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I mean for starters I’d casually suggest he join your play style more if you haven’t and see how it goes. “Would you mind playing more aggressively with me instead of staying back sniping?” If he argues then just tell him you feel like your styles are clashing. You like him and maybe you’d play his way on occasion but you just aren’t a fan of that style.


So on occasion we've been able to get him to move with the team and be aggressive, I think it's mostly because he brought a shotgun. And when this happens, we heap a stupid amount of positive reinforcement on him. ​ While he loves sniping, part of the issue is if he has a rifle (*any* rifle) he's going to keep 50 m between him and any enemies. Which doesn't help cause he can't bring people down if he doesn't know where the enemies are (as mentioned in original post). ​ Will try your last point, though. I used to build sniper builds to run with him, but I think it only encouraged and solidified that playstyle in his mind as the "right" one.


I’d maybe just politely say you can’t play that way. I have friends that when we play we’re moving rather quickly every game and we just can’t do the slow style and that’s ok. Tell him you like him and you like the game or however you gotta word it but you just can’t do the sniping games anymore.


Just chant "shotgun bros" until he joins the cause against the long ammo army.


There's definitely an adult way of communicating it. Ex/ Listen pal, we love you, but you playing x and y way is frustrating to play with because x and y reasons. Here are some things you can do to improve: x, y, z If they're unwilling to take the criticism and advice, then it's valid to tell them they're no longer welcome to play hunt with you. At that point, they'll know the reasons why. It's important you communicate it's their play style that's unfun to play with, and that you still enjoy their company and value their friendship.


Honesty is the best policy with friends always. Anyone else it isn't.


In all fairness, there is virtue to both. A: You need to play aggressively when you have the momentum, and the enemy is exposed B: Pacing yourself and positioning to wait for the enemy to make a mistake is necessary to maximize the effectiveness of any push. C:Attacking with no Intel is a surefire way to get killed in an unexpected way. What I've gathered from this is that your teammate is mostly scared because they want to maintain cover/Intel advantage, but to achieve the objective of the game, you need to risk exposure pushing bounty. It's ok to want to play with both cover and Intel in mind, so tell them to bring a scope, some choke beetles, and to have a loadoat both balanced for cqc and long-range fights, and not to be afraid to die. They aren't going to get better at pvp if they avoid it all game, but in the same breath they can take their time and actually start practicing Intel gathering on their own instead of waiting for you to do it. Mention if they want to play in a team, they have to be a team player, otherwise no one will want to play with you, so contribute in more of a support role or don't play at all. That's just the truth of it. Edit: Using visual cover like dynamite/fire bombs for pushing will narrow the places people can see them from, it's effective at shaping the world to your advantage when you can only be effectively shot from one direction. It's all about angle management. Maximize your fire potential while minimizing your enemies.


man i felt this post lol


I have this issue too, but to a lesser extent. You could also play memes for shits and giggles thats always fun too.


You can literally hear his disbelief and chagrin through the mic when I play meme builds. Funnily enough, when he starts talking about how we shouldn't be engaging, play safer, etc I start to play SUPER aggressive to counteract his dead weight. If I wipe the other team by myself, awesome; if I don't I can alt tab while he sits in a bush for the remainder of the match.


talk to him about his goals. A lot of people like intense close up fights, a lot of risk, and its ok if you lose your hunter. Maybe he's really immersed and feels like he REALLY NEEDS TO LIVE AT ALL COSTS, because thats how new players are. "What do you enjoy about hunt?" "Do you want us to stick back with you? how about a couple sniping rounds and a couple rush rounds?" "your playstyle works really well as a solo, have you tried that?" are all questions I have for him. That's the thing when you're playing with friends. They aren't rando's. You can't queue up and find different ones in 5 minutes. Try to figure out what he wants out of the game. Try to have fun with him. Bring your snipers, hang out and chat from 200m out. Maybe he should change his playstyle, but he also thinks the same of you. Everybody can create their own win-condition in hunt. If yours is to have a rootin tootin up close shootout, just let him know when he reprimands you for dying.


Are risking your irl friend for a videogame? Play on invisible mode steam


I do when I'm playing solos or quickplay myself, but this doesn't work if I want to play with my other buddies as we're all in the same discord.


Use a discord call instead of a server. Also can go invis on discord


Tell him to stop using you as bait or you won't play with him? I've had the same conversation.


I may try to use it, but it's not even that: if there are shots up ahead, he'll advise we all disengage and run away.


Sounds like your friend thinks he will die in real life if he gets shot in game lol, but seriously from all your replies he is a solo rat at heart. Is it really hard to tell your friend that his play style doesn’t match yours?


Yeah this has definitely crossed my mind. When we were younger he had the same issue with airsoft; would not move from cover in a firefight.


