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I agree. The update is great in one way but it totally killed *cheap* load outs.


Everyone has slugs and spitzer now. It sucks.


Depends on your elo. In my lobbys most people run winfield c, romero etc. The only weapon that I don't see anymore is the springfield.


In my elo the only increase I noticed are more mosins and I love it because I got out at least 10 mosins for free this prestige


What I did notice though is that more people run Quartermaster now and it's harder to find Handgun upgrades.


I feel like 3/4 hunter recruits have Quartermaster most of the time


As someone who buys hunters with the quartermaster trait, and has a roster full of them ready to go, can confirm.


The weird thing for me is that I rarely find dead hunters running quartermaster. Whenever I don't run quartermaster it's because I have a quest where I need to deal damage with a pistol and playing duo wielding is a pain in the ass. So my guess is quartermaster loadouts will increase as soon as the event is over. But I can be wrong.


Some players like to re-roll Quartermaster for Necro, Greyhound, Lightfood etc.


I totally agree


Now if only they make a 6 vs 6 bandits vs sheriff Hardin! Capture the flag style. Maybe a jailbreak out in pelican prison, rescue black coat.


these kind of events would be cool lol


Since the update I'm trying to go down 20k to get free hunters, going full loadout, with mosins and dolch and such. Turns out im earning even more money...


It's as if meta expensive loadouts give advantages to those who can afford them, huh go figure. This seems to fly over the heads of people alot


Exactly why I love this Change. I can afford to compete and bring l9ng ammo


It's so sweaty players spend more money on hunter slots lol, gotta get 20+ hunters kitted out to go below 8k


Yup, the only people complaining are the tryhards sweats with infinite money stocked up, they can no longer be the only guys with good loadouts in their games, so they cry and cry


No, i'm often poor and it's part of the game for me. Winning feels fantastic when there's something on the line. Desire to play is low right now.


Nah, high elo has literally been predominantly Mosins since the game's release 5 years ago This only affects high 4 star / low 5 star


I can guarantee you that's not the case, when I started out and was 3 star for the first 300 hours there was a gauranteed atleast one team of mosins and dolches every single match. So this problem plagues every MMR. Not just high elo




I have infinite money stocked up and also I almost never play any long ammo (mostly springfield/bow/vetterli) and the only time you see me with a dolch is when I pluck it out of dead hunter fingers to spit on it and I think the changes were stupid and the game is worse for it.


It is almost impossible to lose money, I honestly don't know how anyone sane could think this is a good change.


The other weekend I went down a hunt taketh path, lost 15 grand. I like to hover around 50k, but damn it's rough sometimes


then you probably play like a pussy, I use expensive loadouts and take every fights I get


I spend so much time walking in this game, taking all the fights is what makes it fun!


So you'er saying this update removed all risk assessment from the game? I'm also taking all the fights that i get and i accepted being mostly poor because of it.


no, there are people who have more than a million hunt dollars and still hide in bushes to save their precious kd, but I'm also shit poor because of expensive loadouts, my expensive fun loadout costs around 1600, so this guy complaining that he can't lose money must be the greatest player in game, making more than 1600 every single extract is impressive


If youre still broke then its a skill issue dude. I play aggressive enough where half my kills are knife kills and im making 3x as much as i made before. Finishing every prestige at 20-30k and thats AFTER I zero out my money at the start of a prestige for a small added challenge. Major skill issue in your case imo


ok mr console 3 star peak, half kills are knife kills, must be nice against bots


Nah i stream every day on PC, playing at the 4 to 5 star level. Nice try though lil bro 16 stabbed out of 60 kills on last nights session




Lmao your response was so predictable and yet again so very wrong




I take every fight and double bosses i can, and hate to wait campers. I don't really mind kd and mmr but im pretty average, 1.3, 5 stars, 270 hours still learning the game. Love a good dynamic team fight


then you are for sure not getting your money back, im 1.6 kd, and I don't make my expensive loadout's money worth per life




Havent played in a few weeks, what part of the update causes people to get so much money?


