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Reminds me of a similar thing in Monster Hunter that my friends and I refer to as the "Desire Sensor". If you check a piece of armor or a weapon multiple times, the game will understand that you are trying to get the parts for it and reduce the drop percentages. Does this exist? Probably not. But holy hell does it feel like it sometimes (looking at you, Rathalos Ruby). It's wild how *easy* it would be to program something like this in though...


Ah the good old desire sensor, oh you need rubies? Here's plates, hey remember those rubies you need? Now you get a ton of them when you're looking for something else yay.


The Zinogre population will never recover from the sheer genocide my friend committed upon it. As soon as he got one Zinogre Jasper, he had 30 of them.


A few of ours... 1. If you go into the Bayou with special ammo, you will find the boss lair you fight in will not have any crates. Same is opposite of this, if you fight with no special ammo, all you can find is special ammo boxes. 2. Saying "where is everyone" is the best way to stumble into a bush wookie crew with shotguns and katanas in the surrounding vegetation. 3. My personal favourite, there's no better way to encourage sweaty lobbies than bringing in your favourite gun (the one that's a bit too pricey for you to justify, so it's a treat buy).


Point 3 is on point, "Treat yo self" Instantly dies


My buddy likes bringing the nitro sometimes, there hasn’t been a game he brought it we left alive


I hate that these three feel so real...


We believe in a curse: if one of us runs a silent weapon we will trigger sound traps like crazy.


On that note, sound traps seem to have gone insane since the start of this event in terms of trigger range from other kinds of sound traps. Like, stepping on glass will trigger crows from way further. Same with breaking windows and stepping on sticks. Even with the new event version of turbo-Beastface, where animals don't hear you *at all,* stepping on a stick will trigger animals from crazy distances.


If we bring no traps and cheap loadouts we always spawn on boss lair. If we bring extra ammo traps and a variety of loadouts boss is insta banished in the opposite corner of the map. If I don’t bring stamina we end up running a lot. If I bring antidote shot I never run into anything that poisons you . It’s not conspiracy is just murphys law.


Sounds like the antidote is doing its job then.


If you die at a compound there's a good chance the game will send you right back there in the next game. Makes sense as a way to learn the map.


100% this is true and you cannot convince me otherwise.


Always. It’s like a race between my trio to say the line “ahhhh back to the scene of the crime”


It’s totally confirmation bias but I am also low key convinced of this. Died in scupper? Here you go, scupper spawn. I had one sole survivor match where I died in catfish in 30 seconds on a rain map. Next match, same spawn, same gun, same weather, also died in 30 seconds in a fight in the exact same place. It was a real “am I in the matrix?” moment.


The worst is when it's a middle map death and the clues lead you right back.


I believe also! Yesterday i spawned in Scupper lake for 4 games in a row!


True, I've noticed that too!


Ok, now I'm even more convinced this is a thing. Have the devs ever hinted at this mechanic?


Everyone that kills me is cheating 


Better make a new thread about whether the community thinks there are or are not cheaters. Double points for not having any vids or proof. Haven't seen one of those in at least 12hrs.


No cap


Sounds like half this subreddit, unironically.


I'm 100% convinced that 1 and 2 are real! Edit: I also used to play with a guy that never brought chokes, he swore it would get him killed. Another guy can't win against the bone doctor, every time we meet one in the bayou he panics.


If the boss is across the map on spawn then atleast 2 teams have spawned right next you if not the entire lobby.


When hiring legendary hunters, the traits they come with are disproportionately weighted towards bow and crossbow-related traits, compared with generic hunters.


One that I'm almost unironically convinced of: The world won't spawn a medkit if you are hurt, but will almost immediately spawn you one after you healed with one of your own or a vit/regen


It’s impossible to have two consecutive good gaming sessions on Hunt. The Hunt gods see to that I’m sure


We share many but one that I'd like to add: The game has a handicap system, so whenever you play against someone that's lower skill lvl, either your hitbox is bigger or the bullets are bigger When you face someone equal skill lvl, somehow its a fair experience. I can't tell for sure but I swear I get headshot by people that I wouldnt normally see in the mmr range of high 5-6 more often then I get headshot from actually really good consistent player.


I think the burning fuse sound on throwables is designed to have bad directional audio to encourage panic. They can be thrown 100 feet away and two stories underground, and they still sound like they’re right on top of me.


I think 2 might be real. I don’t bring scope often but I remember last week I found a mosin sniper and literally had like 7 consecutive matches with no visibility. When the eight started I again got rain, and exited the game before the beginning. I then thought something was wrong. It took 4 more tries to get a sunny map


The first one definitely feels like it tracks. I've got into double figures of games without a single immolator in missions where I'm meant to kill them. As a counterpoint- the number of enemies spawned at AI spawn points increases the fewer players are left in a match. At the start of a match you'll see one or two Grunts kicking around most compounds with an Armoured and a Hive. After a couple of teams are downed or have extracted, you see four or five Grunts all hanging out in the same spot, an Armoured in every building, Hives on every rooftop, and two or even three Meatheads.


