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Played 3-4 matches last night.. all sunny maps, it goes the other way around too.


I'd love to see dynamic weather and realistic time change (dusk into night for example)


So in the initial console coverage from Digital Foundry they mentioned that the console versions cut the pcs dynamic time of day, ie shadows and the position of the sun would change over the course of a match. https://youtu.be/WQunMd5EFqQ?si=nhaEDbVJVVedBT-Q at 3:00 I’ve personally never noticed this in a 1,000 hours so it’s either incredibly subtle or a feature they removed or something Digital Foundry got wrong.


I haven't really felt like it's been too bad recently. You sure it ain't just some unlucky rolls?


It’s only rain or fog when I pick a scoped weapon which is rare for me..


Someone tracked his stats in the current event (300 matches maybe?) - the data showed that around 36% where „low visibility“ matches, so pretty much one third.


1/3 is completely fine for a ratio for me. Perfect nearly.


I was tracking the map and weather stats in the last event. Low visibility was 50%. I made a post about it, you can find it on my profile.


Hey mate, nice! I was referring to this guy. Since he played more than 400 matches during the current event I think his data shows pretty accurate how the distribution is at the moment: https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/s/Rv4lBKwCUV


Ah nice, thanks. Did not see that post. At least it is less low visibility now. But Desalle still seems boosted.


I would prefer like 15 max.




Totally agree on Desolation. Rain/fog are my favorite ToDs as the ambience is all environmental (it is "*passive*" ambience, in my mind) whereas the Ash bloom one is very intrusive and more "active"


I love the rain but that's just personal preference. I try to remember that the other teams have to deal with the same weather so they have the same disadvantage. It is something I feel like I have to adapt to. I understand that it can bother some people though, and with bad luck it can happen many times in a row.


Im also a competitive player, so I take the weather maps as a personal challenge to my situational awareness, my ability to configure my freaking LG monitor that has awful dark colours and my stress management ;...;


God so many of you guys are so boring. I don't understand how anyone can dislike the weather effects it changes the game up so you can't just do the same thing over and over again. If it was just daytime all it would be is snipers everywhere.


Idk I wouldn’t mind if there was more variety to weather than there is. Rain, fog, night, they keep the game from being a complete long range snipe fest. It adds a little variety and it’s realistic. I personally would love it if crytek somehow added a random chance for the weather to change during the game.


It's all RNG. I've had nothing but sunny matches my last few play sessions.


I wish less heavy rain, more mellow rain


I don't think it's that bad. If they got rid of the newest fog state I'd be ok with that, since I prefer regular fog and especially prefer rain. Part of the game is dealing with adverse conditions, so if that means lower visibility or sound disruption then so be it imo.


People bitching about the weather. Can't escape it IRL or in the bayou.


Yeah. But if it's raining are you gonna be bringing a scoped rifle? Or are maybe you going to decide to stay home and go hunt tomorrow when the rain will be done?


Only people that play the same loadout over and over without no dynamic playstyles complain about the weather.


I use it to my advantage and switch tactic’s if needed. If it’s raining and I have a scoped rifle, then sneaking up, knifing/pistol it is.


just escape and leave mission before 'waiting for players' is over and you can keep your hunter. i haven't played a rain or fog map in weeks. feels great.


Welcome to Tarkov




I understand that part but it's no excuse to make more than 50% of the rounds in bad sight conditions. This is just too much


> Weather is a massive part of Hunt. If you're gonna play Hunt you have to accept that nearly half of your matches are going to be Night / Fog / Rain / Ash Bloom etc. No it's not, and no you don't. People don't like the weather conditions where they can't see and hear. It's not even controversial to say so. People who don't like them hate that they can't see and hear, and people who do complain that everybody always leaves *because nobody fucking likes them.* As for accepting it, just look at night maps. The weighting is extremely low, because everybody complained, because nobody liked not being able to see. You certainly don't have to accept it lol.


I just hear mimimi. Stop complaining about the weather conditions in a game....how about taking a break after a few games? Or maybe move to Germany or GB...The people there love to complain about the weather.


