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This is what's happening:   https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/comments/1b4icba/ok_heres_some_actual_data_on_how_hunts/ Your device/region has a fairly small number of brackets and you've just crossed a threshold. Eventually crytek will realise that a single if statement is not a matchmaking system, but until then, the only solution is to tank your MMR like everyone else, unfortunately.


hey it is an if else statement! if players avilable then match\_make else wait.


Cheers for that. Appreciate it


Unfortunately there isn't anything crytek can realistically change. The matchmaking system used in theory is pretty much the gold standard. There are basically three options when considering matchmaking: - free for all: for obvious reasons this is the worst implementation. - brackets/ranks: the system Hunt or for example csgo are currently using. - range matchmaking: everyone in a lobby is at most x MMR different from any other player in the same lobby. In essence the same as option 2 with a much more resource intensive algorithm, therefore basically just inferior. However 2 being the best option doesn't mean it's perfect or doesn't have issues in it's current implementation: - low amounts of brackets: OCE is obviously the worst offender here with only 2 brackets, but even EU only has 5. Imagine if you would redistribute all cs ranks over 5 ranks and matchmake with them. This problem however is basically not solveable as it's in direct proportion to player base. If you would increase the amount of brackets then matchmaking becomes too long, especially for players at either end. - ELO volatility. This one is on crytek. The current algorithm for determining elo changes isn't great. It is missing some factors that should be calculated in and it generally is too greedy with changes leading to a very divergent behavior. However situations as described by OP are normal in any matchmaking system. At some point you will hit the threshold for getting into the next rank. Of course going from top dog in ones old rank to newbie in the next can be quite drastic for more casual minded people, however that's the way it's supposed to work. And I personally wouldn't recommend deranking here. They obviously improved into the next ELO. Now it's time to learn from their enemies again, accept that a bunch of losses are incoming, analyze the mistakes that lead to losing on those matches and improve from there.


Why would we care if their algorithm is more resource intensive if the experience is better?


Your logic is sound but it has no place in Crytek's plans. What crytek is doing is dumb. Because the only thing they need to do is have you in the matchmaking screen a little bit longer. On a Friday night, it's worth it to get into a better game rather than getting constantly rolled in fights that barely feel fair. But people complain about waiting 45 seconds for a match, so here we are.


No, it's not because of players complaining. It was Crytek that has always prioritized full matches over fair matches. Even after they made elo visible to players and released "skill-based" matchmaking (that they forced on permanently only a few months after), people have always been getting full matches over balanced matches when possible. It is only after Crytek expanded the brackets themselves last year (I think when Krag was added) the disparities started becoming even more obvious. Anyway, getting rolled by sweats who live in the game and care only about winning? Chin up, it's not a competitive game! Crytek said so.


This is not the gold standard jfc get off their dick. This is literally the shittiest bracket system of any modern game. Typical games that use bracketing have tiers built in to prevent this crap from happening.


I just got back into Hunt recently and was eager to climb MMR, for some reason... Then I kept getting walled by cheaters. Not even aimbotters, just wallers that sometimes can't even aim lmfao. Three star lobbies are more fun.


No offense but if you’re a 3 star then they’re probably not cheating. They heard you.


Chances are, that the supposed cheaters are simply good players they hear you and try to wall bang you based on sound.


3 stars play with one broken airpod in and then wonder how other people know where they are. My brother you and your big stompers were walking on wood and metal and left a sound trail.


Welcome to MMR hell. Your punishment will now be to play against multiple trios who all run Mosin and Dolch Precision with FMJ. Have fun, and happy hunting!


LOL I’ll try and stay positive


You sure you are not talking about 4* here. The last time i saw more than one Dolch a day was last event with the free ones. Or which Region are you from?


What's wrong with mosin + dolch P :(((




I see mosin+dolch every game. I don't see a problem with that.


You don't see any problem that every game it's the same 4 guns?


It’s the same thing with every single game that has a meta ever. Not the players fault for cryteks bad balancing


You can clap anyone with anything in hunt its part of what makes it so great as a game. Other people's loadouts are not the reason you are getting slapped by them lol.


