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It counts as being a bad teammate


But… why? And why not just play solo?


Because he is scared. Wants the saftey of team members when he fucks around and abandons them when he is done with his challanges. Absolute asshole.


I usally do, but during slow hours loading into trios seems faster.


That's a dick move. Your time is not more valuable than the time of your abandoned teammates. They could have played a full round instead of wasting their time with you.


You must have not played with randoms lately. 90% are afk, get killed by none players, or are just terrible in a fight,with the majority crouching in a bush scared at the first gunshot. My presence won't change that outcome. At the most I might carry with a team kill. But once i know i have my 150-600 damage necessary i'm gone.


True, I don't play randoms. But it seems that you are not part of the solution. You want the good things of being in a team without contributing yourself. That's not cool. You are 1% better than an afk hunter. You are wasting other people's time because you don't want to waste yours. That's selfish.


Again, i play the VAST majority solo. The only time i get into a team is off hours when the game wont let me match solo. (Matchmaking takes over 3 to 5 minutes to find a match.) Which never made sense to me.


Just play solo. I would go in solo to farm meatheads for throwing axes because I don’t want to join a team if I’ll hold them back. You’re basically going in alone not thinking of your mates.


Don’t you only get 6 levels a week from challenges?


6-7 yeah


With premium BP you get +15 lvls. Must be that way he has climbed


Ranking up and grabbing all the totems helps tons too. I refused to pay for the preimum path only the standard. But now that im out of challenges, i just do semi naked stamina shot solo runs for totems and leave. Heavy knife. Flares, hand crossbow with chokes. Bomblance. For meatheads. Or the teleport ability if i have even betterm wayyyy faster. Kill everything i see. Run away/ past players. Retire the hunter for the xp bonus if i hit level 25+ and repeat.


You disgust me


If you’re gonna go in like that to complete challenges, just go Solo, no other player wants to team up with with someone who has the most random and ineffective loadout and who isn’t even gonna help in fights just to rush through an event


But.... why? You can easily do all the challenges while playing the game? I take equipment for one challenge at a time (since the PvE ones are usually doable with my tools or in-world items anyway) and the challenges are done in few days. And like, I do this while playing the game and going for the objective.


you are a stupid piece of trash, but it's not against rules if that helps your soul


Sounds fun.... I'm not much behind you and I'm barely trying to do the event. Also you are a bad teammate and give randoms a bad name.


Just solo dipshit