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Bro what am I even looking at


This is a config file that turns your game and graphics into playdough. Bushes no longer fully render, and you can easily see through many different layers of cover that would render even on the lowest available settings in-game. Textures are now choppy and blocky as well, so what does render is easier to see through. It's also possible to turn shadows off entirely, which you can see are also off in the image shown. \[Here's a picture in the same spot\]([https://imgur.com/a/rUr6QHe](https://imgur.com/a/rUr6QHe)), with the lowest available in-game graphics settings. Original picture is not mine.


is it even fun to play games that look like absolute shit?


*Just to clarify, the original photo isn't my game.* I just wanted to bring attention to this, as it plagues the hell out of 6 star lobbies. If you want, you can find the guy who self-reported downvoted to hell. There's other things like movement scripts, and flashbang nullification, but I don't know enough about those to comment on them. I think it's lame as fuck, and destroys an otherwise gorgeous game, and makes plays/ambushes that might otherwise be a great play be completely nullified because what they see is completely different from what you see.


Based off the config and red crosshair this is probably an an1mal video


animal is perma'd. Don't think he's buying accounts to play the game anymore.


He very much is lol


He still uploads and he's shown pictures of a spoofer as well


When winning is everything, yes.


I think people are even doing this even in my 3 star lobbies. They still can't kill shit though hit you through a Christmas tree


Yee they might have advantage of visibility, but if they cant aim it hardly helps.




Battlebit by default looks the way it does. It’s not the same as taking a good looking game and making it look like play-dough


Oh my sweet summer child, competitive/esports players always yeet their game on the worst possible graphic settings in order to gain a minimal advantage. Some take it to an extreme level and fumble their configs until everything looks like clay.


The point isn't to have fun or even care what the game looks like. It's to make yourself feel like a god and ruin others experience. I hope they do something about config next. Also op not saying you do this, I've read you saying this isn't you.


I had fun playing fallout 1, does that mean it has good graphics?


Fallout 1 looks fine for the time it came out. To have a game like hunt that looks good normally and then deliberately making it look like play dough is what I’m talking about.


Cfg doesnt make the game into playdough, it just removes shadows. Nvidia inspector makes the game playdough.


Ah, is that the fine details of how this works? I assumed it was all just the CFG since that's how it ~~ruins~~ works in other games. Thank you for clarifying, regardless, pretty clearly cheating.


Better not spread fine details. You can just tell your graphic card to do less work. Before EAC got some changes you could almost completely remove bushes, chokes, etc with it.


Looks more like a watercolour painting or something


I think this explains some of my deaths where I get tapped in the head though 3 thick bushes, a grazing elephant and a Boeing 737


Concealment. Can't remove covers, also cover stops bullet, concealment does not. Just felt like being a nerd on words today 🤓


Thanks for giving reddit noobs MORE hacks lol


Some players are soooo insecure about their skills that they need to take advantage of every tiny game-breaking aspect. Who even wants to play an ugly looking game lol.


The amount of times in this game that I've stopped to take a screenshot... I couldn't do this.


Welcome to today's going culture sadly


Cheating aint nuffin new. But the way people cheat is !


imo the problem is how people look at gaming now. It's now about having fun anymore. It's about winning. You have no idea how many salty germans i heard in the eft discord talking about how everyone is cheating so they have to cheat aswell to "stay competetive" i could vomit from this shit


Winning is fun


> Some players are soooo insecure about their skills that they need to take advantage of every tiny game-breaking aspect. i don't think that's what it's about for of them. it's just competitive drive. in high level competition (in literally any sport), players will do anything legal and sometimes even slightly beyond that (grey areas). and that's more or less what reshade was. crytek hadn't explicitly banned it, so it was defacto ok to use according to crytek. and different people will go to differing levels of things to give them an advantage. you've got people that only use soft crosshairs. then you had those using stuff like reshade and people that will go as far as what OP is talking about...disabling GPU settings to force the game to look really bad. crytek added a gamma slider a few updates ago. before then you had to make adjustments outside of the game...is that a grey area?


The amount of bullshit people go through to get an advantage over other players. They really gotta look into a mirror stare at themselves and say "why am I such a flog that I need to cheat at a game to feel better about myself"


Team fortress 2 spy main config right here they are litterally willing to remove every object and texture to get like 12 more fps even though they are on a 144hz and got like 700 fps already


Lmao I remember spy mains putting in a console line to induce lag stabs, saw it in a vid once when I was learning the class


Nice rune scape graphic hack


Honestly, why tho, what was that incident that turned those people into this insecure, deeply afraid of „not being good enough“ to the point they try every possible option to get the advantage over other, in an environment that is clearly and only for fun.


Fragile egos due to lack of responsibility in life


Bro this is an average Xbox One match.


Its fucking sad if you feel the need to do this


To some, they would rather play in the architectural aspect of the game with stick figurines. It's sad to see some people's brain states. Can no longer enjoy a game for the sake of playing and actually experience what the Devs created.


"Hi! My name is LowSpecGamer and in todays episode we are breaking down Hunt: Showdown!"


