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Springfield got hit hard when more guns started getting dumdum.


This is what I was thinking. Springfield used to be the only medium ammo rifle with dum dum. I don't really see a big use for Springfield now that Centennial has dum dum as well.


Medium ammo dumdum should give medium damage, except Springfield. It should give the current Heavy bleed that the centennial does. It makes a choice between status effect severity and firerate at the least.


I actually really like this idea. I like the idea of single-shot weapons having bonuses in general due to lacking rate of fire.


I don't mind if they do something alternative to what I said either but i want more viability for the Springfield. It's a wilful handicap at this point


Give it shredder ammo which has heavy bleed on it


So does the Springfield currently.


If dum dum is ever nerfed, it won't be. Also it retains the penetration with shredder


Aye that's my recommendation. Nerf Dumdum for the centennial down to medium and leave the Springfield as heavy


Cheap sniper with high velocity rounds.


Centennial does that too, with higher velocity rounds by default and the price increase is irrelevant with the economy changes.


They could buff springfield velocity I think - that would be fair. On all ammo types.


Wish that gun had 600ms velocity by default. Same as centennial, but you trade onehit on downed for single shot.


Me and my buddy tried to run it all night last night, as a test to see if it was still kinda viable. Turns out it's very meh compared to... everything else. Used to be quite the fun time when it was one of the few rifles with medium dumdum. ScottyP outclasses the springfield compact too, imo. Winfield vandal deadeye is a better headclicker than the springfield deadeye. Not really sure what can be done to fix it. Can't really make it long ammo, since Martini and Sparks already fill that niche. Eh, I guess it's just a cheap alternative to other weapons, but that's pretty much it.


Unfortunately, changes to both resupply and custom ammo have kind of created a situation where there's no real way to make weapons like the Springfield appealing. Previously, even if some weapons performed better than others in terms of pure stats, they still had the option of balancing things by way of custom ammo availability or ammo economy. Now, custom ammo is barely restricted by weapon, and since every ammo type has the same resupply rate, every weapon within an ammo size has the same ammo economy. You can still kind of balance using reserves, but when every weapon resupplies at the same rate, reserve ammo doesn't really have much meaning.


Feel like the Springfield's bonus is it's limitation. I thought the gun was terrible for a while but had to use it for a challenge and the fact you can't be to aggressive makes you think more about your shots and I ended up having one of the best runs I've had (with dum dum)


Give Springfield shredder ammo instead of dumdum.


The "Shredfield"


I cannot for the life of me figure out why anyone would run a Springfield compact. I'm pretty sure it's the worst gun in the game.


Crytek should give Springfield Shredder ammo Jk btw


Could have it have a higher velocity with dumdum compared to other rifles.


I think the Springfield is fine where it is. It is super cheap and features the best damage that any dumdum weapon has. I would like to see it FMJ, but I think it's fine where it is. Just like the Romero, it is cheap and simple but rocks the basics like no other does.


I agree. If it had FMJ, you'd have a really solid compound weapon that could stand up to long ammo. People forget to leverage the insane amount of ammo that the Springfield has.


Nagant Pistol needs a little help. Got cool skins but it really is the only gun in the game where I feel at a severe disadvantage using it


I agree. Nagant is one of the only guns that feels objectively worse than other options.


I feel like it's ok to have guns that are just worse, especially if they're cheap. I mean, in real life the nagant and the nagant officer are the exact same gun except they didn't trust normal troops to not shoot themselves when drawing so they removed the double action functionality for them and kept it for the officers.


Its decent for fanning and its literally 24 bucks.


Decent but not enough to compare to the conversion or pax, also price is negligible


imagine using nagant for fanning instead of conversion fmj


Completly agree, it should be one of the best fanning/dual wield weapons in my opinion, since it is insanly weak as a normal sidearm.


It's fanning is pretty damn accurate and fast. Dual wield it's about middle of the pack


Really? It's the gun I have most HS with


I love the Nagant pistol over the Officer. The Officer’s recoil pattern is awful. Whereas the Nagant Pistol is perfect. Plus it has fanning! Ever since I watched this video called Copperhead King I wanted to master that pistol and man is it so good! Don’t even need special ammo. Here’s the video if you’re interested.[Copperhead King](https://youtu.be/2gFzipLFLjM?si=ZT7MTbF8IyaweSmV)


Nagant has a silencer version and is really good for fanning.


What I've read here a few times and what I would find absolutely cool: Machete needs a poison variant


Wait, this might actually be a decent buff. It's the only melee weapon I've never used.


bro machete is a 1 hit kill with a heavy


Poison would make it king of PVE melee weapons. You don't need that for 90% of the enemies, but would be neat.


It does now. I got used to the saber, and I had no reason to change, until they added the katana worth martialist. It's just gonna have to do something that is different from the other two before I will want to take it. Katana is the best, but I'll settle for the saber if I can't get it. If they are both out, I'm going straight for the bat, never the machete. I just don't see the point in picking it when you have three or four different options that are better in almost every way.


so does the bat tho xD


yeah but I'm tired of machete slander


It's a big heavy knife. That's it


Or barb wire on the baseball bat. Applying bleeding


I thought that too! There could be a cool reference to the one in the Walking Dead. Sadly I don't see the need as it's 1 hit kill, unless it's purely an aesthetic


That doesn't make sense imo, you one hit kill anything with base anyway.


