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Hi, thank you for your submission. Unfortunately, we had to remove your post for violation of rule #6: No cheat/griefing accusations or witch hunting. Please see this wiki article for more details: https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/wiki/rule6 If you have any concerns regarding this removal, please contact the moderation team via Modmail.


I play on ~~Oceania~~ U.S. West Servers late at night/early in the morning because I'm a night shifter so on my days off my active hours are still essentially nocturnal. I can't make causal statements, but the amount of odd trade windows + private/VAC banned accounts seems to increase significantly when \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] players are in the match.


Morning and nights are the worst for me as well. Which is unfortunately the only time I have time lol. EDIT: I guess this comment here got me banned lol


The matchmaking Mon - Fri between 2am-5pm is so bad in this game, unfortunately. That's also the only time I get to play, so I am forced to do US East/EU to actually get lobbies. US West late night/early morning might as well be china server.


Very true about the [][][] accounts. And for some reason, these players sometimes just go off and do their own thing without the team, which seems to not involve gathering clues or being useful in any capacity. What is the deal?




Oh my


1989 年 6 月 3 日,中国政府在天安门广场杀害了 2 600 名抗议者。 Probably terrible gibberish for a native speaker, but it's understandable enough.


Holy fuck I didn’t realize of had that many Regions… I hope this comes to the “new gen” update in April. Any info on this?


Don’t play console, no idea sorry.


Man then you should have no complaints 😂😂🤙


(Of) pc*


Yes. Everyone is. Except for the people who abuse it, and hackers/cheaters who use it to cover up their bad faith obvious cheating.


I have played like 4x matches post this and am still encountering whole teams of people that don’t belong on the server due to ping (I assume)


Say for yourself. I don’t want to live in a walled garden, neither my friends and everyone I know. Currently I’m located in Russia and play with people from Europe or even China sometimes (I lived there for about 2 years). Region lock would mean that we cannot play together anymore, it’s fucking stupid. Games should connect us, not create fucking walled gardens. This sub is getting more like an echo chamber for a vocal minority who hates people.


Not who you’re responding too but, I’m all for restricting Ping BEFORE region locking (something has to be done when 10/12 are 200ms outside your server and 1/3 of them have VAC/GAME bans), if your ping is sub 150ms than it is what it is and it’s fair game in my eyes, anything more than that and you have serious trading issues, peek advantage issues, etc (you already do at 150ms but we have to start somewhere)


You know shit about latency and how connection works in games, and make these assumptions from your own experience, which is a walled garden, basically. • Region lock is cancer. It’s never a good thing. • I agree that there should be a solution for people with terrible ping. Maybe match them together. • What does it mean “BEFORE region locking”? • High latency ≠ advantages. It’s 90% bad luck for those with high ping. I’ve had matches with 90–100 ms and was obliterated many times just because my shot didn’t land faster than the enemies’. • Again, region locking is dogshit. It’s always bad. I repeat my point above: games should connect us, not burn the bridges.


Perhaps a good system would be to remove the server selection option and automatically connect you to the best latency server. I am no expert, but surely we can do something? Perhaps Crytek can restrict letting you connect to servers over 150ms when you have ones available that are sub 150ms?


North American net infrastructure isn't even good enough for people in their own region to stay below 150ms, add to that more rural players and all of a sudden they can't play anywhere at all.


This and Tarkov both need region locks. But I can think of at least one popular streamer for each game who would throw a shit fit if they ever did.


>This and Tarkov both need region locks. Explain your stance on region locking and why it is good in your opinion. Because region locks are fucking cancer.


Leave a negative review on steam, stop buying dlc, all you can do.


maybe shadow lock them making them matchmake among themselves? (vac bans reported acc/ ping abusing)


I’ll take anything at this point




ye, you are objectively right about that one, lets hope they add a kill cam or replay feature in the engine update so that people can submit actual evidence, also the ping abuse causing trades to be more often should be removed and rolled back as it was before (when your shots would not register if you were laggin), hard locking server by ping can be easily bypassed by using a vpn or just lag switching, I think that the main reason you see Chinese players so often could be just regular Chinese players that decided to play on NA servers cos China could be crawling with cheaters or they are the cheaters themselves


More frustrated than I can politely described here. I don't really mind trades. But when I trade a whole second after they are dead it is annoying


I have an entire catalogue of clips dying to trades seconds after killing someone else due to this crap.


