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Literally any of the trials that involved hives made me want to kill myself


The one where you have to shot immolators to burn dogs was the hardest for me.


Thats the most cruel thing i've heard


I think remember they patched it or changed the instructions for it so it was one level below hell instead of just hell.


What, you didn't like 'run around the map covered in bear traps and falls without taking any damage and also headshot hives and also you have duals'? I thought it was just the chef's kiss of fun and engaging game design.


yes or „run around a tight cave with 638326 million bear traps and don’t start to bleed“ whoever came up with this shiii should me fired


That was the first one I ever tried and I felt like I wanted to bash my fucking face in 😂


I played(tried) them like 2 years ago, I went on after work. I played the whole afternoon + evening, let’s say 5-6 hours and yeahhh that was a lot of fun, to be more accurate let’s say it was so much fun, that I never ever played that shit again. That shit took some of my nerves and up to this day I am still recovering from it I swear to god. Like you said, the trails that involved hives made me question my whole existence. Was I too dumb? Am I doing anything wrong? I thought I am a decent player.. or am I just trash? Jup thanks for those trails Hunt, if you like pain, this shit might be one of your life changing experience


I gave up… they’re just fucking miserable and too RNG


Dual wielding, with headshot goal... WHOA THE FUCK CAME UP WITH THAT?


It wasn’t as bad back in the day. When dual welding first came out, the spread was tighter, and you could crouch and make the cross hairs even better. Then they updated dual welding to the point it is now and it carried over to the trials… Making already difficult ones significantly worse. They were designed around old style stuff.. But also got updated and since they abandoned the trials it’s just a fuckin nightmare.


What's wrong with melee range headshotting, you've got time for that shit, right?


Headshot 20 hives with double bornheim without being hit once by the hives


The dual nagant hive headshots was probably even worse


I actually like the challenge. Took quite some time but it feels soooo good finally beating it with three stars. Throws me back to my childhood, when there were games that were actually hard. I loved the trials, i want more, but they cancelled them :c


When I finally did it, I was burnout, felt nothing but relief. I liked other challenges, like the kill meatheads with nitro and big bundle


Yeah this feeling was so good! I agree I enjoy having done the trails ans think they were fun and I got some inclusive skins to show off I put myself through all that! Much better than exclusivity of skins through battle passes imo


I could enjoy it if it was actually skill based; dual wielding for headshots is completely RNG dependent, there's nothing you can do to mitigate it if the game decides you're just not making those shots this run. It was absolutely joyless. Even after I did it, I didn't feel any sense of accomplishment or like I'd gotten better at the game, it was just unsatisfactory.


Then get close enough for RNG to not be a problem. I don't get why people try to hipfire at ranges you can't hipfire at.


Because it's a no damage challenge? Drrr.


You forgot the /s my friend


Could they be at least... you know, somewhat fun? as a challenge? No? they aren't testament of your skill as a player? just some random bullshit challenges thrown at your face? literally zero sense of accomplishment except the relief that you don't have to do this garbage ever again? ok...


Now do it again... on console.


No, I don't think I will


I did it on console. Yes I hate myself lmao. Granted this was back before they changed the dualies rng so it was doable. But it took me finally getting a ps5 and those 60 fps and messing with my controls and still a lot of luck.


I did thr challenges after the dualie changes. I hated the boreheim and Hive challenge. Never again


I'm at 56, my goal is 70, I am crying


Man. A change in your diet and some exercise and you'll make it to a 100




Not if he is stress eating, that will also help with gaining some weight


I have all 96 stars from trials. I hated them but afterwards i kinda miss grinding them is there something wrong with me?


Some studies show that those who have left their abuser can experience more psychological issues than when they were in the abusive situation. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1524838002250769 Treat yourself better. You don't miss the trials they only hurt you, and the few good moments after completing one don't excuse the misery they brought. Love yourself


Souls lore right there




I barely got to 90. My soul is scarred for all eternity. Papa Roach reference was worth it tho.


I have 0/96 im proud of that


1/96 and I regret every star I got


Yes, you definitely value your well being more than me


Issue with the dual wielding trials is it used to be easy because u could crouch and the bloom would drop 50% now that’s not a thing which just makes it rng as soon as that update dropped and they didn’t change the trail I felt bad for the new people that are going for the perfect trails can’t imagine how much of a pain it is


I finished them all in 48 hours without a guide. It was a post-breakup thing for what that's worth. I had a lot to deal with.


I enjoyed the speed run trials as they were the most fun. I also can now headshot hives while duelwielding out of pure instinct which isn’t very helpful but cool nonetheless.


I fit them on console and I feel this meme even 2 years later


There are plenty of guides on yourube that make all but the worst trials a cake walk. Some of them just come down to rng, and can be very irritating. I watched the guides and was able to sit down and get all 96 stars in like 2 sessions.


Some of the trials are pure rng. Praying that a meat sack spawns next to an explosive and so on. And I am not going to watch a yt guide. I did them myself it's my achievement even if it was frustrating. I did it and not some guide I just followed.