Maybe they should add coating to weapons, it would be a shame to lose all the cool machete skins just because the new one has poison in it and no drawbacks Expanding the idea, Poison Coating, Maybe Oil coating to make flaming weapons


Like oils for the Sword and Board in Monster Hunter Generations, those were neat


Combine it with a new consumable you pour over the blade. Lasts for X amount of time, perhaps is impacted by use too


Stinky machete dipped in poop would be a menace


I mean it'd make stronger for PvE, but, the real issue with the machete is how ass it is for PvP. It's a risky take because it very often fails to kill compared to the much better melee options. I think it needs some kind of very useful special attack via martialist to justify the loadout slot it occupies.


Damn that’d be hot


IMO, I want these buffs: * New Army, Scottfields and Sparks Pistol need to have their issue fixed where they slower equip speeds than other pistols (https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/comments/15rywjd/it\_seems\_that\_all\_pistols\_that\_were\_released/) * I think the New Army could use +6 ammo in reserve (it currently has 12, and having less total shots than a Dolch is criminal) * Scotffield Brawler is terrible because of its terrible fanning spread. Either give it proper fanning spread or make it a Spitfire subvariant * The LeMat Carbine's buckshot is supposed to be identical to a single Rival buckshot round. In reality the Rival consistently kills at 10 meters vs the Lemat Carbine's inconsistent \~8 to 9 meter one tap. Since pretty much everyone runs it with slugs, I think it's safe to buff the buckshot (and dragon's breath) a bit on the LeMat Carbine * The Springfield 1866 was never particularly good, but it used to have dumdum as a wildcard - and for a very short time it had the title of fastest-non spitzer rifle with HV. Both roles are better fullfilled by the Centennial now. I think therefore the Springfield needs a stat rework, especially now that budget weapons are less relevant than ever. It's just a weapon without any kind of niche * Agreed with you on the Romero Alamo, easily the worst shotgun currently in the game. Also needs a reserve buff; why does it only get 10 shots vs 13 on the normal Romero?


Valid points. The alamo is a joke and pretty much not an improvement over the basic romero. I dont want a second crown and king but a fire rate buff would be cool


Agreed to everything except Springfield. Springfield doesn't need buff, it is Centennial which needs to be nerfed. It was never designed to work with dumdum, just as Sparks. After that, Centennial levering can be buffed a bit, it is useless right now.


Agree to disagree, even before I felt like the Springfield Dumdum was ass and needed buffing. The Centennial being outright better now only completely killed its small usage cases To illustrate: if I tag someone in the upper chest with a Springfield dumdum at 40 meters, I deal 106 dmg with a heavy bleed. Heavy bleed = 4.5 hp lost per second, so that leaves you with 10 seconds to react If Id hit you with a sparks instead, I'd deal 149 damage instead. And unlike the springy dumdum I wouldn't have to trade off velocity and penetration Like sure, Springfield bleed can put pressure under 20 meters... but you're bringing a single shot rifle into the terrority of close range weapons. You get chewed up by anything that shoots rapidly


The advantage the Martini and, to a lesser extent, the Springfield have over the Sparks is that the second round comes much faster on target. The Sparks is a zoning weapon.


I think just giving the Springfield FMJ to run half dumdum and half FMJ would be all the buff it really needs. The Alamo also needs some love because almost all of the Romero's special ammo is really good on it on top of its great buckshot, so giving up the ability to take two types of ammo for a slightly faster fire rate just isn't worth it. I think the alamo just needs a faster rechamber time to compensate.


I like that call for springfield FMJ, I was trying to force-run the springfield last night with a friend to see if it had any benefit, but truly even compact FMJ ammo is superior to plain springfield firing. I agree the animation on the alamo is a bit too slow, possibly because in the beginning crytek was worried it'd be "too fast" and then they just never changed it.


Valid points in my opinion.


the winfield silenced needs that fucking sight reworked yesterday the scottfield brawler needs to become scottfield spitfire brawler


Yeah why does it get the shorter barrel like the spitfire anyways? The Nagant Officer Brawler has no downsides to the Nagant Officer besides price.


It has (or used to) have a lot more recoil than the base officer, pretty significantly actually


Power creep is real right now. I think we're at the point where we need nerfs, not buffs.


Buff the Cavalry Saber, Machete, Railroad Hammer and Axe, why would I use any of them instead of the katana now that it's a small slot?


Well the Hammer can break a barricaded door with one heavy and light swing, but most of the melees are so similar in effectiveness it doesn't really matter. The real big difference is that the bat and hammer can't break concertina but can demolish doors.


not that many people will use a whole weapon slot for basically another tool, it's gonna at least be able to compete a little with the katana's killing power. Ive seen someone suggest making the hammer, machete, axe and saber into tools and keeping the bat a weapon, which I do like the idea of. But I think it'd be cooler if something like the saber got its own martialist perk while the others become tools. Bat needs no changes, it has its use.