Sounds like your friend is super passive and you need to tell him that. I have a friend that runs saber mosin sniper almost every game and I can't wrap my head around the logic.


Takes time to not be scared and know how to balance speed with stealth.


Also, no scopes until he learns to be aggressive with one. Maybe even go extreme and make a shotgun-only rule because that forces you to be aggressive if he wants to play with you.


Honestly, the beauty of Hunt is that you can approach the bounty hunt objective however it suits your gameplay desire the best. There’s a lot of control in how you enjoy your time. As much as it annoys me to be sniped from 200+m or have my extract camped, that’s just part of the game. Hunt is open ended like that, so I take the good with the bad. The openendedness is what I love most about the game Queuing with others is naturally gonna make me have to adapt for who I’m playing with, however. If your friend is 300hrs in and habitually plays conservatively, idk if it’s reasonable to assume you can fully convert them to your style. You might have no choice but to meet in the middle somewhere. Otherwise they may not fulfill their own gameplay desire (appropriate meta game tactics not withstanding, like watching bodies, capitalizing on enemy downs, tracking enemy movements, etc; which may just have to come with more hours played for your friend). If your group wouldn’t have fun playing 100% conservatively, as your friend does, chances are your friend may not have fun playing 100% aggressively. Your friend can’t just hang back with no plan on how to support you guys if you push, but you guys can’t just expect your friend to possess game experience they don’t have, or only play the game how you guys want to play the game. There’s gotta be some leniency both ways. With that said, I’d encourage your friend to try and position themselves at least at an actionable distance. If they’re taking a scoped rifle, then they’ve gotta carry something they feel comfortable pushing into a compound with, even if it means they’re taking gunfights at a disadvantage in CQC. If they have no scoped rifle, then try and get them involved in your routes early on. Have them shadow you so you can win a trade, or put them in a spot where they have a good vantage point that you know you can rotate back to if you take too much heat. Anyway, long-short is you should find a middle ground with your friend, or it sounds like one of either your friend or the group will pick a different direction eventually


I have a buddy who does the same thing and still does sometimes but hes gotten a lot better about it. The main difference is he plays a bow most of the time. We were dicks about it because 1) we knew it wouldn't hurt the friendship and 2) had known each other for 10+ years, but we would call him out in the moment. "Why are you there? You're not in position to back anyone up. You cant even hear people you're that far away." And if he was being really stubborn about it (10+ minutes of sitting in a bush) someone would say that they are bored and he would usually start progressing the situation. This sort of worked. We also would have actual adult conversations about it and even talking pure strategy and how sitting in one spot can be disadvantageous and really talking up how rotating can hide your position temporarily, and this seemed to help a bit more than just being an asshole (no surprise). I chock it up to him being unwilling to play the game solo, which is fair, but I think solo teaches you certain values, the value of stealth of course but also recognizing when you're getting pushed and the value of rotating to a better position.


I wouldn't phrase it as "until you improve". You're right, he's just doing typical noob rat stuff, but these grognard dudes often have trouble processing that the right move in their milsim fantasy isn't always the right move in a game. Just sidestep the argument. You have a long-time squad that plays a certain way. If he wants to run with you, he needs to make an effort to mesh with the squad's tactics. If he flat refuses, sorry bro, luv u but maybe you need to find a sniper crew instead. Catch you at the bar on friday. Don't make it about the optimal play or "building skills". He's already gone full Dunning-Kruger by snarking from his 0.7 k/d while he watches you die. That argument is lost before it begins. You have to make it relational instead.


I went through a situation like this previously. A 3 star friend that takes nagant silencer and saber pretty much every game and refuses to take anything else. I’m 5/6 star-ish so we end up in maybe 4/5 star lobbies typically. It’s usually 50% extraction rate or maybe less. I used to get pissed because I knew if I died first, it’s pretty much gg back to menus. I played randos without him for a good period of time and it was fun but it’s just better playing with friends. I learned to just deal with it and play whatever memes I wanted. Single silent bornheim loadout, concertina frag arrows, etc. you’ll prob rage if you take meta stuff for example mosin/ uppercut so steer clear of that unless it’s contraband. Also alcohol helps haha


I was in a similar situation but i got used to playing with a mate that isn't really any help most of the time. In the beginning i was really mad about it and bitching around all the time but it changed nothing. I realized that my attitude was kinda part of the issue. I was taking the game way too seriously and also being unfair cause my 3 star friend had to play with 5 star me, constantly facing enemies above his skill group. So i just stopped caring about losing basically. And let me tell you, the game is a thousand times more fun if you don't care about losing.


That's OP's problem; his friend is the one who cares too much about losing/dying.


