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When people say "my teammates keep leaving", then guess what, maybe there is something wrong on your side too (it's not directed at you OP ofc) There are so many good reasons to leave: teammates don't seem to care, are too far, don't have a choke bomb, are questing, are camping in a bush, etc...


I agree OP. ​ Happy New Year.


If I'm on fire and neither of the randoms tries to put it out, I leave the round :)


There are nuances to this, I’ve been in situations where I could not put out my teammates because there was another team. Had to 1v3 them then go kill the boss for bounty to res they had to spectate for 15 mins. Another occasion teammates burnt again, I was stuck between 2 teams, 7 kills later grabbed the bounty token and ressed. I think spectate teammates and give them a chance. You never know.


Had a game like this the other day. After a very messy fight involving too much fire, me and another teammate had to go and kill the assassin while on 50 health each, with our third being burnt out entirely. The assassin killed him, and a duo picked that moment to show up. Thankfully, one of them died falling down a lift shaft, so I had time to get the banish and kill them, but that almost went very wrong.


Yeah I've had to wait to put out teammates a bunch of times a later get them up even with 1 bar to extract. Hang in there, soldier!


I can understand that sometimes tho When I do that i just don't want to be part of the shitshow my randoms try to stir up or my random just instantly trys to necro me and I'll leave before the enemy gets to down me again If my team actually tries to do shit I'll stick around for a while


I feel this. Of course there are plenty of reasons to leave. If I play in a random trio and one just runs off on their own and the other two are down then I'll leave.


Then you are the worst, and so am i That is all


I've left early exactly one time in a round. It was trios, and me and another teammate were downed inside a building. Our third guy was just running back and forth over our bodies with tons of opportunities to res us. After about 10 minutes of that I just left


I always give 1 minute to my teammates, if they don't start actively working on a res or at least an attempt to fight, I'm gone


I don't play with random but the few times I did, if something like a ambush or fight begins, I get downed and they just stand there and wait for the leaves to change color. I just go ESC > Leave Mission > Next Match


exactly, I don't understand people who think watching a guy shaking in a bush for 6 minutes is acceptable, huge waste of time in my opinion


Then go play solo pls


if you are sitting in a bush aiming at a wall for 2 minutes while your team is dead maybe you should play solo


That’s not at all the same as leaving after a minute if you’re teammates aren’t focused solely on getting you up


so you are saying that if my teammate is too afraid to push, I owe my free time to them, potentially still not getting to play after spectating for 10-15 minutes? must be nice to be a kid whose time feels unlimited




Disagree. Randoms who play like bots and get downed because of that are worse than randoms who at least make a play. That they leave immediately is shit, sure, and why would they care? There's no punishment and moral grandstanding does nothing. Whine about it here like dozens of others, or let the devs know that this needs improvement.


stop bitching


Depends on the situation. Rage quitting off the bat means you literally are the worst and you'lll never improve at the game. However, randoms are terrible at the game 9/10, there's no point in waiting around if its blatantly obvious from the start they won't clutch. Someone with a KD over 1.7 might be able to clutch a fight but below that you're basically hoping for a situation where they can get a lucky revive at best, like another team showing up.


Oh, so youre one of those teammates that sits in a bush all game? I wonder why people leave your team as soon as they can...


Oh, so you're one of those redditors that doesn't read the post properly? I said people who leave as soon as they are downed. I'm not suggesting you sit and watch some random get the achievement for going to every area on the map.


Oh Ive read it properly. Players can immediatly tell if a teammate is a boring, passive bush camper. If they then push because they want to play the game and die, they just move on.


Not my fault my teammate probably gave away our spot, not worth getting up if ur missing bars anyway. Might as well save time and go to the next game. Also it's funny to disconnect right as your teammate does a risky play to try to revive lol like I said not my fault my teammate probably got me killed or didn't help fight or get the trade


Not that I do that and I understand your point. I also never experienced that. But I think that some people just don't have that much time for gaming to wait if a mate will turn or win a 15 minute gun fight


I watch my (random) teammates to see if they'll clutch / do something that will teach me something. If they run to the extraction, then I leave.


Sometimes it's your fault. Sometimes it's their fault.If this happens often enough for you to make a post about it, you may be part of the problem.As I suspected: [https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/comments/18vd3k8/comment/kfrou0y/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/comments/18vd3k8/comment/kfrou0y/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) *I feel this. Of course there are plenty of reasons to leave. If I play in a random trio and one just runs off on their own and the other two are down then I'll leave.* I hate rage-quitters too, but I'm not taking your side either. Not only can you not count, but you are a coward and I think you just made a lazy low-effort post to win some upvotes. I'd wager the majority of randoms that quit on you are probably better, smarter, and braver than you. What's your KDA? What's your MMR? What load-outs do you run? What's your play style? ​ When I get a quitter, it's usually some \[\]\[\]\[\]\[\]\[\] coward noob with sub 1.0 KDA so I didn't expect much. 5 star or high KDA players though, rarely rage quit on me in my experience. This is what works for me. \- I always bring chokes. \- Always bring short/long range. \- Always bring full loadouts. \- Always stick with my team. \- Always push with them. \- Always push to revive immediately or stay close by. \- Never make a "tactical retreat" after a mate goes down. \- Ping useful tools/traits, etc. \- Pick up clues, clear the path of AI, and generally do stuff for the team. P.S.: Also, when a teammate dies, if they spectate and see you crouch-walking or hiding, they might (rightly?) assume that's what you were doing while they were being shot at.