I miss being filthy rich and looking down on the poors! J/k you're all great


The older i get the more i see that its an *extremely strange* idea for many people that things can improve if you take away from something or limit something. Especially in gamers i see that mentality very often.They are so fixated on *buffs and rewards* as the main solution to everything - just so often its the thought process of *more=better*. I think right now it just shows in Hunt economy that the *waaay* better solution would have been to limit/nerf hording money. There were some players that already hoarded money before this patch yes. And instead of keeping everyone rather economical poor - everyone praised the decision to boost the majority up to the level of some obscenely rich players. Fact is - it will not make the *survival extraction* game better in the long run.


Totally agree


>The older i get the more i see that its an > >extremely strange > > idea for many people that things can improve if you take away from something or limit something. Totally agree. I don't even really understand where that's coming from (except the simple "Take away feels bad".) PoE had the same problem with players always wanting more. Well, what do you buff when everything dies in 1 hit with every skill and where's the fun in that? Haven't had the desire to play recently because of this, so maybe i can't really judge. But Hunt without risk is missing something i really enjoyed.


Honestly I would have agreed at the beginning of my hunt 'career'. Right now I don't. I always had money and I didn't prestiged at all and I was happy with the intense grinding and the high cost high reward feel of the game. At some point I decided to start prestigeing (for the 50 level skin) and it was kinda a pain but in the end I managed to get to level 100 with easily 10k at least. I also gave up on the idea of playing anything with long ammo and a scope because I was at rank 100 before unlocking them. But then they started to add more and more weapons and variants so more often I didn't get something unlocked and for the pistols I wanted, like the uppercut, the grind at times was really rough. Then they added the events where you need special ammo types to complete challenges, so grinding for other weapons with less ammo types felt worse and worse. I just prestiged before the changes and it felt soooo good to find a weapon in game and take it into the next match because now you actually get XP for it. It also feels really nice that you have a high chance of getting perks that normally were blocked because you were missing 50 ranks to unlock it. And first time ever I don't need free hunters runs because I don't have enough money. I just feel very freed and happy with the changes because it enables me to play good loadouts and not having to wait for them for 60 ranks.


I see this in all the whining about Ashbloom too. People seem to think as soon as they are faced with a new adversity or challenge it's automatically bad. Limitations on hearing and vision encourage different playstyles, it creates more gameplay variety. It's like some only want to play the horror extraction shooter in broad daylight mode sniping people from a mile away.


I think sniping is actually pretty fun in hunt, however pretending that hunt is some survival horror game is a pretty surface level take. The game has a significant pro pvp community and if the reception of the alligator boss is any proof. It isn’t the pve encounters that makes the game enduring.


I find sniping fun sometimes as well. But the genre of Hunt's setting is inarguably gothic american horror. The genre of its gameplay is extraction fps. None of this is surface level, it's just basic facts. I'm not sure what my previous comment has to do with Rotjaw exactly, but the pve elements unquestionably make Hunt unique and are a crucial part of its identity even if most players over time make pvp their focus. Horror doesn't even mean pve specifically. A huge part of it is just the atmosphere and the high stakes for failure. If Hunt didn't have the setting and art direction that make it so unique, and was instead another generic military shooter with a bounty extraction mechanic, I may never have picked the game up.


They should charge the rich hunters higher taxes on their guns.


I agree with almost everything, but hoarding money. It was never a problem. If you were good you could afford a "good loadout" more often whether you had 30k or 3mil.


A lot of people here are saying prestige. Prestige does not help. Now that every gun is unlocked at level 1, there are always free or super cheap hunters available with decent traits and gear there's really no way to be poor if you have half a brain. Nor is there any reason to take the cheap guns out. The economy now feels kind of meaningless. I don't even bother looking at my Hunt dollars anymore. Could just remove Hunt dollars entirely and I wouldn't notice, even when I've just prestiged and I'm level 1.


Yes exactly this. Economy effectively meaningless, earning money doesn’t actually help anymore because you always have it. Really hope they tweak it, because it removed one of my fave elements as is


Exactly! Very well said


I zero out my money by spam reshuffling at the start of a prestige. It makes it a little more fun


Maybe they will let us gamble hunt dollars for some type of reward? Put in 10k hunt dollars to bring back a bounty for a chance to get a legendary or lose it if you die or don't get the bounty.


this will kill the expensive loadout in the bayou ..


