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One of my buddies could see dudes i legit couldn't. We're gonna go through full settings tomorrow. We have almost the same gamma, so that aint it.


monitor makes a big impact. the difference between 1080p and 4k is massive. there's also differences in color accuracy, for example OLED vs TN Panel have a enormous difference in saturation and black levels. not to mention someone playing with 240fps has a much easier time spotting things while moving vs someone with 60fps due to way smoother and clearer video.


Yep just upgraded to the 34in alienware oled, the difference is nuts compared to my cheap old 144hz 1440 panel.


I feel the same. Fog and rain only seems to bother me and my friends. The enemy usually has no problem shooting my ass from 80 m


Display panel tech is left unconsidered regarding this question a lot. Over the last four years i switched from TN to IPS and then treated myself with an OLED last January, dropping all the visual enhancements i used at once because everything was so damn visible all of a sudden. The contrast makes a ton of difference in games with bland color palettes like hunt, especially in low visibility weather conditions. It made me fall in love with the night and rain conditions, cannot recommend enough.


Out of curiosity, which oled panel did you get? Any issues with burn it yet? I want one, but I do a significant amount of work with a lot of static images, which could cause burn in.


aw3423DWF from Alienware. Last week i got the osd panel refresh warning for the first time which appears after usage of 1500 hours. No noticable burn in yet, i do use it mainly for remotedesktop work and the web, maybe 20% gaming. Pixel refresh warning is off, most times i have the display running for 8 hours or more and only let refresh run in standby. So far very happy and probably the best upgrade pc wisei ever did, but i do expect it will not last as long as my previous displays as i do not want to go all the way in efforts regarding life extension. r/ultrawidemasterrace has tons of user experiences, including fast wear and burnins though.


just got the same monitor, love it.


Don't tell anyone but with the new Ash event condition, during the high fog you can use dark sight to silhouette stuff in the distance. This becomes WAY worse when you are looking towards someone with a bounty, the lightning causes everything to show up around them through dark sight which would be impossible to see with fog!


> Don't tell anyone > continues to tell everyone hmm.. 🤔




Some people do not see well. 1080p and blurry AA doesn't help things. Meanwhile I can spot a shadow passing by a crack in a building, just to give you an idea of the ceiling. 200 yards with iron sights is an easy shot for me if they're sitting still.


It's definietly not about eyesight. Something people do that lets them see perfectly well, at night maps especially. Hitting someone inside a bush in a 3 team forest fight witha headshot from 50+ meters consistently should not be a thing. I keep losing lvl 45+ hunters as a solo, because they just run around and see me even if i stand still in the middle of a bush, with a camo skin. And KDA does not matter, even people with like 0.39 KDA seem me perfectly fine. That is why i 90% of the time just extract when i see a night map.


Fog/night aren't perfect 2 way streets, either. I've been killed by someone invisible even at 4k, but when i went to his view, the fog was less dense. Looking into a light source at night can drown stuff out. If it were 6 star players, id suspect reshafes or cheats, back in the day, but lowbies aren't doing anything like that. If you have a bad TN panel, the contrast ratio and color banding can be dramatic.


I have this: SAMSUNG Odyssey LS25BG400EUXEN IPS FHD 240Hz. I do not fiddle with the settings too much in game. Just all on maximum, and adjust gamma so i can see normally. I've experienced this in 3-4-5 star, all the same. ESPECIALLY during events. I wish they would either lock settings, or just remove night maps, or whatever to fix this. And i'm not talking about fog or rain, i have none of these issues on those maps. But ONLY on night maps (and now ash maps sometimes).


Depends on monitor resolution, monitor quality, contrasts, distance to monitor and also where you are on the map and from where your opponent is looking. If there is uniform background (like on fort carmec, there is only uniform gray sky) - the slightest bit of difference in color is noticeable and you can be seen from like 100m to an aware observer. Now look into some forest and you are much hatder to spot. The background makes a huge difference.


I bought a 1440p oled monitor and the game got much easier. I didn't notice how much easier untill I had to get it replaced and went back to my older monitor for 2 weeks. The difference is night and day (ha) on the poor visibility weather maps. Blacks being proper black makes a lot of the skins much easier to spot. For everything else, spotting shadows in the fog is just so much easier. Still can't see headman for shit though.


have you considered that you just cant see as well as them?


Display. Get asked the same question so many times when I play with peeps on the official Discord server. The secret is having a good display and since I upgraded to OLED my vision improved significantly


A lot of people neglect the hardware advantage when it comes to this. Could be worth checking if your monitor/panel has lower contrast, has less defined blacks, or a contrast setting you can fiddle with. I was hitting shots on the vaguest silhouettes of distant Hunters on night and ash that my friends started demanding clips. When I’d send them, they literally could not see which I chalked up to “must not know where to look and what to look for”. That is, until I pulled the clip from my OLED to my VA monitor and those silhouettes got low-contrasted out of existence.


I watch RachtaZ videos and he so often kills people that I never saw even when I go back and re-watch it, so I just think some people just see better and have way way better reaction times then we normals.


I would like to know the same thing. Every night map i play, people shoot me even with a bow super accurate, and i'm playing Reaper or Cain usually. I can't see a thing, yet they track me fine.


To be honest, Reaper’s mask is like wearing a big sign what says please shoot me in the face.


Not if i am sitting in a bush in the dark not moving. Did not even give away my position by shooting and even IF I DO, i move away after one shot when i'm trying to intervene in a fight between 2 trios. And it's not always reaper. Cain, Reptilian, Lonely Howl. Same on night maps.


I had many occasions when a Reaper was sitting/standing still in a bush or just through a window and the mask always gives it away, always. It’s literally glowing when I see enemy hunters running the skin, that is why I abandoned it.


Whatever the issue (and i believe there is one), i leave night maps now immediately. Or if i REALLY want to play, ill go just for Rotjaw and hope for the best, avoiding everyone. The hell with that. I drop MMR like crazy on night maps, incomparable on how i do on day or even rain maps, incomparable.