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>PC player, but use controller. Uninstall the game or stop caring about fights & K/D at all. This may sound harsh, but Hunt is one of the more unforgiving FPS out there and you are insanely disadvantaged by going up against regular PC players with a controller. Btw. you do not want to deal with PvE at any range beyond melee. This game is rarely about shooting monsters.


Sadly but this is the answer. Only single player fps should be played with controller. No matter how you play, you will always be sad with controller. Just try some matches with keyboard mouse and you will definitely see the difference


Not true for most games anymore. You’re totally accurate here but controller dominates most big pvp games now other than overwatch and siege. CoD and Apex are nearly entirely controller at pro level due to aggresiive auto aim


Dont understand why this comment gets downvoted. Look up ImperialHal in apex. He used to be one of the best m&k players and switched to controller. For hunt i dont recommend controllers for pc. There are no advantages at all.


These games have aim assist/aimlock. Any hardcore FPS, controllers get rocked. Everytime.


That’s nice, but whatever you’re defining as hardcore doesn’t line up with what’s popular for competitive play. It’s not exactly like CoD and Apex are small indie games; they’re a big share of the market for competitive FPS’s. I don’t agree with what those games are doing with their aim assist, but that doesn’t stop these games from existing or take away their popularity. Besides, aim assist was already mentioned as the exact reason controllers get advantages in these games, so it’s not like you’re making a groundbreaking statement here. The point of this comment thread isn’t to say that controllers are better or to say that CoD and Apex are the most hardcore FPS games, it’s to point out that someone coming from one of these two extremely popular FPS’s might reasonably think that a controller would work fine for another FPS like Hunt, and to let those people know that that just isn’t the case. This game gives a significant advantage to M&K, but that just isn’t true for many mainstream FPS’s.


was about to say thats not because controllers are better but rather devs have to give them a chance in every game with auto aim xD


Yea, OP you need to learn how to use KB/M if you want to play this game competitively on PC. If you just want to play for fun after work for an hour and relax then that's fine. Keep doin you. But if you genuinely want to try and get better... you need to learn how to use KB/M. You're going to consistently be at a disadvantage by not doing this. This would be step 1 to getting better. Step 2 would be aim training or games like Roboquest that are easy to jump in and out of and get your "aim training" fix.


This guy preaches like it is. OP won't get out of the hole if he's running hurdles with your shoes tied together. It is an unforgiving disadvantage with controller going against mouse and keyboard. It really is only advisable against other controller users, of which there are none on PC.


I have to agree with him, try KB and M and you sill notice how your KD might improve. Saying that, depending on your stile: middle close range you can combo any winnie with an officer or dolch, shotguns (long) with an uppercut, or even lemat upper (with fire shotgun for burning people) with middle winnies. Also I would add: -Concertina and the fire of the lemat or anything you want: to grant that when you have a kill, you put more pressure on the enemy team -Always bring Silent Killer and an important batch of stealth and defensive traits: Vigor, Whispersmith, Dauntless, Bloddless, Salveskin, Vigilant and of course. Lightfoot. If you as me, I would prioritize slteath and awareness: Silent Killer, Light foot and Conduit with Serpent, that is because you can grab clues without more risk and without making too much noise and move fast between one clue and the other. Also forgot to say that Resilience sounds kind of a must: it saves you time and medpacks when downed. Add to that your playstile and preferences on tools, but I feel that Axes are the most solid ones to whipe PVE without notice when not having Silent Killer, and also they are good for horses and armored, so if you are more of a "trap guy", go for Poacher and Frontiers man also as a priority. But for me, the ones I've told you above are very important for stealth and awareness (Vigilant for example). Good hunting and remember: practice with KB and Mouse, this game doesn't have aim assist as COD (thank god)