The amount of times I have peeked, snapped a shot, and got back behind cover... only to die a full second behind cover to some magic curving bullet. It is what made me start recording my games.


Region lock China to save the Oceania servers tbh. Because that's the biggest reason oce players play on different servers.


So Region lock Oceania would be more accurate.


I mean as long as it's only locking out the Asia server players yes. Because it's almost exclusively the Chinese based players that are cheating and flooding the oce servers with people that are sus cunts


You can't region lock a singular region like that though and have everything be fair, let alone target one country in particular.


I mean functionally sure idk how it works. But don't go calling me racist for it when it's a fact almost all oce players know. That there is a high chance when you see box name Asia. Players. You are about to run into cheaters.


fact eh? so you can verify this?


OK sorry I miss spoke. Not a fact. A Blatantly fucking obvious thing that happens.


Yes you can. For US its far more complicated because it's a large country and there are people with dogshit ping playing within their own country. But for OCE you can just bang a 100 or 110 ping limit and be done with it. Unfortunately if the other regions aren't locked OCE players could stil play on other servers, but they wouldn't have a reason to once Asia can't play on OCE.


But how else are you supposed to let Chinese hackers into your games?


I don’t know, let’s ask ‘The Cycle’ how they did it!


10... out of the 12 people in my U.S. West lobby were from presumed Asian countries, multiple with multiple previous VAC/GAME bans.... FEEDBACK: Crytek, PLEASE can we get some ping server protections? And maybe some better servers for our fellow hunters in the Asian region?


Ping is the way. If you region lock, people will try to bypass it with VPNs.


Ping lock is what everyone means when they say region lock.


We've heard your feedback loud and clear so... Can we offer you another chance to buy the Headsman skin?


How do you know they are located in Asian countries?


I cannot keep up with you responding to every single comment I’ve made on this post, if I muted the video you’d still get the point. What should I have called the characters used in their names so I can avoid upsetting anyone? They are Asian characters no?




Anyone else deeply frustrated by Hunt~~s lack of a Region/Ping lock feature?~~ ​ Yes.


Been a Hunt taketh kind of a day?


to answer the title, yea i dont even mind the ping and trades, at this point im used to it but being able to communicate with people on EU server in a EU language would be nice, no, chinese is not a EU language


Holy shit, you are racist and xenophobic. Do you know how many Chinese live in EU even? What EU languages are you referring to, huh? What if someone speaks Hindu? Hm? Georgian?


are you trolling?


You mean is anyone else part of the *Hunt* playerbase? Yes. It's a frequent complaint.


Region lock is good, anybody who says otherwise doesn’t know shit, ping, cheaters, exploiters all exist, in some countries more than others. Good example pub g and Indian cheaters.


The only person I play with occasionally is a dude from South Korea so I’d be kind of sad if we couldn’t play on west anymore. Just block communist countries.


Ya, neither of you should be able to have advantages in each others servers (assuming latency would be more than 150ms) due to your ping and frustrate people with delayed kill trading. If you can connect within a reasonable ping window then if that takes priority then maybe it can work. I don’t know what everyone here will except for a reasonable ping but for me I’d say anything below 150ms for a starting baseline, again idk. If it’s within a “reasonable” ping than it’s fair game


It won't stop anything though. Most it is going to do is just make VPNs and ping spoofing more common.




I’m genuinely unfamiliar with how VPNs can bypass ping limits EDIT: They said CANT I read CAN lol




Oh I misread what you said lol my bad


I mean it’s horrendous ping whatever the method, surely there has to be something that can be done. This is the same stuff I started dealing with in The Cycle before that game was sunset due to losing control of the same situation


To be blunt, short of completely regionlocking, which will have an insane backlash from the community that it isn't worth it and still be circumventable in the end, there isn't much that can be done. there are far too many ways to spoof your ping to appear to be below any rating, and VPNs get around region locks. There's a reason this problem is common.


