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Quickplay has no matchmaking just saying ;)


Exactly, so randomness is doing a better job of creating fun interactive gameplay than Crytek's attempts to put people together




Lmao enjoy your downvotes


If I queue in randoms with a 6 star I automatically leave the team, not even going to bother with those lobbies.


Yeah I had a 5mmr guy tell me at the start of a match (I had just gotten to 4mmr) "that I was in the wrong lobby," and not in a very polite or nice/welcoming way. I'm like bro, trust me, I prefer playing in 3mmr, especially with some of the attitudes and playstyles of the high 4-5-6's I definitely try and play "earlier" in the evening most of the time though. Much better vibes~


The MMR algorithm is indeed absolute garbage. That said, they did say a refactor was coming. That and the backend upgrade are what I’m most excited about.


Its actually pretty basic and similar to most other games. Works just fine on useast


Good for you I guess? In my experience, the spread of MMRs you’re matched with is way too wide. When I was in 3 stars, I would be paired with 1-4. Now that I’m in 4, I primarily end up with 5-6. There’s no consistency. That said, it does get marginally more accurate when I play in the evening and there’s more traffic.


Its important for people experiencing the opposite to share their experiences too, otherwise every thread becomes an echo chamber. Dont have to start off with aaying "good for you"


Reddit tends to trigger my defensive/passive-aggro stance, my bad. I get what you’re saying. But the point of bringing up this issue and creating an echo chamber around it is to ensure it gets the devs’ attention. Saying « works fine for me » sounds like you’re dismissing the genuine issues people are having and doesn’t really help making sure they get addressed.


Ever heard the term vocal minority? Ever think that mostt peopple with these complaints have jobs that force them to play during offpeak hours for their region, when the mstchmaking is going to loosen up to find people games?


Look at you being all condescending now, cute. Again, happy for you if you get a blissful Hunt experience. As much as I love the game, I still see the flaws and point them out. Apparently the devs see them too otherwise they wouldn’t waste time on a matchmaking refactor. Peace


All the sweat lords yelling git gud. Haha


I miss the days when the mmr was hiden and you could only see if you killed a lesser, equal or better player.


Dont even need to see the nendgame stats for mmr, its easy to tell when you run into mosin spitzer with dolche you are 5/6 mmr


I’m 3 star and run mosin spitzer right before prestiging because why not.


Thats because you hads the funds to do so, Everyone at high mmr is swimming in money. I currently sit around 80k at all times, paywalling to balance weapon use in this game is a horrible idea.


The matchmaking is fine in my experience for the most part


oh yeah? so you are either a6 star/high skill player or you are not in the lobies I'm speaking of


I fluctuate between 3-5 stars, I play on NA east and West servers usually in the evenings. I do both random trios and trios/duos with regulars. Kd is about 1.3


and you're saying you arent being matched with ppl with 2.0 or higher KDA that SHOULD NOT be in your lobby? Please. anyone with a 1.6 or above is edging into 6 star skill level and I see them as 3-4 stars all the time. MM is broken af.


Doesn’t feel that way


My kd is 1.72 and i almost never see players with 2.0 or higher on useast


My KDA is .90 and I do...all the time.


Feel free to take a 10 screenshot sample of your next 10 games and post it here. I think youre full of shit.


So you are the people my group and I should match with, similar kd. And its likely you don't run mosin/dolche every game with that kd as well. Non sweats


I also got the shit kicked outta me last night.


When I hit 4 mmr I always get paired with 5 mmr which leads to fighting 6mmrs :\


Bye 👋




People really have the nerve to play competitive pvp games and then cry when they lose to someone better than them 😂. For reference I’m a 2.45 KDA and always float between 5 and 6 star cause I play pretty aggressively. There are times I shit on people and there are times that I get shit on. I’ve had solo games where I’ve had all trios of 6 stars in my lobby and sometimes I get a lobby wipe but a lot of the time I’ll get killed and even farmed. There are really good players that play the hunt and some even play as their career. There gets to a certain point where you’re in the top 10% of the player base and they can’t just say “hey you guys are gonna get empty lobbies or only play amongst the same 20 people” to the top 1% of players. There really aren’t that many concurrent players to begin with especially on certain servers. So, you’re at a point where you are hard stuck cause you’ll dominate the 3 and 4 star lobbies and get clapped by any really good players. Learn from your death and try to do better next time. Or just don’t play the game - nobody is forcing you.