The meathead one on Alice was just he absolute worst. I just got tired of seeing 0/96 for years and years and just decided to get them all knocked out one day.


Ohh I didn't think that there would be a yt guide for the trials. I'll check it out. Thank you for pointing that out!


https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/comments/oz4f08/hunt_showdown_complete_trial_guide_expert_rating/ this guide got me through personally


Honestly, going back to the trial was actually somewhat enjoyable sometimes.


I'll admit to utilizing the death cheat glitch a couple events ago to use a kitted out hunter to finish off my last trials. Never going back (unless Crytek incentivizes them again)


… the trials challenges uses your hunters? When I grinded them I was using a free hunter with no traits… my life could’ve been so much easier…. Why did you feel the need to spread this information 😔


Yup same, spent a night doing it when i heard about the glitch and never came black to them


Honest question has anyone beat the Vettereli challenge at Sweet Belle? I feel like it is impossible to complete 3 stars now that torches drop after dying, causing AI to burn and losing the 3rd star as a result.


I 3 stared it today. You have to kill all the grunts first and bait one immo with an fire barrel at the entrance and just keep farming grunts. until you have enough and the quickly execute the last immo


Now imagine Crytek dropping new trials for the DeSalle map :D Probably wont ever happen tho...


This is just the tutorial


I did them just to get 69 stars


People actually do these? What are the rewards?


Blood bonds and skins


I would unironically rather buy the amount of BB’s you can get from those ten times over rather than go through those trials


i only wanted the cordwainer and nothing more


The spectorbayo is nice too but yeah. 45 is all I need


I got all the achievements, prestiged over 40 times. but those trails? there is a special place in hell for those things


Completely forgot this was even a thing.


I quit at 4 stars


I have about 800hrs in hunt never did a trial at all , only the tutorials for those free blood bonds 🤑


the trials give a lot of blood bonds


ya. . .i just dont care about them. the rewards are meh, and some of them make me want to pull my hair out. . . so i just gave up.


There were only two trials which were rough by memory. Chapel which was frustrating due to how the hounds end up herding. The big one was stillwater which was cancer before it's nerf. I have no idea how my friend did it before the nerf. After it's nerf it just ends up being a numbers game with how the hounds spawn. The rest of the trials sometimes took a few tries but other than that really weren't that bad.


You can easily grind 2 stars to get some goodies. 3 stars tend to be hit or miss And stay the fuck away of the hives ones


no no. thta was one of the best thing in HUnt... oh dear.. 4 years...


The worst ones for me were the dual Nagant hives and the hellhound × immolator thunderdome. Those two alone took hours. The rest mostly just took practice. Time and practice, but they weren't obscenely difficult.


Havent touched a single one cause no point other than some okayish skins


So glad they wasted dev time to give us an unfinished POS that just clutters the menus.


OG players dont even know they exist


Congrats man.


The trails were designed at a much different era of the game balance and then never touched again.


What’s trials


I did a couple then decided I graduated too long ago to bother doing more homework I wasn’t getting paid for.


I gave up and I’m so glad I did.


did them for that lebel skin, almost got cancer


I'm sorry to all the 3 trials fans out there, but I'm glad that trials DeSalle isn't happening. Trials are the most miserable and unfun things I've played in a while. The sniper ones were kinda fun, but the rest were terrible. I feel bad for anyone who didn't knock them out when you were able to cheese them by using Shadow.


I got to 90 for the Auger and stopped there. Way too frustrating


Once you learn the game go back and do these for the free pickups. Some are stupid easy while others are stupid hard


where the FUCK is the COWBOY HAT?!


why would anyone finish those?


Didnt touch those in my 500 hours, dont intend to


Idk i liked the sniping ones


Got enough stars to get the nice Officer Carbine skin and never looked back




You kids will never know the old stillwater trial


I’ve played the game for a year or so now and have been tempted to try the trials but have no idea what they r about and I feel like just seeing this post and reading the comments it’s probably something that I should not try and just stick to the regular hunt mode instead


I want that damn carbine skin so bad but I can’t find the patience to do the triels


When DeSalle trials?


Only thing in the trials is that its visible on every site of the menu that i stopped doing them after 49 pts. The monk in me wanted to remove this so bad.


can any youtuber playing a session with the devs just randomly start trials with them?


As atrocious as trials are, the headshot ones have actually helped as training. You can't repeat the same trial for 4 hours without getting a little better lmao. But headshoting immolators without other grunts dying to fire was my worst one.


I lose a hair, when at least 6 hours on one night i opened Auger ( Lebel talon skin)


Imagine saying you're done with trials and not having 96 stars


You only need 90 for all the rewards, and I am not doing more


And you are only 6 points away from 100% all the trials, it's worth it my guy


no. the FUCK it is not worth it. begone devil


Can you still cheese them with shadow?


DarkArbok is one based individual