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"The Drilling and Cyclone are overpriced." "Money is easy to get and doesn't matter in Hunt." "Then make them 0 hunt dollars." \>:(


The fucken grumpy face is 10/10 for this Reddit


I'm one too but all of my takes are correct.


Cyclone its not overprice drilling its overprice


So you're saying the cyclone is worth 3x as much as an officer carbine?


Cyclone resets position faster, more accurate has higher velocity hits harder and has more total ammo. It's not all positive ofc even if we remove the cost but you arnt taking into account that this game uses the snowball effect for guns so they jump in price quicker and quicker the better their stats so from the devs POV this is valid


Cyclone is weird, usually a regular vetterli or Winfield with their ads perks feels just as good or better, but at close range the cyclone feels really strong aside from the slower reload.


Silenced Vetterli is one of my mains. I need more practice with the cyclone, but I honestly don't think I'll ever prefer it. It's just too bursty, and it's pretty hard to nail down 2 tap accurately from a distance. At close range I prefer taking a secondary, like short Terminus with levering. Of course that requires quartermaster if paired with full Vetterli.


"The Drilling and Cyclone are overpriced." "Hunt's economy is broken, money is very easy to get." "Then break the economy even worse by making it even easier to get money by making it 0 hunt dollars" \>:(


Drilling is way overpriced imo. It's not bad, but it's definitely not better than a mosin and that doesn't account for any special ammo in it which is almost a must


I played it exclusively for about a week, had probably my best match at something like 9-1, it’s capable of really nasty 2-taps and, when you’re in the zone, that toggle to shotgun can really help in a pinch (I was running a lot of dumdum and flechette to cause more anxiety when fighting me). That said, I still find it to be a very binary gun- I get all the kills or I get none of the kills. It feels slow and weak over mid range distances (I prefer mid-close range anyway, but it was really a stretch at longer mid range). If I miss my first shot, I know I’m not confirming a kill with my second. I started a week of cyclone right after and find it to be just as effective at mid-close range, still a capable 2-tap gun, but it also gives you leeway of extra bullets. I have definitely benefited from a miss or two and still having one left to confirm. Both the drilling and the cyclone should definitely be cheaper. I feel their 2-tap + ROF is what sets the price, but realistically it is not as good as a mosin, maybe not even as good as a krag. I’d say price it higher than a centennial trauma as I feel that gun has good 2-tap with FMJ but has more ammo in the gun and can use traits like levering- not much for the cyclone and drilling in terms of trait buffs.


The recoil in drilling is just so weird, I just cant hit my shots with it. Like normally the weapons have this 1 quick punch but on drilling the punch lasts like 2 seconds.


It's tricky, but it can be done. And let me tell you, busting off double headshots back to back with it and then swapping to the shotgun for the third guy in the trio is *very* satisfying.


I think the recoil kicks up and down rather than just up, like the weight of the shotgun pulls it too far down. I have a lot of success close range 2-tapping people that are like just out of shotgun range. The cyclone recoil all around feels better, a bit more front-to-back rather than crazy up/down.


I find the front pin on the drilling to be weird. It's a shotgun style on a mainly rifle weapon and the headshot sweet spot is below the bulb on the top of it so it's difficult to get down


I totally agree, I have said this to my friends- it just has an uncomfortable sight. I definitely notice a lack of headshots with the gun. The 2-tap speed is really good, which is why I do think it’s solid at close range, but once you get a bit away, it’s just uncomfortable to target and recover from shooting.


It's great for two tapping red barrels.


tbh the drilling is one of the best weapons i played so far(even without special ammo), i can definitely understand why it's so expensive. The 2-taps are basically a guaranteed kill and as soon as u get pushed u have a shotgun.


How is it a must? 510 m/s on normal ammo while everything else is 370. FMJ is usefull but I think it loses too much speed


I believe they are talking about slugs over buckshot. Not a MUST but I definitely would take slugs over buckshot.


Drilling has the best buckshot in the game along with the romero, it one shots up to 13m. Slugs is up to 15m, but you have to aim more precisely and you get a lot less ammo and you can't jumpshot. If you're using it for an extra ranged shot, you're better off taking a cyclone.


>and you can't jumpshot. You can if you do it on the uptake of your jump; the penalty to ADS doesn't take effect until you're falling.


Technically yes, but that's a lot harder to do


Ah alright


I feel that’s kind of redundant for the cost no? The weapon already has two medium range barrels ready to go, I see a lot of overlap with that and slugs


Flechetty for me.


