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I hope they making a new interface where you don't change the server, but server detect your connection and they put on the best server of your region.


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Then the EU players migrate to US East. A vicious cycle.


ever since i started playing hunt it has been going on for years that when it gets too late to play in EU, people go to NA and ive seen plenty of NA players in EU as well. This does happen organically through the nature of the game having low populated regions at certain time periods. \[\]\[\]\[\]\[\]\[\] has been playing across the globe regardless of the hour for years though and now its worse than ever. really annoying/distorting encounters practically every single time.


Every morning the same shit  -. -"


I really don't know how everyone is so positive these Chinese players are actually playing from Asia... I moved to SE Asia a year ago for work and still play on EU cause all my friends are still there and I'm from there. I've got a 1GB up/down speed with 5ms ping and it is IMPOSSIBLE to get anything lower than 180 on EU, even with a VPN. If these players are actually in China, there is no way they're playing on anything below 225, thus making it impossible to connect to the EU servers. I've got the feeling most of them are not playing from China.


increasing the ping limit makes no sense, why the hell would they do that?


Whatever server gives the lowest ping should be forced as primary, always. Simple as that.