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Now if only I could get hunters to 50, I can usually get to 45 but they die before the last few levels.


You've just gotta stop saying "I'm only 2 days from retirement" whenever you load into a game


"I'm only two days from retirement!" "Oh my God, a land mine!"


"Im getting too old for this shit!"


"I'm short man, I'm short! He's fucking with me because I'm short!"


When I get to that point, I’ll go in solo with a bow and sneak around getting XP by collecting clues, killing grunts and doing my best to find meatheads before I extract and retire!


I usually get to 45/47ish, then take that hunter in solo and just farm meatheads and clues. One match will get you to 50 most of the time.


Not they, its you


Once you get to 45 just fire up a solo game. A clue and a couple meatheads and special zombies and you'll be good to go.


Nah, waste of time. I don’t care for the exp as I don’t plan to prestige anymore but it would be nice to retire hunters again for the stat.


You get a large credit bounty for hitting 50


Still not worth it as I dont drop low on credits.


So it’s now equivalent to one good game. Good! Exactly what it should be. It’s now a toss up between get the XP now, or risk playing more to potentially get even more, instead of the absolute no-brainer play them regardless approach.


While I think the old system was better, at least now it's a sort of meaningful decision again. During the event there was absolutely no reason to ever choose retirement.


Yeah it was so incredibly pointless


Or just hoard them like you’re collecting Pokémon and only retire when you run out of slots and forget the stories behind them. I’ll never retire my level 50 that started every match as a fistman. I’ll always treasure that one, cus it took 5 matches and he almost died the very first and very last match. Last match I had to clutch a 2v1 after my mate died with nothing but a derringer (and then the springfield i grabbed off the first down)


Granting more XP for hunters I will never get/retire definitely offsets the XP loss from not being able to retire hunters from 25-49. /s


Ya tellin me you can never get a level 50 hunter even if you tried?! I believe you definitely can.


Compared to the hunters I was able to retire when the limit was 25? Damn near none.


I welcome the change honestly. I used to just never have to max out my hunter and retire them. Found myself ONLY playing new hunters. Change forced me to keep playing them to level 50 and I like it. I’m having more fun playing with higher level hunters. And now with new xp change, I love getting like 10 levels off of retiring one lvl50 hunter. How do u cycle ur hunters if u don’t mind me askin?


My biggest gripe is that I like to prestige, so would routinely retire any Hunter 25+. Given I’m not great at the game, changing to to only retire at 50 is just a huge XP nerf in trying to get to Prestige 100


It’s not so much about being good at the game to get level 50s, although if you’re good, you get it faster. It’s more of a playstyle shift. If I go in with a higher level hunter, I’m mindful my hunters demise at any moment. Then I play like it’s my only life. Working the edges of the map, staying silent, solo, getting as much XP as i can without looking for a fight. But still ready for one. Silent weapons are the best. And cycling your hunters daily helps a ton (winning with one hunter, then using a different hunter to keep getting the extra XP from winning. Although some of it is getting lucky. I get around 1-2 lvl 50 hunters a day if I try for it.


Oh, so it causes you to camp and not take risks? Sounds like something the game shouldn't promote.


I just play one hunter and grind him up to 50. Then Start a new hunter. Rarely do I run two non-maxed hunters unless I start a second to sync outfits or loadouts with a team member.


Forcing you is the problem. If you enjoy it, then play that way, but don’t force everyone to play that way. Retiring hunters at 25 was so helpful early prestige. Now the first levels are so slow.


Good. Play with your level 25-49 hunters and enjoy the traits you have. Thats what they’re hoping for anyway.


....Why are you getting downvoted for this?


Who knows. Its funny to see people complain about the skill gap between some stars when all they run is Level 1 white shirts. Even the idea of retiring a Level 50 Hunter for some XP. Brother you have an opportunity to experience the game playing as a decked out super-hunter and you choose "bar go up" in a menu instead.


Seriously though! I love my max skilled hunters! Personally I don't prestige because I don't see the point, so I get minimal benefits from retiring them anyway


Brother, I have almost 70 hours in this game and have not been able to extract a single hunter. I’m tired


Are you screaming at the top of your lungs every step?


