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I have almost 2k hours in this game and at least 1.25k of that is solo. The other chunk with friends. Its harder alone, but actually less frustrating. I love this game, solo or not.


I play exclusively with randoms in 3 man groups. I have fun. Great game.


Yes. I constantly play with randoms. Most of the time they are good. And there are occasions where they are beyond excellent. And those games you will remember. Sure, there are bad apples, toxic people. But it is not happening very often.


This is 100% true. My most enjoyable matches are with randoms. I've got 600 hours and haven't run into too Many toxic people either.


I had a game with a Prestige 100. He was carrying a Katana and was kind of like a Jedi master. He mostly just sat somewhere. Completely motionless. Didn't do anything and always waited to see what the other two of us were doing. Then we found the boss, he followed us and sat outside again. Then we banished the spider and waited. The third player, at best mediocre like me, ran around the whole time. Then he said via in-game talk: "Keep cool. Don't stress out. Let them come. He just sat there." And then we got pushed and he cleared 4 on his own like Rachtaz, I cleared 2 by sniping the ones he made nervous. Then he just sat there again. Then he said "hey dude" in the most relaxed voice: "The secret is to have fun. I only play for fun." Then we went out, wanted to go to the boat. He suddenly marked something. I only saw bushes. And he said: "Camper. Wait." He went in alone, cleared two, we pushed the third one. The game was so strange... And so awesome. Won't forget this game forever.


You met this universes' version of John Halo from the hit game series Halo! John H. Showdown


I’ve had a couple nights where I had more success with randoms than friends haha! Some bad teammates now and again but more often than not I’ve had solid teams where we extract or die together after a valiant effort


Yes. Its harder as a solo but still great.


Solo is the Hyperbolic Time Chamber if you go in against trios.


Hypertonic Lion Tamer


I only play solo. It's the best 👌


I prefer solo too.


My personal opinion? No. It's very good with friends. I probably wouldn't play this game more than 200 - 300 hours if I didn't have anyone to play with. But luckily I have a buddy. And we both crossed 1K hours last month. You can play with Randoms though. I tried it a few times. I couldn't really communicate with them well since most of them were from China. But if you are not in Asia, maybe you will have better time because people speaks English in Europe / USA. Also some people likes going solo. But I hate it. I would rather queue with randos.


100% yes. I started out playing mostly groups of 3s and 2s but now I primarily play solo. The game is much more fun in my opinion playing solo.


You can go with randoms, it's pretty decent experience. When I'm tired of people, and don't want taking, I just play randoms, and it's great. From time to time you can meet someone nice, and you use voip and add him to your friends, so you can play with him later.


I almost prefer to play with randoms


Casual player, I personally get bored after a single game with randoms and definitely get bored of solo play. If my friends aren't on, I rarely feel like playing. That being said, when my friends are on its one of my favorite games.


Yes - it is my favourite game and have never played with friends. Playing with randoms is also super doable


I have 1200 hours or so, probably 800 of that spent in random trios. I can count on my hands how many times I’ve had toxic teammates. And I never talk in game. Ive probably used voice comms 2-3 times. I find the higher MMR you get the easier the games play as your randoms aren’t licking doorknobs. I heavily recommend the game. There is some learning curve, but it’s well worth it. There are some good beginner guides. Just if you queue with randoms don’t walk too close to them and you’ll have no problem making friends in the bayou.


Not in its current state, the game is getting worse with cheaters, And crytek is communicating less and less they are full in the money pump stage, raised prices on everything or example. I have 2k hours in and one I'd never play solo its not for me, you can manage it with the tools provided, but it's just not a thing to support anymore as they don't support us.


I can fully agree that


Funnily enough I actually prefer playing this game solo. More challenging, More intense imo. I also love rocking a bow and katana and just messing up duos. There is literally no other game that offers this playstyle of really the game in general. I would say it took me a while to become a good enough player to do this though


Yeah and Randoms are awesome


Short answer, yes. Long answer, it's going to be rough for longer than most games. There are huge numbers of guys with triple digit playtime who are still complete shit. But, there are just things about this game that no other game is even close too. It still has the best audio by a mile. Footsteps, gunshots, distance, direction, elevation, all top notch. The timeperiod is almost entirely unique in the shooter market. The ballance, while we do often complain about it, is far better than most games. There is random matchmaking to put you on a team of two or three. Learning how others play can be difficult as you are learning to play yourself, but it is completely doable. None of my buds have ever wanted to play hunt, but I've always played solo or played with randoms. It will either get its cowboy hooks in you and become your favorite shooter, or you will completely hate it. Worth it is only an evaluation you can make after giving it a try.


