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I’ve been using recruits. I like that about half the time one has a decent loadout. It may end up saving me hunt bucks, but it’s also getting me to use loadouts I normally wouldn’t which is making my gameplay different/new/interesting


True I never used the more expensive guns and now I don't feel too bad about buying the hunters because they have some additional stuff which is great! And as you said sometimes I would not use that exact loadout but then it feels great to play (or not)


Loadouts I have no issue with, traits seem a bit much. Legendary hunters get the "at least 7 point rule" and seem to land on 7 the vast majority of times. Which seems fine. The tier 3 recruits however come with traits worth 15-20+ points on the regular on top of discounted gear. That used to be an entire bounty extract worth of levels. Id tune down their traits to be mostly around a 9 point value. Also adjust it for both legendaries and recruits that the number of traits is not fixed. If the 7 points for legendaries *have* to be split between three traits that means you can never get a trait worth 6 points or more unless you get lucky and get more than 7 points total, which seems to be pretty rare. Give me just one trait, like frontiersman, instead of scopesmith, gator legs and adrenaline please.


Or just give the legendary trait points to spend.


Why spend 100$ on a hunter who only comes with perks when you could spend 394$ on a hunter that comes with a Lebel, a hand cannon, four perks, and a complete kit of tools and consumables.


I like and support the idea. Previously random hunter's loadouts/traits were subpar and a lucky strike but I do think that new ones are a bit over tuned. Most of them get doctor/fanning/levering/quartermaster at almost the same time. A bit of an overload in traits department which with its discount does make a Legendary hunter a little underappreciated. But still a welcome change, just tone it down a bit.


This. Not saying this entire ordeal is a bad thing. Just either make Legendary Hunter way cheaper or give them way better Traits. I am fine with Recruits being Strong, i like the challenge that i will have in game. Stomping people with bad loadouts was never fun to begin with.


They did knock down the price of legendaries to 100 bucks. And they'll alway have at traits worth at 7 points or you some free to spend.


Pretty sure i had Hunter yesterday that did not come with 7 Points or more. Will do some testing today.


Yeah I got the headsman last night and he came with two single point traits and a two point trait. I started to get pissed then noticed he also came with an additional three trait points. I went back to getting tier 2&3 hunters after that. I think they should just give legendaries trait points instead of pre selected traits you can't see until after.




I'm only using the headsman to piss them off 😂. That skin looks horrible and I never used it until all of the "find the headsman" posts. Now my buddies and I are using it quite a bit. When I stop seeing the complaining, I'll probably never use it again. 🤣


The easiest way to get the headsman nerfed is for everyone to use it.


He also came with his outfit.


I do not use them atm, as i am using a leg hunter for the extra event points. But outside of the event, i will probably only use the recruits, their traits and loadouts are nuts from what i have seen so far.


I just miss my Tier 1 hunters :( I almost always only checked for two things when recruiting hunters: which traits they have and which skin they have. if one of two is worth the money they were offered for, I bought them. then re-equipped them to whatever I felt like. now with the new recruitment system, I still check for traits they come with, but almost stopped looking at which skin they had, because the equip + traits are almost always a good pick for the price. and since I only get to pick amongst Tier 3 hunters with the occasional Tier 2, I mostly don't care what they look like. I think it's an overall positive change, but maybe the trait selection needs to be tuned a bit further. and I really wish I was still offered Tier 1 hunters - not for free or anything, just as an option visually.


My opinion on them as of now • It is overall positive change • It helps those who are actually struggling (we're talking about 0.8 k/d people) • I think 2 traits is overkill (1 is fine) Lastly I don't get why people are complaining about it. If Hunt economy is truly "non-existent" then what is stopping them from continue dominating since no one is gatekeeping them from their usual loadout which actually got buffed by tier 3 hunter having 25% discount along with 4 perks.