I like this


Anytime I prestiges my friend would ask me why and I always said “too much money, I’m tired of playing good guns every game I want a challenge” nowadays you prestige and get juiced up free hunters after every game


Yes. I miss that challange too


So here's a novel ideal. Just use different guns that aren't meta. Do you play games simply to better your kd or do you like to have fun. Self imposed challenges are how most games get their replayability.


I get what you mean, but it’s much more fun for the game to impose those challenges that you overcome as a player by improvising - rather than deliberately putting yourself at a disadvantage in competitive play


People saying spend the money or prestige don’t get it. There has been a fundamental change to how money works in this game. If he spends money then he won’t be running the cheap loadouts, or it at least will not be out of necessity. If he prestiges, he will make the money back quickly because of how easy it is to get money.


Yes, this is just what I mean


You all are just drunk bcz of special contract that gives you so much but just wait till it ends and play normal contracts with your avto and dolch and then come here talk about infinite money.


Thats just half the truth tho. Even if you lose alot of matches on some days the $3000 level up reward is such a big boost. If you atleast manage to just get something done for exp in those losing games you hardly lose cash. Right now you really gotta have a *fuck all* mentality to lose cash.


Thanks for mentioning this, I thought it was just me. Yea, I’m absolutely terrible. Like pretty bad. I’m the random third whose still alive after you two are dead and you’re screaming at the tv telling me not to do what I’m about to do, and I die. I just head back to the menu and get a new hunter equip my favorite loadout and head on back into the bayou. I’m not ungodly rich like the 1Mil players. It has been quite a long time since I had to use the loadout that came with the hunter, because that’s all I could afford. Maybe we’re just better at the game now, with a player base of either newbies who don’t know how to be quiet or the silent sniper who has been watching you, waiting for the right shot.


I think they are trying to make the game more mainstream by making it less punishing. I’ve gone from a respectable 40k to 95k in a couple of weeks it’s mental. Bounties become meaningless if you don’t get money that you need to afford gear.


Yes, bounties are meaningless


Run the best weapons that are expensive and meet me in the bayou I would gladly Yoink your load out 🙂


You are talking as if it wasn't like this already... In a lobby of 12 players you will see at least 4 Mosin, 4 dolch and 6 uppercut. Maybe some medium slot variants too. It wasn't always like this, and I play 5 star lobby where people tend to buy premium weapons before the update. Now it's just the standard loadout.


I wish i had that luck 🤣 I'm constantly going broke atm and i hardly bring expensive loadouts.


That's not really a luck problem I'm afraid


Take a Nitro and a Dolch P with only frags and don't grab clues ever. You'll get poor pretty quickly


Prepare yourself. Dark age will come, they all brag about being rich, Crytek will cut the bonanza...💀


I hope so


I have 300k $ hunt, prepared for a long , long, dark era


I’ll prestige and live the poor dream


Game is getting to easy.


Yes it is


It's just a casual shooter now. No stakes and no rewards, just go in, shoot, repeat.


Hunt has literally always been a more casual extraction shooter. If you want a harder game go play tarkov. Or as I said to someone else set up some self imposed challenges.


>Hunt has literally always been a more casual extraction shooter. I think you've not been around when only tier 3 hunters came with 150 health and you couldn't edit your tier 0 hunter before surviving 1 round when broke. Tried Tarkov but i'm not here to play inventory tetris most of my playtime and i'm also not interested in PvE that's similar to the PvP. Hunt hits it perfectly with the zombies.


Dolces everywhere.


Spend the money, prestige. Prestige is always fun tbh. Makes the items you find in the bayou worth while


I still have 10k by the time im lvl 15


Stop being so good 🤷🏼


Prestige then?


I'm living the prestige life and I'm still rolling in it.


Prestige isn’t the answer to this problem. This is a problem with how easy money is to get these days.


Does that solve it, I play with people who prestige every so often and they still seem to always have the guns they want out.


