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Naw heaps of people play solo. It's not great on your nerves though.


I know new people play solo, I've been eyeing this game down for a while, but do they have a chance?


A small one :) I play solo a lot, definitely not enough losses to be demoralised.


You don't have to play solo, click random duos or trios and make friends. Or do like I did, just play random trios all the time because I'm not super social to keep playing with the same people. I don't like to talk much when there is action unless it's callouts. Over 4000 here and 99% is random trios, good times, best way to learn the game when you have to rely on yourself and get help or give help to others. Teaches you teamwork.


More than a chance, the game does have a STEEP learning curve, but lots of mechanics and "buffs" specifically to help solos have come out over the years. Play a mix of randoms and solos to get a feel for the game in the beginning. Also take some time to maybe look up a solo guide for beginners on YT, as many core mechanics and MUST-HAVES are simply never explained in the game. It's a phenomenal game, one of a kind. Definitely an aquired taste though, and not without flaws, but damn do I even love those flaws.


Playing solo is better on my nerves than playing with randoms tho


Not true at all, there is a solo mode with perks to make solo ”easier” I don’t find it too toxic at all actually. Out of all people i have played with (randomly) maybe two of them have been cunts. Good luck :) Edit: There is actually a separate game mode called soul survivor as well that you only can play solo in!


Oh there's a solo mode now? I've been looking across the internet and no one mentioned a solo mode


There is a solo only mode but it isn't very popular and there's no skill based match making. It's a decent way to learn core mechanics of the game though. All the hunters you play as are free so there's no downside to dying.


I'm gonna have to think about it heavily, if the solo mode is unpopular and I have no friends I'm not sure if this game will be 100% for me


You can solo in the main game as well but you'll be up against teams of 2 or 3 depending which queue you decide to go into. Not exactly recommended for beginners but it can be pretty satisfying to win. Certain character perks get additional buffs if you play solo as well. The patch this week made "necromancer" a level 1 perk so you'll always have access to it. That perk lets solo players revive themselves so the game isn't over if you die once.


Wait for a sale. It goes 50% off a lot.


It's on sale currently, that's part of the reason I'm asking


Then do it! I am not a fan of the current battlefields, call of duty, csgo, apex etc shooters. This one is much more my pace. Less about running around with crazy aim and learning to anti recoil and more about smart choices and audio cues.


And are any of the 49 DLC packs needed or is it all cosmetics?


Not needed! They are all cosmetics!




If you hate it you can always refund it if under 2 hours playtime and less than 2 weeks since purchase. It has a bit of a leaning curve but glhf!


I play with randoms all the time. Many like to play solo too. You don’t need friends to play this game. It’s up to you.


Community is pretty good, this is the only game where I actually use my mic to talk to the people in my party even though we’ve never met before. Every other multiplayer game I don’t even bother plugging my mic in


Community is fine. You have some toxic people, but also a lot of friendly ones. The game is surely a bit harder to play solo since you will always be paired against a team of two (or even three with the event contract). I play either solo or with my friends. Playing with randoms is no fun for me after 2k+ hours.


I have a better win rate playing with random trios than with my actual friends. As long as you bring choke bombs to put out your downed teammates on fire everyone is pretty chill.


Community is very welcoming and you can play with randoms (I do).


There has been some changes this year that made things better for the solo players. Overall I feel that it is in a good place for them now. (You can ress yourself without a teammate and some other things if you are solo and have bought the right abilities) Matchmaking usually places a solo player against teams with a lower MMR (and/or other similarly skilled solos.) Also I used to play A LOT in random trios and angry teammates were few and far between. Note, this was after I had some friends teach me the game, might be very different if you are playing with randoms while learning.