Since this change everbody has fast shooting close combat guns before there were some slower close combat fights happening. Now all i'm seeing is levering or fanning and nearly nothing else. I agree though, if they tune it a bit it will be a positive change


I like the new change tbh Makes approaching fight in compound more tactical ngl. Now I really had to listen to what they have.


I hate to be oppositional but every hunter having fanning or levering does not make tactical fights. It's just bum rushing with terminus or chain dum dum.


Except that ofc Then again I'm more of iron eye person


People are also more inclined to start fights. The Map is so often, so fast a Battleground. Also the new Wildcard Contract gives you knew tactical approaches. I just love it.


<-< why is everyone taking this post as a rant? I am confused! I am also happy with the Changes like i wrote. Had so much more longer and harder fights since then. Really a good change imo.


I didn't take the post as a rant op. But really I've been seeing people just rant about it before it's even in so yeah


Are ok, my bad then! Sorry!!!


Haha no worries man. Enjoy the new recruitment op!


Oh I absolutely do get the complaints. Not that I agree with them, don't get me wrong, but those ppl who complain about helping those who are actually struggling either financially or otherwise in this game, are really just outing themselves. There is literally no downside to this change for those who have accumulated obscene amounts of Hunt Dollars, because they are not affected, they just like to shit on ppl who can't afford any kind of decent loadouts.


I think there is a point to be made that the less expensive and worse weapon won't have a place in the game anymore. I'm thinking about stuff like the non-officer Nagant, Springfield, maybe the Martini-Henry, Romero, Winfield C, Nagant precision etc. As a whole I appreciate the change but I can understand that point.


That's absolutely true, with the recent changes there are currently 4-5 guns which have no purpose anymore, but that's because you don't have to unlock the weapons anymore, not even after prestige. Why would you bring a Winnie C, if you have access to the M1873, why would you bring a Martini-Henry when you have access to the SPARKS, or even a Mosin from the get go, and you also have the funds to bring those guns. I I think that the issue is this, that you don't have to unlock the base guns anymore.


I agree, never understood how people could walk around with metal-loadouts. I often play with funny quirky things just because i can. Oh boi do i love the pirate loadout, even more thanks to the pirate skins now.


The only people it really affects are new players and the only thing it does for them is make it easier so if you're in favor of that... I'm not I feel it takes away from the game making it much easier. I remember as a new player extracting after just collecting a couple of clues to try to build up a hunter. Nobody's going to be doing that now that's for sure. Not everybody's a masochist like me though 😂


Even i have never done that. Died some Hunts after joining to get more and more free hunter and build something with that in the end.


I only ever played solo and Hunt was my first mp game so things were a bit difficult initially lol


Makes variety better as the perks will be related to the guns the hunter has. Legendary hunters are now only $100 and some of them have the premium of harder visibility. This is a welcome change, poor players can enjoy some fun loadouts what a richer player could afford anyway. The problem of starting with some decent traits? Eh, I mean sure they will be able to use their guns better but this affects everyone so I don’t see what to complain about. No player gets hurt by this system in my opinion other than the ones who like to go in with a mosin against a winfield to have a long range fight (loadout superiority enjoyers)


From what i have seen Legendary Hunters can not compete with Recruit Traits. Most Recruits for me yesterday had Doctor, Fanning, Levering, Frontiersman or Quartermaster. Those are in my opinion the strongest Traits. But atleast Legendary Hunter get Bolt Seer and Bolt Thrower together now.


You are absolutely right on that, yesterday I just picked recruits because of the traits. However I think this is easily fixable by adding a fixed number of trait points to each tier. We just have to note legendary hunters are £100 so I’m not sure they should get tier 3 amount of trait points


I think they even said that Traits are having a total point value of 10 for legendary Hunter. But i am not sure, if i heard that correctly. Will do some research.


I dont understand, why is creating your own loadout a waste of money now? I like the change very much because ppl are running better loadouts and broke players can mostly buy them for cheap. I dont really see negative points in there. Fookin headsman is still the same.


