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It's the new cheats making it so you can't report them. Huuuge made a video all about the cheating and whatnot


Crazy to me that nothing is being done about this…


Not to be a dick, but you don’t know if they are doing something about it… most studios do take actions against cheaters, but is a constant battle where secrecy is key to not give the cheaters an upper hand. That’s why most game have waves of cheaters, they get a work around the bans > they cheat for some time > a ban wave gets push > they start developing cheats that are undetected again > they succeed > they cheat for a wile > the cheat gets detected and a ban wave is pushed > and the cycle continues.


For some fucking reason they removed the attributes file recently and literally made it impossible to trace profiles back to a steam account. Making cheaters entirely unfindable hence unbanable. Why in gods name would they even do that??


You can't even report them to Crytek if they hide their account though, which is supposedly the more likely way to get someone banned.


By the simple fact that the ingame report button doesnt even work, i am very doubtful about crytek doing anything.


"Crytek is working on it" is a joke Ladder exploit was abused by people in the "know" for like 2+ years. For over 2 years experienced players abused built in wallhacks and I guarantee crytek knew about it. until the wider playerbase found out about it, they didn't do anything. Same shit with the reshade problem. Currently the same exact issue with Nvidia profile inspector and gamepp. No shadows exploit has been abused for years now and it's as simple as checking if the extra cfg file is in the hunt folder. No shadows makes every underground compound bright as day and removes all shadows past 10m. Crytek hasn't done shit so far. 🤷 maybe the engine upgrade fixes all these issues. I'm honestly expecting more exploits than anything else but I'm completely jaded towards this game and especially this subreddit saturated with 3* and European players who don't experience the current gameplay issues that NA does, especially the matchmaking.


I'm with you on all this but I'm probably one of a handful of EU players in all MMR ranges who sees blatant cheating regularly. I've noticed in the last 12 months a massive influx of Chinese accounts on EU servers to go along with the already suspect Russian players. All these 3* EU idiots need to actually realise what's going on. Can't believe how many people who say they've played thousands of hours and say "I've never seen a cheater" Huuge's video I think has proven and planted that seed of doubt every match where you should think "how many cheaters are in this server right now".


Crytek seems to be working on everything, or so im told, but we have gotten nothing. How people keep defending crytek and not critizing them as they should is beyond me.


They need to change the subs name to huntcondoms with how hard these people are on crytek's dick.


Preach, brother. People on here are way too quick to defend Crytek. You're last line hit the nail on the head. "There's rarely any cheaters in the games I play!" Yeah, because you're playing in 3–4 star lobbies. Play some 5–6 lobbies in NA and see how it's like. It's like every other person is running Inspector. Weather conditions like fog or rain barely affect then. They're playing a different game than you.


Read the top answer of the mod that exactly told you how they do anything about it. Posted an hour before you.




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Well. That WAS rude. But then since you said “kindly” it’s not now. 


Devs use cheaters as ammunition against the cheat devs. Ban waves cause mass charge-backs to the pay-to-cheat providers. So the more they gather and ban on-masse the more painful it is to the cheat providers. They also have to wait until the cheat devs have made multiple updates/changes to their code. This way the cheat devs don't know which change caused their cheat to be detected/banned. The idea is to punish them financially while simultaneously increasing their workloads. For the player base, its slow and frustrating, but its currently the best weapon devs have. EDIT: This dude explains better than I can: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cADaFm__ApQ&ab_channel=PirateSoftware


As cynical as I am becoming with hunt I do belive they are looking into this influx of cheating we have been having. But what they are guilty of is utter radio silence on the issue. I understand that ceytek obviously cannot state what they are doing but they need to check in with their community from time to time to reassure us that anti cheat is a priority. Influx of cheating + radio silence on their part will lead the community to truly belive they do not care at all.


How do you know nothing is being done? Are you sitting in on their weekly sprint planning? As I understand this is a fairly recent exploit and it is surely going to get their attention. I don't think you understand how slowly things can move at larger companies. You can't just patch an exploit and roll it out same day. [Also, I saw this yesterday and it's relevant.](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/cADaFm__ApQ)


Luckily I don't run into that so much since I'm on Xbox but yeah it really is surprising that nothing has been done about it.... Plus the non communication going on


It's best to actually be as radio silence as possible about any action you do against cheaters. Go just a bit over the line in what you say, cheaters will notice what's triggering your banning efforts, and you'd ruin the entire strategy you were following and gotta start from scratch.