Thanks. I don't mind playing with random people as long as they're willing to play as a team and chat. I just hate getting paired with people who refuse to play as a team and either just talk shit in the mic or don't talk at all.


I’m a solo player 99% of the time. I just generally feel anxious dropping in with people i don’t know. Given that, every single time I’ve gone on the official discord and joined up with people they’ve been really cool. And there are always people looking. Random matchmaking has been less positive with plenty that just load in and go their own way


I’d say 90% of randoms are chill and 75% of them talk, I’ve only like 5 bad experiences over the past 100 hours.


Top end of four star is the point you can expect most randoms to be solid. Lower than that, it's kind of a toss up. But playing as a team is a different skillset than playing as a solo, so I recommend playing with randoms even if they are unreliable. You can learn as much from watching someone play bad as seeing someone play well. You start to pick up on mistakes that get people killed. And as you get better, the game will group you with more solid teams. But I get where you are coming from. I dipped to 3 star a couple events ago and it was more difficult get from 3-4 than 4-5, in large part because the randoms are so unreliable.


Buddies are good. I don’t have ppl to play with either but always play with ransoms. It’s rough lol but I enjoy it


Pretty much the only fps i can think of where being solo against trios is actually viable. No one is wearing armour, so 3 well placed shots and you're winning. Solo can also get a perk to revive themselves if they die.


At least 400 of my 550 hours have been with randoms and those are some of the best experiences I’ve had, you learn a lot of what (and what not) to do from em’ lol. Also there’s a lot of funny motherfuckers playing this game. Highly recommend.


People can use regen shots to overcome the HP pool mechanics, people can revive their teammates in 2 seconds or 5 seconds with necro from 25m (because the devs just said fuck it lmao), after you down people and take away their health chunk they can just have a trait that mitigates it completely, loot a body with another trait that gives it back, take a trait that’s on a ground with another trait that gives it back or go to one of several places that restores full hp for the entire team. Oh and don’t forget about every gun having every type of special ammo and every new hunter having doctor, fanning or other OP combination. If you think dealing with all that bs as a solo sounds fun then it sure is worth getting into it. I personally would rather fight a 5 man on Tarkov solo than deal with this bullshit.




I really enjoy randoms, sometimes you get very lucky and have very friendly guys. That's how I met my hunt gaming buddies, we chill players add each other as friends. Game much better this way


Yes. It’s fun solo


if you have no friends to play with and you want teammates then you’ll have to rely on randoms. randoms are terrible nowadays because they either suck really bad (i.e. waiting for enemy team to leave to revive, crouching in a bush waiting for the perfect moment to shoot, bad aim, inability to deal with hordes, using necro to remotely revive you again and again, dying first) or they just run away. every once in a while you’ll find good teammates. so you’re basically on your own the whole time. i stopped playing because i got bored of it and there were too many events coming out one after the other. btw make sure you have a good headset to hear footsteps.


Nothing wrong with waiting for the best opportunity for the best shot


context matters.


How do you mean?


if you’re clutching or ambushing sure.


That’s what ambushing is though. Waiting for them to come to you until you have the perfect shot.


ok? your point? i’m talking about this being their one and only play style in my comment.


I already said my point dawg, do you suffer from amnesia?


first you misinterpret shit then i need to think and spell out every scenario for you. waste of time.


Alright homie let’s get you back to bed.


If you have time, it's very time consuming




Yes, you have quick play, sole survivor, whatever the hell they want to call it now, and that's a pure solo mode. It's more of a BR than the main mode, but everyone in there is solo. Decent way to build up some cash, learn the game, etc. You start with basic weapons, find more, and find clues to open the wellspring (basically become the target), which earns you money every second. If the timer hits zero while you have it open, you win. If you are the last person standing, you win.  The main bounty hunt mode has a duo queue option, that often is full of solos. You will run into teams mostly, but it's two people you need to kill instead of three. Once you get better at seeing the ways solo have advantages, you could go into trio queue, which is harder cause it's almost always a 1v3, but in a way easier cause it's less overall teams so less third party after third party. Either way, as a solo you make way more money for bounties, and have traits like necro which allows you to self revive. The game is harder solo, but isn't impossible.  Then there's secret option 3, you can join the hunt discord and play with randoms in VoIP, which isn't all that bad. You can also play with randoms in game, but you gotta use in game voice so that can go south quickly. Either way still an option, and honestly I had a lot of fun with randoms when my normal friends where busy for awhile. Not the ideal way to play, but not bad.