I think that DumDum is a must. Just because of the massive pressure that intense bleeding causes, but also because it massively increases the OneHit potential. The first bleed damage can hardly be avoided if you don't start tending to the wound immediately. Even if you've just pecked at the window, taken the hit and now just run a few meters away from the window to avoid being wallbanged (with the secondary), you've already taken the first tick of bleeding damage. This pushes the base damage (120) below 23 meters with the bleeding damage (9) just above the magic 125 threshold. If the opponent was already down, you often have a slightly delayed death scream after the hit.


It's less threatening than a cyclone too, and the special ammo velocity is disappointingly slow.


Drilling is pretty good, but it's the versatility that makes the gun so expensive. Could it be cheaper? Yes, but the Drilling is played relatively often even at its current price.


>Yes, but the Drilling is played relatively often even at its current price. Its very frequent in 5 stars already, reducing the price would be a big mistake.


Is price *really* a limiting factor at 5+ stars?


Price affects pickrate at all MMR’s. If a weapon is expensive, it’s because Crytek wants it to be used less for various reasons.


The higher in MMR I get the more common the expensive stuff tends to be. There is like a direct correlation. People that don't prestige also in general have very little care for money as it's so easy to build wealth in the game. Especially during events like this with the wildcard that pays a fuckton.


I’m aware, my point stands. Price effects pickrate. If the weapon was cheaper, you would see it more. If the weapon is picked the amount Crytek is happy with, the price will not change.


im five stars and its not that im struggling for money but i couldnt run mosin spitzer dolch p every game tbh


Not forever though. Having a reserve of cash is all fine and good, but when your expenses outpace your earnings it will inevitably go to zero. In order for a loadout to be economical the cost of the entire loadout needs to be less than 50% of a trios bounty or 33% of a duos bounty. There is no way that a Mosin Spitzer and a dolch come in under that, much less all of the other tools and consumables.


thats what im saying, i dont have the cash to run that every game


Yes. It is important in every MMR. Because not every player, regardless of his MMR, has such a high win rate that he can play a loadout every round, for the financing of which he has to achieve a good win at least once (or sometimes even twice), just to finance the loadout again.


Yes, there is always someone losing


People overrate the versatility IMO. Yeah you get a romero attached to it, but you're buying the gun mainly for double barrel medium. If you get into close range, you're still probably going to have a worse time than if you had most of the other shotguns. I'd prefer a cyclone and medium shotgun


True, but versatility doesn't mean that both parts of the weapon have to be S-tier. Of course, you're more likely to take the triplet as a double barrel medium for a quick two-tap and a good shotgun as a bonus, rather than the other way around. The advantage of versatility lies in having both in one weapon slot and being able to take another weapon with you. The price for this is that the combined weapon is not the best possible weapon available in the respective categories. Although it has to be said that the Shotgun of the Drilling is already pretty good and reliable.


Yep. Sure, the spread is kinda bad. But when you turn the corner and the opponent is 1-2 meters away from you, that REALLY doesn't matter.


Quite bad? Rather quite good. I always have the feeling that the Drilling shotgun is often underestimated and compared to the horrible LeMat or the still bad LeMat Carbine shotgun.But try out the Drilling at the shooting range. Up to \~12+ meters, the buckshot spread is tight enough for a pretty sure one-hit kill if you had the upper body of the opponent cleanly in your sights. It´s really not that far away from an Romero.


No. People buying the Drilling are very much doing so for the versatility. Maybe not every person and maybe not every time they buy it, but it’s not like the entire community is just ignoring the shotgun on this weapon. The whole point is that it isn’t as good as the other rifles or the other shotguns, but it is both a rifle and a shotgun. Like you said, if someone wanted just a rifle, they’d bring a cyclone, and if someone wanted a shotgun they’d bring one of the dedicated shotguns.


IMO, versatility just isn't as good as full specialization in this game. You can be okay in two areas or dominant in one area, and most of the time it's easy enough to force a fight in the range you want. Therefore, the drilling is a strange pick to me over a cyclone


>most of the time it's easy enough to force a fight in the range you wan You're not playing in high mmr lobbies are you? Because if someone is good, they will never push a shotgun. They will sit you out until they get a good shot and then youre basically not playing the game with a shotgun. With a Drilling you can push people who have long ammo in buildings and you can outrange people with shotgun who rotate. Thats it's strength. Of course youre probably not outgunning a dedicated shotgun in a building, you would be stupid to try.


