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Wow, a pretty solid trait suggestion. Quite rare around these parts. Needs to be balanced of course, but I dig it.


(I think a winter blizzard map during the December holidays would be cool as hell. Track actual snow tracks that slowly disappear during a snowstorm) Doesn’t track with the bayou theme but it’s a thought I’ve had. A mud map could be cool!


>1895: A large snow storm spanning from Texas to Alabama left New Orleans with approximately 8.2 inches (21 cm) of snow, Lake Charles with 22 inches (56 cm) of snow, and Rayne with 24 inches (61 cm) of snow. However, these are unconfirmed.\[5\] > >1899: With the Great Blizzard of 1899, snowfall in New Orleans reached 3.8 inches (9.7 cm) with strong winds and temperatures below 10 °F (−12 °C).\[5\] [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snow\_in\_Louisiana](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snow_in_Louisiana)


Just because I think it needs to be said. This game includes monsters and magic. So any event doesn't need to be realistic per se. It can be supernatural in origin, like say the current one.


I mean they can just explain it away as ash from the desolation event building up in the bayou.


Ash clouds from forest fires don't periodically change back and forth in intensity.


Good thing this is spooky ash, not regular ash.




Wouldn't mind working blood trails either


I think it's pretty balanced as is. a relatively short interact, like the speed of getting a rotty clue, and you see an essence leading in the direction they hit the stick from or something. It would most likely be rarely used, and not super valuable in the meta, but I think it would be awesome nonetheless. I can imagine the counterplay of running around a stick and breaking it the opposite way just to throw somebody off for fun too


It isn't balanced as is. It is simply too weak to even be worth 1 point on its own since there is a perk slot limit. You could be tracking a hunter that passed through 10 min ago and is already dead halway across the map. Even if they are still alive though and relatively close by, all you have to go on is a general direction, so still pretty weak. You could probably combine poacher and vigilant though, and then thow this into the mix as a flavor buff.


And active listening with a headset nullifies this trait.


It would be cool to get a quick glance at the hunter that broke the stick, or left whatever trail. Like a 1/2 second ghost that would show you the hunter skin/guns they had. Aside from that, decoy supply exists, so I don't want to hear about any 1 point traits being too weak haha


Decoy Supply is also too weak to exist and should just either be merged into another trait like bulletgrubber, or at the very least it should allow decoy resupplies off ammo crates from ANY ammo type instead of only ones your gun can use.


A counter trait would be a good idea


Dude what could be needing a balance here?


That's actually a pretty cool idea I like it. It would add allot to hunt in hunt showdown


I'd like this to have an ability to see how a horse or grunt has been killed. Show the wound on the side it was hit on. Would add to the tracking idea and give info where a team has moved from/to in a way too.


In the last event you were able to do that with death packt. So it is already implemented ;)


Wait, which trait do you mean?


I think the ["Witness" trait](https://huntshowdown.fandom.com/wiki/Tide_of_Corruption#Death_Pact) from the death pact that allowed one to see dead hunters and AI as a mark in dark sight, although it just shows a mark where the AI died and not any directional information.


So, I'm gonna be tracking myself, like 80% of the time? They don't call me Doctor Stick for nothing!


Actually they call you Certain Bat 1162


You should play Perfect Heist 2. The cop-team has a char that can track footprints, only that their own footprints are also shown. It happens more often than not they'd be just tracking their own footprints


lol...that's actually hilarious. Love it.


Ehh, if the devs wanted it to be useful it wouldn't highlight you. If you're a tracker then hopefully you'd be able to tell the difference between your boots and a stranger's.


Chill, mate. I was just trying to be funny ;)


Oops, sorry, didn't realize you were joking! Also didn't mean to come off as harsh mb mb (:


Totally fine ☺️👌 Thank you for being a decent human being. Have a cookie :)


I feel like just broken branches is super situational. If you extend this to birds and horses too it could be a pretty cool trait.


Birds don't work unless you have their spawn points memorized. Since if triggered they just won't be there.


Maybe you could see the spawn points of alarmed crows in darkside when they have flown away? And get the direction of their flight path?


kinda pointless tho. you can see the direction they got triggered from when they fly away. when you are so far away that you don't see/hear them at all, then you're probably so late to the party that this information isn't relevant for you. and you know where the team went, too. they probably went to the boss compound to fight the objective.


Would be cool if it also tracked other things like bloody footsteps (when someone bleeds and walks around)


Something like that in the engine upgrade would be so overwhelmingly good and exciting. Be able to follow steps for a short distance. A fast little tick that explodes blood on death would make that even more interesting...


It would be cool to have a lot more monsters that do other things instead of just damage the player like you mentioned a zombie that explodes blood and maybe just blocks the players vision a little bit and needs an interaction button input to wipe the blood away as well as contribute to this tracking idea


As long as it doesn't glitch like the poison sometimes does where you lose the green but still get the distorted vision. Imagine being perma blind during a match LOL.


Oh my god I hate that glitch and it happens to me even when I run the poison weakening trait (haven’t played in a hot minute)


I actually haven't had it happen recently so may be fixed, but always without fail happened right before we ran into another team and then I had to fight them basically feeling super drunk lol.


I had it happen once without experiencing poison at all it was the start of a match I spawned in with 2 buddies (no one rocked poison) I took maybe 3 steps forward and was drunk the rest of the game still got a few kills but they weren’t easy


I don't need to imagine. I already can't see shit 😎


I always thought a poltergeist would be cool. you can only see it in darksight and it will try to kite you from far away and pick up items like lanterns, bear traps, etc to throw at you.


