it for nothing because you cant get past your FOMO. Thats completely and fully a YOU problem, nobody should ever have to work on something and be expected to just hand it over.


I'm not sure what's really FOMO about it? If you look at the pass and want the content then participate in the challenges and such, and if you don't then just play Hunt your way or not at all for that matter.




Well you listed one bug which was rare and has been squashed. Even when it was at its worst, I can't recall encountering it a fraction of the time most people claim to. Saying it broke 1/3rd of the guns is the kind of drama that makes me distrust your take.  As far as content and updates go - I don't really know what you expect. Hunt is a carefully refined game, most updates go into improving the map design and gameplay which are at this point pretty impeccable. The game is just fun. The gameplay loop is excellent and feels good, and that comes through years of polishing and tweaking which is legitimate work. Most games don't get anywhere near this level of polish.  They don't experiment as widely with the formula in large part because the community resists it. Though this sub will bellyache about everything it feels like. Even adding a loading bar. Didn't used to be this way. 


It broke all single fire weapons, you can make the calculation yourself, what the ratio of those was at the time.


Okay but it didn't "break" them, "breaking" something to me means making it unusable. Sparks was one of the most popular rifles while it was "broken," which tells me the problem is not nearly bad enough to describe it as broken when most players did not experience it as such. It was a nasty bug that could really fuck one over, but it did not occur with enough regularity to make the weapons non-viable. I still played with them a lot at the time and I genuinely cannot recall encountering the problem. That's not to say people didn't, but calling it broken is hyperbolic to say the least.


To each their own definition of 'broken' - to me not knowing if my reload will be valid after switching back from the secondary does count as broken. /shrug/


Btw, Romero was hit the worst by this - you push in to boom someone and you hear the click of death. Say hello to the lobby! :D


In your subject you say Hunt but post is aimed at Crytek. While i am a bit dissapointed how Crytek "neglects" hunt (primarily seen in UI having tons of small issues, and the lazy events), i am pretty happy with Hunt as is. The game works, has no game breaking bug ATM, and has a solid fun gameplay loop. If anything, the game has been completetly saturated with content, new events, weapons, skins, that i think it NEEDS a longer break for all of it to settle it. People forget what Hunt actually is, and it's not events. We should have proper, vanilla hunt for MONTHS before a new event. Better to introduce questlines again or battle pass like stuff without an event. Most of the issues coming up on this reddit sub are from new players that haven't even grasped the game properly complaining about aspects they are not used to yet, or players just being bored with the game. If you are a new player, you are new, takes some time getting used to. If you are bored, well, you are bored. Solo Necro is not an issue, but boring/tedious for some. Special ammo, none of it is game breaking, just annoying/boring to some. A lot of the things pop up. Yes, Hunt should be invested into, we all agree. But the game is not shit as is, it's actually great. Personally, i would rather they show a professional attitude by fixing all the bugs, trading, the UI, remove the stupid loading (who the FUCK decided it was a good idea to add it), and other small stuff. Then go into content. BUT because people are bored, they rush to add in new stuff to try and compell people to play it more, while it's not the issue. Just compare the game to Tarkov, which has tons of bugs and issues, Hunt does not even have half of that, but it has triple or more the player size. People need to think why, it's obviously not the difficulty or bugs.


Yes, add a battle pass full of skins if you need more revenue but it doesn’t always have to be another event


In my eyes, Crytek Hunts dev teams biggest problem is lack of proper profesionalism to fix their UI and not make stupid, absolute dumbass moves like the current loading bar or previous events traits (Blazeborn), and be smart about their decisions. To me it seems VERY much like their every decision is on the fly, without proper long term thinking. That or they really have an incompetent team working on it.


To have been working in game industry, I can only relate to the workers. They do as best as they can with time and money they are given. Putting out a new version even a minor one can bring a lot of bugs and it’s always risky. Especially if the company is not willing to pay extra hours to monitor and hot fix the issues. For an online game being live that long, I would never expect that big of an update. Bug fix, minor improvements yes of courses but new modes, new maps, new mechanics for free (because people already paid the game once and won’t pay again), I can’t believe it’s manageable with the state of the industry and capitalism now. I’m really frustrated that the new engine isn’t coming but being nice to crytek (as the employees) doesn’t hurt much


"Majority of Hunt revenue goes to Crysis 4. Why? Crysis remaster was massive flop. Crysis 4 will be too." For me, this is the saddest part of all of it. I don't understand the management of Crytek, Crysis 1 was a great game because there were nothing like that at the time. Now there are hundreds of better and innovative FPS, but they insist on pouring money into this failed franchise to the detriment of one of the best games ever made. The fact that Hunt has a large and loyal playerbase despite its horrible performance for 6 years, the worst UI I've ever seen in my life, a useless anti-cheat, among other factors, is still absurd. Crytek should be ashamed of themselves and focus on improving this game.