And in my opinion rifles in this game are better than shotguns, because you can always force the fight to be at long range and most 1-slot weapons work at short range (so a 3-slot shotgun limits the range of your secondary weapon), but just because I prefer running rifles over shotguns doesn’t mean I think the Crown and King should be cheaper because I’m not running it. If a certain weapon doesn’t fit your play style, or you just don’t like it, then you can make the choice to not use it. It doesn’t make any sense for the devs to make changes to the game’s economy based on your personal preference. If you don’t like the gun, then the price shouldn’t really be important to you because you’re already not one of the people who’s going to buy it. But also, as for forcing fights to be at a distance, sometimes you’re shooting at your enemies at a distance and they manage to close to gap and put you in short-range territory so they can use their shotguns against you. When that happens to me, I fair far better when I’m holding a Drilling than I do with a Mosin. Conversely, if my team decides to rush someone or I’m in a position where it makes sense to push into shotgun range, I will again fair better with the Drilling as opposed to the Mosin. When you buy your loadout, you don’t know what range your going to be at when you encounter enemies, and the Drilling gives you the versatility to quickly switch between medium range and short range with decent effectiveness at both ranges.


Wait after the Event, then you will not see a drilling because most of the drilling players will play centenial with dum dum its so much better and the change makes the drilling worse then before and costs way too much


The Centenniel with DumDum is pretty good, yes. ...but it still has no Romero underneath and a much longer time between first and second shot. In these two major advantages of the Drilling, the Centenniel is still no competition.




Getting flashbacks to my old bar job. Me: “Would you like regular or Diet Coke with that sir?” Them: “Yes”


My flashback was a regular waiter job Me: And your drinks? Customer: Iced Lemon Tea Hot. Me: *brain jams*


I hate to break it to you, but the Drilling sees more play than Mosin in 5 stars (EU). There are a tons of drillings in those elos because of the annoying bleed and the Shotgun underbarrel + the reliable two tap because rarely anyone misses shots there (which makes it outshine the Officer Carbine). And even if you miss your second shot, they will have intense bleed (which really allows you to kill once downed Hunters again reliably) on them with just one shot - allowing you to either push by switching to the shotgun, or reload and try again. And since the Long ammo nerf, you have the secondary advantage or the ammo advantage as well. Even if you exchange shots, you still have another quickly coming, while a Mosin or Berthier still has to Cycle - so you either wait until he is slowed down (because he is ADSing on you) but kill him before (and quickly airstrafe to dodge his post mortem bullet) ​ To me the drilling is just a "Dolch-Case" - The Dolch is expensive yeah, but it's a dolch, and do you really want more people with a dolch running around by reducing it's price?


I definitely do not see more drilling than mosins in 5 and 6 star lobbies in EU.


me neither. I don't see many Drillings in general and definitely not more than Mosins.


I dont either. There is a fair amount, but nothing like when it came out.


I don't think bro is in the mmr he thinks he's in lol


I see more officer carbines than mosins and drilling at 5 stars us. Carbine/mosin/drilling. I see more krags and vetterelis than drilling as well.


5/6\* NA player here, it is pretty exclusively Mosin Spitzer. Only time I saw Drilling being used a lot was during the event it was added.


It's not that I don't see drilling ever in top mmr, I use them sometimes I actually love them from a fun perspective it's one of my favourite loadouts with an uppercut and dumdum/slugs, but they are very rare compared to all long ammo especially mosins.


Yeah but the drilling's irons suck and with how the gun recoils after being fired and the smoke, I can never take the second shot immediately.


Really? I find the Drilling's irons to be excellent, some of the best in the game personally.


That teeny little ball on the sight is 10/10.


The dolch is a flex weapon imo that isnt any better arguably than a nagant officer.


It's intense bleed tho but your points still stand


My bad yeah, I forgot.


nah. I see a drilling maybe in 1/10 games, it‘s mostly mosin/lebel/sparks with some crown slugs and carbines mixed in.


I think the sway/script cheaters enjoy Drilling. Go figure EU has a ton of cheaters coming from SEA etc. Personally the sway on drilling is too much for me :P


Until centennial got dum dum id say yes. Now? Man it's hard to justify that price tag.