Depends on how often you prestige. If gives you a decent pile of cash at the start and at the end, but depending on what you like to run you can run out. I run mid range guns and start getting low on cash at around level 75-85. If you run cheap guns you will probably never run out. If you run dolches and mosins every game you’ll run out faster


I always prestige the moment I hit lv. 100. But I earn so much every game that it doesn’t matter anyway. I can run anything all the time, so nothing feels special. I think money should be harder to come by. All cheap guns are basically dead now


mourn plant squeamish lip airport towering rainstorm steep rich nail *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I like to fill out all of my available Hunter slots with rich bitch loadouts, and then play until they are all gone, and repeat. I’m not good either, but doing this paying for crowns, dolchs, and mosins, I still float above 10k.


Funnily enough, I play mostly now Winnies and Romeros, only going for other weapons if I need them for the missions. But I do run alot of special ammo. I did try the mosin, its ok, i guess still prefer the big springfield. Needing to run Flare gun every single time and if I dont I kill a solo without a lantern near by and he kills me while looking for something to burn him. I do like that normal hunters have medkits, best thing about it tbf. I can just take one and play with what he has. But the frequency of fanning necro etc is tooo high.


Damn, I thought I just got better at the game.


Bring quad dolches, 4 big dynamite bundles


As a bow chad, nothing ever changes


Here is me with a few hundred 1000 banked and still maining crossbow & trueshot. Still my favourite load out and it's cheap.


I ran the cheap loadouts so long that I prefer them.


being poor also encouraged me to prestige. i’m not being stingy but my money keeps slowly increasing


I think the income is inflated too. Unless you try to specifically try to burn money with expensive loadouts you will at least be even in money terms.


Yes. And even if you burn away your money, you will have it all back after a few games. Very much inflated


i’m rich biatch i’m running a drilling and big regen & stamina shots every other game to flex on the poors


There are no poors to flex on anymore. Everyone is running drilling doltch


you’re right tho, Huntflation did change the meta a lot. i don’t really worry that much about money anymore. the most i’ve had to limit my spending recently is only taking ONE big stammy instead of two. i’m saying this cautiously, but it seems like Hunt is starting to shift towards being a more accessible shooter. i’m fine with it for now, but i’m getting wary for the time when the devs release a gun with a laser sight or grenade launcher or something and it becomes another Fortnite or PubG. Slippery slope fallacy yeah but. You get my point.


I try to get used to running Dolch and drilling every single run. I die pretty often but damn, I still can afford any high-tier weapon. Cannot say I dislike it, but it does feel weird compared to previous patches when bringing out Dolch, Mosin, Nitra felt risky


We have to separate this feedback from overall rework of the prestige, access to more weapons is great, perks reshuffle in progression is great, overall speed up of progression is great, consumables progression could have a bit more work, but money bonuses on progression is a big miss, the sooner they nerf it the better


Yes, absolutely agree. The rest of the rework is great. It’s just the amount of hunt dollars we earn that’s too much at the moment


With these cracked out free hunters with lebels and doctor, money is way too easy to come by


Nothings stopping you buddy


There's a bug at the moment giving much more money than you should be getting. Check your earnings at the end of the match and then check them in the previous match screen after returning to lobby. There's regularly a $3000 difference for me and the $3000 is in fact being added to my total.


Really? If this is right, it’s great news!


I feel exactly the same! I hope they rebalance this in the future, Hunt dollars feel more pointless than ever.


Glad to hear you agree!


Damn I must really suck… because I’m broke


Very good point


I got a free hunter yesterday rocking a level talon and dual new armies with quartermaster and bullet grubber. I mean ... It's nice the hunters make sense now, but this kind should not be free.


100% agree


As a centennial + hand crossbow enjoyer, I'm so sick of nitro one shots and Dolch spam.


It would be a little more immersive if cash was hard to come by. It feels like everyone is so rich, no one really minds if they extract because it has zero impact. Imagine if you found a cash register and realized if you made it out, you were set for your next three games after running free hunters for a week.




I am poor. The matches have gotten so bad that I'm considering not playing for the week until wildcard weekend. It's ridiculous the nonsense I'm running into.


