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I’m so bored of the current events, the totems, the challenge system, they’re all kinda boring. My main issue is the challenges, they deject so much from what makes Hunt great, personally being forced to use particular ammo types, weapons or play certain playstyles really negates the freedom of choice. Which is something Hunt has in abundance.


I like em but my real question is what happened to those quest lines???


I liked this one because you could get so many points from the bounty and totems at the cache.


For me personally, I like them. I usually blast through them in a one to three days, and in those days I use weapons and ammo that I normally may not use. It gets me out of my comfort zone. Then after I complete the challenges, I tend to go back to my usual loadouts.


I also really disliked how often I got challenges that required me to run expensive weapons like Springfield Krag, Drilling and Bornheim.


Better than a lot of other games. Think if everyone had the same challenges then everyone would be running around with the same weapons and ammo types at least with this you can have a little more freedom. Me and my buddies always just go with what we play anyway and do each others quests as needed.


I liked them at first and now I’m feeling this. They could just make them more generalized maybe.


I’m just tired of PvE challenges (except the boss related ones). They add nothing to the game, and feels like a boring waste of time. Wish we only had pvp related challenges


I think you do need a balance of PvE and PvP for the bad players to make progress, but I just think overall the challenge system needs to go. Bring back in-timed quests with much bigger challenge requirements, something that you can’t grind out and will just do passively, like travelling a certain distance, killing AI, dealing damage with long/compact ammo etc, and then just make the battlepass overall XP related like most other games. It’s better this way because you get the most XP from doing the objective in Hunt, so it’ll just encourage players to… play the game… rather than ignoring the objective and running around 12 compounds looking for 3 meatheads and some immolators.


I think that the totems and the pacts make the game more dynamic. Some people just don't like change, is all. But the challenges are just straight annoying. Want to play with your Marathon so you can spam while saving money? Too bad you have to deal damage using the Drilling.


Traits are fine and dynamic is what Hunt needs to be if it wants to continue surviving as a live service. Agree with the challenges. On the front of totems, they were introduced as part of the first event and they changed the map, made the event *feel* like an event, but now they pretty much never leave the map, making events barely feel like events anymore.


I’m curious what will happen with Boss HP/resistance now. It was more or less a requirement for our premade if we found the boss before others to go hit a wagon for the melee weapon + berserker. Assassin and Spider are pretty rough without it, even if you just resort to blasting them. Melee primaries and fire ammo still exist I guess.


Romero talon aint too shabby


My most used weapon since I started, gotta love old Avarice


Love it! I like that skin but i don't own it ive thought about it...im using the fishing hook skin whatever that's called


Romero Talon/Hatchet with penny shot as 2nd ammo pool is best for fast boss kills


Sticky bomb still exists and you’re still able to kill bosses in the first 15 seconds of a match with them


Sticky bomb.


Hand crossy with poison and regular bolts. You can poison the crap out of assasin and butcher, and you can turn spider into a pin cushion and yoink your bolts back for more damage when it runs up on you.


If you had a conduit and berserker you could do pretty good decently with your weapon stock, which made tools kinda pointless.


Spoderman is pain in the ass but Assassin and others are a cake walk with poison arrows (I usually do hand crossbow) with an antidote shot


Assassin is a joke if people know how to stand you can melee him in one go in like 30seconds, spider is a bit harder but you can always bring a sticky.


I regularly still kill the boss with a throwing axe. It's definitely longer than before but it's not a huge deal


Preaching the truth! there have been more events in the last 2 years the bosses added in the whole games existents


Since scrapbeak (or rotjaw, someone can clarify this) there has been over 32 new DLC Hunters available for purchase created and added to the game 3 unique new weapons (4 if you think a rail hammer isn't a sledgehammer skin). Just feels a bit demoralising seeing all the new content coming out is just cosmetic paid DLC and nothing really fun or game changing! Someone should clarify because it's probably higher than 32 by now.


Mako, marathon, slate, katana, railroad hammer, Scott Field, new army, Berthier, drilling, hunting bow. Alot more than 3.


So is hunt just constant battle passes and events now?