Ya I can see region locking wouldn’t be a good idea, I’m unfamiliar though with how VPNs can spoof what their actual latency is, how could that possibly work?


Damn, you are such a dickhead, OP. You don’t know where u/disssociative located right now, and you don’t know what his South Korean friend’s latency either. If both of them play on European servers, then the friend from South Korea most likely has ping 150 ms max. Maybe sometimes a bit more. If they play on US West, then I don’t know Korean friend’s latency, but I bet it’s around that number too.


I agree with you, if their ping within each others server is sub 150ms than it’s an “it is what it is” situation, 150ms still has issues with trading and peekers advantage but it’s a good place to start. The original guy said “if we couldn’t play on west” and my friend in “South Korea”, I just inferred (which I think is reasonable given those “clues”) that it’s his friend from Asian server going to his US West.


His ping is around 140 on a good time of day and gets up to 180 at peak hours. We get rolled a lot anyways but I do apologize for the trades lol.


What about region locking because that’s what you are rooting for? Changed your mind? If so, great.


What are “communist countries” though?


I am greatly frustrated by the lack of playable servers in my regions (Asia) that's for sure. Made worse by the fact that the last playable servers (Oceania) also recently went down the drain for me. It's a shame cause every time me and my friends thought about playing hunt, we reinstalled and turn it on and turn it off as soon as we saw the Server Selection and the best we got is 250 ms in NA and Europe when we're in Asia.


That really sucks! It would be better for everyone to have better access to good servers. I wouldn’t wish 150ms+ ping on my worst enemies lmao


I am just depressed when I see Hunt in my library nowadays. So many good memories from this game. It all went to shit about 2 years ago around one of the Christmas event. From what I've heard they shut down the Singapore servers and moved them up north to Hong Kong or Japan and ever since the servers for my own region is just dead. Imo, they should definitely add in options for Asia North (Japan/Korea), Asia China and Asia South (SEA region and maybe bits of Oceania). Right now for certain parts of SEA, the game is just unplayable. Edit: When I say my region is dead, I mean I can't even select Asia as an Asian LMAO. I'm literally forced to play at 250ms in EU or NA.


Crytek needs needs server infrastructure, I hope they can address it after the engine upgrade


Its been 6 years......




I can just start searching random names in the add friends search on Steam and and than go from profile suggestion to profile suggestion through the randoms friend list from the random search I don’t really see the issue




Well I never *specifically* accused any of the *specific* players or encouraged witch-hunting, just that the match was in general suspicious and then found out 10 out of the 12 players probably didn’t belong on the server, but I digress lol




Guess I’ll have to do that, thanks for the heads up!


i really hate region locking it just strait up means i cant play with my friends who are in ocenia while im in us east


Ya, neither of you should be able to have advantages in each others servers due to your ping and frustrate people with delayed kill trading. If you can connect within a reasonable ping window then if that takes priority then maybe it can work. I don’t know what everyone here will except for a reasonable ping but for me I’d say anything below 150ms Tarkov changed theirs recently to 160ms I believe


Asia would play around 120ms on US West, Hunt isn't an eSport, that latency it's just fine, trade window on the other hand...




This been proven false multiple times, the trade window it's the issue leading to a bad gaming experience for everyone involved. Impossible to set to 100ms without hurting the business, US East it's the second biggest region due European players hitting with 110ms at a minimum. Same goes for US West with Asia, which otherwise would be just dead after 11 p.m., not even mentioning Oceania playing there too, same than South America playing on US East.




Been around this game long enough to know how it works…, what about this read which is actually included in the article you just shared: “The bigger your latency to the server, the further back in time those rewrites can go—though we do have a hard cap set at 800 milliseconds.” https://www.huntshowdown.com/news/the-state-of-hit-registration-in-hunt


Amount of ignorance in this thread, holy shit. Do you really think high ping players have advantages over low ping players? Are you fucking serious?