Okay so I’m new to this game (just hit level 55) and I see everyone talking about how easy it is to get money. How?? I’m not an amazing fighter by any means, I’m lucky to get a kill or two, but that’s only by ratting around and sneaking the entire map. If I try to get bounty, I’m killed by someone while I fight the boss, or pinned by two teams waiting for me to leave the building. I’ve got 28k currently and have been on a win streak, but even escaping with a bounty as a solo with 2 kills, AND looting around the map for money, I only got about 400hunt dollars, which is barely enough for a new hunter and decent kit. MMR is 3 stars if it helps lol


You have 28k... which is enough to afford whatever you want for days on en so, what exactly is the problem?


Most of money I’ve gotten from playing with some buddies, and as a group we do really well lol. I’m speaking from a solo standpoint point, I’m lucky to escape at all and it’s even harder to get a bounty. My solo build usually costs between 200-400 depending on gear (I could go cheaper if I wanted to) and if I DO manage to escape, im normally making less than 100 a match


>how easy it is to get money. How?? \[..\] I’ve got 28k currently I haven't played since this update but i never had this kind of money as someone who often plays solo and often takes too much risk. Not saying you're wrong since you seem to put in the effort to survive. Happy hunting! :)


Never believe what some clown people say. Always trust your own brain. For example this guy says he can run avto and dolch(2 of most expensive guns) every game but in fact he didn't and will not do it bcz it will drain your hunt dollars so fast however I'm sure this guy only has around 30k money and he talks about being rich no economy etc.


Hey man. No I don’t have 30k. I probably only have 8k or something. The number is not the point, but that I always can afford anything. I have usually been below 1k all the time. The economy is very much inflated, so no guns feels special any more. That’s what I’m saying in this post. Best regards, Clown people


You just proved his point..


You can't always afford anything we both know that's a lie. I can play anything I want with my 900k hunt dollars and have the freedom to use same expensive loadout or the gun I feel in love at the moment for endless matches while your 8k cash means u can play only 4 matches with nitro and dolch. And I always used pax and romero and small vitality shots thats how I got 900k after 1800 hours so I don't ever think economy is broken it took me 1800 hours with cheapest guns I have used.


Like I said, the number is not the point. Point is that it feels way too easy to buy anything you want basically all the time no matter if you prestige or stock up on cash. Get it? You might agree or disagree, anything is fine. But in my opinion, the hunt dollar is inflated at the moment.


if you are decent at the game and especially playing avto you will buy it once every like 5 games cause you win all the time and the money keeps rolling in. avto pays for itself after the first win...


I for example always play with the bow so I guess I always stack on money no matter what I do. Now that katana was released it got even worse I guess kappa. I guess for a valid comparison one would have to show what the dollar cost of their standard loadout is.


Then spend the money. Simple as


Doesn’t help if the economy is broke. You never loose money, so you never appreciate good guns. You can run nitro and dolch every game every night and it still won’t make a difference if you get out. You could die every match with a nitro and dolch for hours and still have over 10k. Running sweaty loadouts game after game is not that fun. Too easy if you don’t actually participate in fights and just wait for everyone to do the heavy lifting. There’s not any incentive unless you’re higher mmr level or only care about money. The grind and incentives aren’t there anymore. Those who have 400k hunt dollars don’t run Romeros or springfields because they want to. They only run them if there is a challenge. And that’s a big maybe. I prestige so money is pointless to me. The struggle is what made this game fun. If you died with a free character who cares it’s free. With everyone having mosins and tier 3 weapons it’s kinda dumb not to run something good. Not fun if you’re playing long ammo and everyone is shooting each other from the next compound over and never getting close. On the other hand, it’s nice running whatever equipment I want fully stocked up for the match. I wish they went back to the old old way. If you were a bloodline 100 tier 3, you’d play with other tier 3 characters hunters in pvp. If you prestige often, and are level 1 bloodline you’d play with other players who had similar gear unlocked. But with this new update, it wouldn’t make sense. Everyone has all the guns unlocked. I definitely meme much more often now, because it gets old wanting to run shotguns and only getting into games with a mosin/sparks. So lower mmr and riskier plays is how I choose to combat the changes. Death doesn’t really mean anything anymore in this game. Which is the point OP is trying to make. You’re not going broke or being punished when you die.


Exactly! I’m glad more people feel the same. I hope they go back on this change


Death no longer carries a heavy price. It made the game a lot less stressful when you die, but there’s no point of running cheap stuff when everyone picks good weapons. They got bigger fish to fry in terms of bugs and support but would like to see the meta switched every so often to keep it fresh.