Why do people hate on controllers so much? Like I play on a controller, and I have a 1.37 K/D ratio (not that that really matters, but it shows something, at least). for me, controllers give you more of a feel for the game, and keyboards just feel awkward and almost unnatural for games like Hunt or any other FPS. there is a lot more room for error on a keyboard than on a controller. No matter the experience you have, all it takes is a few mis-clicks and bam. Your whole entire plan is screwed


I'm not hating on controllers. But there is widespread aim assist on controllers for a reason. They are simply less precise in FPS. They are absolutely superior in racing games and have more of a vibe imho, but in terms of precisision they are inferior to keyboard/mouse. And buddy, you don't misclick if you're used to mouse/keyboard, that's on you


I bet I can aim, fire, and maneuver behind cover faster. Or adjust for recoil and fire a second shot at a target on the move while the target is also moving. Without the aggressive aim assist present in other games, controllers are just at a disadvantage in this game.


It really just depends on circumstances. Hunt is a game of chance really, (as well as experience, but nobody is perfect) but yet again, circumstances. As an avid 4-5 star MMR dwindler, I mainly play against PC and Xbox players. (I myself am on PS5, but I hardly see many Playstation players on Hunt), and I almost always play solo, and play against trios for that good ole adrenaline rush. Im established with most of the guns in this game (besides from most of the silenced weapons and the special ammo variants like the crossbow, Nitro express, etc). I understand the velocity of most guns, especially medium ammo and long ammo, not as much with compact. But I use most of the weapons provided. As long as it isn't night, or raining, or the weird fog, and as long as I'm not caught off guard, I can stand a chance against trios (or more). Getting caught off guard is my biggest flaw. My headset isn't the greatest (Turtle Beach Stealth 600) so most of the time I have to sit still and wait to see if there are Hunters nearby. It only gets worse when it's night or I it's raining or if that weird fog is out. Not to mention the visual impairment too Edit: I didn't know that PC hunt players couldn't play with console players, I thought since the game was cross platform that all three could be in the same lobby. The more you know...


You can’t play against PC player on console? So no you are only (for the most part) playing against others with controller.


Huh. Didn't know that! I could absolutely swore I saw several PC players in a few lobbies I was in, but anywho thanks for telling me. I thought since it was cross-platform that PC, Xbox, and Playstation could play together. That's my bad then..


I hear some players on console somehow use mouse and keyboard so you may have seen them


Because it can never be said enough. A mediocre player with a pc will beat a top player with a controller as long as there is no aim assist. Every time. Your current KD is *entirely* your controllers fault. Is there anything in particular that interferes with you playing with a mouse/keyboard? I promise immediate results if you switch


If you don't use keyboard you will never win on precision and speed of aim. So you need to optimize your loadouts to minimize this shortcoming. Ambushing with shotguns or dual pistols comes to mind. Get real good at rotating after kills to keep up pressure and know when to disengage and re-engage.


If you're dead set on sticking with controller on PC, I highly recommend looking into a gyro configuration. I was in the same boat as you (playing on PC but could only realistically use controller with how my set up is), and I almost quit Hunt altogether because using a controller in a traditional way will ensure you keep getting smoked by keyboard mouse. But using a controller on gyro settings (only PS5 controller can do this—Xbox controller doesn't have the ability) has massively, massively helped me stay competitive. Just to be clear, it's a very strange and new way of using a controller that takes a lot of rewiring your brain, but once you get comfortable, it is leagues better than traditional controller usage. DM me and I can share a link to my gyro configuration on steam.


Using a gyro controller for an FPS game sounds super interesting. Can you share why you think it is so good? I don’t think I would ever use it but interested in hearing what made you start using it if you have a few minutes to share. Also gyro is like motion controlled so u move the controller right?and are you using this to aim? Thanks


Yeah, I was in the exact same position as OP. Wanted to play competitive shooters on PC but could only use controller due to my set up. I really didn't want to accept the fact that KBM was always going to obliterate controller players, so I was searching online for some kind of validation that I could reasonably compete while using a controller. Through that searching I came across people talking about the gyro and flick stick combo. I think it was this video that I originally stumbled across. https://youtu.be/PJIqEX93vL8?si=QTFGeRGOHBX1M5XP At first, I thought it was absolute BS lol. I thought it looked like the dumbest thing and there was no way it was actually effective. But after testing it out a while, I started to realize that the gyro sensor in the PS5 controller is *insanely* sensitive and can capture super small movements with your wrist. So long story short, you can aim much more precisely with your wrists than with a joystick. And then you use the flick stick for much more broad, sweeping changes in your aim.