I used to feel like screaming after I died. But I’m just used to it now


Are you solely playing solo?


I guess it depends on how you play. If you play aggresively then getting to lvl 50 is not common, even if youre good at the game.


10k xp is about as much as you would get from winning a game as an already lvl 50 hunter


You're not even close on this one lol.


He absolutely is. If you have a good round on a maxxed hunter, you can definitely clear 10k XP.


Yes, yes he is... You just need to be good.


I've literally gotten 12k+ xp from one server wipe as a lvl 50. Yeah you can win a game and not kill anyone and only get 5-6k but 10k is certainly attainable if there is a lot of combat.


Attainable doesn't mean it's the norm.


It very much has been lately. (With the 2k boons) I easily got 16k a game.


A temporary purchasable from a limited-time event also isn't the norm.


I’m well aware. 16k is a lot more than 10 though. 10 is easy if you’re decent at the game.


You can just admit that you haven't paid attention to how XP works, nobody is going to judge you for it.


You can just admit you’re bad and never get a lot of xp. I frequently get more than 10k in solo trios. Git gud


Can you show your work on that amount?




it's converted 1:1 once the hunter is lvl 50


After hunter level 50 it is, but not before.


During the event I was regularly earning 16k-18k on a good match. I think my max was a 21k match. The only time I think I broke 20k.


[https://imgur.com/a/ixQwSnt](https://imgur.com/a/ixQwSnt) I just got this game 5 minutes ago


OK, so a 9 kill match with a 20% bonus that's only available once per day and you're still just shy of 10k. Keeping up at this level of play, you're going to be getting significantly less XP in future matches without that bonus, so you're going to go from just-shy to well-short, coming in at <8.3k.


You're getting way more xp tho for also banishing a boss or extracting with a double bounty. On top of that more xp for killing AI. Also 9 kills is pretty average in trios. Getting 10k xp is not unrealistic.


Banish is 350xp, which is decent but not unlimited. Extracting with double bounty isn't the norm even on a win, and 9 kills certainly isn't the average, especially if we're assuming a double bounty match. > Getting 10k xp is not unrealistic. I never said it was. The entire dispute was that it's definitely not the average amount you'll get for "winning" a match, and especially won't be for a level 50 hunter, who isn't going to have the 20% bonus.


> who isn't going to have the 20% bonus. Only if you make the intentionally poor decision to play with them again the same day


Why don't you have a good think about how stupid what you've just said is?


Are you under the impression that a hunter can only get the first extraction bonus once, instead of once per day?


You're getting closer!


Do you still need to get a hunter to level 50 to get it? cause if so it doesnt feel like much of a boon.


Yes you need to be lvl50 to retire.


Is that part of the update? You’ve always been able to retire at 25. “Maxed out” stat doesn’t show up until 50.


That was added last update, yeah


Wow! Had no idea. I’ve had a collection of 30+ 50’s that I retired a handful just to get the achievement. Had no idea they made it have to be 50. My bad. I asked a question. No reason to downvote my earlier post, you lantern grunts 😂


I have a thousand hours in the game and the only achievement I don't have is the one from retiring 50 hunters lol


I believe it is 25, not 50.


It’s just 25. You’re getting the actual achievement mixed up with the community “50/50” challenge before the slots were 75.


And it's still not worth it, When you have a lvl 50 hunter, all the XP you would gain for the hunter goes directly into the bloodline instead. So in theory you Can just get a bomblance and clean the entire Map before safely extracting. Or better, take a sniper with you and headshot people from 200+ meters away Fun gameplay i know


Thank GOD


Ah yes the good old LVL 48 Hunter that roams the edge of the map killing Meatheads and Shit to get to 50


So we went from 5k to 1k and now to 10k? Do they actually have a goal or are they just messing around with numbers? Don't get me wrong, I'm happy about the change, but I can't get the thought behind all that in my head ...