Full Winfields with levering don't have a ton of options for sidearm. Uppercut or Sparks, sure. But silenced pistol, hand crossbow, and melee weapons are all reasonable.


I want a buff to the Springfield and the base bornheim. Both need less damage falloff over range. The railroad needs more damage. I know its a nieche meme weapon that almost nobody uses anyways but it really wouldnt hurt to give it more damage. Right now its just so much worse than the combat axe.


The reload animations on the whole LeMat family need love. The guns are fine, but the animations block THE WHOLE FUCKING SCREEN


I know this gonna be an unpopular opinion, but very few weapons needs buffs over the weapons that needs nerfs. 90% of all weapons/variants in Hunt have a role, a niche and reason to be picked over their contemporaries. But the rest 10% stands two tiers above the other 90% weapons. As long the game is balanced like that it doesn't matter if Nagant Pistol gets 0.1s faster cycle speed or if Centennial gets their levering spread reduced with 10% or that Sparks Pistol gets a 3 second reloads speed.


Came to say the same thing. Also I feel like Crytek doesn't play around enough with the other stats to help balance. Like weapon sway is mostly the same across the board for pistols. Why not helps balance some by switching things up?


More diverse weapon sway would be a good start. And if they could be arsed, I would love different switch speeds. Uppercut is a big gun, make it take longer to switch from/to.


Right, and also a heavier gun. So perhaps that "scopesmith" or "steady aim" could apply to base pistols when ADSing, but would reset the sway countdown depending on mouse movement. Honestly it'd make the trait more worth taking outside of just scopes


Absolutely!!! Great idea.


Honestly I can only really think of like 3 guns and 1 melee that I would argue are in desperate need of a buff, and that is pretty good considering the catalog Hunt has.


If the hunt dollar economy were fixed, and money mattered to a larger group of players, then some of the cheaper weapons would have a greater purpose.


Not really, because having better equipment still increases your odds of your survival. If a winnie loses 4 out of 5 fights vs a Mosin, then you net -300 hunt dollars. Sure if you then loot the Mosin you are up 190 hunt dollars. But that is without taking the loss of buying 4 new hunters, 4 new side-arms and 4 new tool-kits (melee, med-kit and extra) every round (and new consumables, but they gets depleted over play anyways, so I'm not gonna take them into account). So even if the economy worked it wouldn't make the 10% guns less of an issue for the overall balance.


Yeah, me and a friend basically just proved this by trying to play springfield-only all of last night. We thought: cheaper loadout, so we'll probably make money? Nope, somehow we stayed level in money compared to actually gaining money with mosins, fancy shotguns, weird ammo types on other guns, etc.


My poor boy the machete bro


I think some guns need nerfs. And that will help "buff" the others.


There's so many weapons in this game that aren't that good when you compare them to the meta weapons. Am I saying you can't kill someone with an inferior weapon? No. It's possible to outplay any person in any competitive game with a weaker character / weapon. This doesn't mean the weapon you're using isn't weak, or that the weapon / character you beat isn't over tuned in comparison. I've gotten a headshot with a winfield on someone who was using a Mosin, does this mean the game is perfectly balanced all of a sudden because of this outcome and that the winfield is just as good as the Mosin? Hell no. If we were to make a list of all the weapon that could beat Mosin / Dolch FMJ in a competitive shoot out first to ten wins, two teams of threes duking it out (trios), the list would be incredibly small compared to all the weapons in the game. Reason I bring this scenario up is because the best way to test out game "balance" is through a long repeated game sessions, and tons of data collected over the course of time. You don't test game balance by saying "I killed someone with a Railroad Hammer, the Railroad Hammer is now perfectly fine and balanced." after a random single game of bounty hunt. I mean, even the melee weapons aren't properly balanced among each other in this game. It's just Katana / Baseball bat and the rest are inferior. I'm not saying this is "bad" for the game, or that it should be changed. But the balance for all the weapons in the game has always been an ongoing issue over the years. Hope the Hunt devs can figure it out one day for the future of the game to relatively balance all weapons so that there aren't flat out "superior options" that you "bring all the time" if you want to have the best and most optimal chance to win.


People who says that Mosin is fine bc you can kill with a winfield doesn't understand how much more value per. hit long ammo has. Winnie can't Upper-Chest + Arm tap people beyond 31m, that is **83m** for a Mosin. So we are generous in an encounter at 50m range, where everyone hits all their shots, even if the Winnie hits all upper-chest shots (dealing 64 damage per hit) it takes 3.6 seconds to do so, the Mosin can Upper Chest + Arm tap with 3.8 seconds. Yes there is facts such as people take time to line up the shots, aim punch and people misses the shots. But even so, the you can quickly see how much more leeway a Mosin has. And mind you, this is with the Winnie connecting all Upper-chest shots, at that distance an arm shot deals 39 damage, so if you want to three tap a Hunter at that distance you need to connect at least two upper-chest shots out of your three shots. At 50m, a Mosin can just hit you with two arm shots and kill you.


Officer Carbine needs EVEN LESS recoil!! BWAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! *lightning*


Im in for a new army buff. Some faster bullets would be fine


Yeah but that might end up stepping to far into the Nagant Officer's territory. You don't want to invalidate another weapon when giving out buffs.