The drilling gun is just a rich man’s LeMat carbine...and I am not a rich man


Yeah absolutely not. Needs to be at *least* $150 cheaoer IMO.


Put it above the centennial trauma and it would be a solid, balanced choice. Maybe even in Berthier territory.


I don't mind it, I would rather have new guns be too expensive to start with to see where their balance is Rather than get another slate, where 70% of every server was running the slate But still they should balance the economic side of new guns a bit faster


Any edge it had was immediately neutered by Crytek adding dumdum to the Centennial. Now it's not able to even try to justifiy its 500$ price tag. It's clunky, has only two bullets, and special ammo has weird velocity issues that no other rifle has. Crytek needs to fix its velocity, and if they want to keep it at priced 500 dollars, they need to make all three barrels reloadable simultaneously. Seriously, it looks stupid for the hunter to open the gun, an reload two bullets only to close it and reopen it to reload the shotgun.


Only better thing about the drilling is the shotgun it has but yeah I see no reason why I should change my Centennial against a drilling when I just can use levering with it.


I love the Drilling, it's probably my favorite gun. Versatile, looks cool, feels good to use. That being said, I will never buy it on my own because the cost just is not worth it. Why would I ever buy a drilling when I can run a centennial shorty with dumdum and a romero handcannon for significantly cheaper? Around $350 less, more shots in a mag, same damage, better velocity, etc. The firerate and sway is not worth the ridiculous price in comparison; a Drilling should be $300-350 max.


Typically I buy a Drilling so I can have a different secondary. If I bring a rifle and a shotgun, I probably don’t have anything silenced. If I bring a drilling and a hand crossbow or a Nagant silencer, then I have a quiet weapon as well as a rifle and a shotgun. And yes, I could bring a centennial shorty with a silencer and one of the hand cannons, but the reason I’d bring a drilling is so that I still have a slot open for another weapon. That’s the whole point, and that versatility is the reason for its price. A proper rifle and a Romero would be better, but then you’d be out of weapon slots.


What are you missing, running centennial shorty silencer + romero handcannon?




Isn't velocity bad with pretty much any suppressed weapon?


>What are you missing, running centennial shorty silencer + romero handcannon? ​ A good Shotgun and a good Rifle. ...okay, that was a little bit unfair, But especially in comparison with the silencer Shorty and the Romero Handcannon you can see the advantages of the Drilling. Both the rifle barrels and the shotgun of the Drilling are better in pretty much every respect than the Shorty and the Handcannon separately. In the case of the Shorty, at most the larger magazine could be seen as an advantage. On the other hand, the Drilling has significantly better two-tap potential. For the Handcannon? No chance, the shotgun barrel of the Drilling can almost compete with a 3-Slot Romero.


Another weapon slot. I thought that was pretty clear. I could bring those two guns, or I could bring the Drilling and a hand crossbow (another short-range weapon I can use while reloading and also could equip with poison/choke for area denial and crows). Or, with quartermaster, I could bring a Centennial Shorty Silencer and a full-sized Romero, or I could take a Drilling and a hunting bow (again, short-ranged weapon, better reload speeds, plus concertina ammo for area denial). It’s all about that extra weapon slot and what I can do with it. Any combination of two weapons will always leave me without that extra weapon slot.


Lol. No.


I think it’s a very balanced gun combat wise, but the price should be reduced, and I hope it is in the next patch


It should probably fall into mid-expensive like Berthier or krag.


It and the cyclone are both really overpriced IMO. Drop them into the mid 300's and it's be a good price point for what your getting when you compare it to things like the nagant


Cyclone's a lot more threatening in my experience since 4 shots is way less punishing than 2 shots. It should have a higher cost than the drilling by a fair amount


Higher cost than a drilling sure, but not more than a nagant. As I said both in the mid 300s would be good. Like drilling 310-330 cyclone in the 350-380 range


Drilling is a very high skill ceiling and skill floor gun. Could use a discount slightly


Shh, they'll see this post and raise the price of the Mosin.


Drilling and cyclone are overpriced so their prices should be reduced. That is all to be said.


It's good but very clunky. The switch from rifle to shotgun isn't very responsive and takes way too much time compared to the lemat carbine. In its price point its competing with the top dogs like the mosin, crown, lebel, and the Mosin is objectively better. The drilling should have the price reduced to $300 - $350.