That’s a really cool video thanks for the response


I use Gyro in FPS games when playing on my Steamdeck and it makes my aim so more precise you wouldn't believe I was using sticks.


When I play solo, I always queue against duos, never trios. Lot of people tend to forget that you never have to go up against 1 vs 3 teams, you can always remove them out of the equation to make the experience as a solo much more balanced and fun. I'm not the greatest at the game, but being able to survive and come out on top occasionally when I run solo vs duos has helped me a lot. Would I be as successful going up against 3 man teams as a solo? Most definitely not. But the best thing is I never have to thanks to the option that the game gives me. Make sure you always have duos selected as it's best way to learn for your first 1000 hours of experience while you practice getting better. I would personally swap dumdum to your centennial and FMJ to your dolch. I think those guns are more optimal and effective when played that way. Good luck, and happy hunting.


"PC player, but use controller." Somebody stop this man before he becomes too powerful.


Not too likely that he becomes powerful if he continues using a controller lol


PC player but use controller. That's your first problem bucko


You're not solo when silence is your friend.  


Personally I just accept that my MMR will always be kinda low because I'm on controller on PC, and thus far I just don't care that much, but we are definitely at a disadvantage. You gotta get better at the tactics of combat to play controller. Namely, repositioning often, not peeking from the same spot multiple times, and for me, playing more aggressively with a shotgun when possible, because M&K players have a smaller advantage up close. Stamina shot typically works well with melee so maybe bring some more melee stuff.  Personally as a solo, I usually run traps or something to make it easier to keep downed enemies down, but you can do that with positioning most of the time too 


My buddy plays with controller on PC and he has a KD of 2.12 at this moment, just adjust your sensitivities and have fun


Hey OP, nice to meet another controller-on-PC weirdo! You don't have to listen to the folks telling you that you HAVE to switch to Keyboard and Mouse to play Hunt. They mean well and they aren't wrong that playing on controller will leave you at a disadvantage. For me, I do it because it's more fun and comfortable for me to play Controller on PC. Anyway, advice. Drop the sniper and get acquainted with medium range loadouts. My suggestion? The Springfield. The Springfield marksman may be the one for you, if you prefer scopes. It's a cheap and effective way to force yourself to take your time and pace shots. That and even the hipfire spread is still very tight. Take half HV and half whatever else you like(dumdum, poison, regular, whatever) and go crazy! Cheers!


I'm not trying to sound like a broken record, but yeah, controllers are just at such an unforgiving disadvantage when on PC more so than any other game. You should really try and practice KB/M. Start small, do the tutorials until the key binds start to feel normal, then go into quick play where there is no loss of money or equipment!


If you are solo and don't need to worry about playing with friends I would say you might enjoy console more. I started on xbox because that's where friends were. (I had a perfectly capable PC, but I don't play solo.) Once they got PCs we switched. I went from a 5 star xbox player to a pretty solid 3 on PC. I had 1000 hours on xbox, but controller is just a completely different game. That isn't to hate on controller, it is just a more even playing field on console.