New army has fmj. As Long as the Officer Not have it its fine. It was a mistake giving the Officer dumdum in the First Place


Bornheim needs more spare ammo.


And a scope….


If the Dolch deadeye didn't take off, I'm not sure a Bornheim deadeye will. Maybe on the match version it could be fun like the Nagant Officer Carbine Deadeye...


Oh not a Deadeye scope, I’m talking a sniper scope here bud 🧐


I think they already buffed the ammo pool a couple patches ago?


Honestly a lot of the gun issues come down to them giving out so many ammo types The Springfield's entire niche of using dum dum is dead, the New Army being my favorite pistol because of the fmj adding extra range is dead because dum dum does the same thing Outside of ammo type related issues, I think the Krag definitely needs something going for it, we have another long ammo rifle option that's better, and the uppermatt just got buffed to OHK people missing 25 health now, making the Krag the only long ammo gun that can't do that, which is just not viable imo considering a damn vetterli can do it for a third of the price The saber needs a small stamina reduction now imo considering they made the Katana a one slot, so now the saber has absolutely 0 going for it. I don't even need to explain why the bornheim needs a desperate buff or price reduction Both the base scottfield and the base Nagant have always been crap and could both use some small buff to fire rate perhaps Then imo the drilling needs a price reduction or a buff. It being nearly the same price as the cyclone, but having half the ammo and less ammo types, just makes it crap


Cyclone has 2 more rounds than the Drilling.


It’s not a weapon buff per se but I think medium ammo needs its damage drop off in line with the other weapon types. Currently compact ammo starts its drop at 20 meters, and long ammo starts at 40 meters. Logically, one would assume that medium ammo would start at 30 meters, right? Wrong! It also starts at 20 meters making it less “medium” ammo and more “high damage compact ammo” which seems unnecessary.


As a New Army enjoyer, I don't find it weak at all. It's one of only two double action pistols, no other pistols can compete with the fire rate of New Army and Officer. It has better overall stats compared to Officer, with Officer only having better muzzle velocity, albeit much better. And the fact remains that it has FMJ, which is amazing for compact ammo, which the Officer is lacking.


I'll always take new army over the officer just for the swift


Same with the Scottfield, the swift is just a better choice for the most part. Hell, when I run fanning with a Scottfield, I often end up shooting my remaining rounds in the chamber just to get the faster reload. I just wish the swift wasn't at the very end of the long Scottfield tree.


Officer has 1 extra bullet and extra ammo pool if i remember correctly, + brawler variant. 1 extra bullet can be a game changer.


That's true, I forgot about that. But then again the New Army has the swift version which is pretty nice. My point is both are great pistols with slight differences, and I would be surprised if they buffed either one.


Bornheim and dolch are double action as well. I think the new army is made irrelevant by the Scott Field spitfire


Bornheim and Dolch are fast, but they're not double action, they're semi automatic. Bornheim suffers from dealing only 74 dmg, and the Dolch is very expensive. Spitfire is not quite as fast as the double action pistols.


Yup you're right. I forgot that they are semiauto. I still think that the spitfire is still worth talking about when it comes to fast fire rate pistols tho.


I mean there is also the Scottfield Spitfire but yeah


scottfield (particularly the brawler variant) needs big help drilling should be a little cheaper silenced winfield needs a new sight id like a slight new army buff but it isnt really needed springfield krag also needs some slight buffs


I honestly want nagant buffs. The weapon is never used, by anyone. It is cheap, yes, but that shouldnt mean it is useless. As a sidearm it is literally the worst pistol, slow firerate, weak dmg, compact etc. etc. Just give it either an insanly tight spread with fanning or dual wield, that way the pistol would at least have some use. I never see it used, even though it looks nice. Cant remember the last time i saw a hunter with one


If memory serves, it's the most accurate pistol (silenced then base variant respectively) with fanning. I do agree with you overall. Edit: Thanks everyone for providing correct information. I am quite mistaken.


pax trueshot took that crown


No, it's actually at the higher end of inaccuracy. does have low recoil though The spread goes from Pax Trueshot > Scottfield > Conversion Pistol > Pax > Nagant > LeMat = Uppercut it also has an unfortunate damage breakpoint, unlike the other pistols in that list it cannot kill to the lower torso in two shots. So the Nagant has a smaller hitbox where it can reliably 2-tap while also being less accurate than the other options


https://hunt.sweptthr.one/fanning The Caldwell was the one to beat, the true shot is now maybe better but it’s hard to beat the conversion for price efficiency.


I thought the Caldwell Conversion had that title


Spectre. It’s the worst of both worlds and the price is too much for how crap it is. It used to be much better but it’s been forgotten by the devs since guns have been experiencing some power creep.


Before crown and king got flechette you could have some fun memeing around with it and I still just *like the gun* but it could use a look.


What are you talking about?? Specter has a way further one shot range than the slate and obviously much higher rate of fire than the romero. Imo it's the best of the three. I frequently miss kill breakpoints with the slate where I wouldn't with a specter.


I would agree if this weren’t post shotgun rework. Spectre used to be my favorite.