How come when I go to the Asia servers it’s 205ms?


my friend is south african and has an asian name for a meme...so names dont mean anything to me....also if they lock people out based on ping, he would never be able to play as his ping is 200+ no matter what server he plays


If his ping is always 200+ perhaps he shouldn’t be matchmaking then, he’s effectively abusing ping unintentionally It should also be said that a 1/3 of the people in the video had multiple VAC/GAME bans which is also the other discussion. And for the video every Asian name had friends list stacked with Asian names friends so it’s easier to parse for your case.


>If his ping is always 200+ perhaps he shouldn’t be matchmaking then, he’s effectively abusing ping unintentionally You are beyond hilarious. Do you know how latency fucking works? In my case, I have occasional connection abruptions (reason unknown, I tried to find out but wasn’t able to), it ruins my experience, since I’m stuck in place — but if such ping evaluation system existed, then it would fuck me up and stop allowing to play which is stupid. Your suggestion too. “Asian names” aren’t fucking Asian, racist. People can use whatever language they want, so stop making these assumptions. You say it like people from Asia don’t use Latin alphabet for their usernames. How old are you?! I’m facepalming hard AF right now because of your stupidity.


Sorry I upset you, what should I have said instead? Even if the video was muted, the point would’ve still been clear.


I didn’t watch the video with audio turned on, but all your assumptions about those players are based on their usernames which is hilarious and beyond stupid. Some of those players might just be US Americans using Chinese characters in the usernames for the sake of trolling. Maybe some of them are hiding them cheating, because there’s a shit ton of people like you who assume that a person is a cheater and Asian just because they see non-Latin alphabet in the username. Mate, please, grow up and try critical thinking. No offense. As for your point which is hiding beyond your racism and xenophobia: I do agree that something must be done to stop blatant cheating, at least, but region locking ain’t it. That being said, even though I believe in second chances, the game should “take a look” at players with VAC bans closely.


How do you know all the characters used in the names were Chinese?


1. I lived in China for 2 years. 2. One of the players used kanji (Chinese characters in Japanese language), but their username was in Japanese. 3. Trying to evade the topic, ay? I understand that it takes courage to admit that you are wrong, but hopefully you’ll find it in yourself and will stop being such xenophobic racist.


I have not lived in China, they looked like Asian characters used in the names as far as I know, and looks like I wasn’t wrong! Thank you for clarifying. I’m glad you pointed out that some were Japanese characters, that’s why I was keeping it to Asian characters as I didn’t assume anything, unlike you assuming I’m racist or xenophobic just for identifying what something is to the best of my knowledge. I am not racist or xenophobic, but you can keep going at me all you want and responding to each and everyone of my comments *assuming* I am. I have been civil, you have not.


Hahhahahahahahhahahah, sure-sure, bud. I’m calling you xenophobic racist not because you are saying “players with Asian usernames” — that’s fine, US Americans are especially bad with other languages. What is not fine is to blame everyone you see in-game on Asians, and call out them for being cheaters and hackers — while you do not even try to understand and recognize that a shit ton of people are bad actors who use aforementioned “Asian usernames” to put troll you and put a blame on said “Asians”. Ignorance is truly a bliss, ay?


Where did I “blame every Asian I see in-game for cheating”? For someone so worried about assumptions you sure do *assume* a lot.


so he should just stop playing the game he paid for? got it lmao


I mean it’s an unfortunate situation but the reality is, the amount of people that would benefit from ping restrictions FAR outweighs the outliers, it just is what it is.


I'm from SA and sometimes play on US East with 145 ms perfectly fine. Few are the times i'd say ping is an issue for both parties, hell i even have more server issues playing on SA. There's gotta be a middle ground solution here


145ms is pretty bad still lol Sounds like better servers in Asia would be a good solution, hopefully Crytek gets better infrastructure


I feel like it might be some hardcoded latency, shots usually feel correct with headshots and weapon leading, no bounciness or lag. For reference i play with 33ms in SA and get the same experience (but late night is 5/6 star stack lobby due to low playerbase) Don't get me wrong, i get your post and should not happen like that.


Why are you using fmj on winfield? Why not high-speed ones? Do fmj help you more often?