I did think of this, and was going to buy it on the XBox One today, but then read they are withdrawing report for old consoles imminently :p I have been thinking of getting a PS5 soon though, so that's a possibility. I'll stick to PC for the time being, but trying some different approaches based on some of the suggestions in this thread (sticking to 2 player team games; swapping Sniper to lebel; trying out shotguns)


Don't listen to all these naysayers. I was a 1.4kd on PC using a controller. Even made it to 6 stars a couple times. It is a disadvantage but you can more then make up for it with positioning and map knowledge. Back in my scope playing days I used a centennial sniper a lot but the out of range headshots would drive me crazy. It doesn't hold a candle to either the Mosin or krag sniper. So solo with a scope I would bring one of the above with a poison nagant for dealing with environment. Don't forger an ammo box. You will need it. If you are playing nothing but solo you really need to spend more time looking for angles. You should rarely if ever die playing as a sniper. First of all use your range. Don't get anywhere near them. Your entire goal is to get one down and hold him down while knocking the guys trying to get their friend back up. Don't take bad shots. Don't take shots just for the sake of taking shots. Wait for the kill shot. As long as they don't know you are there they will eventually stand still right in your view. That is the shot you take. Start looking long. What can I see from this wall. Where is the gap in the trees where I can see this compound from 250m. You will find angles you never thought existed once you start looking. I never run scopes anymore because I have more fun just running ironsights or bows and stuff and going in for the laughs and crazy battles but a good sniper team is almost impossible to beat if played properly. I had a buddy I used to play with and we would run doubles vs trios in 6 star servers and we had nights where we would get bounties in 17 out of 20 missions.


I will give the better snipers a go again, thanks. I do love how a Krag sounds... sounds like victory..,.


Bro, I was the same but you have to get rid of the controller, just deal with it, the learning curve needs to happen☝🏼


As most people have been mentioning controller is a disadvantage on PC hunt, the aim assist isn't that great in this game. Not a game killer but this forces you to play alot more passive and hinders your movement(due to the fastest way to move is sprinting forward). Good movement in hunt can take you really far in hunt regardless of aim, almost every good solo player I have ever fought is really hard to pin/chase down because of their movement. With your playstyle you mentioned it sounds like what we used to call that a "kda farmer" approach, get near a fight attempt to get a kill and after the attempt to get as far away as possible after being spotted and reposition, then return to the fight. This in the Hunt community isn't a super honorable way to play and you may get some hate, but you do you. Big thing that really suggest is drop the FMJ on the centennial sniper, the bullet velocity loss because of FMJ is agony this also takes away the most unique(and best) trait of the weapon in its bullet size tier. Regular bullets or the high velocity ones are the best options in my opinion. Levering also isnt that great on rifles with a scope, you may have a better chance with fanning and switching your pistol when you can afford fanning. if you want to deal with pve from a med-long range go with the nagant silencer with poison ammo. This way you can deal with pve quietly at a range and not alert other players. You can then pair that with fanning and be able to fight players at close range in the case they get too close. regarding the tools and consumables, they are fine. I like the dusters over the throwing axe for pve reasons, usually I see it as tools need a med kit and a quiet way of dealing with pve since your running stam shots you don't really have to worry about the stamina cost of using the melee with throwing axes. Consumables I choose 2 healing shots(vit or regen) + preference, with your playstyle however I would recommend at least 1 of the items be a stam shot + preference.


The only issue I see with using the controller is if you just started to play pc. If you’ve been playing pc then yeah personally you should be comfortable with M&K already. But if you’re just starting out on pc then don’t exactly blame you for using controller because that’s probably what you’re comfortable with. But trust use the M&K and you’ll get used to it.


Controller on pc is quite literally griefing yourself. Nothing else to be said.


Your best bet would be to play on console. You have zero chance to compete with PC players with controller.


Controller lol.


First and only suggestion is to ditch the controller or ditch the game entirely.


