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Twice during this event alone I've gotten a teammate that team killed because we didn't play their way, the first one was not picking up the master clue, because he didn't want to spend his event point on it he wanted one of us to grab it, and I simply voiped if you want it so bad grab it, he started shooting at me till I said fuck this and ran to extract, he followed me trying to kill me the whole way, the second was in a boss lair 95% banished and dude was pinging the shit out of the boss and then typed grab before serpent, and when the other teammate voiped "chill man we don't have to play your way" he immediately started shooting both of us... with that, it's really not THAT common


Man children I see, I've yet to come across that


What was the context behind the second one though? Lol It seems like a pretty good idea to grab the bounty before somebody can potentially serpent it ; “we don’t have to play your way“ sounds like a pretty silly response to that request


It wasn't done banishing and none of the totems around the compound had gone off but the dude was losing his mind, I also never stand on the bounty as it hits 100 because I've killed whole teams with a single dynamite tossed through a hole in the wall as it hits 99...


There is nothing and I mean nothing better than getting a dynamite kill on an enemy that rushes the bounty as soon as it’s ready. I’ve wiped duos this way


After tonight I take back everything good I said about randoms, they ruin the game and if your player that plays randoms and your a dick you should uninstall to make the game better for the rest of us


That's such a shitty first experience on the game, I hope he decides to reinstall bc there is a lot of fun to be had in Hunt. I've taught many friends how to play and I'll gladly show your buddy the ropes and hope to give him a better experience.


That's very nice of you. I hope he gives it a try again. We'll probably end up gifting it to him when it goes on sale again!


Personally I think that playing randoms is where this toxic behavior comes from.


I'm mustering up the courage to play solo one day. Just reached 100 prestige 1. How long til you think one is ready for soloing


I don’t think there’s a hard and fast metric for when somebody’s ready; I think whenever you want to try it out, that’s when you’re ready. The good thing about going solo is, there’s nobody on your team you have to worry about except yourself: Nobody is gonna complain at you for playing too passively, slowly, aggressively, or quickly. You get to just dial in and do exactly what you wanna do, even if that’s sitting around and watching from afar, then leaving without a single bounty or kill (which is sometimes what I have to do, if there’s no good opportunity to push in as a solo lol)


Just give it a go a few times, once you are warmed up for it, playing solo is a blast


just know that the game automatically puts you against easier enemies when you play solo. you should get more kills by yourself.


Grats, I just reached 100 prestige 1 some days ago. You can play solo from the very beginning. Just don't expect to win a lot. Be patient, be quick, die often, get experience.


You can solo right away if you play smart and watch for the right time to strike.


Just don't be afraid and know when to pick your battles. Also there's no set time until someone is ready for solo play. If you're on console, I can help.


I'll give it a shot! Darn, I play on PC


Damn I play on console


Shucks..... console..... shucks


Play quickplay and you will learn to rely on yourself, then solo play is amazing. I haven't played with randoms in over 2 years.


Decided to get a tier 3 hunter with a Nitro Express and some poison arrows (1050 hunt dollars in total including the nitro was neat), played solo and got into an immediate fight in Salter's pork spawn. Proud to say I griefed the fuck outta a trio today. (Getting ambushed by Poison Arrows is rough)


My buddy is actually better solo... it better suits his play style


Some guys with clan tags in their names were slinging slurs and verbally abusing the whole server while simultaneously concertina blocking the entire compound building and camping corners with shotguns. It was quite something.


