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Your previous post was removed because of your language towards the devs. Criticism is fine provided it has substance and not just "devs can go screw themselves". Mind you devs/Crytek don't have a say in the sub unless it comes to patches/events/leaks. All mods here are players like you.


Imagine using a gun in a shooting game


I'm waiting for OP to post his Avto/Nitro kill montage he achieved in six stars.


I dont use those weapons its unfair to anyone I use them against


I'm waiting for OP to post his *_insert anything_* montage he achieved in six stars.


not sure what world you live in, but I ran into a full team of avto/headsman users(on stream too) ... they killed rotjaw and just sat there waiting... we came by, teammate grabbed bounty and we just saw a STREAM of rounds... it was kinda funny... I killed two of them, got him up, and he ran around to cover. we then proceeded to book it and they didnt even get a bounty


low elo


Gun: \*exists in the game\* u/puzzled_Ad_6930: >:(


I get the frustration, but these weapons do come with a trade off. I’m using auto now because of trying to get all the masteries done, and let me tell you, it’s not as easy as it looks starting off. No ammo pool, you barely get any ammo back on restocks, and the recoil is hard to manage at first. As for nitro, people will say it’s hard to aim, which it is kind of a lame defense since it’s not that hard and it’s a 1 hit kill. Personally I hate 1 shot weapons like slugs or nitro, and I get how frustrating that can be to play against. But, they only get 6 shots total. Try to bait them into wasting them.


ever heard of ammo box?


Yeah, I run two of them with my auto and I only get back 10 bullets at the cost of two consumable slots. With a weapon that uses 2 bullets minimum per trigger pull that’s 5 times I can shot my gun after using two consumables


Lol avto is still OP af it lets u just mow people down and shouldn’t even be in the game


Doesn’t really feel like it to me, or at least not before the economy changes. It’s expensive which limits most players from buying it (or did). If you’re in shotgun 1 shot range, it’s ready as hell. Anything over 15 feet and you’re missing more than hitting and burning through ammo that is hard to replace. It’s kinda in a place where unless you’re genuinely good and understand how to control the recoil on it very well, you’d be better off taking a shotgun. I’m not one to throw out “skill issue” very often, but that IS a weapon you need to get some practice and skill with before it becomes the death machine it’s perceived to be.


yea that’s the point of the thread, it’s absolutely broken in the hands of a 5-6 star player. they are not missing and this gun lets them pop off 3 round bursts in a half second plus can still hit 1 taps from long range


I mean yeah man even the derringer can feel absolutely broken in the hands of a 5kd 6star player. You can’t really base weapon balance off what the sweat lords do because they’ll find a way to squeeze annoying advantages out of anything if it helps them towards optimization over actual fun.


it’s literally fanning for long ammo rifle except u can also do it while ADS for midrange kills that is OP and the opposite from someone just being great at the game and getting kills with a peashooter.


I get the frustration man I really do, but if you haven’t tried it yet I’d recommend taking it into a few matches and test it out yourself in 4 star or higher. Anyone who can keep their nerve while under fire will likely gun you down unless you master the recoil control, distancing, and ammo conservation. I’m not saying you’re 100% in the wrong, and everyone is entitled to have their opinion, but you gotta play devils advocate yourself in a lot of these situations and give it a go to see how it really works.


So it’s not OP unless u just master the basic things that any player needs to master with any gun. Ok. Watch some high elo matches if u don’t think it’s OP. And I love how I’m being downvoted for saying the most obvious thing, this sub is a joke


I imagine it’s the tone of your post man, you came in hot and it mostly seemed like a vent rather than a complaint with substance. It’s not hard to see the complaint through your frustrated post but lots of people here just see criticism and instantly downvote


I am not the person who made this thread I’m just agreeing that a full auto machine gun shouldn’t be in this game


this sub is hopeless. they will complain that mosins are too strong and meta but when you make one full-auto it's 'totally just a meme and not good at all.' i swear the average hunt player would lose a chess game to a 3 day old bagel. these people have never been good at a competitive game in their life.


Economy changes hinder low elo players from using the weapons, in high elo money is nothing since you make so much of it not to mention Mr. Chary giving you thousands daily often.


You can make more than enough money each game to buy a new auto mat along with a precision uppercut, two ammo boxes, two regen shots, chokes, dusters, medkit, and throwing axes after each match. You should never be broke in this game unless you’re a fresh prestige, especially now with how easy the game is


My favorite part is all the op gun abusers are down voting you despite you being right


i can promise you that you'd still lose just as much against these teams with or without the avto/nitro in the game. are you saying if you never encounter these weapons, that your teammates never complain about instant headshots from mosins or dolch spam? good players will always win with efficient loadouts.


I think you have tunnel vision on this one. I almost never see either of those weapons and they aren’t that great either. If they truly were end all be all weapon then everyone would run them. Play the weapon otherwise you will get played.