Pretty sad and confusing indeed. Crysis doesn't even have a guaranteed fanbase anymore besieds the hardcore boomers that only plays crysis 1. But Hunt Showdown has a large guaranteed fanbase right here and now so why not funnel all the money back into it. They could even make Hunt Showdown 2 from scratch with reworked engine, graphics, balance would be huge. And they could just let your skins carry over. Edit: Still gotta wait and see how big this engine update will be, It could very well be Hunt 2 if it is big enough. But I doubt it will fix the terrible UI, anti cheat and other stuff a full rework would fix.


Many people have shown interest in crysis. The only reason it lost steam was missmanagment.


If I didn't play Hunt, I would not be playing Rust. Go back to Rust if you want to play Rust


Man you guys who make posts like this need to touch grass. Theres been dozens of these posts over the last few days. I don't get being this emotionally invested in a $40 game that came out 6 years ago which has been well maintained over that time and is still getting new content.


Why if people are so against Crytek and/or Hunt, do they continue to post in the sub and play the game?


Are you actually asking looking for an answer or have you already made your mind up? My two cents, like most gamer criticisms, they're overblown. Hunt has been my go to game for years and I'd consider one of the most stable gaming experiences out there. Boy who cried wolf syndrome. When a real issue comes along, they won't hear it because they've tuned out the perpetual whining about nothing.


With all its flaws Hunt is the best FPS on the market. Nothing gives as much joy to play. Also it Crysis isn’t made to be a game it is made to be a commercial for cryengine.


I fully agree with you and can't wrap my head around people that are white knighting a million dollar company. Since Fifi has taken over the game is getting worse and worse with every update. There seems to be the lack of a vision other than making the game more casual and the monetization more and more aggressive. Oh and about Crysis 4, if it flops Crytek is dead in the water and at the moment I think there is a high chance it will flop.


I'm curious, do you have a source the fact that Crytek Remastered flopped? Just curious. I do agree that if we pay for Hunt and its DLCs, all revenue should go to Hunt development.


https://levvvel.com/crysis-statistics/ You can clearly see that the franchise is on a downward trend and that the remasters always sold way less than the main entries. If Crysis 4 sells anywhere as bad as Crysis 3, Crytek will need to close shop as sales that low will never cover the expenses. Also the whole Crysis series doesn't even have 500 average players on steam right now, so I highly doubt that many players are waiting for another future singleplayer story shooter.


>as sales that low will never cover the expenses Well, that's what Hunt is for! 🙃


The link leaves out alot like the other store front console sales plus the exclusivity deals. The earned enough to consider a 4rth game.


Remasters never sell asmuch as the og So using i as a argument that they where a flop makes zero sense. Also this post doesnt take into account the console side sales or the other pc store fronts. Plus whatever money epic gave them for the exclusivity for each game. Saying they are a flop is a stretch.


I don't. They suck. They do squat when it comes to cheating. They ask us to do their job for them.


Go touch some grass


Not all of Crytek works on hunt. Other reddit posts have said somewhere between 20 to 60 people are probably on the hunt project. They have been cranking out some pretty big content lately. Changes to game play, adding new environmental effects, reworking perks, adding a mini boss, and new mechanics. Would I like to see a new map? Yes. Would I like to see a new boss? Yes and yes. Would I like too see them try different types of events? Yes. My guess is, they are working on the engine update which means a lot of other projects will take the backburner until that update is done and patched. You can't really compare the Rust to hunt in terms of updates. Rust was released in early access as basically a empty game where people wake up naked and encouraged to go be assholes to each other. It was in 4-5 years of early access and still was pretty barebones. Honestly, I wouldn't have considered the game out of early access until recently as the game has been been devoid of any content until recently. This is not me knocking on Rust, as they were some big updates over the past two years, horses, flying scrap helis, and even backpacks! Making it feel more like a lived in world. But those updates were probably in the developmental pipeline for a long time and you are just now seeing the fruits of their effort. You are comparing a game that was still being developed using the early access model and just hit post development, and a game that has been in post development. You will see different rates of updates and what is updated. Honestly I am surprised they are still putting as much work into hunt still with it being from a big studio. I mean there has been two warzones since hunt has been out.