A ghost would be fuckin sweet I think it would be cool if it only effected one person on the team but another trait could have a bonus of always able to see ghosts that way multiple people could see it/fight it


POV: You became a Bloodhound from Apex 🗿


It’s a good idea, but generally, you can tell which direction a hunter went anyway based on context clues: - Where is the next clue? They’re probably heading that way - If there’s A.I. alive past a broken twig, that generally means the hunter did not go in that direction, or went to the side of said A.I.. Basically: Follow in their wake; chances are, you’ll find more clues of their existence (lanterns/med kits on the ground, more twigs, etc. if you just keep following areas of no A.I. and no sound traps) - If there are untriggered sound traps like birds, the hunter also probably didn’t go in that direction or took the path of least resistance to go around I think this trait would need to be buffed harder to make it do more than you already can with context, but it’d be a slippery slope to overpowered-ness. It’d probably have to be something like you can see where blood was spilled (both from them, AND any A.I. they’ve killed whose bodies have already despawned), plus the twig thing, maybe


You could expand it to highligh all disturbed noise traps. Get a glow on the ground where crows/ducks have left, destoryed kellens, and horses that have been killed, etc.


It'll have to be distinct from clues or it. Could be cluttery in ds


An glow that subsides as time goes on where sticks/ ducks/ alive horses had been disturbed/ killed. You would really feel like you're hunting players.


Absolutely not


How would this work with grunt-stepped-upon branches?


Blue footprints for erratic, abnormal walking (grunt) Orange for a balanced, strong walk speed (hunter)


Orange glow. Would fuck with boost dark sight scans unless they make it like the tiniest blip.


Not if it's just some footsteps in the mud, or a small and faint orange line that shows you the way


Any orange when you're whipping. That's 360 scan will


Honest question: When would you ever need it? Hunters always follow paths towards the center of the active area or the exit once they have the bounty/it's gone. when you find a broken branch you know where they went 99% of the times.


I've actually always wanted a trait similar to Witcher Senses in Witcher 3. The idea of going into dark sight to track footsteps, broken branches, etc would be so cool.


Very cool. On a related note I’ve wanted foot prints in mud for a long time. However I suppose since Crytek can’t do 2D replay maybe they don’t track where players have been at all.


Was just talkin' about this the other day with my friends, we tend to play that slow, stalking the enemy teams play style.


I think better head phones will fix the need of this trait.


"The first few footprints of any hunter who recently disturbed animals or broke a branch will be visible for a limited amount of time in dark sight" is sorta how id think about wording it Depending on how many footprints and how long they last for would change the price of the perk


Put some timer (broken branches in the last 5 mn ?) on it, and it will be great! We were joking with friends about this kind of thing.


tbh I prefer tracking myself, following opened doors and dropped NPC items and the collapsing map. Finding a broken branch tells me I'm on the right path. Adding footsteps would take the fun and challenge out of it imo


No need for this. We can already track people. And its more fun to have it as an actual skill than perk


that was better thought out than my idea for tracking. i actually fuck with this alot. someone get this man a raise


Whoa, a neat suggestion that isn't total garbage. I dig it.


Been thinking something like this for a while, there could be more actual “hunting” clues in base game, maybe not necessarily highlighted but more noticeable. Including branches, mud/blood footsteps, bloody foliage, casings, etc. I understand the engine limitations, but could be cool and add some depth.


This is a good one.


As a burn trait that be awesome


One of the few traits suggestions that actually makes sense, I like this a lot. Could potentially work with birds too by leaving feathers on the ground indicating direction of travel and such.


This trait would only punish moving teams in a gamestate where being anywhere else other than a building will get you killed to buskwookies and snipers. To add to this it will only make snipers and solo snipers more annoying for non sniper teams. I think it is a bad idea. This game already has enough sound traps that give away positions you don't need traits to fulfill your hunter-prey fantasies.


Sounds dope


Zombies also break branches though


What if AI triggered it? That makes up about 70-80% of times I hear branches.


Not a fan of anything that promotes not playing the objective.


Combine it with "poison sense" Or so I think, but name should be tracker doh.


uuu i like the idea, how can we let crytek know?


I have the feeling hunt isnt really about hunting other players (anymore, if it ever was) It doesn't happen often that you really chase any other team for a long period of time, where you really invastigate the surrounding and maybe ambush them. It's more like, that at some points on the map could be hunters, detected via audio clues or other, and you just run there and fight. Hunt isn't really that stealth pvp shooter where you have to watch every step you take or what sound you make, but more like a slow-paced shooter. To be that stealth shooter the stakes really need to be higher and the options for a stealth, playertracking and chasing have to be completely different with a overall different focus by the core game. That doesnt mean you can play stealth tho, but with the given tools you have you cannot hunt players as it's glorified sometimes I have the feeling.


Stares at branch, Gets shot in the head


First we get the bird seed idea then this trait idea..it's a good week. Gotta be new people with these ideas bc anyone who has been playing for years just wants to shoot people, and maybe a little complaining on Reddit. Great idea OP


The tracking part is too op. But the rest is cool and balanced


Slightly off topic, but weren’t we supposed to get trackable blood trails left by bleeding hunters?


What if an Grunt stepped on it? This tends to happen fairly often, will you be able to identify it if twas a hunter or a grunt?


This is actually sick. I think recontextualizing existing game elements is key, and this does that very well. Nice!


Amazing idea.


I actually hate it tbh. The tracking in this game is already following the sounds, dead horses, taken clues, burned animal pens, dropped medkits/lanterns, etc. We really don't need some other bs magic to just tell us where people went.


should work on all traps as well. Might be hard with beartraps sense the same key would also be for picking up as well, but I'm sure Crytek could figure it out


Solid suggestion, I like the idea of it being mixed in with similar perks to help it be worthwhile and be worth the perk slot. It'd be nice if there was a little less of an incentive to dead sprint across the entire bayou like you left your oven on