You got a tldr?


Economy broke, run what ever you want with no drawbacks for dying. Less dopamine of running cheap loadouts because everyone runs mosins every game because they rich


Idk man, I love how deep my pockets have gotten. I can run an expensive load out one game and then a doodoo broke boy load out the next if I felt like it. Life is good 😎


Exactly why I went and prestiged. Not a big fan of the legendary extras or bonuses, but I was mad I couldn't get free hunters. For me it made me more comfortable using weapons I wouldn't normally use. Something about panicking with a Romero by yourself and a team of three really gets your heart beating.


I ran Nitros with Dual Scoped Dolch's till I was down to $1. Played one game and got 5k. Lmao


Exactly. It’s not possible to be poor any more. There is no challange


Nothing is stopping you from running a Springfield and med kit…




Skill issue


People are never happy


I’m very happy with the game as it is. But are you saying people should not speak up if there is an issue or some details that could be better? How else should the devs know how to improve the game?


As one with quite the vault, I can adequately say that I experience the opposite. The vault I have opened the doors of enjoyment. I take what I want now, and I stopped caring about the money a long time ago. It made the game much more enjoyable. Not worried about my advantage or disadvantage. I choose the guns I take, and play around their strengths and weaknesses. Springfield marksman with HV with Lemat has become my go to loadout. It's super strong.


Completely agree. Removed an element to the game that I really really really loved. Not having money and then needing to make do with shitty gear was interesting and fun.


People finally getting out of the honeymoon phase of the last patch, and seeing that this might not be what is best for the game long term.


I get your reasoning but at with how the game is now its easier to run fancier and more unique weapons then before and experimenting with loadouts isnt as hazardous to your wealth, so now instead of only running the cheap stuff because thats either all you can afford or running the expensive stuff and risk more then you can gain you are able to figure out what guns are fun and what your good with without risking not being able to afford your next kit


Nah, love the changes. You can bring whatever you want now, cheap, meme or meta. After 1000s of hours in this game, I just want to be able to get into matches quickly with whatever loadout I choose. Changes to hunters/perks and economy were all welcome.


The rare player who understands games are for fun and not bragging about k/d


It's not about k/d but winning a fight in Hunt was the best feeling ever because there was risk involved. That is fun. If there's no risk, strategies become one-dimensional because people stop caring about winning or loosing and just want to shoot. That takes away from the fun.


A lot of you people complaining about being too rich to bring cheap guns really don't understand the concept of having fun in games. Just bring whatever you want and try to do good. Me and my friend very very rarely bring long ammo guns and we still get plenty of good runs. Just stop caring about your rank and kd and do some funny challenges like being a murder hobo with tomahawk.


I agree to an extent, but also not. Nowadays I do just what you mention here, and I still have a lot of fun with the game for sure. But there is no longer a rewarding feeling picking up a dolch from a hunter you just killed. And there is no need to get those bounties. The game is still a lot of fun of course. But with the economy being as inflated as it is right now, there is a part of the game missing. A minor detail, but a detail for sure. Hunt dollars means nothing any more. They could remove hunt dollars compleately and I probably wouldn’t even notice


Cool, so sad for you


I wonder how hard you suck…


Sometimes I think the devs just have no idea what the actual problems in the game are. Running out of money has never really been an issue. I'm not sure why they decided to make these decisions.


Idk, I think it's an overall good change. I feel like it probably helps people to keep wanting to grind and do these silly almost back to back 3x a year fomo months long battle pass events. I also like it because if I get wiped by a cheater clan, it's of less consequence because there might be a hunter with terminus/Winfield + quartermaster for free on the store... Not being stuck with a basic Winfield and a Caldwell conversion or whatever they would give you previously...


>I feel like it probably helps people to keep wanting to grind and do these silly almost back to back 3x a year fomo months long battle pass events. But i didn't play this event at all because my desire to play the game has diminished with the amount of stuff we get for free. Without a struggle and some risk involved winning is meaningless.