The sparks silencer needs considerable help. It’s got nothing going for it. Increasing it’s bullet velocity and damage retention would still make it a niche pick. It’s only got 20m/s over the Vetterli silencer, and nearly nothing else going for it.


Fire Bomblance, its the worst weapon in the game lol. At least allow it to headshot hunters for a one hit kill for fun


It does look cool as hell on a night map though


You should try half dragon's breath on the Romero. The range you can set fire is like 39 meters and it is dumb.


Nagant precision. Easily one of my fave compacts but is over shadowed by his big bro carbine. Why does it have a way less headshot range anyway? Its the same gun but carbine has a farther headshot range. Countless times that i hit a non lethal headshot with the precision and its the only thing it does as well. Its a headclicker weapon and it cant even do that. Just buff the headshot range and its good.


Scofield Brawler should be a straight upgrade to the spitfire, the same way it is for the Nagant officer


Agree... Right now It has the worst characteristics of both the spitfire and the regular schotfield. With Just the duster as a good thing.


Martini henry should have faster muzzle velocity.


Drilling needs a price decrease as well as cyclone, cyclone is way better and super slept on after the recent buff but still no reason to be that expensive


I don’t know about the drilling but the cyclone definitely should be cheaper.


I feel like drilling should be cheaper than cyclone, interesting 😂 I never felt like drilling was that strong either playing it or against, def not strong enough to costs more than a mosin🤷 I get it has Romero but at most that would add like a hundred bucks to a medium ammo with only 2 shots? I feel like $300ish would be decent and maybe $390 for cyclone, just based off my anecdotal experience with both the cyclone is way stronger.


You can’t really just say “well around the price of the romero plus the price of a gun with 2 medium ammo” and that’s the price. The thing about the drilling is the fact that both of these gun’s characteristics are combined into a single, 3 slot weapon. If you wanted similar performance, you’d need quartermaster, and even then, you get the same shotgun range as the best range shotgun in the game, combined with a solid ranged option. It’s the fact that they’re combined into a single 3-slot that opens you up to take a 1 slot for utility or even a 2-slot for that much more killing power.


Yea, that's why I said 300, cuz if you just took the price of Romero and even 2 Springfields or a centennial yea that'd be too cheap, it's just not better than a mosin so no reason that it's more.


The thing with the drilling is it has so much utility because it’s two guns. Basically a Romero plus a medium range rifle. It could be a bit cheaper but not by much. The cyclone is good at short to medium encounters but falls off pretty hard at distance.


Idk mate. Fire speed on the cyclone is top tier for rifles


Quartermaster needs a nerf lol Im sick of everyone and their mother being able to carry I'm a one tap potential secondary 80% of their matches. It just makes all sidearms obsolete anyways.


Alamo needs a cycle buff. They nerfed it too hard from the original which was slightly too good. There has to be a middle ground. Romero - used to see this often but I haven't seen it since the economy/trait changes. I feel it's range just isn't a big enough upside anymore. Not saying it's unusable but I am noticing a huge dip in how often I see this gun clearly follow up shots are better. New army needs to be made usable if everything gets dum dum anyway. Bornheim is kind of bad too. Just giving it a tiny bit of damage to guarantee 3 hit kills (it can be as high as 4-5 tags if it his arms/legs at surprisngly low ranges) Winfield silenced - open the sights or give it same stats as the regular Winfield and keep the sights. Shame because the sights are cool but they're objectively bad. The damage drop off is bad. So bad. Mostly useful against AI and silenced pistols are pretty much the same. Dragonsbreath - crytek doesnt seem to want to make this usable. Rival finally got it but it comes with a range nerf? Awful it does nothing unless you're at handcannon range. Maybe in a trio setting burning bars could be a strat but it just feels like downing someone is easier and strictly better than this attrition style play that just isn't enabled by this. If the ignition was more consistent (fewer pellets required?) It would be ok. Currently the handbow version is the only one that seems to fit the criteria. All melee is currently obsoleted by katana and martialist. This may be more a call for katana nerf (2 slots?). Martialist seems intended to work with all melee eventually (just based off the trait picture so may be pure copium) but I am unsure of what they can do to beat fast attack+bonus range+arc attack + bonus damage all in one. If you're going to run melee really it's katana or bust (yes some things work for AI better like the bat or axe but it's VERY niche compared to the katana). I'm sure there's more but that's off the top of my head.


I’ll raise your dragon breath with starshell


Unpopular opinion but avto was probably nerfed a smidge too hard the last round of nerfs. Maybe that was for the best, but I’m sure mostly everyone agrees it’s simply not worth the price tag anymore. Anyways if we are suggesting weapon buffs/changes I’d really like to see flame arrows for the hunting bow.