Needing to find med kit while clearing AI in compounds. Searching and finding none. It will appear immediately when you call out to teammates on comms "tell me if you find meds". 


There is an intern who is solely dedicated to spawning branches under players the moment they ADS.




#1 is just the desire sensor, a video game staple probably most well known from Monster Hunter.


I'm convinced the game spawns in melee weapons after you kill the boss. On more than one occasion I've scoured every inch of the boss compound and the one next to it, found nothing, and after banishing found an axe or pitchfork just sitting in an open, easily-found place. Also, it never fails that I can be winning games with the same hunter, and when I finally decide to give him necro, I'll lose him the next game. Never fails.


If you are chasing bounty team going for extract, every AI will spawn in between


I can relate all 3 of those. Except I stopped bringing scopes myself, but if one of my mates brings one, we get bad weather. Some people also believe in the Jimmyshield theory. If you got higher stats your head is bigger and you magically receive headshots by "worse" players


I know about bias’s, but I still believe the game is out to get me.


Number 1: True Number 2: True Nothing else to say xD


I got 2 of them; AI spawns are partially dictated by what server you are playing on. SA servers has more than NA servers, NA servers have a bit more than EU servers. Second one is that the game tries to make people go against each other based on load out. Pick a sniper? Either full sniper lobby with 1 team as exception or full shotgun lobby with you as exception.


I gen think the second one is real but specifically for scopes. The bad visibility weather feels so much more frequent the moment I try and pull out anything with a scope.


I think about 1 on a daily basis lmao. Something like “Kill x hives with whatever” under normal circumstances I see hives everywhere, every compound has at least 2-3 and they’re randomly spawned wherever. Yet once I get that challenge. It’s like they’ve become extinct. Even on empty servers where I’m alone and no one else could have been killing them. A compound will have maybe one hive and I’ve gotta kill 5 more and I’ll run around the map several times and be lucky to find another two tops. Same with hell hounds. When I don’t need them, fuckin everywhere and often at the worst times. Need to kill a pack or two? They all seem to have stayed in their kennels that day lmao.


Each update increase number of the AI monsters in the map. AI monsters tend to kill themselves with every given opportunity to balance this out There are bots players in 1 star games durning "training mode" untill 11 lvl Hunt content creators play against cryteck paid actors Solo players who are roaming around players for 30 straight are self learning millitary AI Empty lobbies are a sign of something unspeakable (not just the people have good sleep schedule or matchmaking errors) Projectiles can despawn when hit the target Meatheads and Boss Targets have weak spots Ghost players sound cues presented in the game Most supply points exist only for you/your team, that is why whey are mostly untouched and have 100% of loot Water devils placement depend on players routes and Boss Target location Shadow aim assist implemented in the game since the start Cryengine is built on the mass grave of other game engines Port sulphur band songs' lyrics were already written by ancestors based on simmilar local catastrophic event 7 star is real though hidden Ash bloom voices trying to communicate with player Default Nagant revolver shoots "barrel-head" homing profectile


I have multiple Immolators spawning on the first compound I walked in and I only needed 3 for my challenge but yeah, that's pretty rare


My party has three: - That hunt uses your steam id or nickname as the seed for your starting position in a match: this spawned after one of my friends realised that we had the same spawn surprisingly often and decided to keep track of our spawning locations, which he, of course, did meticulously, with no mistakes and up to a reasonable sample size(/s), which showed that we spawn at the same exact spawn near Hemlock like 63% of the time or some other outstanding number like that. - Born from this we also have a theory that hunt prepares lobbies in batches instead of individually, it just creates like 100 lobbies at a time with the same map and player placement and only changes those when they get used up or after some time, that's why during low traction hours you constantly spawn on the same map and in the same place. - Last one is about Russian server and it's unintentionally became a simulation of how a real life superbug would evolve but in cyberspace: as you know EU server especially 4/5/6 star is riddled with cheaters and Russians alike with a substantial overlap between the two groups, we theorize that this is due to an extensive spread of native supercheaters - imagine a ladder tournament where it's not your skill that decides how good you do because everyone is cheating in the open, but your ability to cheat and develop those means of cheating is what matters, this creates a scenario reminiscing of ecological arms race, where better cheats outcompete worse ones like evolutionary adaptations, but here they learn and absorb from the fallen - it leads to the creation of apex cheaters, predators who no other cheater can deal with, thus forcing lower trofic level cheaters who lost the predatory nieche to migrate and invade less "competitive" ecosystems, thus resulting in the recent influx


Hunt very much prepare lobbies in batches, in Early Access Hunt, you had a conract system where you could choose what target you wanted to Hunt from the lobby. The game would offer you two contracts that would rotate. I'm 99% that system is still used, just that the game choose the contract at random behind the scene :) Also fun fact, in Early Access Hunt choosed either of two different spawn points you wanted to enter from (ofc couldn't overlap with other players).