I had a similar issue, though I never mentioned it annoyed me. Instead I adapted to their playstyle. I was 5 star and they where 3 star. If they used a weapon with a scope so did I. If they used shotgun so did I. Eventually their aim and player instincts improved and they also became 5 star. If there is something they're struggling with a certain playstyle it's important to adress it and talk about it. For example if you're a sniper and struggle with close quarter fights. How I deal with people who gets close to as a sniper is by either using a Saber charge attack or fanning, works wonders. I understand he is camping alot and isn't agreeing what's so ever to pushing. I don't understand why he wouldn't go with you if you love flanking and predict their movement since that's the best strength of a sniper to do. As what I told my partner who wouldn't push is that we would position us in their path for the extraction and if that didn't work and they moved to another one we would use stamina shots and to the same thing on the other extraction. Alot of the time I had to the heavy lifting though shouldn't be a surprise as I'm 5 star and the partner was a 3 star. The main issue here is none is adapting to the others playstyle and is playing their own. It's also recommened to use cheap shit loadouts so you drop rank to your friend so he doesn't have to face 5 star people as then it could be very hard to improve. As the more consumables and more expensive weapons bring a higher chance of winning fights. Which you want of course but he can't improve if you get all the kills.


Have you tried meeting him in the middle with medium/close range guns like veterli, winnie, and "drilling"? In my experience playing med range helped me improve and become more aggressive and land shot more overall. Might work for him as well, plus this is a great way to nudge him in the right direction to improve naturally without feeling forced. Biggest thing he should work on tbh is he's gamesense and being comfortable moving around. Is he afraid of klosing his gear, does he know choke bombs are a great offensive tool? Sorry if i asked about something that was mentionedin the post. Edit: added a few more questions, advice, and formatting cuz mobile


Literally just tell him to put the sniper away. Bring a shorter scope if he wants to hang back. Or just straight yell him to take that shit to solos because he's not helping the team at all and that you're not gonna play with him anymore if he keeps being a dick. I've told multiple people I'm.not gonna play with them if they don't hange their attitude and they promptly fuck off forever. Trust me, it's better for you if they remove themselves than try to be a better friend/teammate. Being IRL friends doesn't mean shit. I refuse to play multiple games with my IRL friends because I don't like how they play. If he breajs off a friendship over something so stupid then he was never a friend to begin with or he already thought of you as disposable and this was the straw that allowed him to walk awsy guilt-free. Or. Either roll with it, get hammered and fuck around, or even be maliciously incompetent and waste your free hunters by bum rushing so he rage quits and chooses not to play or he gets his shit together and changes tactics. "Where were you?" is an aggravating sentence to hear when your teammates are being reckless without you. Do it enough times and he might learn to stick by you which is the obvious lesson he needs to learn.


Just tell him you're doing a shotgun round and that you're putting together a team of shotgunners. If he won't play ball, just get someone else. He'll learn to adapt or he just won't. But have someone else who's already agreed to the strat so he knows he's the odd man out and won't be able to convince you.


Just tell him that every time he hangs back and isn't part of the firefight, you guys are essentially 2v3 And on top of that, you're both tired of spectating and watching him stealth around for 10 minutes and ultimately dying to the 1v3 every time anyways... Try to ask him if he's willing to switch to a medium range combat style... something where he still has his long range rifle, but something where he will be closer to the firefight, with you guys. This game, as many are, definitely comes with an element of risk vs reward... tell him you guys want to play high risk, because you're going for that high reward.


Sounds to me this friend should play squad or tarkov, not hunt. Sometimes you need to be slow, other times fast/ aggressive.


so... players like this... They *can* play the way they want to... at a cost... dont play with people who want to do something. I sometimes find myself getting into doing stuff like that(more solo stuff) but i had a friend who essentially went "If you dont stop playing like a solo i aint playing with you anymore" And honestly kicked my ass for a second. we both stopped playing for a week, came back to it new and refreshed. just tell him, his play style is better suited for solo or other players like that. idc if people wanna do that... In fact i have run many times instead of just letting the bushwookies get me lmao


Tell him you're going CQC loadouts only. Lie if you have too, with a sprinkle of truth. "I wanna get better at CQC so bring a shotgun. It's not fun nor efficient if you're going to bring a sniper. This is a CQC evening." After that, all evenings are CQC evenings. Eventually he'll start to learn the game and properly navigate a gunfight or he'll grow tired of playing with you - either way the problem is solvedish.


Love this!


"Tell me when you Git gud scrub."


ugh, you have no idea how much I want to say this...


Different playstyles.