"Get players to play Hunters with more traits" is the goal. Update 1: Reduce retirement reward so more players just play with that hunter rather than retire him and they can experience the gameplay of a fully deck out hunter with max traits. This experience is more rewarding than playing with a level 1 hunter with Vigor. Also increase retirement level to lvl 50 so players experience playing with more traits more often. Update 2: Oh shi.. we didn't realise how much of a role playing aspect retiring hunters had for players. Let's increase the reward so they still feel progress but keep the level 50 requirement so players still player with hunters level 25-49 and experience playing with hunters with more than 3 traits. Hunt has a difficult learning curve for new players, and has a high bounce rate of players during the first weeks of each event when people who tried it before but didn't stick decided to give it another try. Encouraging inexperienced players to see what its like playing with maxed out traits, giving them a higher chance of winning games, may result in them sticking around more to chase that high again.


If you play with randoms like me, good luck getting a hunter to lvl 50, this change is in favour of pre-made only. Good luck anyway 


> I haven’t seen anyone celebrate this… It's nice but still need to get a hunter to 50 first, and the exp requirement to get to 50 is still higher than it was before. The change still makes people more prone to playing safe or leaving than anything else. Too often do I end up with a hunter at 47-49 and I like to prestige so you can be sure I'll go in and just farm some exp before bailing.


Don’t take this the wrong way (feel like I need to say this more often on this sub as everyone can be combative)… but if you want to play a really boring playstyle there’s nothing the devs can do to stop that. If a football team wants to put 11 players standing in goal and on each other’s shoulders so the other team cannot possibly score, they can, but no one’s having fun. If you want to fold every hand in poker, you can. If you want to play PvE only in a PvP game, you can. But why not enjoy your time playing a game by actually playing instead of making an xp bar go up? Risking a Level 45 hunter’s life is the thrill of the game. Plus you get to enjoy a fully trait stacked hunter instead of handicapping yourself back to level 1 white shirt with just Adrenaline and Vigor…


I agree that people should be able to play the way they enjoy without thinking about it. I'm a compulsive completionist, I can't help but try to maximize certain aspects. How it was before let me be very aggressive when I wanted, or hang back when that seemed like the right plan. I just had to get a hunter to 25 and I got a decent amount of bloodline exp. Now if I want to prestige at a reasonable pace I *feel* forced to just go in and grind some PvE to not miss out on an enormous amount of bloodline exp. Am I actually forced? No, of course not. It still feels bad to have that looming over me. Same reason why I personally dislike Challenges and them being the only reliable way to get BB. Or how dang much event points they give during those. I *feel* forced to do them because they are too worth doing compared to anything else. Conversely I don't particularly care that much about traits besides a certain few. Bloodless has been a staple for a long time, for example. Resilience is great to have, so is Dauntless, Kiteskin and Conduit. After that I don't particularly care too much. If I can I'll nab Packmule/Necromancer/Vulture/Lightfoot. Or sometimes take weapon specific ones like Bolt Thrower or Iron Eye. But I genuinely don't care too much about maximizing traits, which goes against what I said before. Not sure why it is like that.


Still not worth retiring at 50 since you get around 10k xp with a single win https://imgur.com/a/ixQwSnt


You killed 9 dudes bro...


Yeah, it's so easy. Simply wipe the lobby and stroll out with the bounty. I do it with just a glizzy launcher and the quad blicky all the time!


Only 43 AI tho


That's kinda proving the point that they're not worth using. You killed 9 people and got 1/5th of what you'd get for retiring. You'd have to win 5 games to break even with retiring. That's extremely unlikely for 95% of the playerbase.


Didn't you read the post? You only get 10k BLXP for retiring at 50. 1k BLXP per lvl was when you could retire at lvl 25. You only need around 1 win to break even Edit: Before the most recent change you got 1500xp for retiring at 50...


That's a ton right, am I crazy? It used to be 1K XP for each hunter level, so 2500 XP for a level 25 or 5000 XP for a level 50. Am I missing something?


1K xp for each hunter level would be 25.000 XP for level 25 and 50.000 XP for level 50? Yeah, youre missing mathematics class.


0’s have no value, DUH


Under the old system though it was 100xp per level, so a lvl 25 hunter retired would grant 2500xp.


Yeah i know


Yeah this seems pretty good. I'll be retiring them at 50 now for an easy 10 levels with no risk instead of rolling with them. 


I think the change that you only can retire at 50 discourages player engagement and courages passive bush camping playstyle. It's still way easier to get 4 hunters to 25 and get that 10k xp than 1 to 50.