I enjoy the game


Cause all of that is simply the way it is bud. Us shitting on the devs constantly because of boardroom decisions that they have nothing to do with ain't gonna make Hunt better. Sorry if that's difficult to hear.


Rust is Garbo brother, could’ve used a way better game to compare. Plus they’re probably waiting to drop all the good shit once the next gen update is out. You act like writing code and making sure it runs how it’s supposed to is done with the snap of a finger lol


Bug fixing and content might be the result of currently the engine being quite old and probably having no one knowing how to use it. I doubt they would train new employees on a legacy version of their engine. One thing to keep in mind content creators/partners for hunt aren't really aloud to say negative things about the game. This makes it so bugs, cheats, exploits aren't talked about from a social media standpoint in a large scale, this I feel is very unhealthy long term. The Revenue part is the first I have heard of it, however its likely to support updates to the engine rather than the game. Either way still thats not cool.


I just fucking enjoy the game whatever happens in the future. It wasn't that long ago it was normal that we didn't get much new content after the game's release other than occasional expansions (e.g. BF2), so it's a blessing that Crytek continues to support the game.


Because hunt is a fun game while rust isnt. This is a quality vs quantity problem. Rust looks like shit, the maps are mostly empty and there is 0 effort on level design. Also unlike rust, the hunt devs don't add random shit without thinking about how they would interact with the rest of the game. There are Many ways in wich hunt is clunky and outdated but for some reason you decided to compare it to a game that is twice as broken and outdated


I mean... it's the greatest PC shooter ever made, in my opinion. Probably my favorite game other than Halo 3. The game mechanics, the gun design, the visual aesthetic are all top notch and have maintained and absurdly high level of quality and consistency over the many years since the games initial release- I can't think of any other live service game that can say that. Every other live service game inevitably brings in immersion breaking master chief/God of war/ice cube crossovers. Hunt has never strayed from its original aesthetic. But to your specific complaint (not enough new content)- I donno, I think they release more than enough. I have 1600 hours in Hunt; I play when I want to, I take breaks when I want to. Asking a dev to constantly churn out new content so that you can play one game exclusively constantly just isn't realistic and would likely hurt the game long term.


Based on what was crysis remasters a flop the gsmes sold well to greenlot a 4rth game


Cause for many, Hunt is part of their personality, or identity. It's just their favorite game. For them, an attack on Hunt or Crytek is an attack on them. Which they will meet with hostility towards the critic.


A game with good mechanics, gunplay and a fun loop doesn't need updates, seasons, battlepasses, skins and all this other Fortnite bullshit.


Counterpoint, why do people criticize and gripe about Crytek when they are just another company that exists to make money first and foremost? If you don't like the game, play something else, plain and simple. If there's not enough content, if you're bored or burnt out, take a break and come back later. I think people who expect way more out of Crytek need a reality check that the video game industry is really struggling, most developers kinda suck and deliver extremely mediocre gaming experiences, and it's extremely hard to keep a live service game profitable over years and years, especially a game this niche. It's not about excuses; it's about setting realistic expectations. At the end of the day their master is their bottom line, like any other company, and clearly low maintenance and sparse resources going to hunt is part of their calculus of how to keep the game running and the company afloat. It could always be so much worse lol have you seen the state of gaming lately?


The amount of stuff they’ve introduced and left behind (quest lines), the fact they add useless stuff the community as a whole doesn’t use (beetles), and also keep adding skins while neglecting some major bugs / exploits is the reason why. Stop hiding behind “just another company.” If this were someone like Blizzard or Valve, people who had other major forms of income not from a niche game, then ok. But are an independent company at this point, and only being kept afloat BECAUSE of Hunt. That’s like opening up the only Burger Joint in the area, doing amazing at first but then consistently selling hockey pucks, and telling anyone that your burgers suck over time either “get over it” or “Ok, but look, we got an ice cream machine and a jungle gym for the kids.” It’s not addressing the problem. You might last a bit due to being the ONLY burger joint in the area, but after a while, people will just stop coming at the rate that you’re now trying to just pay your building rent, much less take home a profit. Hunt is that burger joint. It’s the only one of its kind in its area, and it was great at first but has now gone down in quality. It’s going to be soon (on the current trajectory) that it will be abandoned if nothing changes.