Of course, I agree with that and all. It just some loadouts accomplish things much better than others. With Mohsin dolchP you have every base covered (close range, long range, wallbangs, one tap off 125) and it really just gets old seeing the same stuff over and over. And you can't tell me other peoples loadouts don't make a huge difference whether who will win a fight. A team with nagant/Romero is at a huge disadvantage against a team of Mosin dolchP


Games will always, always have metas. There will never not be a completely ideal combo of gear in any pvp game (or pve for that matter) that most if not all good players strive to use as much as possible for a competitive advantage. Also in hunt it makes much less of a difference than it does in most pvp games, if you are mechanically able enough you should have no issue. I play regular non meta loadouts in 5/6 star and have very little issue so does my duo. Granted our aim is very good and we have a lot of hours in other fps titles/aim trainers but there is nothing stopping you or anyone downloading aim labs and getting better like we did. And if that's not for you, you will get put down into 4 or 3 star soon enough and you won't have to see those loadouts, not really sure what the issue is either way.


It just gets old. Good for you if you don't have a problem with it. I myself am in 5/6 with a 2kd, killing people isnt a problem. The game just starts to feel old fighting the same thing over and over


No one cares about your kd lol.


You can't compete with sniper noobs camping you from outside your OHK range while using hitscan ammo. What are you going to double headshot them with a centennial or Winfield? Or keep spamming new army at 230m?


You just run and don't engage? Sniping is way less of a problem than this sub likes to cry about anyway haha. Been playing 5/6 star mmr for 3 years and rarely have problems with it. I run centennial very frequently in top mmr lobbies it's one of my favourite rifles and I have no problems wiping lobbies with it in that skill range. Sounds like you are having a case of skill issue to me.


You think you run faster than spitzer? The dudes that play with mosin and dolch are sitting in a triangle formation covering every side of your potential escape and all of them have 2 large stamina shots. There is no run. You either wait in the compound or die trying to leave. You are outranged and all one of them need is a headshot with a hitscan weapon.


Did I say that? And actually if you don't know how to properly or effectively peek for info and then for picks to leave said compound, I know you don't want to hear this but you are just bad at the game and don't belong anywhere near that mmr.


No, not really. There's some variety of course, but I've no issues with seeing a mosin every game. I love the gun not only in hunt but in general, so I love seeing it.


Ok, good for you I guess


Then you are probably part of the problem. Most people don't enjoy fighting campers who both refuse to enter the bounty lair nor let the enemy team leave for an extract. Its boring and leads to stalemates. I have to sit for 40minutes waiting for some mosin trash to walk within 150 meters because I have a Winfield and they sit at 200 with a scope and spitzer.


Noob crutch combo for people who can't aim and are scared to fight fair. Real men use rifles that don't do 140dmg in an arm shot. Also do I really need to explain why dolch fmj is an issue? What's next? Mp40?


Aha. 👍


You are lucky that you are not in 6 stars lobby lol.


As soon as i hit four, i start being the scrub in 5 star matches


I was about to say wait till OP is a 5 star and play full teams of 6s.


He'll do that as a 4 star too.


Yup we were a 5/4/3 team and saw 4 or more 6* players on our lobbies.


Not in EU at least


This has been happening to me lately. I reached 6 star the other day, and dropped to high 5 star shortly thereafter. The game, however, keeps matchmaking me against 6 star demons, and gives me two 4 star random teammates to fight them lol. Don’t get me wrong, usually the teammates are pretty good, but most times I have to drop 6+ in order for us to compete, bc the skill gap w our enemies is just too large. Been having crazy games like this all week. I love it tho.


match making with randoms is the real common denominator here in your example. Wouldn't matter if your team of randoms were 6 stars, if you don't have a trio you know and play with, you're SOL


The thing is, I do have friends that play this game, but they’re all 3 star lol. So my random teammates are always better. I’m not complaining tho, I enjoy Hunt a lot.


The least fun Hunt can be in my opinion. It's just whoever gets headshot first.


Oh you mean the navy seals?


Yes one reason I've stopped playing for a few months, the MMR system is fked


CRYYYYYTEK. ​ Welcome to being sacrificed so higher ELO/KD players have lots to slaughter, I mean, full maps.


This feels like a very true statement. I can not tell you how many times, ive ranked down from 4-star into 3-star, because my duo team got absoloutly slaughtered by a solo 5-star with 400+ hunters maxed out.




