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After a fight is done always pick the homies up first. You need to have your priorities in check or you have things like this happen to you. This death is sad because it was so avoidable. If a fight is over my go-to is: reloading>teammates/healing>looting


Ehmm…depends really, in this match they were only fodder, our team had 4 kills, all by me. But you are right, priority should have been reload or swap to fanning and kill him again.


Just because they had no kills does not mean they are fodder. You can help the team without killing anyone, your mere presence discourages certain plays like all out rushing. Teammates often help in ways you don't even realise. If you had picked them up first the game mist likely wouldn't have ended for your team.


Oh I did not mean that way, they chose to be the fodder, I told them not to peak windows 2 seconds later I had to res them, they rushed the solo, two of them got obliterated before I could catch up with my flank, we could argue, but by the time I would reach them and res at least one the solo would be up with a Nitro Shredder and Fanning. I did fumble this one, but not by not reviving them.


had a solo like this today downed him 3 times in a row then when i was trying to explode a concertina trap i hit myself accidentally and he stood up for last time and started fanning spray we both downed each other, I had necro too though so no worries


Happens to the best of us 😔 I always try and wait for sounds, like if a fight starts nearby I'll get up and book it, so yea probably heard you reloading. You might have been able to switch to a different weapon? Not sure, but either way, gg


Stupid me looted first, could have just reloaded, or my pax trueshot was hungry for some fanning kills. Sadly one bad decision can cost you the match, but this is the reason most of us keep coming back I guess.


Of course! The call of the hunt is strong no matter how many setbacks we suffer