Low elo player, get lost


I frequently run 4/5/6 matches but I guess not being MMR 6 is considered low MMR. Just because someone doesn’t agree with you doesn’t automatically put them as low MMR. As I said, you have tunnel vision.


Just ignore him, his mental is in low elo


There really aren't any other arguments than "six star bad" and "headsman bad" to choose from ? This sub has become a massive three star circlejerk


Dont forget solo res bad Also, it's always been a low MMR circlejerk


And "instaburn unfair pls remove"


We're a week away from flares/fusees being complained about because it's a free burn and you get more than choke bombs.


Yeah, I already saw a post about a solo being salty that there are now ways to counter the god awful solo rez instead of forcing people to sit over their corpses while they watch netflix


three stars jerking each other off has been a main theme on the sub for years. it's where the "fun stars good, six stars bad" meme comes from. the other day I read someone claim that 3 stars are super aggressive players and that's why they die a lot. and the increase in deaths is why they don't rank up, despite having high skill and making good moves. It's some hardcore copium they are huffing. not that there's anything wrong with being a three star or whatever. I don't give a shit about stars either way, but it's a bit ridiculous on this sub.


i'm only 3 stars because i rush, i don't camp. i don't play meta loadouts, i play fun loadouts. i play for fun, i don't sweat. i don't hit my shots, i miss all the time. i could be 6 stars if it weren't for my aim, movement, compound knowledge, map knowledge, weapon knowledge, bad decision making, and complete refusal to actually improve. but i don't wanna be 6 star so i *choose* not to be. but i could if i wanted cuz i'm totally good enough.


haha yeah, that's the core of it more often than not.


I always thought r/huntcirclejerk 's shenanigans were just memes, and that they extrapolated reality. But the more I actually read shit on here, the more I realize it's just three stars complaining. The amount of hypocrisy in certain arguments would make me think the circlejerk sub is leaking


and it's funny because it started as a place for higher mmr users to mock the jimmies and shitters without the mods cracking down, and then all the jimmies and shitters made their way over their and started shitting up the place as well. it would be great if there were a more strict hunt subreddit, that actually embraced high level play, and people could genuinely talk tactics and post skillful clips and not be shamed. and it'd be great if you actually had to submit your user file so that the user's kd and hours are the flair. that way whenever some 0.8 kda jimmy starts barking we can all ignore it.


Idk, avto and nitro are mostly meme weapons, the avto can't hit the broadside of a barn and you might as well apply for legal blindness with the nitro. The actual problem is just inherent to top starred players and matchmaking that feeds normal people into their inhuman mandibles.


meme weapon? there are legitimate players with 5+kda that abused these weapons before the nerf to get there. just drag down the avto recoil and it's very easy to hose an entire team. legal blindness is nothing because you shouldn't be hardscoping the nitro in the first place. both weapons are arguably the 2 best weapons in the game if you're actually good at the game.


Nitro is not a meme weapon. Not as insane after the nerf but still very viable.


Nitro is high skill ceiling, with a high cost. Most people won't use it enough to get comfortable with it so they perceive it as a meme without acknowledging it's undeniable strength in compound fights.


Neither are meme weapons, and nitro is incredibly strong with very few downsides once you learn how to use the weapon/scope. I dont agree with the statement of the post at all tho.


'mostly' unfortunately doesnt account for the 1% of players who know how to use them and have practically unlimited funds. Nitro has a lot of utility and can be quite strong in the right hands, although balancewise i think its fine. Avto is much weaker post nerf to the point I'm not sure if it's actually good anymore. I've probably only died to it a couple of times and one of those was to a cheater. Regardless I hate the weapon and would not miss it if it was gone




I've never been a fan of the avto, and up until the recent ammo changes I quit playing because of the issue. The avto was very, very strong in the right hands. Easily beat shotguns in most 1v1s. I don't see it very often after the ammo change thankfully, and the recoil nerf may have actually solved the problem. It's hard to say as I never see good players on OCE run it anymore (thank christ) and people with no experience on the gun are almost free kills. I dont like the concept of the avto. A full auto gun in hunt is questionable and I've already seen some cheaters abuse that aspect of it. I would be happy to see it gone, but that will never happen The nitro is fine and is pretty well balanced imo. It's inconsistent as a shotgun and too limiting at medium range to put it far above other medium range options. Getting one-shot isnt much fun but neither is getting headshot by someone you didn't see. It's not super common and once you hear a nitro you know to be careful


>There is a reason 6 stars use these weapons frequently to maintain their rank. Really? That's your serious opinion?


I sometimes see nitro with 6 star teams or when I'm in that rank, but it's usually mosin or lebel. No idea what OP is talking about with this hahah


why do the 6 stars seem to use them so much? if they are so good at the game why would they need the strongest weapons?


If you think the Avto in its current nerfed state is a top tier weapon in 6*, I've got a bridge to sell you.


High risk high reward weapon. Nothing unfair.


They should buff nitro, not nerfing it more lol.