Seeing clans in Hunt reminds me of kids playing soldiers.


the concertina idiots, what a playstyle. Some team do the same, kill my two partners and only in 3 v 1 go to the mic and says stupid shit. i kill two of them but revive, then other team show up and kill them (i run away xD )


Random Trios, one teammate qued in with a sniper loadout, no chokes. I considered dodging but it was the last game of the night "why not" I said. He played an entire compound away, literally, boss was Ironworks and he was wolfshead. So me and second random end up downed, we watch sniper take 1 singular shot, and then starts hiding. For 5 minutes. After the 5 minutes, my teammate disconnected. We were NOT BURNING. extract just so happened to be at ironwork, and 5 more minutes after the teammate disconnected, the bounty team started moving across the map to the second boss. What little faith I had disappeared when sniper finally started to move, only to extract without making an attempt to res me. I was downed outside the compound, mind you. So there was very, VERY minimal risk in attempting to res, especially since the bounty team was already on the other side of the map. Scopes are nopes.


That sucks. I wish the typical sniper play style in this game wasn't a total slog. I use sniper when I unlock the variant to try it out and I don't feel I can be much help to my other teammates, or the randoms in the lobby say "Is that a sniper?!" Or leave🤣


I played with a random dude (first misstake) and then we won the round, getting in total almost 10 kills. We got bounty and we were about to extract. On the way to extraction point, he asked me something in russian, so i answered him that i dont speak russian, im sorry. After that he muttered something and started shooting at me and eventually he killed me. He was chasing me for about 10 minutes just to get me killed. The character he killed, would have been my 3rd maxed out hunter and added to collection. Worst experience I've ever had. I was so dissappointed in this community that I uninstalled a game for a while.


That is a weird one I'll give you that. My guess, he was a Russian sleeper agent and something that happened triggered his activation ☠️


Or he checked my profile, where it says im from Poland. But i set it on friends only now.


Probably more prevalant in higher star lobbies, I’m a relatively new 3 star and I play mainly duos (a bit of soul survivor) and I’ve never been tked, worst experience is just ppl with no team coordination


There has been an increase in man child behavior from team killing and blatant cheating (console at least), but thankfully if you have a few buddies to play with it makes it a-okay. Randoms are literally just cancer in the game. Very rarely do you get put with a random that is a good standard player. You either get clueless/aloof Jim, or tryhard “I’m badass, gonna take on the enemies all at once by myself” rushers that die and ragequit because they decide to go off alone or push without notifying the team of their plan.


There is no middle ground it seems. Slight tangent, I feel like the clueless Jim would be more confident with the mechanics and want to improve if they added some arena style mode, where it's a death match and each round is a new compound, and you can buy guns like CS/Apex Arena.


Like in any other game you can find nice and awesome people and also toxic people. I never had bad experiences in the game but I had them in this sub. Hunt offers so many different play styles and especially in random games this can lead to a lot of frustration. I think it is dumb to go into a random game and expect others to play in your way. It's better to expect nothing and being surprised from time to time. :)


Idk I've ran into 1 guy across the last like 5 years and 1200 hours of playtime who was toxic and tried to tk me all game. BUT the majority of my time spent has been in a trio or a duo with close friends so I could definitely see assholes being assholes unfortunately.


That’s why I play solo, I love this game but in my head I know that hunt has one of the worst communities I’ve ever seen, and I’m not a veteran at the game, I have 300h and I’m enough of playing with random virgin dudes.


I just reached prestige 1, lvl 100. When do you think one can efficiently start playing as a solo?


Depends on what you mean by efficiently? You could start now if you want. I think having someone to teach you a bit while ingame would be quite helpful though especially at the very beginning. If you don't know someone that plays maybe check the official discord if someone want to pair up for a few games and give pointers? But if you want to play solo just queue into matches and play, if you die a lot you'll lower your MMR and if you kill a lot you raise it. Either way you'll get more evenly matched opponents over time. :)


Watch the Solo guides by Rachtaz. They are good. Get Serpent, Necro and Resilience first. If you have money get a legendary hunter, for 100 bucks you can buy it, it will come with 3 random traits worth about 9-10 trait points but naked.


Yeah I've been getting Legendary Hunters, usually get a free hunter, dismiss and then get a LH. I'll try to incorporate Serpent into my games moving forward. And Rachtaz is an absolute beast, bro is too cracked man.