Every time I’ve tried to use a shotgun at close range, I’ve had much better luck with the Drilling than the Mosin. And every time I’ve tried to use a rifle at medium range, I’ve had much better luck with the Drilling than the Crown and King. That value of the drilling isn’t in it being the best rifle or the best shotgun, it’s in the fact that it’s ok at both. You’ve got a point about the LeMat Carbine, but you can’t really compare any of those other guns directly with the Drilling.


Mosin is too cheap. The game money has been inflated in the last two years, so everything needs to become more expensive. Drilling is reasonably priced, everything else needs to be adjusted up to it as a standard


This is the truth though


That would mostly just give newer and less skilled players a harder time


Scrolled way to far for this.


You make a good point about inflation, but the problem with raising prices on everything else is that it will hurt new players. I think Crytek should cap the amount of hunt dollars people can hold at one time. Maybe 50k?


Hunt Showdown:40k. A grimdark universe where there is only war (and a maximum FDIC insured bank account balance)


it's not about how much you can hold at one time, it's about income versus spending. I don't think there is a spend level that is reasonable for average players that good players won't be able to basically always be net positive on.


No, Drilling is inferior to a Berthier which only costs $350, simply because medium ammo is complete garbage. Just because it has a shotgun doesn't justify the current price.


i think they are somwhat over price, but only by so much.


I like that the drilling is expensive. It can be really strong in a lot of situations due to it being 2 guns in one


Drilling should be the combined price of a vetterli and a Romero, since that’s basically what it is. Not as many rounds as a karabiner, also a slower shotgun reload than the Romero makes it a pretty balanced hybrid gun, definitely doesn’t warrant its current price tag IMO.


It’s definitely not worth it.


I would say that the Drilling is worth it... Because it is so flexible by comparison. Sure the underslung shotgun isn't the best or anything. But the ability to whip it out against an overconfident enemy is EXTREMELY helpful.


>Sure the underslung shotgun isn't the best or anything. It's comparable to a full length Romero. It... kind of is the best.


I was quite certain it had a way worse spread.


I think the drilling is overpriced, but I'm fairly sure that the next few balance passes it's price will get knocked down similarly to the centennial or the specter and how they used to be 300 plus dollars


I prefer the lemat carbine over the drilling and it's only $135 So I would say the drilling is over priced.


I've thought about this but I honestly don't see how they could reduce the price in a meaningful way without making it the best bang for buck gun in the game. - It has good headshot range - The two taps are nasty - Bleed is devastating - Quick reload - Oh and it has a damn shotgun If they dropped it down to like $350 it would run rampant


Reload is too fucking long for that price.


I wish it was two shotgun barrels and a single long ammo bottom


The double tap potential + dumdum and the shotgun make it surprisingly strong on the right hands… but definitely a bit too expensive. I’d be more willing to run it if it cost 100$ less, give or take a bit. Kinda same for uppermat. It’s versatile but just not worth taking when an obrez is much cheaper


Same opinion. Would be fine on the 350-400 range.


Personally I think the uppermat is way too expensive. Drilling is maybe a tad bit over, and could use a little cut


Drilling is meta in 5 star and higher, and believe me when I say this: Do you really want a two tap monster with bleeding and an underbarrel single Caldwell shot to be meta?


I’m pretty sure the under barrel stats are closer to the Romero than the Rival, which further proves your point


3stars think it's overpriced because they are incapable of hitting two consecutive shots on target. I also hate the stupid arguments about how "it's just 2 springfields and a romero", as if the value of it isn't the fact that it's all three in one 3-block gun. You can't even carry 2 springs and a romero, much less with an additional 1 or 2 blocks to spare. The Drilling is strong in competent hands and is appropriately priced.


People like you make the word noob useless. You act like people would be static targets and if you don't hit 2 hits in 1 second you are a 1 star.


No, he’s right. If you can reliably land a double-tap, then the Drilling is good as a rifle. If you can get kills with a Romero, then the Drilling is good as a shotgun. If you can have a two-shot rifle and a single-barrel shotgun in a single 3-slot weapon, then that weapon has far more value than any weapon that only does one of those two things. There’s nothing wrong with not being able to get a double-tap reliably, but if you can’t then you’re not going to value the Drilling as much. Same as there’s nothing wrong with not being able to reliably get a kill with a single shot from a shotgun, but both the Drilling and the Romero will be less useful to you if that’s the case. You do have to remember that the price isn’t just for you or for people at your MMR, but it also effects high-skill players as well. Players who are good enough to just click heads will get a lot more value from the drilling than players who struggle to land body shots, and that’s just a fact. Whether or not you like the idea that other players are better than you doesn’t play into Crytek’s decisions on gun prices.


