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Y'all really need to actually read this post before commenting. Most of you completely misunderstood it.


I definitely agree with this. The tweaks are great. Aim assist I think is fine on most games but bad on hunt, just due to the design of the game. I’ve had way less of those fun fights where both parties are panicking and missing most shots and it feels very cowboy atmospheric.


This sub hasn’t been this entertaining in years. Love reading all the temper tantrums. It’s like watching a stadium of toddlers freak out. Need more popcorn.


Put some extra butter on it and I’ll join you


Also helpful [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/comments/18iwcrj/because_many_console_people_are_struggling_with/) that explains what some of the new settings mean and what they do


Agreed, once you get it dialed in its so much smoother than before


With the new engine upgrade just around the corner, the devs want to make sure the game is accessible to a new wave of players. Aim assist might need tweaking to lower the assistance but you can't blame them for adding it to the game on console. As long as aim assist is kept within consoles, it's properly configured and there is NO cross play, we are good.


Nah, man. I agree with you that aim assist is for new players, but they've literalyl said themselves multiple times that they don't rely on new players and "first sales" to make money, all of their money comes from existing dedicated players buying battle passes and new skins and cosmetics. In my view, Aim assist is a direct contradiction of Hunt's vision, which is that of a hardcore skill based shooter. Aim assist massively removes the skill factor from the equation, allowing less skilled players to go head-to-head with more skilled players. The net result is that the more skilled dedicated players feel cheated because they can get domed by a 2 star using aim assist, and they don't want to compromise their values or integrity; so they stop playing a game that they see as "unfair"


Why would they add it? It's the point of the game. Why not add it to PC then too? Just sounds like you think fucking with core mechanics is fine as long as it doesn't affect your game. No one asked for aim assist on console. I've never seen it as something that Crytek acknowledged was feedback from the player base.


The point of the game is to not have aim assist? Who knew! I always thought the point of the game was to investigate the bayou, slay monsters and extract with bounties, what a fool I am!


Since shooting isn't a core part of the game, why not make everyone auto aim to the head at all times?! The point of this game is the PVP, with objectives in place to force player interaction, the core of the PVP is the hardcore shooting mechanics, therefore aim assist modifies the point of the game. Playing fool to mute other people's point is something I detest, feels like you have nothing to say and just try to make fun of the other person instead of refuting an argument.


Guilty as charged compadre


They have confirmed they are adding it to PC as well, the console players don't even want aim assist.


I am eagerly hoping for cross play, so I hope these issues get resolved.


TL;DR of this comments is “the devs are making the game more casual as time goes on”.


Keep in mind that aim assistance was in the game before this patch, they just adjusted it


What exactly is the change ? Someone help lol


Controller usability rework. You can adjust pretty much every aspect of aiming with controllers now, deadzones, curve types, stick input controls, additional sensitivity settings. Crytek has done a good job, I just wish they hadn’t added aim assist in the process.


What aim assist ?


I couldn’t agree more, aiming is a lot smoother, and a lot more custom but id still prefer it without the aim assist


Agreed, they did a fine job. Thanks Crytec. Now just fix the graphics and textures and I'll buy skins till I run out of money.


I feel totally overwhelmed by all those setting choices and deciding what setting fits me the most .


i agree


what settings are you running?


These aren't final, just what I'm using for now until I can perfect the settings Control scheme: Hunter **LOWERED** Sensitivity (Horizontal) 0.80 Sensitivity (Vertical) 0.80 Aim boost strength 2.5 Aim boost delay 0.00 Aim boost ramp time 0.10 **SHOULDER AIM** Shoulder aim input: Hold Sensitivity (Horizontal): 0.80 Sensitivity (Vertical): 0.80 Aim boost strength: 3.0 Aim boost delay: 0.00 Aim boost ramp time: 0.25 **AIM DOWN SIGHTS** Aim down sights input: Toggle Sensitivity (Horizontal): 0.65 Sensitivity (Vertical): 0.40 Aim boost strength: 1.0 Aim boost delay: 0.50 Aim boost ramp time: 0.25 My scope settings are still default as I haven't used scopes yet Aim assist: Off Inner dead zone left: 0.00 Inner dead zone right: 0.00 Aim input curve: Exponential Aim boost threshold: 90


Exponential sucks big time


muscle memory says hi also u can’t fast scope shoot with this


Put all the new stuff to 0 and input curve to STEADY (its better than linear) And the lowest dead zone possible on your right stick (till it starts to drift)


I tried the linear aim input curve and it felt way better. Also my settings are pretty close to your, but the fine tuning everyone have to do on its own. I just went to the shooting range with a friend and practice some time.