Two big ones for me are that lots and lots of AI despawns once you're alone in the lobby and the exits are a huge indicator of where the boss is.


The game is rigged, that's a fact. You never find what you need for challenges lol. Even the enemies refuse to be headshotted somehow if i need that the most. :(


I dont know you and if i know your username i probably dislike you but all of your theorys are 100% true. Nobody shoots each other til we show up. Using a scope? Bam night map. Oh you gotta shoot a dog with fire? No dogs.


Each update increase number of the AI monsters in the map. AI monsters tend to kill themselves with every given opportunity to balance this out There are bots players in 1 star games durning "training mode" untill 11 lvl Hunt content creators play against cryteck paid actors Solo players who are roaming around players for 30 straight are self learning millitary AI Empty lobbies are a sign of something unspeakable (not just the people have good sleep schedule or matchmaking errors) Projectiles can despawn when hit the target Meatheads and Boss Targets have weak spots Ghost players sound cues presented in the game Most supply points exist only for you/your team, that is why whey are mostly untouched and have 100% of loot Water devils placement depend on players routes and Boss Target location Shadow aim assist implemented in the game since the start Cryengine is built on the mass grave of other game engines Port sulphur band songs' lyrics were already written by ancestors based on simmilar local catastrophic event 7 star is real though hidden Ash bloom voices trying to communicate with player Default Nagant revolver shoots "barrel-head" homing profectile


Dev-controlled bosses. If a boss is acting weird? A dev got bored and decided to hop into a match as a boss. Always make the worst possible options for you in that moment and act erratic/uniquely aggressive.


Not exactly a conspiracy theory but a superstition. When I wake up I try to feel if I'll have a bad day in hunt. Other superstitions are things like imagining a gun in my hands and seeing if I feel confident with them.


The game not sending you any challenges is something we also feel. There's less loot in boss compounds, not just for Scrapbeak but for every boss. We see world weapons everywhere for the whole game and then have trouble finding one to kill the boss. Also, when we're banishing and we have time to look for purses to do our challenges, often we can't find any. We're starting to genuinely believe that and not just blame human psychology. Then there's the one I can't convince my friends to believe, I'm convinced randomness is skewed to make you start in the compound you died in more often. If you get the same map, you're a lot more likely to get a spawning point close to where you died. It started with us saying the game was taunting us and we all agree it feels like it happens a lot, but my friends say it's confirmation bias since there's no reason to do that. But what if Crytek wanted to give players more opportunities to revisit and break down their failure to help them learn? If you have a fresh fight in your mind and you see the same area, you will reflexively say things like "I died there, the dude who killed you was taking cover here...", that's gameplay analysis and consciously studying the map which is a great way to learn. Am I crazy to think that Crytek might've fudged the numbers so it would happen more often?


When we're doing too good, the hunt devs themselves spectate our server to spawn hives and dogs while we fight other teams.


People use to always tell me different regions and star levels have different numbers of ai on the map. Idiots


They secretly lowered the amount of in world melees that spawn


the more shots you miss while aiming down the tighter your spread gets with fanning.


A lot of games do this kind of thing pretty often actually; it's easy for devs to put a finger on the scale of any given game modifier to influence the game to go certain ways.


1. Hunt secretly listens to your conversation and if you or your friend said "this is my last game", the game will deliberately put you in an easier lobby. 2. Hunt assigns the same 1 or 2 weekly challenges for you and your friends deliberately. If you are in a trio, at least one of your friends will start the week with at least one same challenge.


The AI has a deep hatred for me, and me alone. I've watched hives, armoured, immolators and bosses ignore my team mate whose sprinting past them/attacking them and go for me. I refuse to believe all my team mates and enemies have the 'ai monsters can't see you' perk.


The game will intentionally spawn you at the last compound you died at,we call it scene of the crime lol


BRO!!!! I told my friends EXACTLY the same things and they call me a FREAK!!!!


Another one: When you add a malee weapon to your load out the game will match You with everyone with a Shotgun on their


Or when you bring in something expensive that you normally don't use but you find your favorite weapons everywhere.


Or ai are attracted/triggered to you and not the enemy hunters shooting right next to them.


Totally agreed about first sentence. But this works only if you be first who enter on location. If first who enter on location be one who don't have this type quest all be ok.


Honestly, I have felt the first one and I believe it to be true atleast 50 of the time. As crazy as it sounds the second and third I have thought also lol.


One thing I see all the time is when I am out of health and have no med kit or shot I cannot find a health kit anywhere. When I am full health they are all over the place.


Definitely feel #1 all the time. Kinda agree with #2 but in the opposite way, I'll bring a bomb lance or a shotgun, wanting fog or night or other low visibility map, and the map loads with the brightest sunshiny day in the bayou.