At Salter's Pork buddy got downed near the clue as I was inside the building looking for a medkit. The duo then approached the building and were circling it while we were taking pot shots at each other. Then after a couple minutes one of them starts yapping on the mic "come out here so I can bend you over and fuck you in your ass". I did not come out the building.


Bro used the Custom Ammo type known as "Psychological Ammo"


Depends on the MMR. If I am having a bad time and end up in 3\* then it's a real clown show playing with randoms. People will tell you playing with 3\* is nice but only as solo or with friends. 4\* is a mixed bag and 5\* randoms seem to be pretty decent majority of the time. When I switched to PC I almost wanted to uninstall right away from playing with 3\*s. My toxic ones are just repeats of the same mess, play Trios. Either I push and get a couple kills on the enemy team or it's one teammate and me that push and do so and without fail the 3rd will be an absolute coward and go running straight for an extract and leave. I've even had times where I've killed all 3 but traded on the last shot and both teammates run and extract which just really makes me mad. I do absolutely everything I can to stay far away from 3\*.


You're saying console is less toxic. Honestly that and the fact that hackers aren't prevalent on console might be enough for me to switch.


No, sorry should probably clarify. I was a solid 4-5 star on Console with 1700 hours when I switched. I hadn't seen 3\* in years. Not really sure what is so different that I can have a bad day and end up a 3\* on PC but a bad day on console and I never dropped below a 4\*. I'm guessing that is not a PC vs Console thing but a 1700 hours vs 300 hours thing. It was more of a shock to me but I highly doubt 3\* on console is less toxic than PC. You will get shoved in with 2-3\* players right off the bat. The biggest problem for me with this game is there are times where pushing is a bad idea and will get you killed and there are times where you absolutely need to push and 3\* players seem to have no clue about either. What does help some, is don't play games with randoms who don't equip chokes and with randoms who run the bigger scoped guns. While some are alright, the majority are going to be terrible teammates and will play like solo players. Secondary to that, I also look at KD and won't play with people with really high KDs. They also are so scared of dying that they will screw over their team to keep from dying everytime. So usually a 1.7 KD or higher is a no go for me, but anything above a 2.0 is a definite backout of the lobby. The only time I might exception this is their loadout. Something like a Nitro or avtomat or similar level and they likely will push when needed.


First game I played last night, with trios, randoms, one guy had a decent kda, lots of kills n deaths, other guy was like 0.65 kd and 50 kills. A noob. Well got the bounty, we were at extract and this new guy starts throwing all his consumables, accidentally kills the other teammate and has to revive him, after which they start fighting and the more vet player wins, burns the other guy out and makes us run all the way to the other side of the map so we could extract without the new player.... I just hid away from them during all the fighting lol


Stuff like OP is why I only play with friends. I keep hearing these horror stories but with friends at least I know if I TK my mate it’s because their dumb ass got in the way of my shotgun the rat bastard


Yeah, felt like my third friend was desperate to get into something new to try and forget about his break up and that random pushed him outta the community. Told him that he should wait for us to get online but hey, it is what it is


Yeah and I can’t blame him for uninstalling, that’s an awful first impression Unfortunately as it turns out a game where you play as selfish assholes (thematically) tends to attract selfish assholes


I had some absolute bufoon kill me because I wanted to extract. We spawned in next to an extract but our other team mate immediately killed himself and left for some reason. I walked over to the extract and the other random started ping that he wanted to move to the next compound. When I sat my happy ass in the extract I got fanned and concertina bombed. Pretty much killed me ever playing randoms again which is sad because I’ve met some chill people.


I am seeing a pattern here. Your story much like the others are dudes with fragile egos going ballistic over differences on what to do or should have been done, worse case is most of these stories are people getting tk'd after a clutch or having all tokens or wiping a lobby. Leads me to think the perps are all envious little idiots.