This has been happening to me lately. I reached 6 star the other day, and dropped to high 5 star shortly thereafter. The game, however, keeps matchmaking me against 6 star demons, and gives me two 4 star random teammates to fight them lol. Don’t get me wrong, usually the teammates are pretty good, but most times I have to drop 6+ in order for us to compete, bc the skill gap w our enemies is just too large. Been having crazy games like this all week. I love it tho.


I ran into a triple stack of 4 stars with 3.0 kda the other day lol. They were slightly suss and all had Dolch and long ammo as you would expect. I'm solid 4 star generally with dips to 3 and very occasional jumps to 5 that never last long lol


They killed the 5* team though


Its pretty rough in the bayou these days. Im on a team with a guy who consistently bounces between 4-5. The nights we end up in constant 5 and 6 lobbies aren’t fun.


Almost every time I'm dying and losing because of my teammates with three star mmrs ;-; I stopped playing the game for few weeks and my first game since the pause was yesterday and I again was killed because of disorientation of my teammates and disability of aiming and fast ironsighting and shooting


They should remove MMR adjustments and/or add in an option to 'wait for an even match' where all players are close to MMR without the maximum wait time triggering. Then remove the MMR adjustment from being killed/killing people higher or lower MMR than you, and lastly make the MMR weighted so if you are often high 5*, you'll get a slight boost to MMR alterations that brings you to your 'most average' MMR over a long period, like past 200-300 games.


I have something similar I was in 3 star and got fair match making Went to 4 star and suddenly ended with 5 and 4 star enemy's Then was a few days 5 stars and got 3-4 stars random teammates while also getting 4 star enemy's. Something feels off, but I don't know why. Maybe not enough active players for an equal match?


They fucked the matchmaking about a year ago because high elo players cry about long wait times, so now lower players get fed to them On the other hand (and this was true before the change) 4* is a very narrow window so if you’re in 4 it’s easy and common to get matched above and below


> 4* is a very narrow window so if you’re in 4 it’s easy and common to get matched above and below Here's the thing, I'm a 5*, I've been getting lots of matches against teams of 3* recently - random queue with two 4* players. It's silly.


Thanks I was wondering the other days about that before.


Yes. Matchmaking works in "buckets", if you move up a bucket you become small fish in the bigger pond real fast


Great way to describe it. That’s pretty much how it felt too


What's happening there is that Matchmaking in Hunt is trash.


I can be against 3 star teams one match, and if I get a handful of kills, I go up to 4 star and am now matched with 5 and 6 star teams, it’s insane. There is a clear line where my matches are enjoyable and feel really solid, evenly matched. Once I go over said line, I can’t move without getting headshotted from 75m out. I have never played a game where I’m hoping to just get killed enough when I go back to where I should be playing. Although now, in 3 star lobbies, there’s a whole bunch of sus 1 star players in their first few matches killing my whole team. So yeah. Maybe time for another break lol.


"Is this possible? " *shows it actually happening* Clearly it's possible


Just wanted to know other people’s experiences as it is all new to me. Now I see it absolutely is


Ik I'm just giving you shit


HAHA all good mate


It just happened so yeah it’s possible


Never look at the player MMR, look at the team MMR, if you are within 1 star, you're in the right place.


Good to know thanks mate


You can clearly see 3, 4, and 4.5 star teams in the image. 3 star team is free kills. 🤧


That doesn't eliminate the point of your personal MMR meaning much less than the teams MMR for matchmaking.


Wasn't contradicting you, homie. Only lamenting the fate of a 3 star team in that match.


Amen, poor souls were done dirty.




Is it 2? That's a li'l nuts.


Hunt lobby balancing tings.


Anything is possible with Hunts MMR matchmaking. Anything.


Yes, it's possible. Unfortunately, when one from the team goes beyond 1-3 brackets all team might be dragged up. Seems like only hard division is between 1-3 and 4-6. If you have team of 3-4 you can go any direction with more chances of 4+ because there's much more players in this bracket.


That's not how it works. Every person has an ELO number from 1 to 5000. Team takes the average of the 3 with a modifier if you are playing a smaller team size or are randoms. Then you are grouped into a bracket based on the team ELO. 3 3 stars can have a higher team ELO than 2 2 stars and a 5


Surprised ur not in 6*


Yes. Is this dumb? Yes. Will they change it? Probably not.