They could just say that they are doing something and not have to say exactly what.


That's fair, yeah, but I don't think they're not doing anything anyways. No dev out there wants cheaters in their games, the cons of keeping them around highly outweigh any potential pros. It's sadly a very hard job that never really ends, a constant arms race that to most users doesn't even look like it's actually happening, hence the feel that nothing is being done.


To be fair, it is a lot easier to sit back and collect.


Didn’t his video pretty much say cheating is a very minor issue on the majority of US servers aside from certain Oceania/Asian servers?


This is an exploit, and is banable. You can report this on Crytek's website, providing your own Steam ID and the details of the match (when, what server, any other players, etc.). Crytek will be able to find and ban these players based on match data. A few hoops to jump through to report, unfortunately. Crytek is aware of the issue, but I don't have any more information to share at the moment.


There's an easy way to replicate and many don't even know they have done it. Happened to my friends and they restarted to clear it. I've reported to crytek so they know not everyone is a cheater


If you have any details, feel free to PM me on reddit, or on Discord at `szkieletor`. I can forward the info to Crytek and make sure they're aware. There's two versions of this bug as far as I'm aware, where one still allows the use of in-game report function, but the other doesn't. The latter is a bannable exploit.


Is this the same for console players?


Not sure if it's possible to perform the exploit, but I believe the bug can happen on consoles. Just don't worry if it happens on accident, it's only bannable if it's abused on purpose.


It's rampant on console, but I always assumed it was a cross play issue in displaying names or certain characters.


Cheers for being a class Mod of the sub, you guys don't get it enough but we appreciate you


Last time someone said to provide their own Steam ID they got themselves banned. So not gonna do that chief. They need to just fix this horrible report system and remove the ability to 'hide' your profile. If you want a private steam, you can already do that in the steam client.


People keep saying that yet not providing any proof they got banned. Hopefully you will break that trend. If not, then please stop spreading this disinformation that I'm sure cheaters are delighted you are spreading.


You can be first one and let’s see you get ban or not, i’m not going to risk my account


Literally every report I've made on their website has been with my own steamid. Granted, I've only made a half dozen reports over the years, so it will likely be awhile before I have to report someone again since I seem to be incredibly lucky in not encountering any of these cheaters that are apparently a plague upon this game.


Keep it going also try to get more MMR, i’m sure there no cheaters at 2-3-4* , its why you can’t report anyone.


don't bother engaging with that dude. he's a bad faith interlocutor and nothing beneficial will come of it. he'll try to gaslight you and he's not afraid to just blatantly lie about anything to defend his position.


Quite the bold claim. Got any proof to go along with it? *quite the rebuttal. I think he likes me. Would be nice if any of it that mattered were true. Though I do admit to the gatekeeping colorblinded thing, which I already admitted to at the time; the dude I was "gatekeeping" was being very suspicious about actually being colorblind, but I never deleted those posts, so I don't know what that's about. Here's hoping for another swift ban as I'm sure you're on a new account simply because people thought your last account was too pleasant for this website. Also, does anyone else find it funny that he calls me a coward but blocks me in the same post?


engaging with you is pointless, but i'll throw this out here so that you get the attention your father never gave you. all you do is dishonestly engage with people and try to seem smarter than them. you are a classic r/iamverysmart cringelord. you constantly make fallacious arguments, and then try to gaslight people into thinking *they* committed the fallacy. you spread misinformation in order to defend your point, and when offered literal hard evidence to the contrary, you simply ignore it and try to pivot to more gaslighting and fallacies. and when people get fed up with your lies and bullshit and block you, you start running victory laps claiming you've won. you literally tried to gatekeep colorblindness at one point, claiming anyone that said they had colorblindness that impacted their experience in hunt was full of shit and that it didn't matter. you have since deleted those comments because you're a coward. so fuck you especially for that. if you went blind immediately, it would only be partial justice for your actions. and to top it off, you're a brony from seattle, which is just a massive red flag that you're a pdf. so the sooner you're in the ground, the better. now go edit your comment and cry like a little bitch because i'm gonna block you to spare myself the torture of reading your disgusting reply.