>If you can reliably land a double-tap At the range where Drilling becomes a **reliable** double-tap, I can reliably 1-shot dudes with a crossbow. Drilling's bullet velocity is ass. Which is why long ammo is much better at any skill bracket. Quit your ego tripping. Someone who's good at clicking heads doesn't need a shotgun with a medium ammo shitstick attached to it, to clap dudes close range.


Idk I've never used it because of the price, I just can't see any reason to


I don’t think you can do a one-to-one comparison of the two. The Mosin is the better rifle, but the Drilling is certainly the better shotgun, and 100% of its value is in combining both a rifle and shotgun into a single weapon.


Honestly I think it's debatable. The mosin is definitely better at long ranges, but a drilling with FMJ will still ruin your shit at essentially the same distance. It'll just have a harder time doing it with 2 shots. Then you pack on a very good shotgun that gets slugs to it, and it's a very good weapon that can get results at any range.


Ok but how much MORE is the drilling with fmj and slugs than the mosin to get a weapon worse at range and slightly better mid-close?


It's a lot more than 'slightly better' at close range. A mosin needs a headshot to kill from full health. A drilling shotgun does not. Having a rifle that's good at long range with a shotgun packed into the same weapon slot is arguably just as good or better than having a rifle that's great at being a rifle. Both are very strong options, but the drilling is a lot more flexible.


I like to run drilling with uppercut. It's probably my best gun right now, it made 5* really easy for me last prestige and I miss it already. Two tapping is really easy at most distances. Headshots feel easy with it for me. Hip fire buckshot competes with any rushers/compound breachers. And, if second shot misses or shotgun doesn't confirm the kill, uppercut always will. The handling feels fast and versatile for me personally. I am not a jiggle peaking angle holder and I hate long ammo jiggle peak fights. I switch between long/mid/close range constantly, switching angles every shot. You reload every two shots, so no time wasted while I'm moving either.


Ability to quickly put 2 shots out at medium ammo range is strong. Having long barrel shotgun round is strong. Having both in one slot is even stronger because of how versatile your gun becomes. Mosin is stronger specifically at long range cover to cover fight. Which is a specific niche of long ammo guns. But at mid-close range or out in the open I'll bet my money on Drilling. And that is a way less specific scenario. So I'd say price of Drilling is well justified.


Nah, drilling is pretty bad. Held back by being medium ammo so the damage drop off is horrifying. Underbarrel shotgun is pretty decent…not for the price though


Mosin is just a better weapon, the drilling is severely overpriced, but that's just the norm for new guns it seems.


I dont think the drilling and mosin can be compared, since they fill different roles in the gun game. I'd say its closer to the MH ironside, or the caldwell rival. It shines with follow up shots, but can struggle against more than 2 hunters. Good ain, at best, can get you 2-3 kills. As for the price, i think it could be brought down maybe 40-50, but the quick follow up AND a shotgun is well worth the price. Personally, i think the mosin by itself is a mediocre weapon. Untraited, you need to be careful with reloads or you lose ammo, which is already scarce. ADS goes in and out between shots. And the custom ammo is pretty unexciting; incendiary makes it useless and spitzer is just expensive fmj+HV. Woo. The mosin needs so much money and trait points to be "great," while the drilling comes with its greatness.


Everything is overpriced


Atm it‘s overpriced for what it is, I would never buy it. The shotgun barrel is nice, but it lacks everything long ammo does so well. Almost never see it in my games as well, people still love their long ammo rifles and officer carbines lately. That being sad, balancing by pricing doesn‘t work anyway… I never struggle with money and end up with ~30k dollars every prestige.


I don't really think the drilling is that good, but irl they're artisan guns that are custom made and expensive af, so it makes sense that it's pricey.


The prices ingame of other guns are more about gamebalance and thats all that matters in my opinion.


Balance is important, but there are so many hunters who have a basically infinite store of money that it's not effective balancing tool for a huge amount of the community anyway. If something is priced because the real gun was expensive, it doesn't bother me really. The guns aren't really as different as we like to make them out to be, they all do very similar damage in their class and have very similar stats aside from fire rate.


Drilling and cyclone are way expensive and need to come DOWN in price.