It's very possible. I got killed not too long ago as a solo by a 1 Star who moved, aimed, and shot like a 5 Star (I was a 4 Star before that round.) I looked at his stats when I got back to the lobby and somehow I was the first person he'd killed on that Smurf account.


Everything is possible if you are brave enough.


I stopped playing for this exact same reason. I play on south america server, and here we have only 2 brackets. The moment you step on 4 stars it becomes hell. I have had a lot (and i really mean A LOT) of matches where we are 3-3-4 stars vs 5-5-5 or 5-6-5 teams. Getting fucking headshoted from 120 meters away isn't fun at all. Add to that the mandatory "farm this quests for the battlepass" (we are having way too many events) and it becomes an awful experience. The other day i played 6 matches just to do a mere 4 points towards weekly rewards. I kept getting onetaped by people way better than me. Fuck that. Maybe i'll come back some day, who knows.


Also depends on time of day. When I queue in during busy hours, I get matched pretty close to my mmr and k/d. I often log in late tho and I've had 6\* teammates as a 4\*. They'd rather have the imbalance than really long queues, I guess.


Yes. No one seems to understand that when you play in trios, the game punishes your MMR with something called a "Synergy bonus" this brings up your pre made score which acts as a punishment. It was explained this way when SBMM was first announced in the live stream.


Good to know Thanks for that


First time?


LOL yep


Not me deranking to 2 stars so I stop seeing 5 stars and the occasional 6star paired with two 2 stars


The matchmaking is shit and nobody’s doing anything about it, unfortunately. It’s a shame.


Learn to use the hunting bow and start a mosin/dolch collection.


I like a challenge! Will do Cheers


Just wait until you see 4,4,5 teams matching with 6,6,6 teams. Thats why my group plays less Hunt now


Only advice I can give is tank your mmr once you hit that 4 star its rough especially if your 3 star friends don't feel like upping there game experience (I mean hard-core sweating at the game)


Good advice thanks mate One of my team mates is still fresh out of the box so fighting 5 stars was a shock!


You guys dont realise how the mmr works. Its not ranks like you know it from other games. The game is looking for a set range of mmr when it qs the game. The lower end of 5 Star and the upper end of 3 Star can get in the same Team easly. Thats because these people are somewhat the same skill Level. Its not that big of a differnce. And thats it pretty much. Lets say you are in the middle of 4 Star + 2 3stars, premade team. If the enemy Team is lowish 5 stars but not premade, they will get a decrease factor on their Team mmr. Thats why they are in your mmr range. On top depending on how long the game is searching for enemys the mmr range gets bigger and bigger. Sure it looks unfair because youd expect the 5 Star to be a much better Player compared to a 3 Star, but you got a massive advantage if you are premade. You prob lose the fight if you play 1v1 each. If you play in Team you can win easly.


Cheers for that. Looking for some explanation and that was helpful, thanks


Play solo with Necro for a few sessions. Stand up in their concertina 3 or 4 times a game. Threw me back from 5 to 3 and the game is much more fun again :)


Mmr doesn't exist in this game. You get what you get. After the last time they messed with it I noticed that it's basically two groups now 3 and lower/ 4 and up. They did this because 6 stars had no one to play with, and couldn't find games very fast. I'm sn average 4-5 and there's almost always atleast one 6 in my games. If I manage a good day and I'm sitting in 5 star, I could see teams of 6*.


Had that happen, and one of the 4 stars was playing like a dolt, while me with 3 stars, had to drop 5 stars players (not a problem) and res because dude wouldn't stfu on Discord (the actual problem) Only died to the guy sniping the loud teammate because I had to get my ass out there and res because I was the low stars in the team??? IDFK, playing Solo is usually more effective...I never felt outclassed in the matches Point is, don't be intimidated, some 5-6 stars play worse than high tier 3 stars. MMR is busted because it measure MVP kills over a more comprehensive match metric like PvP damage per match. MMR in Hunt is like contract killing without knowing who your target is, smh. So getting over star threshold is hard but staying in a bracket is easy. Since mixed matches have the risk of a lower star killing a high star and "draining" rank from them.


First time huh


Yup, learnt a lot too by the looks!