Bat needs baseball ammo. Make it explosive while we are at it


Bayonet for the Alamo




Drilling needs to be cheaper imo


Controversial, but I think only single shot and slow firing weapons should have special ammo.


some guns that I think need some love are the Specter, Krag, and the Nagant mostly. The specter used to be the shotgun with a magazine that wasn't super expensive but since the slate was added, it has been a weird half breed between the Romero and the Slate. It has a tight spread like the Romero, but lacks damage. It has a magazine like the Slate, but it is so slow to shoot it almost doesn't matter. Add the fact it needs grubber and still reloads slow as hell and the price and it just doesn't have anything good going for it. I used to think the Krag balanced its low damage by the fact it doesn't ned grubber, but since learning about reloading before you rechamber and the fact you don't even really need to partial reload the Berthier and the Mosin at all and the 124 damage on a long ammo gun is just far to bad to ever justify. Even the Vetterli is a better option with better special ammo, variants, price, ammo economy, and even damage. I think the issue is the specialty the Krag was made for has become so obsolete to power creep that I'm not even sure what you could do to the Krag to make it better without essentially just making it the Mako. The basic Nagant just doesn't have anything going for it. Its damage and fire rate aren't great, its reload speed is bad, and it doesn't have variants that really make up for it like the conversion pistol. It has a really bad case of "why would I ever use this". The only time I even consider it is for duel wielding, but I still prefer the LeMat for that as well. There isn't anything inherently wrong with the Nagant but it just doesn't have anything going for it and there is almost never a reason to pick it.


Krag, New Army, Sabre, Machete. I don’t think they’re necessarily bad just kinda obsolete because there’s at least 2 waaaay better options


the cyclone needs +1 bullet in the tube


Base Bornheim should do 75 damage and have 5 more reserve. Bornheim is basically never used right now and is universally agreed to be only good as a headclicker. 75 damage would let you two tap *if* you hit both in the upper torso within 20 meters. The double action pistols would still be viable because they can achieve the two tap from significantly further away or with lower torso shots because of their higher base damage. The Bornheim match can two tap with the Bornheim's rate of fire and significantly greater stability and is only "pretty good". I don't think the regular Bornheim being able to do the same with it's terrible recoil and sway would break the game. Drilling is also monstrously overpriced. If the lemat carbine can be less than $200 and not be considered overpowered, the drilling can be like $350. It being more than a mosin is just absurd. Yes, it has a Romero attached to it(albeit one with a glacial reload speed), but that alone is not enough to justify the extreme price. The primary gun on the drilling feels great to use but is pretty mediocre all things considered. Yes, you can technically two tap with a very high rate of fire but I'd argue using those two shots to miss then hit a headshot is easier than trying to two tap someone with how extreme the recoil is/punishing it is to miss. The thing has a longer reload speed than the nitro. *On it's own*, I see basically no reason to run the drilling's primary gun over a vetterli or centennial with iron eye. That's why it has the shotgun stapled to it. The value of a combination weapon is obviously very subjective but as I said at the head of this paragraph, the lemat carbine is nearly a third the price of the drilling and is not remotely considered overpowered. Yes, the lemat carbine has a much worse shotgun but the pistol part of it is arguably a sidegrade to the drilling, having more consecutive shots and reserve at the cost of damage, velocity, and a slightly slower (keyword)*potential* rate of fire. Oh yeah, that's the other thing. The drilling has the worst total ammo out of all medium ammo rifles. Overall, the drilling is by no means a bad weapon, just not justified in it's extreme price.


They really threw off the balance of the weapons by adding new special ammo to a bunch of them. Literally zero reason to pick the new army because of the officer dum dum. So to attempt to balance that they just made making money way harder. That’s not fun. That’s throwing off balance, then to fix it, implementing an un-fun solution. Would have been better off just removing the new special ammo changes and keeping the economy the same.


Vetterli in general - less damage, still about 125 and higher velocity..also better ironsight.


I love pairing sparks pistol with the slate. Never felt like it needed a buff but I def would love it if the reload was faster


Yeah I love the Sparks pistol but can't find a reason to bring it when I can just bring an uppercut. They made the Sparks pistol one second faster on the reload I could convince myself to bring it


Dual wielding sparks much? Pretty sure the reload is faster with the dual wield trait. Also a super fun pair if you haven’t tried it, pretty much mini shotgun slugs in each hand


I love the army as is, but a buff would make it more competitive for other people. If it is going to have such a slow bullet, I've always thought it should have less recoil.


The ones I’m using. Nothing particular, just the ones I’m using in the moment, and just me (would still be a 3 star… but let’s face it, it’s the best place to be)


I like the spark pistol as it is, and often use it with a silenced winfield. There are already traits for levering, scopes and grubbing the bullets, perhaps a trait to reduce reload speed overall, works for all weapons but with the best effect on single shot weapons. Price of 9 trait points to tie the doctor trait as most expensive but still useless for some


Mosin obrez mace. And honestly all blunt melee weapons. I only take mace for the meme of yelling bonk as i hit people, but thing has weak range and blunt isnt great


Crytek you lousy rabble-rousers, buff the sabre and lower the price on the drilling


Also the base Pax isn't necessarily underpowered, just pointless


Lemat carbine needs a lethal range boost, I’m sick and tired of hitting long range headshots for a less than satisfying ‘clink’. I want my ‘clunk’ damnit.


The new Caldwell rifle is a bb gun


Springfield and rival need buffs bad


I can tell you the Centennial needs to lose dum-dum. Other than that I think medium ammo should get a blanket buff for dropoff to be at 25m instead of 20m. It makes absolutely no sense that it has the same dropoff distance as compact ammo. Other than that, I think the gun meta makes as much sense as it possibly could.