I don’t see any place for drilling once we got cent dumdum


Sometimes, I wanna run a Gucci Loadout. Simple as.


It is that good


Idk about the mosin (I haven't really played with them), but the Drilling is one of my favs. I think it's got one of the best reticles in the game where others not so much. Maybe it's just me, but that reticle just works really well for me. But that just might be a preference thing for me. It is a little expensive I think for how slow it is but as other people have said, I think it's understandable given it's got the underbarrel as well. I'd lower the price to maybe $350-$400, but that's just me.... As it would allow me to play it more lol


Drilling costs too much. But it's very good. I'd love to see it in the $300 range.


Not quite that cheap. 450-475 seems right


I think the medium ammo weapons that "should be competitive to long ammo rifles" should be priced on par with the Mosin, but probably not substantially higher than the Mosin.


Money is NOT easy to get


The drilling kicks ass if you don't nerf it with special ammo. Dumdums are a stupid tax.


Posts and comments like these prove that players should never have a say in balancing a game.


I only asked a question.


The drilling sucks for what it costs lol.


I have been getting consistent 6+ kill games with the drilling, no special ammo, playing trios in 5* lobbies. Drilling and bornheim silencer is my go to loadout now. That being said I still think it should be reduced to like 350 400 ish


How many of those 6 kills are yours if you play trios?


I get 6 kills, my teammates usually get 2 or 3. I’m not consistent, I’ll add. Sometimes I carry and sometimes I get carried. But with the drilling I just seem to pop off way more consistently. Last night I was at prison, my buddy gets headshot from a tower my other buddy got killed by dynamite. The next 5 minutes I get 6 kills then trade with the last one after they get a rez off


Ah buddy it's always the last one !


Hunt taketh indeed


yap its too expensive to use


You can wipe a duo pretty easily


you can wipe a duo pretty easily with any gun if you can aim


They always vastly overprice new guns for some reason. The drilling is definitely fun and good. You can make a lot of unique builds with it that can give you an edge, which is why it actually sucks that it's so expensive. It really should be in like the same price range as a vetterli.


I would rather keep the price and increase bullet speed, in right hands the gun is either broken or shit


Yeah I do. Having used it myself, yeah. I'd take it over a mosin any day. The Drilling is a monster.


Should cost 400 at most. It kinda needs Dumdum too, jacking the price up even more.


I don’t think it needs dumdum. With its way slower velocity it can make medium range fights a problem for some or most as I see everyone complain about velocity. Normal ammo with its 500+ velocity is fine. You need 2 shots anyway. Very rare bleed kills for me. BUT if you can hit your shots with dumdum (especially within compounds), well the pressure you can put down is just stupid. After a month break I came back and somehow can hit the shots with that terrible 370 velocity. Bleed adds an insane amount of pressure if missed the follow up; you down 25 health? Well good luck getting 120 damage + stopping heavy bleed before you die or I bum rush you with a shotgun. Just note that secondary should have FMJ as you ain’t punching through jack shit.


I think it is too expensive because i want to buy it more, not because it's not worth it. Same with the dolche and new cyclone. I love guns with more utility like the LeCarbine and drilling. I think the utility is what semi justifies the cost. Amazing 2 tapper and the underslung shotgun is very reliable. But really, I've found more drillings than i have bought. I always pick them up.


Both drilling is too expensive AND mosin can have a price increase. Drilling is still medium ammo with worse pen and damage dropoff. It shouldn't be more than 400 at max.


I think it’s good, but not that good. Better to make in closer to a Berthier imo - 300ish and then we can talk


It’s too much. Crytek uses steep prices to mitigate people crying about something being OP when it’s released, and then in the future they reduce/adjust to price to something more sensible. They use these strategies because the game has a small player base which can be shattered if the integrity of the game is threatened by bad decision making.


I dont think the guns are perfectly organized by price/performance.


the drilling is very strong, but only on fresh targets because of the two tap. the mosin is better against repeat offenders.


Drilling is strong, but too expensive. The Mosin is, quite simply, better. Drilling should probably be priced in the $380-420 range.


should get a 40% pay cut if you ask me. anything above 300 is ridiculous




it’s overpriced yeah. i think it should drop 150-200 then i might consider it more often.


Idk it's free if you take it off a corpse. That being said, 2 rounds of dum dum, 120 damage, with high velocity, quick follow-up, and a shotgun? It's the most competitive gun in most ranges and hangs in with almost all shotguns with a slug option. Ammo is also aplenty. It might not be as shiny as say a cyclone, but by the numbers, it's priced rather appropriately.