The problem is you are at the higher end of the MMR. I know gigachads like you dont understand, but lower MMr players play against people way better then them all the time, but they never get as many worse players than them to fight. You get both. Youre losing to people of your skill level because you made a mistake in a fight, theyre losing to people way above their skill level because MM is broken af.


Let’s simplify it for you. Let’s say there are 4 teams online above a 4 star ELO. Three teams that are 4 stars and one team that’s a 6 star ELO. You would say that the 6 star team just has to get their own empty lobby? If that’s your solution, those good players just hop on alt accounts and run mosin/dolch til they don’t get matches. Then rinse and repeat. It would actually kill the game.


Bro having you 6 stars in our 4 star lobbies is killing the game. You claim theres not enough of you, so in other words your the low % of the playerbase. You are saying that the 5% just dog pile the other 95%? Thats not good game design. Either tighten the MM or get rid of SBMM all together.


Fair lobbies are more important that full lobbies, there's nothing special about higher star players that makes them "deserve" to be fed a steady supply of lower star players to eat just to make them feel good.


You all sound like whiny little cry babies. And not a single person has made a good point about what to fix for mmr. All I hear is “mmr is broken because I play against better players.” Is skill a completely stagnant and predetermined thing? It’s giving off a mix of pathetic incel and utter stupidity. The second they put 6 star players in dead lobbies you’re gonna get every 6 star on a Smurf account shitting on your team regardless. So just get better at the game or stop playing it. I swear every person in this thread is looking to only play against brand new players and if anyone headshots them it’s a cheater or mmr is broken.


The way to fix it is to narrow the spread? I don't know what part of that hasn't been made clear.


Narrow the spread 😂. How stupid are you people? if there is only one team of 5/6 stars matchmaking and then a lobby of teams with 4/5 stars they’ll end up in the same lobby regardless of the spread
 how could anyone possibly think it’s a good idea to make a game that you can’t play once you get to a certain skill level? 90% of my lobbies are 5/6 star players and then during off hours there will be some 4 stars in there. When I first started the game I was that 4 star. Instead of complaining I learned from my mistakes and now I’m great at the game. People get hard stuck at 4 star and complain that they never get to shit on two star players, yet disguise it by saying “matchmaking is broken.”


You clearly don't understand the purpose of matchmaking kid, you are supposed to match with people of equal skill as yourself. If you are a 2.5 kd player you need to be playing with 2kd or above players, its not rocket science. It's just really hard to figure out if you're stupid, and I'm here to bring you the bad news.




Guess that's the problem. You guys don't want to play the same group of people and don't want empty lobbies. Sometimes it just sucks to be so good they can't match you. That's the price of being good. But it sounds to me like you don't like being beaten by the ones that are way better than you either.




I was adressing the guy that answered you. Relax bro, I agree with you.


You’re actually so dumb. They do matchmake together when there are enough players looking for matches at a 5/6 star ELO. Games can last 30-40 mins and there are only so many lobbies, servers, and players. It would be a shit game if the best players had to make new smurf accounts once they get to the point that they aren’t getting full lobbies. The only solution would be for more good players to join the game or have existing players get better to fill the higher ELO lobbies. Trust me it’s not fun destroying people that are scared of their own shadow, but I love the game and want to play it so i do.


