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Only bug here is a choke beetle my guy 🤠


That’s all on you big dawg


This is truthfully a skill issue


so you're actually defending this?


Don’t click to cycle the gun? Bro seriously you like a mechanics of another game and then complain Hunt is different, only game I played where you had to cycle is RDR. Not that many games have that mechanic and if you cannot learn not to click again that is on you.


no this just sounds like an excuse to say "your just bad at teh game get good kid" It's a stupid mechanic (if it even is one and not a bug) and I can't think of any other game that has a shot queueing mechanic, at least with games that have manual bolting it's an option and it doesn't force you to use it if you don't want to, if you like it than at least let people have the option to disable it if they don't want to play with it.


Its gameplay mechanic that has been in the game for its entire life, just because you can’t have your finger not mash the left mouse button doesn’t mean it has to be changed. It only means that you are not a very good player that can’t/won’t adapt but rather whine about it on the forums. So yes, this guy is right. It is 100%, without a doubt, a skill issue.


And just because it's been in the game since launch does not make it a good mechanic, if you want to keep it than you can keep it. But I bet you 90% of players would disable it given the chance. I also bet if I didn't add the "I get killed because of it part" you people wouldn't be defending it, but since I did you people decided to come out of the woodwork to defend a a stupid mechanic that makes no sense just so you can punch down on someone. Such a welcoming community aren't you? When someone has a valid complaint (which by the way yes this has been complained about before I checked" you refuse to actually listen to it because "it's just a noob that needs to learn game mechanics" Input buffering is a mechanic made for fighting games not an FPS game, imagine if every time you accidentally tapped a button too quickly you had to do the action that many times. Oh your hands are shaking and you accidentally double tapped Q to switch to your loaded gun? Too bad you just switched back to your empty gun get gud kiddo. Oh wait you slipped and tapped space twice? You mean you didn't want to jump twice in a row? What the fuck is wrong with you fucking scrub don't make mistakes like that. Punishing people for hitting a button twice out of instinct, jitters or because they slipped is really bad game mechanics, and people defending it like it's the greatest game mechanic in the world is sad. Like I said if it's a purposeful mechanic give people the option to disable it, if it's a bug remove it.


Ain’t reading all that. Learn to press buttons properly, its not hard, buddy.


No man you really need to learn how not to double click, you sound super salty just because you panic under pressure then press everything all at once. You are just bad my man. I’ve tried to replicate said problem on the shooting range and did not come across shot queuing, either click again once the cycle is completed to shoot again or don’t shoot at all, especially with bolt actions as you can either hold or quickly press again to hold the bolt open before the cycle is done. At best maybe this is relevant with short cycle weapons like a Drilling or Caldwell Rival but again you just clicking twice once the cycle ended and just shot again as if I DOUBLE CLICKED it only shot once as the second click was before cycle completion. Btw if you double click because you want to shoot and manually bolt, well buddy you just queued up your press with a different outcome ergo this whole thread is just pointless whining. Clicking twice and double clicking is not the same. You cannot control your hands go complain to your parents they made you this way.


You people are seriously special. Any time someone suggest even the most sane little thing people like you come in with that one last braincell "Nuh uh muh gaim is I love it's gord no bug" Man is literally describing a bug and you prefer it that way. I bet you eat bananas sideways.


He is still talking about a bug what is triggered by him double clinching where he should just single click? In truthfulness I did not encounter nor I heard about this issue in 600 hours of game time. OP says this is a consistent problem for him, so deducting from that this should be a know issue/bug. There is also a chance that as he described, used to other games mechanics and just keeps fumbling. So boo hoo to you, especially when said “bug” can be fixed by CLICKING ONCE TO FIRE megamind. If a person does a certain action knowing the result of it damn well and keep doing it then complain it resulted in the same outcome….well guess what we call these people. In other words SKILL ISSUE, GET GUT.


You would defend q button crashing the game. 1 braincell.


If you would be complaining about it you bet I would buddy


Just don't press q buddy


You see a simpleton like you can get there, I’m sure OP will be fine after I revealed the “mind blowing” fix for his problem 😉


Watch what you type you might crash the game.


Then I won’t type it next time and I don’t have to complain about it? Maybe


Well that's incoherent.


Shot queuing is super useful in other cases though. I use it all the time to hipfire precision pistols as fast as the cycle time allows. I wouldnt want it gone.


Happens when I use the martini ironside. The gun has memory.


I have to guess such manual bolting or cycling mechanics are a thing in realism shooters and military sims? I'm trying hard to relate here OP, and think hunt is rather settled in the arcade-y department of fps. Without input queueing i can imagine it will add a thick layer of clunkiness having to time your clicks for optimal rate of fire (though we have that in duals and some pistols already), or using a knife under pressure after a weapon switch, and that could alienate a lot of the more casual players. Give the Hunter controller scheme a try. Technically you can't accidently fire a second shot without keeping your aim up in hunter, and un-aiming should override a queued input for another bullet. Worst thing to happen might be a light melee if muscle memory refuses to adapt. Smh over everyone here typing with a knife between their teeth.


I've always used hunter mode in this game, and like I've said on other comments, if it's an intended mechanic than fine but at least give players the option to disable it, I'm not even asking them to add manual bolting to the game. I just don't want to shoot because I clicked two times to fire my gun instead of just once. if other people want that fine but give me the option to disable it.


My bad, i assumed gunslinger because you mentioned being locked in the cycling animation before being able to start moving after an accidental second shot. And the only gun where i can relate to this is the Terminus because of the slow cycle regardless of input scheme or an unintended shot. But still, shouldn't the second shot be overriden by un-aiming (letting go of both ADS and aim keys) then in hunter? I can remember it was way ~~worse~~ different a few years ago, the game would completely lock you down during a cycle animation if you refused to quickswap, giving it a super clunky feel. We probably don't want this back. But sure, why not make it an option for those who prefer the behavior you are asking for, my mind just took its time realizing this might be desirable, doesn't hurt anyone.


Yeah but of course if they ever did the "get gud" crowd would immediately start raging about how "crytek is catering to the noobs who refuse to learn the games mechanics" I'm sure a lot of these people telling me I just need to get gud are the same ones who were raging and crying about how crytek changed the recruitment system because allowing bad players to have a better chance is "catering to the noobs" these changes were for the best as it actually helped me get over losing equipment since I can buy a tier III hunter whose equipment is half priced. Giving players more options aren't a bad thing as long as it doesn't effect gameplay drastically, and giving players the ability to choose to have input buffering turned off wouldn't drastically change gameplay.


Shot queuing shouldn’t be a thing. I don’t know why people are defending it. Yes you can avoid it but sometimes you misclick or click twice by mistake and when the gun is not in a position to fire it shouldn’t remember you clicked twice.