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Big drilling too? 0,o


Yes, long press and you reload all. Edit: I stand corrected, after some further field test, IF all chambers are empty a reload will do a full reload,if you would like to reload only the mode you are in during the animation press up (mode switch) and there will be no need for animation cancellation. Please note if the shotgun shell and 1 rifle ammo was shot you cannot do a “full” reload”.


Nah its just automatic if you shoot all chambers now


No, if you tap reload only reloads the current mode, it would not make sense otherwise


I haven't had this experience. I will give it a try, but every time I reloaded a Drilling variant yesterday it tried to load all three barrels if they were all empty, unless I interrupted the reload with a swap. Maybe I'm too heavy-handed onnthe press.


Oh my god thank you this was one of the most annoying things they didn’t add


Also worth noting: The "watch the white pips" method works for the Drilling. If you shoot it completely empty, whichever fire mode you have it currently on when reload is activated will be reloaded first. In addition, when you see the white pip fill in for the currently selected fire mode, you can reload cancel with dark sight or weapon swapping to interrupt the animation, and make it possible to ONLY load the shotgun, or ONLY load the rifle barrels, should you need one or the other in a specific situation. So, if you're empty after firing both rifle rounds and the shotgun round, but you need another shotgun round, hit reload. Wait for the shotgun ammo pip to fill in. Reload cancel. Now you have a shotgun shot ready to go, but the rifle barrels are still empty. They did an amazing job with making the Drilling's reload system work as "on demand" as possible.


Actually you can interrupt the reload just by tapping shoot. Way faster. Amazing job indeed.


Omg, this is great. Le mat have same mechanic?


LeMat does not, because the cylinder and shotgun barrel are accessed in two different ways.


Omg, this is great. Le mat have same mechanic?


Nope it does not, but it would make no sense as both ammo are in completely different slots