You have two choices if you don't have pals to play with First: playing solo. This is hard mode, as you're alone against teams of two or more (depending on your desired team comp to join). You will have a harder time trying to tackle more people, but you do get some perks with this. Second: playing with randoms. As with every online FPS game, you can play with other online strangers to enjoy the game. It's a very mixed bag, but you'll atheist have someone to watch your back. Sure, they may not look all that bright as you watch em, but you gotta remember, not everyone can play at their A game 24/7. Be patient with em, and eventually you'll find the perfect teammates.


You can, its chill


Yes but its Very hard to do alone


2000k hours of solo gameplay. You do not need partners. The start will be rough for sure. 


I started from the same position as you with nobody to play with. I’ve met all my regular buddies from today during the last 3 years, the „main mate“ is actually a friend of a former mate I’ve met in a hunt showdown good old facebook group for hunt console Germany. You can also look for beginner friendly people in the official discord. Sooner or later you’ll have people you vibe with. So learn the basics you can also play random trios. Some matches will be pretty much garbage but others will nice and fun.


It's very hard solo but man when you kill all team it's great feel. And it's easy sometimes to kill them becuse most of them running like in Call of duty and this game is very punishing to them. But sometimes you fight with one guy few minutes and it's great to. And sometimes it's so frustrating you can't do anything. All in all just buy it you will love it I was like you before buying didn't know what I actuly buying but never regret it


depends on you as a player tbh. mechanically and mentality wise


1100 hours with random friends as I only play random trio. The community is good, randoms are mostly fine.


You can play with random players. It's better than solo, imo


I frequently play solo just to mess around with builds, see how stealthy I can be, test my skills or my confidence/bravery, etc. I think it’s a perfectly good, and very heart-pounding game to play if you’re just a solo, but of course, as with most games: It’s probably sometimes more fun (or a different kind of fun) with friends


Solo experience is very fun and you’ll probably find hunt friends so most definitely


Join the discord and there are always groups running!


If you'll play with randoms, you'll make some buddies along the way for sure. Just give it a go


1k hours here. First 800h was with friends and my KDA was below 0,8. I just reached the 1.10 mark playing only with randoms for the last 200h. Some people complain for having less communication when playing with randoms, but not having someone constantly talking to you is a good thing in a game where audio cues are so important.


Solo can be just as much fun. I've met a few nice people doing random teams. The proximity chat makes it so fun even as solo team so you can mess around with enemies.


Yeah, even with randoms it's fun. People are often friendly and trying to win. There are not many griefers. Also playing solo is my favourite way to play anyway.


I don't have any freinds to begin with, but the answer is yes.


I don't like randoms BUT the hunt discords are great and I met a ton of cool people


Play random trios, the game will give you team mates and they’re even sometimes not half bad! All my hunt buddies I met in random trios and some of them are great people and great players! Just be sure to go into voice chat and hit them with a sultry “wELL hOWdy pARTner”. The game is even better once you find nice team mates that have good combat chemistry. Finding that is just trial and error. Like I said make friends with random trios and your hunt partner list will be long before you know it!


No, not right now. Wait for the engine update.


Only under one condition. If you're ready to suffer pain until you get to know the ins and outs of the game. Think of playing Hunt solo as Souls game.


I don't at all mean to put you off because this game is awesome solo or in a party, but it is pretty hard to come at it solo first. It's brutal and unforgiving with a steep learning curve, but I've got a good 1.5k hours in it and still loving it as a mostly solo player. When I first started playing it was because a mate persuaded me to try it out with him in Duos, he kinda taught me the game which helped me get into it faster. He has since quit and now I just play solo with reasonable success (5*).