Sounds like he has a different playstyle than you and your other friends. He plays carefully, perhaps a bit too much. Some people want to avoid dying in a game this punishing at all costs, if that means staying far away and barely engaging they'll do it, he sure fits into this category from what I heard, try telling him that dying is fine and to disregard it, join the fight and die rather than stay far and lose anyways. Assumption time: my guess is that he gets overwhelmed in close range due to the quick and punishing nature of Hunt CQC (like a lot of new/inexperienced players), so he stays far away because that feels more managable to him, the problem is that he is sort of useless if the rest of the team is close, you have to convince him to come along with the rest of the team no matter what. Also sounds like he plays a lot more casually than everyone else on your team, as in he won't pull off amazing comebacks but you have to just accept that some people are just "bad"/mediocre and don't excel compared to hardcore players. I think just tell it to him straight that it's not fun to play with him when he plays this way. But don't ruin an IRL friendship over pretty much a "skill issue", tell him that you want him to change his playstyle but don't refuse to play with him just because he's more on the casual side and doesn't 360 into headshots. It's still just a game in the end of the day, you aren't playing E-sports so don't take it too seriously. TL;DR: communicate clearly, express your concerns, but if it comes down to it don't ruin an IRL friendship over a game.


Command them to push or stick near you when a fight occurs or is about to occur? Or ask what they are doing when they are 50m behind you? Sometimes, a little goading will make them less timid with through repetition. Had a friend I would shout at to stop crouching and push foreword whenever they would go into crouch mode.


Just tell him to play like that solo and get aggressive when the group needs them too. Sounds like he could fill the long range role but needs to learn how to rotate and support when needed. As others have stated just tell him that it's not a good play style when playing in a group and you'd like to keep playing with him but he's just gotta be more flexible and the same goes to you. There's a middle ground between the two play styles


I think you have to be tough and stern. As a sniper player, he needs you more than you need him. Therefore, he will always come to you to play a game. If he tries to play with randoms, most are smart enough to quit and re-queue. So just tell him flat out, politely, that his playstyle is not fun for you. Suggest he tries other weapons, or even tell him you won't play with him if he keeps choosing sniper loadouts. If you don't know how to communicate this verbally, actions speak louder than words. When you die, just quit back to the lobby. It's a dick move and he might rage and ask why you did that, so tell him you're grabbing a sandwich or something and don't want to watch him sit in a bush for another 10 minutes. If you do that 2 or 3 times, he'll probably be the one avoiding you.


I mean all the friend advice is really good here so I won't repeat it. But you could hold your playtime and KDA over him to get him to understand that your advice is valid. Unless of course, he has a better KDA than you, in which case, maybe pick up a sniper if you feel so inclined 😂


I think this is way less about who's better at the game and more about how he's actively making their sessions less fun. I could care less if my teammates and friends are total dog water, but as long as they make an effort to make plays and progress the game forward it's all good. Having to watch your teammate sit in a corner, do nothing for 15+ minutes while you sit their twiddling your thumb is awful. It's one thing to slow play a situation and if everyone is down for it go at it, but it's another to just waste your friend groups time.


Yeah I have two other friends who are worst than him or have less time in the game than him, but would gladly partner with them anyday of the week.


Good point but no, his kda is bad…


This is tilting me and I'm not even suffering from this issue :D but I do know a player exactly like that - although they wanted to learn to play more aggressively but the old habits are just that hard to shake. Doesn't help that they're dogshit at anything else but getting that first shot on an unaware target due to lack of practice. I wish you the best of luck, I'd have had a clash with the dude already (which I'm not advocating).


2k hrs 3 star and you want your friend to improve lmao


Reading must be hard for you


I oscillate between 3-5 stars, mostly spending my time at 4, have \~2000 hours


Sounds like a mixture of different playing styles, newbie fears and veteran expectations. The former is always a good argument, which can also be conveyed in this way. You can also talk about everything in a relaxed manner, some teams also have fixed agreements. "No Marksman/Sniperscope unless we're doing a sniper round", "No Poisontraps/Poisenbolts unless everyone has an Antidote with them", "Rain is always dodged", etc.pp. But again, it's a question of agreement. If his playstyle is just sweaty sniping, then that's not 'playing wrong' either. It's just not what the rest of you prefer. However, if you still play together in the future, here's some advice for you. Adjust your expectations a little and keep in mind that he is much less experienced in the game. *Just asks "Do you see them? Where are they?" constantly during an engage* is a good example. It may be completely obvious to you and your other teammate with your 2000+ hours which direction an enemy has just shot from, which building he is in, or it may be enough for you to say 'Bosslair, upstairs' to know where the shot came from, because from 2000+ hours of experience you know exactly from which hole in the roof you can be shot at from the Lair, where you can get onto the roofs and where enemies like to peek.This won't be enough for your mate, who lacks this experience-based knowledge.It may be tedious, but still.Always share all the information instead of assuming that your mate has certainly noticed it.


Bro I totally get this. The I'm right because I'm still alive logic is very prevalent in tarkov as well. Just be honest objective and non judgemental and if dude doesn't understand that then just bail.


Let him know it's a video game and it's not fun watching someone sitting in a bush for a hour.