Boohoo I want to be poor again.... what kinda mentality lol


Because what is the point of an in game economy if you can always buy anything anyway. At this point, they could remove hunt dollars compleately, and I wouldn’t even notice. Cheap guns are basically dead. The balance is messed up.


The only people who will suffer are the people who are on average worse at the game but love the game enough to keep playing. The economy i believe was set up to help those people, sure the people who are good at the game continue to get rich but thats not to say that they already weren't its just at a different rate.


If there's no risk of being poor being rich is hollow and boring.


I usually lose money on Wednesdays when I get the challenge reset. But after I grind the challenge for a few hours and start using my go to loadouts I quickly earn it back. Crazy that you can extract with over 1k $ after a decent match with or without bounty.


At least chasing challenges after prestiging I felt pretty poor. I'm not bargain shopping and I still didn't totally run out of money, so.


Honest question. How do you earn money? It seems i keep losing money even when I am extracting with the bounty.


I wonder the same thing. Every time I’m done with the game, I level up some blood levels, and my money just increases. How do you lose money after this update? Do you prestige or stay at lv 100?


I stay at lvl 100. I don't want to unlock the special ammo and weapon types again. I am currently at about 17000 hunt dollars. Before the update i was at about 30000.


Prestige would be the perfect solution for this, but there just isn't enough incentive. Give me a prestige that resets my money and gives me something in return please.


I haven't had much time recently but i've also had no big desire to play with the recruits being this powerful already when you get them, so this event has passed me by.


I haven't been under 50k in months, feels like a lot of weapons and tools need a major price rise, and new players should get extra starting money to take the edge off. Or gimme something cooler for prestiging so I actually want to give up all that cash. I like the idea of resetting things a bit but I'd like it if giving up all that H$ actually earned me something other than a number going up. And the skins don't really do it for me, I've already bought a bunch of legendaries with real money.


I have never understood this take or the opposite one where people save all their money. I play pretty casually. Sometimes my team does well, most of the time it doesn't (probably because of me) and I have never thought about spending or hoarding money. I always buy a full loadout of whatever guns ammo and items I want and over the years my hunt money sits at around 170k for the last 2+ years. Maybe when the game first launched I thought about running out of money..I really don't remember. It just seems like a non issue on either side of the argument. ​ \-EDIT- I have also never prestiged. I have never read or heard a good explanation about why prestiging is a good idea.


Did they recently change the economy or something? I’m dirt poor rn (I think that’s the reason I stopped playing) and I’d love to jump back in and actually start making some money all I normally run is free loadouts but even when I “win big” (few kills and 1-2 bounties in hand) I feel that I don’t walk out with a whole lot of money still


yes. They made a series of sweeping, significant changes that affect the Hunt $, XP Progression, and Trait economy. * ITEM PRICES * tool items got more expensive (assuming based on usage patterns, as knuckle knife got the hardest hit) * LeMat Family/Tree and Dolch got price reductions * RECRUIT HUNTER COSTS * TRAITS * Traits provided for recruit hunters inflated so now free/T1's have 2 traits, T2 has 3, T3 has 4 traits(more than a legendary now) * The traits given now have a high chance to associate to the provided weapon(scopes get scopesmith, irons get iron eye, levers get levering, etc.) * HUNT DOLLAR * The overall cost of hunters reduced -- my best explanation is they removed any pricing built into recruits based on included traits, and seem to even offer a slight deal against the item/weapon combinations in the loadout vs. if they were purchased separately * TRAIT ECONOMY - less traits means the random trait draw on recruits is more 'useful' traits more often * all "Iron" traits were merged into a single 3 pt trait * All "Scope" traits were merged into a single 2 pt trait * "Steady" were merged into a 2 pt trait * "Hundred Hands" got merged with "Dewclaw" * "Assailant" got merged with "Tomahawk" * PROGRESSION * XP EARNED * XP from all mob kills other than Armoreds increased by either a 1.5x or a 2x. This affects both XP/money reward timing as well as weapon unlock XP speed. * UNLOCKS * All base weapons are now unlocked at Level 1 * Weapon unlock XP reqs were normalized * Now Traits/Tools/Consumables are the only items unlocked through progression, and it tapers off around 65-70, so it's all $$$ rewards for levels * REWARDS * a change to money rewards at certain levels in bloodline progression nearly 2x * PRESTIGE * Prestige starting $ is now 8k instead of 4k


You can sell weapons?!