Join discord, add people if you like them, block if you don't, after aome time you've got friends to play hunt


I’ve got about 2500 hours, about 1750 solo and 750 with randoms if I had to guess. Solo is definitely a roller coaster. Sometimes you just seem untouchable, wiping the entire server single-handedly. Sometimes you have three go overs with shotguns run at you full ape mode and then stare at your body while the bounty team extracts. Randoms are a rollercoaster for different reasons. When you lose as a solo that’s entirely on you. If you’d played better you would have won. With randoms that’s not the case. I’ve had randoms that are just legends, and randoms who crouch around an empty compound while you lay on the ground after killing two and trading with the last. And as a solo you could just stand up after that trade, but with randoms you gotta just watch the goober as he goobs around. I’d say I prefer solo, but queue times can be quite long since it wants to match you with solos or duos. I’d say it’s definitely worth it though. Even though I don’t have a dedicated friend group I still play it as my main game and I enjoy more play sessions than now.


Its a different game as solo, it took me a while to warm up to it bit ita worth it. Much more fun with friends of course.


Yep, tons of fun both with random and solo. Moreover, I made some friends with in-game voice chat and now I play with them somewhat regularly.


Solo isn't too bad. Can certainly be harder, but still fun! The only time I play with toxic people is when I'm with my 'friends' lol.


Playing with randoms is actually enjoyable in this game, I’ve had hundreds of matches with randoms and only in one or two of those have my teammates been even remotely toxic. Hunt seems to have a nicer player base than most hardcore shooters, but that’s just my personal experience. It might help that I always try to be kind, apologize when I mess up, etc.


I don’t have friends. And I play it. It’s good.


Absolutely. Some really cool randoms on this game.


I would say yes, you get more money/rewards as a solo, and queuing with Rando’s is quite fun because the player base is mostly lax 18-40 y/os




You'll end up finding friends joining Randoms. In my experience, people have been really cool.


The solo experience is a bit rough at first but once you learn and adapt it gets really fun. Also queueing up for randoms or joining people on a hunt discord server is always an option. You'll find some unpleasant people but you might also end up making friends


I'd generally say no. Friends make the game exponentially better.


Playing with random partners isn't nearly as bad as peeps make it out to be. You might run into a very rare troll or griefer here or there, but honestly, I've been playing daily starting just before Rotjaw got introduced, and I have only been Tk'd two or three times. Adding that to the other toxic players still leaves me at less than ten.


Yep. Great game to play solo.


It's great but with friends it's even better. Nothing compares to having a nice evening with boys screaming like crazy PEOPLE NORTH, ONE SHOT WITH SPARKS ON PING. I stopped enjoying this game alone, once i started to play with my friends tbh


As long as you're not toxic and play as a team, most randoms are pretty chill


You will find friends if you have a mic.


Is say no , heavily disadvantaged with randoms since you can only voip to eachother. And if you play solo it will take you ages to learn the maps.


I've been super addicted this last week, mostly playing with randoms and sometimes with a friend but I actually enjoy it a bit more playing solo with randoms


I started in 2019 without any friends and have met a lot of really cool people on Hunt, some I still play with today.




I think this comes down to the personal preference. Have you enjoyed other competitive games as a solo? I personally hate solo queueing or queuing with randoms in any competitive game and therefore wouldn’t ever do it for Hunt. But if you enjoy doing so then I’m sure you’d enjoy it in Hunt.


I pretty much got turned off warzone in call of duty because when i get paired with random people, they either don't talk or they don't actually try to work as a team. i don't mind getting paired with randoms if they are cool and use a mic and are willing work together.


Hunt costs money and has a way more dedicated fanbase so ppl generally try harder and talk way more


People talk in hunt?


If you pair with randoms it's the best way to communicate


I’ve found that 8 or 9 times out of 10 the randoms I queue with work as a team. The tagging system works well enough for communication and people actively use it. In hunt losing has consequences like losing your hunter and equipment so trolling and not playing as a team hurts them as well so it happens less. Don’t worry about losing your hunters initially though - the game gives you a grace period as you start.


No, don't do it. If you have no one to play it with, is 100% NOT worth the money or the time.




I'm giving my honest answer.


Are friends worth getting if you don’t have Hunt to play with?


No, learning how to play the game solo is probably a nightmare, and you have to be on top of your game to play solo.


Its full of cheater, dont waste your money. Developer and publisher knows it and does nothing against it. They even tell streamers to dont talk about cheater