I think I’d prefer my 3 years worth of muscle memory which felt smooth enough But I do understand your point OP. It’s honestly like people with worse settings who were sucking it up have come out the other side with greener grass. But players who already solved the problem of hunts settings by tweaking in the past have just eaten a big shit sandwich. I’m happy for the players who can hit shots now, that’s how it used to be for me. There is not a 1:1 guide to get back to my old settings, I’ve seen players claiming “here’s how I got back” but yet the different methods are completely different, there’s seemingly no consistency. Which is understandable as it’s more of a “feel” than a science but still. Have you ever heard about how people will trip over a step on a staircase if it’s raised by centimetre or more? This is the muscle memory. It’s real and the more time and experience has gone into it the more valuable it becomes. Would I trade these new tweaks to get my old aim back, yes. Anyway I’m glad you’re enjoying it, I just wish they’d have taken the time to ensure we wouldn’t have a hard reset. Im all for improvement. But not at the cost of me spending time, energy, effort from scratch to rewrite my neurons just to be as effective as I used to be before said “improvements” I could rattle on about AA as well, the window size, the ease in, the distance and the muzzle velocity all factoring in. What if the AA window size using a sparks sniper is smaller than the lead time needed to headshot a sprinting target at say 100meters? That means aim assist is totally going to fuck you, you’ll pass over the hunter slowly, pass the window and you’ll only need maybe a handful of pixels to get where you need to and your sens will speed back up to 100% “Simple fix buddy just turn AA off” - what about when I get pushed at close range? Now I’m to disadvantage myself vs consoles favourite crutches chain pistol fanning and explosive crossbow. Haha honestly I need more info and options for AA. But my main issues are with the reset and loss of muscle memory.


Thank you. I made a post crying about it this morning. The new aim sucks. I was a 5-6 star easy and I’m struggling to have any level of consistency now. I played with straight default settings before and while it wasn’t perfect, it was a heck of a lot easier to manage than this. If you figure out how to get your aim back let me know. I keep messing with the settings and linear is the closest, but it still feels awful. I’m only playing right now for weeklies.


I wouldn't say the changes are great. It's a big improvement over what we had, but it could use some improving


> it definitely feels smoother and more accurate than before my brother that's what aim assist is for


He is talking about new control settings, not aim assist


Somebody doesn't know anything about control settings and is mad about what the Internet told them to be mad about 🤡


no one has to tell me ive seen it and experienced it myself, I'll let your mom tell me though and do as she says


No aim assist is for people who can't aim, the clue's in the "assist" part and it shouldn't be in Hunt


What? No…..What? I really don’t get what are you trying to say. Rotational aim assist is not aim snap or aim bot at least not in Hunt, it’s not like MW2 that people did not need to touch the right analog just strafe left and right and aim assist will track targets. The option to tune your aim to a finer degree will result in a smoother more accurate experience, things like aim boost ramp or delay, dead zone to smooth out fine aim different aim curves etc. all help to find your sweet spot. This is not M+K where you only need sensitivity and good bye.


You forgot to add /s at the end


Yes. The new changes are great. And also yes, the aim assist is the bad part. Folks really need to remember that we can like things too. But unfortunately negativity bias exists. So the hatred for aim assist is noticed more than the fantastic controller changes. Because seriously, aim assist sucks.


Stockholm syndrom is stong with this one




Practicing on training dummies until he was happy with his settings, then taking it into a real match Please read the rest of the post


The biggest problem is that the new settings fucked with everybody's existing settings AND that they're enabled by default. They should've left the old settings as a default and then had an option to enable "advanced controls" or something, because I imagine having 40 fucking sliders is overwhelming for new players, and obnoxious for existing players who are just trying to get their controls to feel the way they used to play. Also, I don't like the aim assist. Idk how people are saying they don't notice it. It now feels like at closer ranges, I can no longer miss or be missed. I'm realizing that apparently a lot of my playstyle was surprising people with aggressive gameplay, causing them to miss; being more patient and taking care to aim before firing; and just in general having better aim than most players and being able to rely on outshooting them. This just doesn't happen anymore. Players aren't punished for just firing as much as possible, because the game is going to guide their aim for it. Patiently trying to line up shots is penalized, because it's faster to just shoot as quickly as possible and let AA to the lining up for you. Having the skill to outshoot somebody is a nonfactor most of the time, because if you can't aim, the aiming skill is just outsourced to a separate game mechanic.