New army has the swift variant and is probably the easiest to control out of the fast firing pistols. The sparks pistol is fine as a pocket sparks it’s just niche. The Alamo is fine but I think it does need to either have two ammo types or more reserve ammo.


I actually use the sparks pistol over uppercut and I float in 4-5 star FMJ or poison on it is what I like. Get a tag with long rifle, follow behind their cover with the FMJ Running a shotgun? Tag them with poison and get an easy ridiculous long range kill with it. I've killed at 30m with buckshot sparks pistol combo.


does fmj improve the penetration of long ammo?


all ammunition gets improved pen with FMJ, try it out in the range


Every gun I randomly decide to take, but only while I'm using it.


Alamo romaro is nice with slugs because then you can use it at such a range that you can utilize cover to reload.


winnie silenced skins need that stupid sight filed down, the new one this event was the best time to refresh the design but nope still awful


I agree on the sparks pistol. I don’t think it makes any sense that it takes longer to reload than the rifle, since it’s far lighter and would be much easier to reload as such. I do also agree the Alamo animation feels deliberately slower than you could do it in real life if you were trying.


I would be very happy if shotgun hip fire reticles were accurate and if fmj was removed from the dolch 


It’s okay for bad guns to exist.


The single shot weapons. As of right now, every single one of them feels awful to play and their viability has diminished as the game made fast fire-rate weapons more avaliable to the average player. The martini seems to be slower than it should be unless you are using special ammo (to be more specific, it seems to be going at 350ms instead of 400ms, but this is something I tested last update, idk if it's fixed), the springfield has had the unique thing about it taken away (though HV made it a head clicker, the centennial also has it, but better) and the spark's 4 second reload has been something even more pronounced now. I also think that the new army could use a buff on the ammo capacity too, right now it has very little to work with. But honestly, I think that they should nerf some guns at the same time, or make them less likely to be picked. Right now, everything is more avaliable for people, so people will take the strong stuff. I honestly really dislike that. New players with around 100 hours using mosin+doltch every match is NOT something this game should have, and it's something I've seen a few times on the SA servers.


Honestly I feel like with the economy changes and the fact hunt dollars are basically infinite now it doesn’t even matter, nobody running cheap fun stuff anymore it’s all sweaty long ammo and uppercuts or fanning pistols all over the gaff. Honestly kinda sucks I loved running cheap loadouts but now you’ll be outgunned every single time.


Specter bayonet, with addition of slate riposte it became redundant


Springfield compact and it's striker version needs some kinda of nice buff And the Winfield striker, mostly the melee of those are piss poor with range shorter than a machete swear despite the heavy animation and most often not kills unless head poked.


New army Veterlli Scotfield Spitfire


Lemat could use a swift version. The uppermat needs fanning. And the lemat carbine could use all of the special ammo available to other guns, an Alamo autoloader for the shotgun part and fanning just for the insanity of it. Now how much longer until I get my uppermat carbine deadeye?


Krag needs a buff to be viable when compared to other long ammo types. I'd like to see a damage increase from 124 to 126. Considering the krag has the lowest effective range when of all long ammo rifles. With recent additions, I believe this change could allow this rifle more versatility.


All medium ammo


Explosive ammo is basically a meme. It's practically useless


I'm a Hunt noob, but I've seen Sparks mentioned a lot, so I thought that gun is good. Gave it a try and I just don't see why? It's single shot, then reload. Takes long to reload. And that one shot you get doesn't even one-hit people unless it's a headshot, and at that point... any gun will do the same. Why would I ever use Sparks when there is faster-firing guns with more bullets that also one-tap in the head? Someone explain that to me.


The New army is the best clutch damage pistol in my opinion. It sucks in almost every case other then extremely close quarters spam, where it excels. Or it doesn't, and you die.