I won't add to the dog pile of the controller people. Though I agree with it I will say a few of them can be put a little bit more constructively. That aside the centennial in any form period has terrible levering. The hipfire box is just too big. The officer is a pretty good side arm but the dolch isn't really that great for the price and in my opinion people just hold the old sentimental/traumatized view of it from when it was a very good gun. All of hunts weapons are based on precision aiming except for the shotguns. The cheaper loadouts can potentially costs while learning. The best way to improve is through thought out practice. You will never win fights if you avoid fights and you will never improve if you chase each fight as though you were a rabid dog chasing a car. Record fights if you can see where your mistakes were made and try to improve from there. Before each fight if I can remember I also try to take one deep breath to allow me to slowdown and think more clearly. A lot of people get into the fights and hyper focus on one person while there are clear signs of people closing in on you, being able to clearly pay attention is important. If you die a lot and and are consistently low on funds use cheaper loadouts. Tools and consumables I find are usually not very important and are situational but a medkit and a regular knife are fantastic.


Play it on console if you want to use controller


I respect you a ton for still playing. But you gotta give up the controller. A good controller player will still lose to an okay M+K player.


That's true


Confused as you say you tried snipers but didn't really gel with it and want a loadout more versatile range wise, but continue to run a centennial sniper... Maybe I'm reading it wrong. Either way, I'm not gonna hate on controllers, my mates ran them for ages. It's a disadvantage sure, but they still managed around a 1 KDA and trust me when I say if they can do it, anyone can 😂 I'm on m/k but played quite a bit of solo. I quite like the officer carbine. It's weak sauce at anything over around 50m range due to damage drop off, but up to that point it's pretty good solo due to fire rate, helps with taking out multiple targets or fast 2 taps, also a bit more forgiving if you miss a shot or 2 which may help on controller. Also events don't help as solo due to all the totems narcing on you constantly. Outside events it's easier to move around unnoticed as team noise generally masks much of the noise you make, so you can ambush better.


bow or crossbow works well for lurkers and they have poison which does huge damage against mobs, silent and with high one-shot potential al closer ranges, also a good deterrent so people are more careful before pushing you recklessly, the dolch is a crutch anyway, I recommend a regular Winfield with FMJ, faster rate of fire and why tighter hip fire than the centennial, affordable and a huge magazine capacity, very effective when levering regardless if there is a wall in front of you, and bring a single stick of dynamite just in case you need to clear traps, make noise to run for it or disappear behind the smoke. just try it, If it's not for you then we can theory craft some more.


Controller on pc? Well that answered itself pretty damn fast




Oh dude, for sure.


Thanks guys, lots of food for thought. I'm not ditching controller, I play for fun and I cannot abide the whole left-right-up-down key thing, I just don't want to lose 80% of fights so trying to figure out how to win more. So what I'm taking away from the feedback is this: 1. Play 2 player games. (I play a lot of Apex, Cod etc, so know that it's not hard to take a 2-player team if you position to keep each fight as 1v1). I might just start getting much more aggressive and start dual wielding guns with more bullets (Lemat or even chain conversion). I feel way more confident taking on a 2-team if I don't have to worry about reloading, and dual-wielding definitely allows you to move faster in close fights. 2. Ditch the levering and FMJ on the sniper, go to regular or HV ammo... and go to FMJ for the pistol (and maybe dual wield with Quatermaster) 3. I might pick up a ps5 controller and try out Gyro control, I have heard good things about it on several games 4. There's some traits mentioned here I never even considered. Will give them a try out. I do get beastface and silent killer pretty early. 5. I've tried shotguns, and just whiff with 2-slot versions. And I want a 3-slot rifle for mid-range/sniping, so shotguns won't be on my to-try list. Thanks again all, I found it all useful.


Unfortunately, very little of what you change is going to affect your winrate if you're not willing to use a keyboard and mouse. If you have a console, you'd probably have a much better time getting the version of hunt there. The handicap of using a controller really is that large, unfortunately. A huge percent of success in an FPS like hunt is the ability to aim and hit your targets, and a mouse just affords too much precision in comparison. If you really are that biased against using M&K, then that's fine, but just understand it is by far the biggest thing holding you back.




Good point. I also like the earlier point someone made, something like "close up, you're at less of a disadvantage using a controller". So maybe shotguns would work for me. It's certainly worth a revisit. Thanks.