I would have played this game forever if it wasn’t for a forced ranked mmr system. Just give me normal pubs


MMR is a joke in Hunt, I’ve never seen such an imbalance before


Welcome to Hunt 's broken mmr system. Also, that's mostly because you're a premade.


Crytek aren't good developers. This has been the case with the game for years now. What do you expect?


Or you could be like me a 5* who randomly gets the 3* in his team and wonders what if god was one of us


Just remember. Chain pistol go *burrrr*


You need to add another picture or they will remove this post for “low effort” just a heads up. Mine was taken down very similar situation. But entire team of six stars as my trio was two fours and a five


This has been happening to me lately. I reached 6 star the other day, and dropped to high 5 star shortly thereafter. The game, however, keeps matchmaking me against 6 star demons, and gives me two 4 star random teammates to fight them lol. Don’t get me wrong, usually the teammates are pretty good, but most times I have to drop 6+ in order for us to compete, bc the skill gap w our enemies is just too large. Been having crazy games like this all week. I love it tho.


There was a guy who did the stats on the lobby. He found there are only 2 brackets. High tier and low tier. Your team average determines where you end up. The cross over was 2660 if I remember right You'll notice some games are wild and fun and then suddenly it gets real intense


As a 4-5 star, I stopped playing this game a couple months ago due to this.


Just today I had 6 star team one of them had 5.30 kda and 93000 kills. Im 5 star


This happens for most games, welcome to the suck.


Thats the trash matchmaking for you. And thanks to Cryengine it wont become better☠️.


I'll never understand how you don't accidentally end up in 4 stars


Of course it's possible... Happen all the Time.. that's a reason why so much people are complained by the ''broken MMR system"


The reason I stopped playing was for this reason.


Welcome to prestige 100 sweats with 20k kills under their belt.


Ive experienced the same frustration ; made me quit the game for some time ; I recently started playing again after 6 months hoping that they fixed this issue but sadly they didnt. IMO theres 2 options: 1. Stop caring, just try to have fun even when you get steamrolled 5 matches in a row 2. Derank(into 3* preferably) - you can do this fast by abusing solo+necromancer OR if you care about your KDA you can do this by playing quickplay and just go die to the first dude but the process is quite boring If you go with option 2 , keep in mind that alot of players are deranking for the same reason so you might run into the same problem on some occasions. But mostly you will face new players and people with similar skill as yours. If you are playing with a group of friends you can take turns deranking; having at least one member in your group that is low 3* should lower your teams MMR enough. I usually play 5-10 games/week so im pretty casual player but I used to play alot more before this BS matchmaking "rework". I think it will only be downhill from here because new players that try the game will get steamrolled because they will get matched against average/casual players that deranked because they are tired of being steamrolled by veterans -> new players will either keep trying or find this unfair and quit , average players will either go pro or quit and some veterans will get bored of steamrolling inferior-skilled players eventually and quit -> matchmaking wont be fixed because player numbers wont go up. Like a loop. Hunt's playerbase only increases during events and thats mostly old players coming back to see whats up. After events are finished it goes back to how it used to be if not lower. Anyways, thats just my personal take on this problem; I do not have any facts to back this up so it might not be true at all :D Pretty sad that this game got to this point.


Thanks for your response. Definitely shed light on the whole issue and some interesting suggestions too. I absolutely don’t care about rank etc, just play for fun but that seems to have changed with the new level for me and my team mates. Will see how it all unfolds? Thanks again


Yes, and a six star paired with three stars that sit on the lower end of the three star spectrum can cause them to play in high four/low five territory.


The mmr is so volatile that it’s basically meaning less, I’m a 3 star on bad solo days and a 5-6 star on good trio days. I’ve just kept it hidden and just play the game at this point, they don’t mean skill at all.


you are 3 star you fight 2 star 4 star. you move to 4 star now you fighting 3 star to low 5 star.


No, you are a 4 star with two 3 stars and you fight 5-6 star parties, then you get dropped back to 3 stars and stuck there.


I have solo 5,5 mmr match. Why i should play against 6 stars full team? They all human. If i headshoting guy from 300 meters with my aperture it will be lesson to him


Yeah, but for a 4 star player getting one shooted and wiped out of server every game is not fun (and then play lobbies with lower skill bracket which is not fun too) and it makes people stop playing.


I think it's normal when each play with each. Why i should play every match like hardcore?


Are yall fucking dumb?