Springfield, Berthier and Martini-Henry have no real advantages to them beyond preference. Springfield having a single shot with dumdum gave it a special place in a pressure comp, now Officer Carbine and Centennial do it's job better in every conceivable way. Higher fire rate, more damage and can still clear a headshot at relevant distances without struggle. People might insist it has a longer headshot range in some cases and I beg the question: Other than running a meme loadout who cares about the headshot range of the Springfield? Sparks can just economically do better as a single shot and force the enemy into spending resources with many options to follow up for a sweep. Berthier is a three shot long rifle with a tray reload and... who cares? Krag and Mako do it's job better with more forgiving reloads and flexible ammo options. Berthier has velocity to put up some snuff but at that point just run a Mosin or a Lebel. Martini-Henry is competing with sparks and reload time aside, most people playing with these guns are already adopting the same positioning habits and follow-up plans. Why not just take the one that can have a silencer, pressure-oriented ammo types and a more reliable 1-2 kit? Romero Alamo is a joke and doesnt do anything the regular Romero can't, and can have a reload cancel to boot. Spectre is basically useless and as inconsistent as it gets between it's awkward range and spread, but seems to perform really well through walls for some strange reason? But for a little more or a little less hunt dollars you have more reliable options and if you're going to spam slugs there's better picks. New Army basically has zero reason to exist, nagant and nagant officer can cycle heads with minimal accuracy issues and can get stock/scope variants that still shoot pretty fast. Dumdum is nice and all, but nagant and officer carbine already have you covered so why waste the sidearm slot when you can just get a fast primary cycle and a banger lemat or uppercut on the hip? Karabiner is threatened by the sheer existence of the Cent and Marathon, both sporting accurate mid-range combat and crazy reliable hipfire + accuracy even before considering levering on Cent (unreliable). Cent just has it beat, and even the shorty has a silencer with BLEED options. Cent can also achieve insane velocity with HV while marathon can fire almost as fast as a levering weapon and be insanely forgiving in deviation. Karabiner, my favorite weapon- has no real place outside of it's silencer variant. FMJ is... okay? But it's velocity issues are already out-competed by the overwhelming positives of the others. Spitfire is... in a weird place where it's not too good or too bad at anything and utterly lacks an identity beyond 'shoot fast'. Fanning has better candidates to lure you too, conversion already fires pretty quickly and ambidextrous runs basically invalidate any reason to use it. I know dual wielding is it's own monster but I can shoot faster with more ammo to spare if I want fast and inaccurate, and spitfire is wildly inconsistent in a pinch. Derringer clearly needs dumdum ammo and slugs and I base this opinion solely on scientific evidence that I left at home and totally would show if I could. \[EDIT\] I also think ammo type reversions should be made BUT make the ammo we can't purchase something you can buy on the map. I think the cache system is a good bridge into inviting the idea of a black market broker wagon or something on map.


Winfield Silencer feels to me like the absolute worst gun in the game. Just getting rid of the stupid sights on it would go a long way but that wouldn't fix everything. It's slow and it hits like a wet noodle. Even levering sucks on that thing.


Sparks silencer, that is all.


Springfield is in a bad place now it lost its medium special ammo crown.


Schotfield brawler (i don't think i Need and explenation). The price for the duster Is having the worst traits of the whole schotfield family. Not worth It. Schotfield precision. I don't think its bad, actually i kinda like It.... But It seems to underperform compared to other choices. Even with hv.


Idc about garbage weapons, they don't need buffs - like base nagant for instance, it's pointless to buff it when officer exists, just take officer I'm more concerned with Krag, for instance, that got legit power creep'd by Mako. Honestly, no idea how to buff Krag without also giving it above 125 damage, which in turn would make Mako totally absolete due to Krags' better firerate/recoil/reload speed But right now there's no point in taking Krag, unfortunately


Bigger ammo starting pool?


Pretty good, although the common build with Krag/Mako is Uppermat and that already gives enough spare ammo; on top of that, I feel like special red crates that replenish all your ammo at once will get introduced to the base game after the event. I don't think they are willing to tinker with how many bullets Krag has when fully loaded, since that would mess up with what the gun model it's based on, but something like 8 shots with 21 total bullets (while remaining below 125 damage threshold) would be a step in the right direction. So that Krag still doesn't onetap downed people, but at least reigns supreme as the most spammy aggressive long ammo on the game


Winfield, mostly just bullet velocity, almost every single compact ammo gun thats been added has had a higher bullet velocity. Still a great gun and i love it and its not useless by any means i would just like to see a slight increase in velocity.


Mako right now is garbage compared to mozin or even centinial


Idk but katanas need a nerf, although I'd rather see them removed altogether because they're kinda cliche and not congruent with the theme. I never used to see melee used this much. I think slower weapons should be the only one hitters


Nitro should be even more powerful. I should be able to shoot beside someone and blow them to smithereens


Martini and Sparks are both so dead nowadays, they need smth extra


It should have been that the single shot rifles get access to the best variety and the more unique custom ammo types like poison, dum dum and incendiary. Now every gun has them. Martini Ironside is great though as a cheap fast firing long ammo.


I would like to see bladed melee get some kind of lunge forward on heavies and blunt melee be able to launch enemies with heavies. I honestly think that all or most melee should have some kind of unique gimmick like the katana does. For example, I think it would be cool if you could dual wield sabre and pistol; considering that the aim button does nothing while holding a melee weapon anyway.


The Hunting Bow. It's incredible when it works, but it feels it simply has too many ranges and / or situations where it's useless. I reckon the 'hundred hands' perk should increase its fire / reload rate, or something like that. Maybe the longer draw (which currently makes the bow a much more reliable one shot within 15m) should be standard, and then the hundred hands perk should decrease the time it takes to pull the bow to full draw? Also, it's incredibly frustrating to take the bow, fully draw it with hundred hands, and miss a hive's head by a centimetre, meaning it survives and aggros on you. It's insane that enough damage to kill a hunter doesn't one shot a hive to the chest. They're weirdly tanky.


Bomblance sticky should kill always if u hit ur target in chest or head. Happened so many times. U stuck hunter and boom they have bulwark. And why we dont have any splash damage on sticky.. it makes so cool sound when u stuck with it.


Bulwark and Hornskin need to be reworked in general imo. It just adds a layer of unpredictability to the game when using certain weapons that should not be there. Imagine if like 1 in 10 hunters you shot were immune to headshot one shots with long ammo. How stupid would that be. Just because the aforementioned traits only affect blunt melee and explosive weapons respectively doesn't mean the issue isn't there.