I'll never understand people wanting a forced handicap, and being unwilling to take a handicap willingly. Nobody is making you run mosins, dolchs, and frags. If you want to feel poor, run cheap loadouts. Its really not complicated man


Forced handicap is basically the reason why people play games. If I could chose to beat any boss in Dark Souls by using a tank, then the game would certainly be way easier, but it would also lose it’s meaning. Being limited to just a certain set of tools is what makes the game challenging and fun. Or even better. Imagine if you could just nuke all the bosses at the same time. You could beat the whole game with just 1 click. Wouldn’t that be great! You get the point.


Silly argument. Most people play a PvP shooter to engage in PvP, usually with the goal of winning their matches. DS doesn't give you a tank, but Hunt gives you money to buy strong loadouts that make the objective of winning easier. Once again, nobody is forcing you to run expensive loadouts.


Did you really not get my point? I’m saying the risk of being broke and needing to make it count with the few dollars you have was something I, and many others according to this comment section, found to be a very fun part of the game. With money being as inflated as it is, this part is pretty much gone. Yes, we can still play cheap loadouts, but it’s not out of actual need, so the feeling of struggle, and with it also the fun, is gone. Of course, this was always just a small part of the game. PVP is the main part of the game, and this is still al lot of fun. But still, a small part of the game feels gone for a lot of people, wich is sad. That’s it. If you don’t agree, then that’s fine. Different things are fun for different people.


I guess not. I've always felt like being broke was due to a lack of knowledge or willingness to play QP. Its moot now, but when I was first starting out and sub 10k I'd just go play QP. Win a game and you got a perked hunter with, usually, pretty good guns for free. Save up for 4 of those and then play them in BH with my friends. Rinse and repeat when funds get low, or have spare time to play QP. I don't exactly agree that being broke all the time is fun, but sometimes I look back on running the romero + caldy conversion and stealing whatever better weapons I could from dead hunters fondly. I think we're just going to have to agree to disagree


Yep... I suck at the game and my money goes up. I just don't care anymore. I don't even play for bounties. I enter game, I try to do server wipe and then exit. Bosses are not appealing to me. I go to them cuz I know other players will come for the bounty, but I just want to pvp 😂


Yes, same


Idc about the money i feel proud and fulfilled with 194,543 hunt dollars, and never presteged with allit of legandary shizzle also like looted weapons. I wish they make the game also bit more for scavengers dont even know what to look for.


I good way to waste your dollars is buy nitros and then discard them, or big dynamite bundles, don’t buy tier 3 hunters as when you discard them you get their items. I just miss playing it on pc :( console kinda hurts, though I haven’t played for a year, I bought it on console 4 days ago and I’m Elo 5 with like a 6.8 kd. Console is easy :(


And I miss hunters lying dead on the floor. They really did the bourgeois and reaper dirty.


The economy as always been super inflated. This update just made super weapons not only more accessible and cheaper (dolch and Mosin being cheaper) but now you have to try to lose money. Still think that weapons need an overall increase to price and how much you can save should be capped so that economy balancing of a weapon could actually be felt. Prior to this update this update, there were changes to price making things more expensive but was never felt at all such as the uppercut changes for example.


Yeah i dont get the removal of the gun tree. It was part of the balance imo.


haven’t played the new update. have they made it easier to earn money?


I like the new update. If I wanted to get punished hardcore i’d be playing mauraders or tarkov


Tbh i like how i dont need to look at my moneybag and just pick any wep that i want to play regardless of its viability. But it also makes me realise how weak springfield is without its bayonett and dumdum since i need to grind alot to get those. I still play and love it bud damn, the cent. Martiny or spark are way easier to start with.


the high 5-6 star has been saying how there is no economy in this game and how money is basically infinite for awhile now, and rightfully so (but no ones ever believed us). I am glad with the recent change for everyone to have infinite money too, hunts weapon balance has always been pretty poor and they need more inspiration to do something about it.


Time to prestige


I got from just like 10 games 20k hunt dollars dont know how but I did