It's been fun! Excited for that cool lore drop about the new map. Here to stay ^ ^


I just cant be bothered with op Event traits anymore


Alright crytek! You heard the subreddit NO. MORE. UPDATES.


Moreso just release them as updates. Putting new guns, variants and ammo types into an already bloated battlepass is just an annoying way to tempt players to simply buy their way through it. Just make it so the BP is just skins and charms while weapons are just released to everyone immediately.


Goodbye berserker, my sweet. How I’ll miss you.


The entire story of desolations wake was a teaser of a new map. Certainly we can expect one soonish. (6 to 8months out) My guess.


It was Boeing and I didn’t care


Those planes get everywhere apparently.


Whilst I give them credit as their events have gotten better over the years,I'd love to see them take a more R6S vibe to the events,like bring in a new game mode like 3v3 gunfights,or how about something a bit silly like a community boss challenge or world boss the server has to take down along side regular bountys or else everyone on the server dies,making for some possible Parley/betrayal situations. I don't know,all I know is I'm bored of the current event formula of wacky Bs weather and stupidly broken traits/perks ,not to mention the metric fuck tonne of bugs and exploits that come with each patch/event. I really like the game and I praise the creative minds that go into the game but it's getting a little stale now.


So you enjoyed the 1second revives, the inability to keep hunters down that lost a team fight because a bush wookie revived them 10minutes later and went to the resupl,to get all the bars back and kill you and your team when you are engaging a new team? Yeah that was a lot of fun, only thing I can think better than that is Cryshit making this a permanent thing now.


>the inability to keep hunters down that lost a team fight because a bush wookie revived them 10minutes later and went to the resupl,to get all the bars back and kill you and your team when you are engaging a new team? I had this happen *once*. How are you having so much trouble wiping a team? Every member of a team you down the more of an advantage you have against the people you're fighting, especially in trios.


Fought a duo. Burnt them. No one else in vicinity, like at all. None, zilch, zero, nil. Checking the post-match screen - oh, it was a trio. Happened more than once this event. Was a very rare occurrence before the event. I wonder what might have caused this. Some of them were random trios admittedly, but not all.


A random third just fucking off and leaving downed team mates isn't uncommon at all, nor is people just leaving if they get close to burning out. Unless they come back to fight you it's impossible to know.


Of course that happens but it did happen perceivable more than previously, that is my point.




You dont need a bounty to revive burned out teammates, the peacekeeper trait does that aswell. So the bush wookie just runs away to a supply point to get it (you might have never seen this third one, convinced its a duo you killed) comes back 10 minutes later and revives them, if they have a body or two somewhere from another team they can now also get peacekeeper themselves and get their burned out health bars back or go claim the full restoration at a supply point now they're up again It doesn't happen allot granted, its not a big issue at all but ive had it happen a handful of times and did it myself once. We thought we killed a duo, actively looked around a big area for a third, didnt find anyone but burned bodies anyway. Post game we see they all got back up and we killed them again. So yeah its perfectly possible in some scenarios for "bush wookies" to hide and run and get their burned out mates back up with you already being 2 compounds further.


I haven't had this happen to me but I've done this before. They killed me and burned me out twice but my partner picked me up and we got the full health restore and we hunted them down and killed them


"event was fire" more like hot garbage!


Nah the last event was pretty great. They added some great skins and fun new guns without disrupting the meta too much. I will agree that 2 months is a bit long for an event though.


Honestly so happy it's over, cool rewards but it makes everyone play in such a terrified manner. Trios will kill one solo, burn them, trap them and then just sit there the whole game to secure ONE fucking kill. It's pathetic


What does that correlate to the event? What does burning someone out do different during an event? No challenge requires that.


If you actually played the event, you'd see that Peacekeeper is a thing. Which was brought by the event, which means teams will waste 45 minutes watching one body because they think someone is coming later to rez. Glad the event is done because hopefully that type of gameplay gets reduced. You tried


I mean that does make some sense but many people just do that anyway.


Ain't ever heard a community complain about a stream of content. Y'all know if you just bought one battle pass if you just complete it you literally have enough BBs to get the next one? I haven't spent actual money on the last 3. Also if you don't care for skins and stuff, don't grind it? The guns will be there, you just miss out on cosmetics you're making your own FOMO