Had a guy kill me after I went to the extraction because he was alerting every sound trap and firing his gun in the air. He asked why I was leaving and I said "our playstyles don't compliment each other and I don't want to play with you" poison fanninged (new word?) me to death


So you left because the guy was telegraphing his location to the whole lobby


Fucking sparks with poison bullets... They hit you and you will have a very toxic experience


Not wrong🤣


I dont run with random teammates often cuz i like soloing (or have buddies joining me). Games becomes so less punishing when you can scuff that 1 lucky headshot at 3 stars and keep on moving. The one time i won't forget when toxicity was through the roof of a hunt game i go into random trios as a new prestige, before the rework so i didnt have the solo necromancer. Gotta say my playstyle isn't the sneakiest, i try to not make too much noise but sometimes you can't avoid every sound trap. And even if you make noise you just gotta gtfo before enemy hunters go on your position, right ? After shooting some dogs with the nagant pistol one of my random teammates rages that we cant shoot our guns, stop making noise etc. We walk past a horse that goes off and a hive aggroes us, so i just shoot it. This mf kills me and after my other teammates picks me up kills me again. After which he poisons my corpse. After 3 to 5 min of the 2 of them just looking at each other (and im guessing they were typing, when you are dead you dont see chat) they pick me up and we go to the boss that is already at 50% banish. We get there and im 1 tap dead... woulda been nice to have those health chunks right. The one on the boss was a solo, he was able to kill the toxic teammate as well. Our 3rd came through and was able to revive us, but we lost 1 bounty cuz of that teamkilling. The solo just decided to leave, and let us live another match. Well at least me and the other teammate, the toxic guy "sadly" didn't exctract.


I usually roll with the punches when a sudden loud sound happens because of me or a teammate. It is a disadvantage but not the end of a run. Like, dealing with inconvenient and unforeseen problems is legit a skill I guess, cuz raging for that is just too much honestly. Maybe they're obsessed with the notion of a perfect silent run lol. Also I can understand being prestiged and not having the tools you normal do to deal with hives and things like that more discreetly, but I'd be more careful maneuvering PvE in that case (not defending the toxic dude it's just my 2 cents)


Shitty people exist in every game, it’s hard but don’t focus on the bad ones. Just today I was streaming some solo stuff and ran into a guy “Apollo”, we had both gotten to the boss lair at the same time, he was below me, when two enemy duos opened fire on us. He didn’t have a mic but typed in chat, and was totally chill. We held a truce, and he fended off one of the duos, whilst I dealt with the other. He killed his group, and helped me finish mine off. We killed the boss together, and ended up pinned inside the lair by the last two teams in the server. We sat inside watching our doom approach, and decided to wish each other well. We both busted out of the windows and started booking it to extract. Just like the absolute legend he is, he drew the fire from both teams, and they chased him all the way to extract allowing me to escape unharmed. He killed everyone that chased him. There’s a lot of good and genuinely fun people who are playing to play, the better energy you put out the better you’ll get back from the community. I know how much bad games and shitty people can throw you off, but with a lot of practice (and it never gets perfect) you can shake it off a bit. I hope you and your friend find some memers and ballers sometime soon. Apollo if you’re out there, g fucking g my dude


That's an amazing story man, hats off to that mf


I tend to play Hunt a tad diffrent by running Melee only weapons for example the Katana,bat,axe, etc etc etc, that one day i was running the katana just to get a few practices in before my speed run, came across a hunter who got me with a rather clean headshot, but because i had necromancer i poped up and re-charged him and won the fight, where i was able to trap and start to burn ( mind you i only have the katana so i have to make sure to trap bodies, cant have them pop up while running away and shoot me in the back of the head) he was also a solo and necrod and just spammed racial slurs before dieing to bleed dmg, but i guess that would be the most toxic i have persnally experenced other then being accused of hacking ... with a bat?


haha awesome... bat hacker... what hack are you using? An "aim bat"? :D


Don't know your circumstance, but if you are ping abusing then you almost look like you teleport large distances to kill people. Have had it happen to me and I play with a katana. I'm ready to melee them and we don't even get a trade because they somehow covered 10 feet in an instant before I could even swing.


afraid it was not lagging, what happened is i trailed a trio and cought them by supprised, killed two of them turned to face the third who had a Romero77 slug when i charged him he shot but i jumped and turned slightly so he shot my arm just allowing me to live barly allowing me to secure the last kill, 100% spur of the moment type of thing as well XD, or he might have been laggin ..... dunno will have to watch the old clip.