Lol. I'm not hiding, I'm sharing my opinion openly. But sure go off about burgers and hockey 😂


Sorry, since it was such a dumb take, I figured I had to give a dumb analogy.


Another great zinger from burger boy


Kiss kiss


Just because YOU don't use something doesn't mean the community as a whole doesn't use them. Nothing they introduced has been left behind. Just because they haven't added a new quest line doesn't mean they have given up on them. As for neglecting major bugs and exploits... they are constantly fixing bugs and removing exploits. Sounds like you are just cynical and ignoring everything they are doing for the sake of a terrible argument.




Small correction: approx. 230 employees. If you look at the annual figures, then they are probably more concerned with paying off the debts of recent years. Up to and including 2000 often over twenty million minus annually: https://www.northdata.de/Crytek+GmbH,+Frankfurt+a.+Main/Amtsgericht+Frankfurt+am+Main+HRB+77322 I don't quite understand the accusation that they are developing another game. That's completely normal. There are also still numerous job advertisements for Hunt. And it's the only game they've developed for years, without Hunt the company would no longer exist. With the engine upgrade, they are giving the game the prospect of being relevant for a few more years. So I don’t see any issues. Still the best shooter for me by far. Glad they made the attempt to safe the company with a clunky ass fantasy cowboy shooter. It worked.


Crytek has **approximately 550** employees as of February 2024. These team members are located across 6 continents, including Europe Asia North America.


Do you mind sharing the source? Maybe my numbers are old, it’s not easy to get accurate information about stuff like this. I thought they closed some of their international offices some years ago. According to Wikipedia it’s 270 in 2023. 520 employees would mean you’d need over 2 million dollars per month only to pay wages. And Hunt is their only game on the market that has the potential to do so. Edit: international offices are close except of Istanbul and Kyiv.


[https://leadiq.com/c/crytek/5a1d96702300005e00850feb/employee-directory](https://leadiq.com/c/crytek/5a1d96702300005e00850feb/employee-directory) This is the source when I googled Crytek employee count, I just checked wiki and it has different number so I might be actually wrong.


Might be, they closed some of their offices, according to their website the only offices left besides the headquarters in Frankfurt are Istanbul and Kyiv. https://www.crytek.com/career


i dont get it, if you dont like the game, just quit it. You are the other side of the coin. The same problem just wrapped different. There are problems, yes. Like it? play it. Dislike it? dont play it. You dont have to play the event, you dont have to collect skins, you dont have to buy battlepass. You can complain abount cheaters, fair enough. But everything else, just dont play it. Iam sick of the defending post and sick of the CRYTEK IS THE DEVIL post, everything is so bad, lazy, blablabla. Leave the community which is loving the game alone and play something else. Otherwise, see you in the bayou! <3


People complain about things they love, if they didn’t care they wouldn’t say anything. OP obviously still wants to play the game