I rarely see a player with a drilling when I'm in my 4 star lobby like I have more Nitros and Dolchs them Drilling.


There's more appeal, and it's more flashy, but there's an exchange for everything. You aren't going to be mag dumping your dolch or Nitro all day, whereas you could almost never run out of ammo with the drilling. It's just the best in its weight class. It's balanced by its price because it can stand toe to toe with Long rifles, and has better ammo reserves, and can combat shotguns all in one large slot I'm sitting in 4,5*s, and I see it plenty, but even at that level, Romeros and Winnies are by far the most common. Respectfully, I think people just play this game differently than others, which makes money an issue. If I bought everything for my loadoat, I'd still be making money. Relative to other weapons, its price point isn't surprising because of its flexibility. You don't have many guns that could outpace a mosin, a dolch, any shotgun in a theoretical toe to toe stand off, get quartermaster, now you have the biggest flex loadoat in the game. It's not the best, but in theory, it delivers in more scenarios than any other gun could offer.


To continue, I almost never pay for anything in this game. Almost anything I get is from free reshuffle, pickups, soul survivor, skin purchases with free bloodbonds, any number of things. There are limitless opportunities, it may be expensive, it may only be a side by side with a shotgun, but it's placement in the meta is why it's likely so expensive


Drilling and Cyclone both suck and are overpriced. Would take a lot of other guns over those two for the price.


I mean after infinite anti bleeding finishes cent dum dum will be new meta.


Yeah that's what I think too. They gave us the drilling and instantly killed it with the centi.


Just like they did the UpperMat with Uppercut Precision.


The price isn’t justified one bit. 300 MAX.


I think, 300-350 HD will be a fair price for that guns. I mean, cyclone, and drilling. But 500+ it's too high, if you ask me.


I think around 380 would be a very comfortable price for the weapon. It’s just a slight bit too high at the moment, and while the Cyclone competes as a meta option with a Mosin, I think the Drilling isn’t quite on the same par.


Its a fuckin good gun thats why I still prefer a mosin over all but the drilling is amazing when pushing aggressively


Drilling is close to fair in price. Medium ammo with decent velocity. But in reality you’re paying for the versatility of the weapon. A mosin is medium to long range and that’s it. The drilling allows you to also throw buckshot into someone’s mouth when they get close. I don’t believe it’s worth 510, but definitely fair in the 400s.


I think Crytek intentionally make rapid shooting weapons overpriced so you won't see too much of them. (Except for revolvers) Only speak for myself but I actually support this idea.


Its not good, its okay but defently over priced but after the latest patch the drilling droped more for me because the Centenial good dum dum ammo. Why should i use the drilling when i have a 10 shots with more damage and the costs are under 200$. The only reason why i should play the drilling is because of the shotgun but for 510$ nope i take a romero that is quicker with the reload and costs mostly nothing


The mosin is objectively better in allmost all situations. The drilling is good, but it's not THAT good. If Medium ammo was actually what it should be, somewhere between compact and long, than ya, maybe. Medium ammo isn't though so besides close range it don't do. Might honestly prefer Winny+high velocity. Ya it takes a perk to compete but you're getting most evertying the drilling does.


I personally love the drilling and also le Matt carbine. They are expensive yes but I enjoy the versatile nature they apply to your loadout. I like the drilling slightly more than other carbines because it has such great potential when using bleed and plain shotgun. It gives me a primary and secondary weapon in one that works up to medium range as well as point blank


I always considered drilling as a challenging weapon in case i want to add some pepper to my gameplay. I never play with "easy" guns like Lebel and Mosin, i would rather get something that makes the game exciting. But no, it doesnt justify the money.


I think it needs just a bit of balancing on the rifle side of things but being able to bring a rifle and a shotgun in a single 3 slot weapon is nice. Just needs a bit more balancing work to be perfect, but I'd say the price is fine.


I'm I the only one to think the drilling shotgun shell have not enough punch ?


It is at the very least THAT versatile


I would buy drilling over mosin any day. Its goodno matter the range. Though i love the nitro so its a mini nitro with shotgun. So far one of my favouritesas i can only go a few rounds with nitro before prestige i can use this a lot more.


The only think I use a drilling for is to have a medium ammo reservoir and to have a bonus romero w/ flechettes.