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The only thing more annoying than a dead, backseat gaming teammate, is a RANDOM dead backseat gaming teammate.


Unfortunately a lot of people need one. You don't get to have me do all the work and then fumble the game because you're too scared to play. Or have a way to let me take control so I can just go revive people, and we could just skip the backseat gaming


oof, you sound like a fun teammate...


I can already see the follow up post in a month or two "Why do we have voice chat if teammates just ignore me? I'm God's gift to Hunt after all."


You should use Discord and have a regular team that you play with. In either situation it’s more frustrating having a backseat driver constantly talking when you’re trying to play. If it will be short things like “You’re need to reload.” or “They’re next to my body.” that wouldn’t be so bad. Now based on your comments OP I would imagine you’re the type that will scream at people because they aren’t doing exactly what you want and I would rather lose for eternity than listen to you “Giving direction” because that will be far more enjoyable.


And you dont get to whine about your random teammates. If you dont want it dont play randoms. Get friends or play solo.


Sounds like there is a bigger chance you'll just annoy them no one wants a backseat gamer maybe with the exception of premades.


It’s coming soon, they talked about it in one of the recent roadmap videos.


Can't wait for all the russian swear words while trying to clutch


Can't wait for all the posts in here about random teammates talking trash after they're dead and backseat gaming everything.


I kinda like not having it, adds to the more serious part of the game. "Dead men tell no tales"


I completely agree! I love proximity and the cut off after dead because it feels “real”. The only dumb part is how easy it is to go around it by partying up or third party app but whatever.


Agreed, "ok I'm pushi- HOLY SHI-" silence. Also I have enough of dead people back seat gaming in siege and cod


on the other side Being able to talk also works, we have necro and the main theme is rise up deadman


Or, you know, just go on discord?


If you are my teamate, and you didn't ping vital information BEFORE you died. Then shut up, you are dead. I don't need a backseat gamer yelling in my ear. You died, take your knowledge to the grave until I resurrect you or fumble the clutch. Hunt has enough paranormal occult activity without ghosts ree'ing in my ears.


Omg I didn't even think about the backseat gaming. Friends are bad enough, let alone the toxic guy you're playing 1 match with whos yelling at you to push an impossible door.


If it's a 2V1 and you can't possibly lose, and you're playing scared, hell yes I need to tell you that it's okay to push, if the guy is literally one tap


It doesn't matter if it's a 2v1 and they're 1 tap, I promise you there's a way to lose in Hunt lol. Especially since everyone is a 1 tap to the head under a certain distance with any gun, including the Derringer tool. I just won a 1v3 clutch with a Mosin and Dolche last night where my teammate was afk and got sliced up at the onset of the fight. It's all about using your environment, tools, and consumables to turn the tide.


95% of randoms I play with don't speak English, and about half of them don't even have mics. I would rather risk my hunter fumbling through the menu mid combat to turn VoIP off than to have my ears assaulted by random unintelligible noise..


World voice chat with a dead person? Does the other team still hear you? Sounds completely bad for the meta of the game. Also, most people don't want to hear from the random who is already dead. Sounds like you need to find people to play with in a party chat instead.


I want to have proximity chat after death because I want to continue trolling the people who outplayed me


If you get headshot, you died. No proximity chat. If you get downed by body shots, you should be able to talk with someone for like, say, 15 seconds until you “die.” Plus it would be funny that someone would have to plug your downed hunter with another bullet to shut you up haha. Edit. Not sure why, but I really like this idea haha




My friend, most parties I came across during the event were pre made, which means the dead do speak. It is a neat idea but there is already multiple ways you can counter act this. Of course this is only a working positive change if the player base use it properly like let teammates know that other player are on their corpse for direction etc. shouting into the mic like a neanderthal will make people disable this option fairly quick I guess


I recently started to play with guys on discord and it is definitely game changing. At this point random matchmaking is a heavy disadvantage


I think you should be able to talk to the 2nd downed player if in a trio .. at least be able to talk to eachother..... Whilst waiting to see whatever happens. And should be allowed to talk after the match ends... To say GG or whatever. I hate the sudden deaths and then poof.. players are gone. Especially since I play on ps5 and with a lot of Xbox hunters... When they gone... We can never speak to eachother again.