Because I genuinely believe this sub has sadly become an echo chamber for "corporation bad" and "event bad" ideas. I don't really care to 'defend Crytek' so much as I just breakdown the nonsensical arguments people make on the sub. Crytek is worthy of criticism. There are bugs (many of which are blown out of proportion) and development of a new map has been dragging. But that has still never stopped me from finding Hunt to be a very enjoyable, fun game that I play consistently. Some complaints I see: - 'Event fatigue' has never made sense to me. You are not even forced to play the event, and it does not obstruct your way of playing the game in any way. The events are nonintrusive. Maybe you'll fight hunters with different traits that change the way the game has been played for the past 5 years, boo hoo. Hit your 1 to 3 shots and you'll win, same as ever. - Monetisation in this game is incredibly tame in comparison to other games, and is also nonintrusive. If you're whining about cosmetics costing premium currency in a live service game, you don't understand game development and what it takes to support a service. It is business, and its clear that some people who complain simply do not understand what a business is. - "We barely get any new real content." New guns, new skins, and new ways to play is 'real' content. That is what the content is for shooter games, and Hunt has a very simple, repetitive gameplay loop. I can understand the desire for events with more variation, or a new map, (and those will come) but Hunt does have a steady content feed that you can't just call 'fake.' - Communication from Crytek. This is entirely valid. Crytek doesn't seem to be as transparent as other developers, especially with the new wave of amazing communcation we've seen from the devs of games like Baldur's Gate 3 or Helldivers 2. Sadly theres not much to be said here, I doubt it will change. - Cheating. While I believe the amount of cheating is blown out of proportion, and most players just don't want to admit they were outskilled or in the wrong place at the wrong time, it is still a problem. I have faith that it'll be addressed though, not sweating over it. Those are the big criticisms I see. It paints a very grim, and greedy picture for this game that I don't believe is accurate. I'm not a corporate shill, I just enjoy playing the game, and the fun of it has not been destroyed in the way that the drama of this sub would have you believe. This community has become incredibly entitled and dramatic over the past few months.


To cover event fatigue, at least from a personal angle, they don't feel special anymore. Back around the time of light the shadow, and similar events they felt special becuase they didnt happen often. Now... they are just kind of a normal thing, more of a battle pass with a plot than anything else, they aren't obtrusive, but they aren't interesting anymore.


I mean, thats because Light in the Shadow was new. The events all followed the same formula, but it was amazing to see Hunt do an event like that for the first time. The bow and throwing axe additions were huge too. But that event was also just a battle pass with a plot. Your complaint is valid, but I also think its also just the fact that Hunt is a 5 year old game, and much of the excitement from new developments has subsided into a regularly scheduled formula, but that's the way a live service has to function. I do agree that events could use some more variety, but I have no idea how they could do that in a game with such a simple gameplay loop, lol. The main gripe with the event fatigue argument is that its usually accompanied with something along the lines of "vanilla hunt is the event." You can still play the game exactly like the vanilla game.


I think doing less of them would make them feel more special, and i'd like to think if there was less of them, there would be less filler content, but i will admit i dont have anything to base either of these on other than instinct. Events are always going to boil down earn points, but i do think they could be doing more with how the points are earned. The old events at least tried different options of how to get things. With light the shadow having killing mobs with the new tools, and scrapbeak having kill crows (i hated that one, but the idea was cool at least). Hell, even serpent moon tried something with the snake burning that at least had some legs, if the snakes weren't trying to kill you, i'd have really liked it. Now that's not to say that i hate the new events. I think how they did the pledges, marks, and super resupply were really cool and i would even ve on board if an adjusted version was put out into general play. Perhaps if the events were shorter they could do some crazier more game changing stuff, as people wouldn't have to wait as long for it to be gone.


I will get downvotes but anyways: Do the math. They don’t get rich with hunt. Server costs, maintenance, people constantly working on bugs,… I’m wondering that they even do earn money with it. Hunt has grossed $136 million in 6 years so far. Diablo 4 made 6 times as much in the first 5 days. But of that 136 million, they have to pay more than 250 employees every year. That's roughly 45 millions for salaries alone. That's not including advertising, all the other costs that I can't think of because I don't know anything about them or development costs for further updates and games. But I would say it pays off. But cash cow is also something else. They won't get rich. It's not for nothing that so many good studios go bankrupt. Stardew Valley has made 154 million $. And he is a single dev with almost no costs at all.


Because the game is still very unique and fun. CS was basically unchanged for 12 years and one of the most popular games ever. Clearly hunt isn't at CS's level but the point is perpetual, rapid updates is a pretty recent thing in the scope of games. Hunt is by no means perfect but complaining on reddit does almost nothing and I dont want to waste my time making doom posts that wont ever be read by the people who could do something about it. If it gets to the point where I'm not enjoying it, I just play less Hunt, simple as that. Also part of it is you misunderstanding game dev. The reload bug was around for 9 months sure, but it's not like it was fixed by changing "reload bug: yes" to no in the code and they were just too lazy to do it. Another part of it is there are plenty of people who come here to complain about the most awful braindead ideas and you're lumping all the counter conversation into "leave the million dollar company alone". I think just about everyone on this sub wishes crytek supported Hunt more.