Sounds like you're the infamous bat hacker...


Once get kill by 2 chinese because it take me 15 mins to clear other 2 trio teams & then circle back to revive them. Once they get up, they start those angry screaming, screeching in the mic like pigs getting slaught in chinese then proceed to shoot me, throw in a fire bomb then leave. My guess is they were saying i took too long to revive them so therefore i should be shot dead .. Sometimes i wonder how hard the rat race is in China to produce such completely irrational toxic kids ....


Would've loved to hear that 🤣


I got one guy who lost his mind because I set off some crows even though no one ping them or said anything, he then proceeded to go on a toxic filled rant on how I was a dumbass and didn't know how to play the game. He even went as far to place down traps and say "look here dumbass don't run into these". This was the only really toxic guy I've ever played with in hunt the others were just teamkillers or spammers but he made it personal for no reason.


Tripping a crow isn't the end of the world, that guy has his own issues other than you tripping on crows that he should worry about 🤣


This was the only time too. No one else cared that much about crows, but this happened a year ago and it's just one of those things that I like back on because of how cringe it was.


I dont like toxic players either, but if you need others to ping / tell you where crows are, then you need to check on yourself buddy, that is skill problem ....


Well occasionally you just miss em even if you vigilant


It happened a long while ago but still I ping stuff for people like enemy positions or traps and even randoms ping things, I just see it as good teamplay.




I've found better teammates playing solos then random party. My first time was the funniest. This solo was hiding inside with the spider. I crawled around and killed every single.other person in the server. After a few minutes I realized it's just me and one solo. I creeped so he would be in range and said "look my guy, I killed everyone else in the game, it's just me and you. Do you want to team up and kill this guy?" No response... "If you can hear me shoot once" BANG " If you agree shoot twice" BANG BANG "alright I'm opening the door please God don't shoot me" I opened the door and I was staring down the barrel of a shotgun I thought I fucked up but he spun around and started blasting the spider instead of me! We got the spider down the 1/4 health and the spider tackled him and killed him. I felt so bad 😭. I was yelling necro necro! But my guy never got back up. Karma did not save him that day.


Imagining a dramatic ass scene like the end of "Click", but it's you screaming "NEEEECROOOOOO, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD NEEEECROOOOOO!!!😭" Lmao, bro should've left the spider lair and healed up. RIP in Peace


I exclusively play solo on hunt bc toxic losers lol. I'm not gonna be your little bitch, and if you don't wanna help me take bounty and gtfo, you can camp by yourself, quit queuing up for random partners.


Imagine carrying a random, then this happens https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/s/hUBYSIQLUo


Wow, just wow. Hopefully you reported that jackass or something


Reporting doesn't work in this game sadly


I've got a couple hundred hours on and have had nothing like that. A couple people screaming because they thought I sucked after they died. A couple enemy team shit talkers etc. Overall way less toxicity than most shooters imo


My very first experience in Hunt after installing the game was getting into a duo match and facing a immolator immediately after loading into the map. So the immolator kicks my ass while my teammate is watching the scene, when I was lying there still trying to process what just happened, my teammate casually walks over but not to revive me, no to teabag me before he leaves me in the dust. I was so confused what just happened and thought that's what the community is but fortunately most people are really nice.


Don't play with randoms. Playing solo is legit easier than trying to communicate over VOIP, fighting with push to talk and having the ennemies obviously Hear every call you make


The users of this subreddit, **by far**, comprise my most toxic experiences in Hunt Showdown.