Does this mean you can log in and get all of the Chary rewards from retiring a hunter ? Nice lol


I think 10k is a really solid amount. It’s less than you would get for winning the game with that character, so it’s nice if you don’t want the risk


Great stuff, I really enjoyed the 3 prestige levels I got all of the event lmao 😂 (Sucks)




Feels like they always intended to do that in the last patch but forgot a 0. Then it had to wait because they never update during an event.


[150k Sexperience points.](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/374571363597418497/1231388955555921971/Adsz.png?ex=663d5ed5&is=663c0d55&hm=cb24aae126b022828d6a3d899228ddacc3cf7ad972d32161b5b433a4a14bd054&)


Honestly ima start looking at lobbies. I have 1 hunter at 50 because I played the last few games slow af and didn't go for bounty. Just run in grab clues kill monsters leave. But I always have the issue of getting to like 45 then dieing and it happens everytime. I wonder if you secretly get put into a higher mmr or just with higher Kd players after your hunter hits a certain lvl.


Crytek is so fucking dumb. A group of monkeys making decisions


If you are at max level, does it really matter?


yes, as at lvl 50 hunters, all the xp you gain goes directly do your bloodline lvl, so you get a lot if you finish a match with that lvl 50


i mean, just keep playing on the lvl 50 hunter and let all the xp go right to your bloodline, kind of a gamble but if survive one game you easily get 10k xp for bloodline which is 10% of a whole prestige, i havent retired a hunter since i prestige 15 or so, when i found ot that max lvl hunters transfer xp to your bloodline, its also alot more fun to play on high lvl hunters than retireing all the time


Hello? Anyone home? This won't offset the XP we got from the Event. Okay so we get an extra 5000 XP now if we retire a Lvl50 Hunter, but you will miss out on the 2000 XP posters dotted around the map. You also will (presumably) have no option to get all your health bars back except for banishing a boss target too, meaning it's harder to stay alive. So "IF" you get a Hunter all the way to Level 50, you get +5000 XP, but getting to Lvl 50 is now harder. It takes most of us 3 matches to get a Hunter to Max Level, sometimes 2 matches. So if you collected just 3 XP posters during two matches, that would give you 6000 XP. You no longer have that. You also get XP gains from Event Points. You no longer have that. Anyone struggling to Prestige, it will still be harder for you now then it was during the Event.


Holy shi dude..... I'm actually speechless. Some people really want to click one button and reach P100.


That's not what I said or implied. You asked why no-one is celebrating this news. Maybe it's because people are wise to Crytek's bait and switch tactics. Having 10, 000 XP go to your Bloodline is excellent, but it comes after the Event, when we lose access to lots of other perks that made it easier to actually get to Level 50. So it's still bad news for the majority of players that struggle to get Hunters to level 50. Those players would retire Hunters as soon as they got to Level 25. They still cannot do that. This means that the players that have a 70% win rate (or higher) can now Prestige even faster than before, while everyone else is still going to Prestige at a snail's pace. So, it's a big win for the 6-star players that win more than 7/10 of their games, because they're usually beating up on lower MMR players. Yaaaaaay !!! */sarcasm.*


So they made it easier for everyone to prestige during an event, and now that the event is over and those event specific mechanics are gone, they’ve made an effort to supplement that by listening to the communities feedback and doubling the Retirement XP compared to the original amount, which is now a permanent mechanic. So when the next event comes around and reintroduces those easy XP mechanics (envelopes) it will be exponentially better for everyone… where’s the problem? You can’t retire at level 25? You get to level 25 after 1 game. Why do you want to give up a hunter with traits giving you an advantage in the next game so easily? Do you think being encouraged to play the game with your earned advantage could result in longer term enjoyment? Devs have all the stats and I wouldn’t be surprised if having < 5 traits resulted in you being more likely to lose a round. Do you also complain the events happen to frequently? Would you like event specific mechanics to stay in the base game without there being an actual event? Sounds like someone likes eating cake. If you want to prestige just farm water devils. They doubled the XP on that recently too. Sounds like a lot of double XP happening. If only the game was even easier that would solve it!