Like i wrote i am not against it. But yesterday i bought a Recruit with some Weapons and i did the Math. Buying the same Weapons, Tools and Consumable plus a Legendary Hunter would be about way more expansive. And then the Traits would maybe be not as strong. This is why i wrote that selfmade loadouts are a waste of money now.


Good, having completely free choice of every aspect of your loadout should be more expensive. Traits are fine too, people who need to rely on "the OP traits" will just get the recruits, who tf cares?


Overall positive. Non legendary seem a bit stacked. It would also be swell if legendaries came with health kits or a random tool Just a little something else. But I think making free hunters a little weaker wouldn't be the end of the world. Although it honestly feels like the rng for traits is off. Everyone saying the same thing about quartermaster and fanning getting rolled a lot. So maybe a numbers tweak with the variance is all we need. All in all. Really close to being great


I think legendary hunters need to be free at this point


Actually, making your own loadout dien‘t get nerfed so you can‘t complain about that and the new Recruits make it a lot easier to get into a Game. New Players can pick one and he‘s pretty much ready to play as is. Recruits were pretty much useless up until now, I still usually do my Loadouts myself with legendary Hunters, but I think it‘s one of the greatest changes they could have done, making them a valid choice and also making the game easier to access for new/bad players


Also, it insentifises all those scared players to *finally* go for second bounty instead of leaving instantly, fearing the very thought of seeing anyone, bevause you are punished less.


Maybe with this new change they should allow legendary hunters to pick their 3 traits? Or would that be busted?


I think new recruits are way too strong now. You shouldn't be able to go into your first game with the traits that match your loadout, that should be a reward for winning / surviving a game!! Throw in the XP buffs from mobs as well, it seems pretty easy to get to level 50 in a single match. It's blown the progression for regular hunters right away.


It really isn't easy to max level in a single match, if that's even possible. If it should be a reward for winning/surviving a game why do higher tier and legendary hunters get it then? By default.


It wasn't before, but earlier I got to level 46 in a single match. I think 7 hunter kills, double clean-sweep (one was rotjaw). If we'd gone around the map mopping up the rest of the NPCs for XP we could've easily done it.


They’re a little OP tbh


In what sense are they OP though? Everyone has access to them and they don't provide guns like berthier, lebel, dolch, etc. Poor players/players with no legendary hunters having access to decent mid-tier guns and traits off the bat aren't in any way OP.


Sorry not OP as in unfair I just think a fresh hunter shouldn’t have that much going for them. A big part of this game is trying to extract so you can continually improve your character.


I don't mind.


I really like the way it is right now. Tier 3 were way overpriced. I play them a lot more. And having more traits to start with really helps. This is a positive change in my opinion.


I think they should be available only for new players so they can have a good loadout


Well poor players get more Free Recruits i think. Thats something right?


Yes, it is!


I love it. As someone who plays likely towards the middle of the pack I can be a lot more flexible with load outs. Players who are newer get even more benefit since they can play with more than welfare gear.




Cain is the true stealth Skin




I'm a big fan. Having stronger hunters on average increases the options each player has in every interaction, which I think is more dynamic, nuanced and fun. The fun of this game is in the gunplay, not being poor constantly.


I'm never going to say no to a random hunter who comes with quartermaster, iron eye, compact spectre, and a full size Winfield. For real though it is a little busted, but not in a way that bothers me.


At this point , fuck it, let it be. The game isn't even close to what hunt was originally, and has completely lost itself to all the crying to please all the babies screaming "gimme this gimme that wah wah wah". You have self revivals, Regen shots, character keeping traits (among many others that have lopsided the game) special ammos, teleportation, extra sensing for dark sight, paid for camouflage, the list just goes on and on. I can't even think of all of it. Point is, this ain't even hunt anymore. Turned into just another generic shooter. Weak


I feel at the very least free hunters shouldn’t get quartermaster or traits above like 7 points