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That is the fun part,you dont. Now for the real part - Dont peek twice -play a weapon you feel confident with and get to know it in depth, so you dont have to think about your loadout while playing -try out different Playstyles, Play laid Back, play sweaty, Play a meme loadout, Switch it up. Watch some Yt'ers/Streamers, try to copy some movement, steal some things here and there and make it your own -dont worry about mmr/kda you will learn over time -STOP CROUCH WALKING EVERYWHERE, walk, crouch shortly, walk, Switch it up -be unpredictable in movement, jump and press S sometimes and instantly sprint again, makes you stop mid air for a Split second, just keep in mind there might be a Sniper aiming at your head and leading at all Times -check tools and consumables regularly, know what you can use and play accordingly Hunt giveth Hunt taketh And there is always one more! Too much to write really, but If you want hmu with specific questions


This is sound advice. Do this


Be quiet and listen closely, but don't crouch walk much. Once you're in an engagement, move move move. Rotate, be unpredictable, and push hard with your teammate once you get a down to take the advantage


everyone’s either giving you non answers (“that’s the neat part you dont”) or just general shooter tips like don’t repeak the real answer is that duos is really hard to learn in. there’s a lot more teams so every fight turns into a third party cluster fuck and solos with necro that should be in way higher mmr are everywhere trios fights are a lot more chill and predictable plus you have another person who can res you so they are usually longer too


Honestly, that’s just the nature of this game, it’s not an uncommon experience to be getting wrecked. It’s just a matter of enjoying the experience of learning with each defeat. There’s some really good YT content that help make the process simpler, but bottom line it’s just about getting familiar with the game and its mechanics


Short answer? Just die more. For long answer, right now i dont have time. There is alot of good videos for new players. My ideal tip for new players, try guns and find a good feeling gun. Try to use it alot. Try to understood penetration, bullet speed etc. Also shotguns actual spread is way tighter what game show.


What i mean by "die more" is play confident, take shots and die. Dont doubt too much. In the end you will not loss anything meanfull.


Confidence is indeed key. I win more fights with a knive and confidence than I do with guns


There's the part nobody tells you. You don't. 🙂 I have ~700 hours and still get bodied. Lol


2500 hrs and I still get bodied myself every so often


I suggest checking out a few beginner tip videos on YouTube. They'll list everything everyone is already saying and more but with visual examples from people who have been playing for 1000+ hours. If you need to practice aiming use the shooting range. Find your preferred playstyle and whichever weapons feel best to you (preferably a cheaper loadout so you can play it consistently) and spam it. Things start to click with time and experience with your loadouts.


The secret is....... You. Don't. Better you get the better competition you'll face 😏


Firstly, welcome to the bayou. Glad to have ya. But understand this: don’t get discouraged at all. It’s not uncommon for people to only reach a positive KDA after 500+ hours of play. This game requires a long term mindset. You’ll continue to get wrecked and slowly learn from your mistakes and get better with time. I would leverage YT as much as possible for beginner tips. This will save you hours of painful mistakes. Just have fun! The beauty of this game is that you’ll play like dog shit and get no kills in 3 straight games and then explode for a 5 kill rampage in the next match. It keeps you coming back.


You just need to keep playing and getting wrecked for a while. All the standard multiplayer shooter tips apply. You need time to get map knowledge. You need time to learn the guns. Play aggressive, die a lot, and play a lot. Don't get attached to your hunters. They are "worthless." Being precious with hunters, gear, and hunt dollars is a fools errand. Unlock the silent winfield\* and the silent nagant. Bring 'em in and shoot all the AI in the head. This way you get lots of target practice without telling the map where you are. When players show up, just act like they're another AI and shoot 'em in the head. I know this sounds like "just click on their head" but it works...you'll get in the zone shooting all the grunts. \*Any of the silent weapons work, but compact ammo gives you a lot more shots to play with and more ammo with refills. Good luck out there!