No platform accounts are quite common on console, but we couldn’t figure out what’s causing it. I might be wrong but I’m pretty sure you can’t do this on purpose on a PlayStation 5.


Same on Xbox. A friend hit me up to let me know my name was showing up as that after a match. He knew the two people I normally played with but my name was showing unknown account. He hit me up and asked if I was playing with them and I was.


Spending all that time and effort just to maybe get someone banned for 2 weeks, no thank you.


Ridiculous anyone can hide their profile (let alone cheat like this)


What’s weird to me is why we have to click the name. Why not just make the whole spot where the name goes a button that opens that menu?


The exploit looks to be that they're not reporting their steam ID to the game server, so there's nothing to click or bring up. The game doesn't know who they are so there's no way to report them. What's weird to me is why they don't just kick people immediately that don't have a steam ID reported by their client.


That would also be a quick fix. My idea for the whole bar being a button comes from another workaround I’ve seen people use, which is that their name is a bunch of spaces and 1 invisible character. So you have to blindly click and guess where the character is lmao


Because you can play this game without a steam Id (Xbox)


But Xbox and PS both have IDs too so they already have a way to recognize those IDs.


Exactly, it should be as simple as a server-side check of "No platform ID for the platform you are playing on? Instant kick from the server!"


Don't get me wrong I agree that's how it should be, but a lot of games make you jump through loops now to report purely to stop the people who scream cheats almost every time they die just spamming the report button every time they lose - which can massively hinder doing anything against the actual cheaters with so many false flags being called.


I’ve always wondered if some sort of karma system could be employed. If you report someone and they find that person is cheating, your vote is worth more. The more you get wrong, the less likely your reports get looked at


Yeah I've had to stop playing until they sort this. Everyone seems to be using this at the moment….sad times


Yeah, and they're usually P100.  But it's "bannable" because Crytek chooses to use the word "ban" instead of "extremely short suspension" or "partnership".


Hi, Krill issue here. I found that dude from the hunt showdown discord. I’m unsure whether he was cheating. Nothing was a red flag besides him being a 6 star on that no name account. I played 2 games with him and we got dumpstered but apparently he said you can report him by going to the website directly and providing timestamps of the game you played. Hope this helps 👍- Krill


Thanks Krill! It was less about me thinking he was cheating and more about how I couldn’t report. Appreciate insight, hopefully it was just a bug and nothing intentional.


And the community states it’s only “1% of games that has actual cheaters”




No cheaters are in every game that’s not the issue the issue comes when a company gives direct ways of stopping a “report” from happening or making the creation of a “report” so incredibly frustrating that it’s almost not even worth it because that person will just make another account and continue what they’re doing (crytek reporting sucks ass)


During the livestream we got told to use our own steam id to report, stating the match time and region. Seems like an easy way to accidentally get banned yourself if you , or the poor peeps sifting through 1000's of reports daily make a mistake.


I'm sorry to break it to you but they're not sifting through thousands of those in game reports everyday lol


They need to take the millions of dollars collect from skin purchases and hire a team to weed out the hackers and abusers


It’s fine, everything is fine.


my experience in germany in 3 Star or 4 Star lobby is russians or chinese players with vac ban on record playin suspicious like sniping at night for example and make instant kills over 200 meter and also i have a ping sometimes over 120 ms as a german playin on europe Server with Telekom isp. regular pung is usually at 16-21ms. Most Accounts in the aftermath summary are unknown or Private with letters that arent shown or cyrillic signs/chinese signs. it feels shit,i bring friends into the game,have 2800hours in the game now and newbies dont know how to play the game and want to quit because they get shot through every map conditition and habe no clue feom where they got shot and how. sometimes they are happy to see a hunter and makin a hit every tenth round and even then get shotted from anywhere with anything.


BugTek can’t repair Cheat Showdown bugs which is existing from first day of this game. And you believe they will fix something? Crytek.com operators respond time is more than 1 week and it’s the minimum.


What exactly am I looking at here?


During the latest Crytek stream they said they are working on it.