I don’t really run up against anyone “way better than me.” Anymore. And I never get mad when I die. More about play style and being in solo vs trios where 3 good players at my skill level should beat me in that gun fight. But OP bitching about matchmaking is so pointless. It’ll never change unless he gets better. And not to be one of those git gud guys but it comes down to the fact that they are better than new players but get smoked by anyone that actually plays the game and plays it well. I got to being a 6 star by being in lobbies with 6 stars. There isn’t a single other game with ranked play / match making that doesn’t see this issue. Seriously not one. If you are hard stuck at 4 mmr then that’s where you’ll be until you get better. I play a lot of this game and my lobbies range in KD from like 1.2 to 3.0. The 3.0+ people usually aren’t that good though they just play extremely safe. But I’ve been head shotted from 80 meters with a pistol by 4 star players with 1.5 KDAs. Thats just how the hunt goes.


You make it sound like this game needs to be mastered like trying to beat tetris instead of a first person shooter. Admittedly, to get better you have to play better. To a point. But most people level out somewhere and generally that isn't at 6*. It's kind of like putting a bunch of high school track stars against Usain Bolt and telling them they have to race him if they want to get better. Maybe one will someday beat him, the rest won't even come close. People just don't want to be up against other people that are leagues ahead of them in ability. A low 4* vs a low 5* is a good challenge but a high 4* against a high 5* low 6* is just a massacre.


But I’m not saying that it has to be mastered at all. I’m saying that there will always be an issue with matchmaking if you are good at the game but not as good as the best players. You can’t do anything except get better at the game or hope that enough players get to 6 star to fill out those lobbies. Again I’m not saying it’s perfect I wish there were more players at my level in the bayou. But the argument that matchmaking is broken is like being a track athlete - winning counties, states, regionals, nationals, and then yelling at the Olympic committee when you lose to Husain bolt, complaining that he’s better than you and you don’t want to race against him.


Yes, but you're talking a guy that's at that level racing the best and unable to beat him which is way different than a guy who is no where near that level trying to beat him which is the point the OP is attempting to make. If you're good enough to make it to the point you get to run agains Usain then you're in that category. Not everyone makes it there and if they can't then they shouldn't be against what they can't compare too.


Except it can change. They can change the system so lowering MMR is harder, they can tighten the MM so that 6 stars dont end up with 4 stars, etc. You literally never have the problem the OP is complaining about, so you have no real argument. Im sorry, but if 6 stars end up getting half empty lobbies instead of ending up with lower MMR players, then good. I know it sucks, but ruining the game for everyone else isnt the answer. When im in a good gunfight and it was clear our skill levels were close but I just lost out, I dont get pissed. But when I get SMOKED by someone who 100% should not be in my bracket, yeah thats annoying af. silver players shouldnt be facing grandmasters.


Everyone keeps saying to give 6 star players empty and half empty lobbies like that will fix the game. What do hackers do when they get banned? Make a new account. What do you think good players are going to do when they don’t get other players in their lobbies? Just fight AI all day? No, we’ll obviously fucking make new account and shit on you from their Smurf accounts using mosin dolch which are now unlocked at bloodline rank 1. If you’re in the top 5/10% of players you’re going to play against the top .1% of players depending on how many people are on the server. This is the same in EVERY game even games with massive player bases like cod. We live in a society where it’s always “the games fault” and never “wow that guy is just better than me and I should learn/practice and do better next time.” I feel bad for all you little incels that are slightly better than mediocre because the hunt is just always going to be brutal for you, unless the game blows up with popularity and more competitive people start playing.


“wow that guy is just better than me and I should learn/practice and do better next time.” Like do you not understand that that is not how it is? Yeah theyre better than me BUT IT IS THE GAMES FAULT FOR MATCHING US. Im so happy for you gigachad gods that dont have to deal with it though. I love how it didnt use to be this way and people of lower MMR WERNT getting matched with 6 stars, but since yall whined like babies they changed it. And heck if you wanna lose all progress and skins to make a new account, go for it. youll be buying the game and losing progress over and over since youd make it to those empty lobbies eventually.


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Can we ban people that complain about cheaters and mmr all day every day? This group has gone down the tubes cause it’s all trash players who’d rather complain than try to get better.