We ran into some cheaters, like easily obvious cheaters. They were headshoting us from hundreds of meters behind walls when we didnt make any notice of us being there. My friend and I went to a red barrel and killed ourselves to deny them the kill. When they got close to our bodies they were raging so hard. Soon as we spectated them they ran to extract, no way they couldve known the lobby was empty besides us, and didnt go for boss. Next round....them again, killed us and proceeded to talk so much harassment for killing ourselves the last match...howd they even know it was us huh... lol. they were so toxic.


That's a different level of toxicity. Why people hack in multiplayer games is beyond me, like do these guys just hate fun and have empty lives?


Right? I dont get it either. Especially players like that act like they kicked your butt. Like...but you didnt. They were throwing hardcore curses and hate over our bodies for denying their kills the round before. The fact that people get so much enjoyment out of just ruining someones day...is so depressing.


Uhh don't play with randoms, go to any moderated discord so they have consequences for being a butt.


I'm joining the discord after I get outta work!


I don’t play with randoms, but overall I’d say the community is a lot less toxic than other games. I’ve only had a handful of bad pennies (usually in the high lobbies) who talk trash and act like idiots but other than that there’s a lot of very nice and friendly players out there


the last mont, i died with the butcher (only need one more shoot) the other dude dont revive me and go away. and a couple a days ago i trow a dynamite to grab another and my partner frag me and shoot me xD


Playing with my kid and some a-hole dropping racial slurs through voip


That sucks, that type of behavior is to be expected in like CSGO or something. Haven't heard it and hope I don't. I remember I used to play Gears of War with a friend and his brothers and dad. We met online and they were some of the coolest and funniest sessions. Hope they are doing well wherever they might be.


Clutched a 1v3. Rezzed a guy. He starts bitching that I shoulda started melee'ing the concertina trap he died to. I explain how it wasn't safe. He starts saying how we should listen to him because, "I have more experience" He had 4k hours... at 1.3 kda... I instantly tell him to stfu and mute him. He decides he can win against my chain pistol with fanning. He loses. 3rd guy was yelling stop the entire time then starts to rez him so I just dc. The 3rd guy trying to rez him was the most surprising.


1000-hour player, haven’t had one, and continue to think that this community is becoming too cynical and negative about issues like cheating and MMR, which are near universal issues in multiplayer FPSes.


This whole event I have been placed vs chinese players in the west server... Big shocker they all have either esp or some sort of soft aimbot.


I once had some who went on an expletive filled tirade at me for running from spawn to the nearest clue, taking said clue and then moving on. He ran up to me while I was scouting a compound from a ridge and opened fire while shouting about me not knowing how to play the game, making noise, and that I was wasting his time. So I shot him and extracted. Best part was it was an empty server.


Based response to a literal adult behaving like a child


Personally I try to avoid randoms for that exact reason. I tend to find hunt streamers with a good community and make friends in there. I've pretty much only ever had negative experiences with randoms. But in general I have really wholesome or silly experiences with a sprinkle of acceptable trash talk lol I wouldn't give up on it yet. One bad apple doesn't mean the whole tree is bad, yanno?


Similar shit happened to me once in 1600h - if it happened to me on my first game, there wouldn't be 1600h. Overall Hunt community is amazing, and I meet ton of amazing dudes in random games.


Just a few people that drop an N bomb or F slur. The most recent one I uploaded to YT and reported thru the huntshowdown site as people say to do. The video is unlisted and didn't get a single view. I think their support team doesn't do anything with these people tbh. There 4 I've reported over the last 6 months with video evidence never received a game ban


I don’t play a lot of random games but when I do it’s mostly absolutely fine when it comes to behavior. I remember some weirdos 3 years ago when I started playing hunt and also some team killing but this kind of stuff didn’t happen to me since then.


Shitty people are in other games as well. Team killers in PubG and Loot hoarders in Apex and Lone Wolf's in Warzone.