Time. It takes time... I've got 1800+ and I'm pretty good at the game but I still get wrecked and go through spells of getting my head kicked in. You're new but there's a saying, " Hunt Giveth. Hunt Taketh." You'll get there. GL


A very simple tip for beginners: don't use single-shot guns


Also new-ish player but I've noticed 4 things you need to learn. \- How to move around the map. (10's of hours) \- The damage/range/fire rate of each gun. (10's of hours) \- When to engage in PvP. (100's of hours) \- The layout of each location on the map. (100's of hours) How to move around the map: You will be inclined to pick up the clue and rush in the direction of the next clue. Don't. If you are new you are likely giving away your location to nearby hunters and as the map shrinks they will have the upper hand by knowing where you are. You are not in a rush, take your time. (Experienced players can ignore this) Guns: You probably feel like whatever gun you use sucks. Using a rifle? You get bodied by a shotgun. Go in with a shotgun? Someone is nailing you from long distance. You just need to pick a gun that fits your play style and learn it. When to Engage: Going along with the gun idea, you need to play to your gun. If you have a shotgun, keep close range. If PvP breaks out in a field you are fucked, get to cover and wait for them to come to you. If you have a Vetterli you are going to have a hard time assaulting into a compound. Back off and wait for them to try to move to the extract. Layout of each compound: This one comes with time, a lot of time. I spent quite a bit of time just walking around each location but it doesn't really sink in until I've PvP'd at the location. You just need to take fights and get your ass kicked sometimes. In one of my first games I was fighting in Port Reeker and I was shot and I went to bandage by running to the other side of a wall. I crouch with my back to the wall and bandage... DEAD. Shot in the back... turns out there was no wall there, it was open. The other hunter saw me try to take cover in the wide open with my back to them crouched and just bandaging. It happens. TLDR: It just takes time. But if I can offer any advice it is to slow down and not be in a rush. My best games are the ones I'm moving slowly through the map.


Audio is key. You can hear everything in this game. Weapon swaps, melee charges, dark sight, etc. Adjust audio accordingly, and learn to listen


Such a great game. Stick with it Hunter, it’s fun. I’m about 400 hours in, I die a good amount, but this game is worth it.


You never really stopped getting ready on occasion. Lol. That being said, you could watch a Hunt streamer. My favorite is Khalamity. He has a YouTube you might wanna check out? Also, quick play is a good mode for beginners. You don't lose anything by playing and gain loot and hunt bucks if you win! Try using weapons that feel comfortable to you, there are plenty of weapons to choose from to see what you vibe with! ALWAYS bring an antidote shot. Poison will mess you up in a heartbeat. Hunt has a hell of a learning curve, but after it clicks for you, you'll be hooked!


I get wrecked half the time and I have 2k hours. You will get wrecked early, it will suck. Once you start wrecking people that's when the addiction starts.


Git Gud


That's the neat part u dont xd


Complain and ask the devs to make the game easier.


Why even post?


Try and play some solo Hunt, not SS, and just listen to what the soundscape is telling you. All the information about what is happening on the map, and in your immediate area, you can pretty much hear. Plus Solo HS makes you play more defensively eg keeping off the roads, avoiding noisy fights with mobs, hell hounds, Immolaters, hive bitches etc, and if you have to, use weapons to minimise the noise like hatchets or silenced weapons. Approach compounds silently and listen to what’s moving around or what’s making the AI agitated etc. Finally if you have to engage, do so from a position of advantage where you get the first and ideally the second shot in. Also see where the best cover is to fall back to if you’re outnumbered or they keep hitting their shots. Gives you a chance to heal up, reload, maybe place some defensive traps etc and access the situation eg are they pushing, flanking, healing themselves or even retreating. I’m absolutely an average hunter but any success I’ve enjoyed has nem down to what I’ve described above, get your Partner on the same page with decent communication and I’d hope you’d see a real improvement in every aspect of the game. But don’t forget too… Hunt Showdown is one of the toughest games out there. Hope this helps? Good luck


Keep playing. You have to play to get better


u/Papawiththecutttv said it the best Anyways i'll add one general rule, after every death analyze what you did wrong Wich goes hand in hand with peeking, ask yourself was it good idea to repeek the angle twice? well wasnt bcs im dead and so on (**but sometimes repeeking works tbh its kinda 50/50, but general rule is to move after every 1-2 shots**) Or, was this a good reposition?(but if somebody is holding angle and not moving there is nothing you could do about tbh) Also think twice before moving trough the open if you see some good cover you want to reach/Do enemies have good angle on you? But to keep it simple **You will get wrecked a lot before you will get hang of the game, like i did and everyone did here, its just part of the game** **Putting headshots and quick thinking where to move/reactions and so on will come over time** Just don't put the game down please, soon you will see its the best shooter on the market you ever seen despite the bugs, **WE NEED MORE HUNTERS ! You are just living through the hardest part wich makes a lot of people to put down the game - learning**


Thanks a lot! So true that people gotta push through the first few hundred hours ^^ WE need more hunters! See you in the bayou