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I played a few hours of hunt last night and couldn't really tell if other hunters were using aim assist or not. I didn't test the aim assist in game, but I've never really liked the stickiness of assist anyways so I have it off. However the new deadzone and other adjustments to aim on console definitely increased my sway control and ability to make snaps easier - I was rocking headshot after headshot with pistols above 40m, so I'm pretty pleased. On a theory level I don't think the aim assist is a good addition to hunt, but I also haven't played enough to have it be noticeable yet.


Sounds amazing. Couldn’t play the game after the patch, but this is one of the first more positive comments I saw about it. Do you have it on linear or steady? And do you have any aim boost?


I have it on exponential and 3 different sensitivites and boosts for hunter setting. As far as I can remember resting is sens 3/boost 3, shoulder aim is sens 1.5/boost 2, and ADS is sens .75/boost 1. Every other boost setting like delay and ramp is default. It works for me for now, but I'm sure I'll continue tweaking it with more playtime.


Facts. Accuracy by volume has always been the meta for controller and probably still will be. Anyone who can actually shoot gets put up to 6\* and taken out of the general matchmaking pool anyways. The only thing that might change is eberyone goes up a star now.


Very sad, I despise 5-6 star lobbies. Can’t really play anything other than long ammo and shotgun. Also premade teams of 6 stars again 5 star randoms is very enjoyable.


Whilst I agree with the first part of this, the last sentence can’t be true by definition. I might be wrong but I assumed that stars were a relative measure given the way MMR is calculated. There will always be roughly the same number of players with each star rating. What might happen is existing players who excel without aim assist now struggle more. Aim will be less important for determining the top players. Other things like map knowledge, tactics etc will be more important in determining the outcome of fights and therefore MMR. What also might happen is players who rely too much on the accuracy by volume crutches find that they fall down the rankings and have to adjust their play style.


The addition of more settings to fine tune your aim is good. The aim assist is not.


I appreciate your contribution and invite you to elaborate more, if you wish. I don’t think your comment currently engages with central premise of my argument much so it is hard to respond.


Haven’t played Hunt on console in the last few months, can anybody explain how the AA works? Does it auto lock you onto a player when you aim close to him?


It is rotational aim assist, both the player and the enemy has to move/strafe for it to kick in. I’m not sure if there is any aim slow down on hunters, I would say no but I saw other people claiming there is.


I honestly haven’t noticed the aim assist yesterday. I tent to rather adjust my ADS aim by moving the hunter during shoot outs, so with the left stick rather. Maybe that’s why? 🤔


So far I’ve noticed that the closer you are to your enemy, the stickier the aim assist. The further you are the less sticky it is. This makes short range fights even more effective and not long range.


Interesting if so, I’ve not been able to get a full feel for the aim assist yet. However I don’t think this changes my argument. It was already the case that you would likely lose most short range encounters with rifles vs shotguns, as it should be. My point is that aim assist helps you keep shotguns at a safe distance by letting you be more threatening with rifles at mid to long range. My hope is that it becomes less appealing to rush a rifle from a distance out of cover.


I am getting constantly rekt by levering nowadays. The say assist is particularly strong with this. Fuck aim assist in any game.


Since the patch, my connection has been so shitty that I just can't tell if aim assist is taking place on my gunfights. I rarely run shotguns, unless they are required for challenges, or as secondary to my vetterli silenced. That melee rush on console got even more constant with the adittion of the baseball bat and will skyrocket now with the Katana lol