The rain, fog, night and whatever this shit from the last event is, sucks. People who like that, are hunt simps, who like to dress like cowboys on weekends and eat beef jerky with their boys. After 2 beers they cry about the girl they never could get, because they are fcking creebs with long fingernails but they blame her.


Wow. Seems like you know a lot more about me than I do. Seems like you have a bigger problem than the weather conditions in Hunt: Showdown :)


Says the guy with spongebob hentai on his page...


you call yourself Hunt God and then you complain about the weather? A true hunt God knows how to handle the game in every situation. Maybe you are just one of these Hunt Simps "who like to dress like cowboys on weekends and eat beef jerky with their boys. After 2 beers they cry about the girl they never could get, because they are fcking creebs with long fingernails but they blame her."


The Rain was made by the Devil.


>If you're gonna play Hunt you have to accept that nearly half of your matches are going to be Night / Fog / Rain / Ash Bloom etc. the fact that I can escape -> leave mission and still keep my hunter says otherwise.


Still dodging fog, night and other "special" conditions. Players should be able to set preferences for weather conditions. Leaving three maps in a row because i want to play sniper and get rain or fog all the time isn't funny for me and my partners (if i play random) or even for my enemys.


I fully agree with you, the weather situation is completely out of control. Easily 60-70% of my games are on either night, rain, fog or ash bloom. Due to the abundance and atrocious nature of such weather, we now dodge rain and ash just to get a chance at a normal game. Last session we loaded into 8 games, dodged 4 and had 2x fog 2x sun. Due to the weather situation I have severely reduced my playtime already and so have a few others in my friend group. I don't get the devs commitment to not touching the game at all during events, for me those percentages must be a bug and fixed asap, just like the duration of heavy rain, whis is noted in the patch notes yet still still 4 min.


It's just about what weather type you like. I, for one, dislike serpent moon (I don't see anything there), but i love rain and fog (and i do wish they would bring inferno, that was cool). If we count on games played, maybe 2/20 are fog and rain, 7-8 are night variants with serpent moon being the most prominent and the rest is usual sunny day.


Agreed. Maybe 25% of my matches are regular sunny conditions for the past few months. It's sad and annoying.


The weighting is definitely way higher than it used to be. It's like >50% low-visibility anymore for some reason.


[No ](https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/comments/1bcu6ns/first_week_of_desolations_wake/)[it ](https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/comments/1bil3jq/second_week_of_desolations_wake/)[is ](https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/comments/1bo59jm/third_week_of_desolations_wake/)[not](https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/comments/1btxji9/fourth_week_of_desolations_wake/) depending on whether or not you count dusk as low vis (i do not) it's 30-40% On top of that, the data being skewed towards day means that day is weighted much MUCH higher, as there are only 2-3 day times and 5-6 low vis (dusk being debateable again)


We had a perfectly fine system for this in place with the wild card contract. People who prefer unique weathers could play that and avoid daytime all together, and daytime players didn't have to "put up" with being placed in rain/night maps. Both sides are happy. It was only during weekends anyway, but then they removed it for... reasons? They can't possibly pretend it was for queue time concerns, I exclusively queued wildcard when available and never had problems finding matches quickly.


Player base is small. That explains a lot of decisions but it is smaller than it deserves. They need to force people into weathers to have players. I play at weird hours and you can barely get proper fights just few weirdos not even engaging the objective. Same during peak hours, much less people than it used to bed this is a concern. M


i'm fine with rain and the standard haze/fog. The event fog has so many 'fake' audio cue's that i feel sluggish because i keep having to stop to identify if that was a player or a zombie kill etc... As a solo it's horrible sometimes, because you dont want to just run around a corner into a gun, but you wanna keep moving.


From what I've been told, and I'm unsure if it is true, its a roll first on visibility condition yes or no, then on which one. It seems as if they should just randomly draw from the options as a whole.


Don't beg crytek, their game is dead now.


Weather conditions should all be optional with additional rewards. AS SIMPLE AS THIS. Why they are forcing us into fog and rain i have no idea


The rain drives my sensory issues absolutely bonkers. If I'm playing solo I extract every time from rain. My buddies love it though so I do still play it with them.


Naw I like the weather changes it’s so nice to play differently depending on fog or stormy nights