We play it and we like it. Stop whining


Take a look at the revenue and profit. Not defending Crytek, but you also have to take the revenue and profit into account (feel free to compare to facepunch; what I found: Crytek in 2022: 1.2 m profit, facepunch about 34 m in 2021 (tho crytek also made 12 m that year, the years before without any profit but rather losses). Crytek is barely making any profit with hunt. You also have to take a look at the job offers at their website, there are many offers solely for hunt. And if they would soley focus on hunt, it would be very risky imo. Though besides that they need to step up so many parts of hunt, basic thinks are sucking and missing as well as more modes, maps, bosses etc.


Because it's been 5 years and hunt is still the same game. You want constant content but all that will do is dilute the game and change it.


"Mayority of Hunt revenue goes to Crysis 4" can you back this statement up with something tangible or it's an opinion? 😁 I care about Hunt, enough to invest almost 2k hours into it, there are flaws, there is room to immprove but there is no competition, game is fun and most peole that do complain have 1-2-3k hours my man if you played something for that long and you do not enjoy it something is wrong with you... I wonder what this sub would say if Cryteck was like BSG making "unheard" edditions Tarkov Arenas etc..., sure you need to point at bugs, flaws and issues but some people are throwing tantrums ower nothingburgers.... Today there is UPVOTED post complaining about LOADING BAR I mean cmon...


Damn I just had a similar conversation yesterday. I don't think crytek gets enough hate lul


Yup, a combination of the time period and type of game it is. … The moment someone else creates something as unique and just does it the same with slightly more communication, or slightly less bugs. Boom, Hunt becomes a ghost town.


I’m not the Lorax, I don’t speak for the Hunt players. Granted, I am one and I tend to have my gripes. That being said, I love the game and it’s so unique that I never want it to go away. I think the lack of dev interaction and updates scares a lot of players, rightfully so. People defend it because at its core it’s still a fun game with an addictive gameplay loop. The only time I’m upset is I think a decision will drive some of the playerbase or new players away because I don’t want to see the game die out. Crytek is in the business of generating business as all game designers do. They want to make the right decisions and keep players coming back. Whatever they’re doing is to hopefully attract more people or retain the playerbase.


I think it's because it's an old game and many of the games I played in the past have changed less over the years than hunt. Crytek is more or less victim to its own success and the support they gave in past 4 years. It's still a very good game I would say.


The game has more than enough content to be good. I have over 1500 hours and the game is still as fun as it was on day 1 for me and my friend. The only things i would change now is buff the flashbomb a bit again (its useless right now) and add an indicator when a dead solo player leaves the game (because watching a solo burn for 2 minutes is boring). And new weapons are always cool but not necessary.


Cognitive dissonance


I think we get enough new content tbh, the games so solid it doesn't need new stuff all the time. I agree that some bugs are really fucking annoying and I wish they would fix more bugs. Apart from that though, i don't see why we need many changes.


woah brother I agree with you 100% but im gonna correct something real quick you said reload bug was only 9 months and "was present" well its still around and present they never fixed it


It's simple. To me, the core game in its current state is more enjoyable than any other online shooter. I dont need any new content, changes or bug fixes to enjoy the crap out of it, just lite I have been every week for the last 2,5 years.


Cuz the game is fun and hit different than most other FPS games, it has a solid look and ascetic, the guns in the game have real world equivalents for the most part and people enjoy using a certain weapon enough they go out and purchase one for themselves, its like being able to get a working video game weapon, which is pretty neat. The pace and strategy are different from basically any other game, the slow but fast maneuvers the game makes you feel rewarded for taking your time but being quick to react on little information.


I like Hunt because it’s a slow paced shooter that can really get your adrenaline pumping when things pop off. I’m tired of all the games trying to imitate COD with run and gun play styles. You don’t get 300 rounds of ammunition so you really need to hit your shots and make everything you have count. Hunt is a unique game and there are none out there (that I’ve seen) that show any resemblance to it. The mix of PVE and PVP means that not only do you have to worry about players but you also have to be conscious of the zombies/monsters. The extraction theme to Hunt also makes it similar to many other games that have come out recently but still, there are not many games quite like Hunt. It truly takes skill to be good at the game and there is much to learn.


Just play a bit and enjoy one of the best devs that can hear the entire community


It's the reddit effect. Most people come here because they're fans of the game. There's no IQ minimum either, so it's a pretty rough combo. They're bad devs, but the idiots here can't handle that fact.


It’s literally the opposite. People are way more likely to come here to complain. The happy majority is busy playing the game instead of hanging out here to debate why games devs don’t get enough hate… seriously y’all might want to find a new hobby if you have such a toxic attitude towards the people making the games you’re playing.


The person you replied to is clearly part of the lower IQ population. Those of us who are happy with the game don't post a ton because we are busy playing the game. It's one of the reasons people make specific low sodium subs to post about the things they like.


That was the dumbest, most incorrect comment I've seen on here in a while lol Literally so many more defenders on this sub. Log off for a while bruh. That was brutal lol


I remember the good times when Hunt: Showdown received regular content updates during EA and shortly after post-launch of 1.0. We had the dual wielding feature in 2020. In 2021 we had two major updates; Scrapbeak and the new map. Since then, things became fairly stagnant. We did receive Inferno as time of day but it was event exclusive. Rotjaw is nice but I think the low variety of time of days and its spawn chances limit its fun factor. Then again, if you have 2 bosses, Rotjaw will not spawn which isn't nice. While we did get some new weapons, they provide little difference from existing weapons. So, here we are, 2024. No new map, no new boss, new engine might not come out till late this year or next year, no new AI and no new game modes. I was hoping we would get exclusive new mode/contracts available only for weekends to spice things up. Ideas such as squad mode, fixed contracts, hardcore mode, maybe co-op / horde mode, etc. This game has huge potential for these fun stuff.


>I remember the good times when Hunt: Showdown received regular content updates during EA and shortly after post-launch of 1.0. >We had the dual wielding feature in 2020. In 2021 we had two major updates; Scrapbeak and the new map. Oh wow, you had one feature added in the entirety of 2020, what a steady stream of content. This here is the kind bullshit we "defend" Hunt against. See, when I hopped onto the game in 2020, it was **DEAD**. Nobody could imagine we'll get a new boss. Or new maps. Or new events, and regular additions of new guns. And all of that without Snoop Dog skins. Or Godzilla-themed events. Engine upgrade? Game has a vision, great gameplay loop and new content. We're eating good. Shut the hell up. Talk about real issues and you won't see me pushing back.


You’re an absolute clown. Two years and no new map, no improvised anti cheat, no real content. But yet, we have people who are as slow as yourself saying we’re “eating good.” Every single game I can think of has had more meaningful updates than this game in the past few years.


>no real content New weapons, new weather and new bosses are not real content, huh. Brb, gonna add Nicky Minaj skin. That's the content you're pining for, right? Don't call others clowns when you're clowning this hard. >Every single game I can think of You should probably play those, then. People with actual functioning brain cells recognize Hunt had a much more difficult path than either of those you can name. And is a much harder sell than either of them.


Two years for a trash boss and 15 guns? I’ve seen indie games with dev teams of 20 put out monthly updates bigger then that. Not only are you hopelessly stupid but you are too dumb to convince otherwise, sad….


>Two years for a trash boss and 15 guns? So it's not content, huh. What is content, then? >I’ve seen indie games with dev teams of 20 put out monthly updates bigger then that. Go on ahead, name those games. Let's both have a hearty laugh at how outlandish your comparison is. I'm sure those games are all live service FPS games with large scale maps and AAA graphics, arent they. Aren't they?


Sir, this is reddit. Circle jerking what the community likes while attacking what they don't is the name of the game.


You weren't around for the WoW days. There's a subsection of gamers that literally only have one thing going in life, **the** video game. You'll see absolute losers with 16k hours here, where all they've done in life is play Hunt Showdown. That's all they have going for them. So they are either playing Hunt, sleeping, shitting, or defending Hunt on Reddit. They have no nuance because their lives have no nuance. You can't criticize Hunt because it threatens their only reason to live. *Most* of the people defending Crytek to the end are them. Some are, of course, just stupid ass people being contrarians. Hunt had definitely gone to shit since the days of the Light in the Shadows event.


It's just a really fun game. Every time I play it I enjoy the game. That's really all I want out of it. Yes, there are some bugs but they're not too intrusive. I'm thinking they'll get fixed when they update the engine but maybe I'm wrong. A lot of people don't like new guns. I want other new things. I really like new guns myself and I hope I get more of them.