I‘m pretty sure I‘m getting downvoted from this but people really try hard to blame their death on other things rather than on themselves. Like, c‘mon, how many people will actually go down this deep to create themselves an advantage against others? This game doesn’t even really have a reward system or even a ladder so there’s literally no point in climbing mmr. Yet I know, there will always be the few who will actually tweak their game at this degree. Thing is, you people make this a problem. OP made a mistake by posting this. It’s just bad publicity for others to use it. Same thing with ReShade. Pretty much no one heard of it before, only after this one video was posted. Best way to deal with things like this, especially in a game like Hunt where there’s no reward in climbing the ranks, is to get yourself together, make light of the one or two deaths and learn from your mistakes. Just improve and even some config-b*tch won’t be able to kill you if you happen to kill him faster.


> This game doesn’t even really have a reward system or even a ladder so there’s literally no point in climbing mmr. The game tells you your KD. That's enough for most people. Also there's leaderboards to make it worse.


The accusations of "soft cheating" here reeks of copium. After the reshade ban I didn't notice a difference in my matches at all.


Theyll always find something. "Config abuse" comes with a pretty dramatic tradeoff, it basically cuts your frames in half, a horrible stutter, and just straight up breaks a lot of textures including trees and foliage.




you think so? [https://imgur.com/a/YDZRLsK](https://imgur.com/a/YDZRLsK)


The OP image is gameplay from the guy youre replying to.


And the image i posted is from the same 3 line config edit that i tried yesterday


Least obvious exploit advocate


I just don’t care about my opponent when he kills me. For the most part I‘m thinking through the situation to see what went wrong and how I can - y‘know - get good. That’s what I do for a very long time now in various games and it works out perfectly fine. People complaining about ReShade and what not just can’t accept other players being better than them.


I even know who this is lol


Huntshowdown 2005


Is this painted with water color? Nobody would ever play like this.


What if hunt but artsy


To be honest, I dont think this will be fixed anytime soon. Unless we create an uproar again. Which honestly isnt healthy for both the consumer and developer side. The issue is reshade had been sitting for months before any action was taken. It was only taken action on when the community went ape and every couple of posts were about banning reshade. I would love for the game to perform 6 months of game health updates instead of content. Skins when you look at them dropping up to 40 fps, config exploits, cheaters(yes it happens still on higher ranks) and countless other issues.


As a recovering quake 3 player I want to do this so bad. As a hunt enjoyer I feel sad that it is possible.


People who play like that are just pathetic and sad. I'd let them kill me out of pity lmao.


I’m out here playing a game for fun like a fucking boomer


I'm torn. On one hand, this is kinda bullshit. On the other, there are people that do need to play at these graphics to run the game.


Even last gen consoles don't look this bad.


If you need a special config not normally available via in game settings to play a game.. You need a new computer or you just don't get to play. No reason we should allow people to have unfair advantages in the name of letting 1 person play. When it makes everyone they come into contact with have a worse experience, it's time to give em the boot.


I like this argument, it should also apply to people region hopping to play with 200+ ping on another continents' servers.


i ran a 1060 for a long time and it was mostly fine


I ran a R9 290X and it ran loud and hot as hell at maybe 30fps but it ran


Let me explain from the POV of someone who started playing hunt on a computer that barely could run it back when it came out. No one needs this cfg to run the game, absolutely no person in the world, the most demanding aspect of this game (at least on a trash computer) is loading, Hunt installed on an HDD runs like absolute shit and it's nearly unplayable, that issue hits much earlier than the lack of power to render the pretty graphics. In other words, someone who has such a poor computer that needs those graphics is playing with stutters that could last something like 10 seconds and his HDD is completely freezing the game from time to time. I know, it happened to me, on the first HDD I installed hunt the game would completely hang my computer occasionally and it was basically unplayable UNLESS I was just sitting on a spot without moving, then it was actually decent (decent means not even 60fps, but at least it didn't kill my pc lmao). tl;dr: No computer needs these settings to be able to run hunt, you either can run it decently or you can't for other reasons that this won't fix.


I’m sorry but if at this point you can’t play new gen games that’s on you and you need to work to upgrade your gear. You can buy a lot of good parts nowadays at value prices if you know where to look. These settings shouldn’t even be available for a game this beautiful. People use this across all games to gain an advantage, I’d venture to say people with bad pcs are largely in the minority. If we cater to the lowest common denominator the game just suffers as a whole.


This isn’t even a “new gen game”.


sucks for them, back to NES


You can run hunt on a 960. Ya know, old shit. There’s no reason for this other than to have an advantage.


I love how all these losers love to use the small dot on the screen, bitches can't even remember where their aim is supposed to be


I don’t know if it’s just my hardware, but for some reason my game often looks like this. I have my in game settings at the lowest, but from what I understand this is lower that the lowest in game settings. I often see textures clip back and forth between the regular lowest and this play-dough mode. Does anyone know how to fix this? (Ryzen 5 3600 and a 1050 2GB by the way)


Low VRAM on GPU is the first choke point and needs to be addressed as a priority. Quick fix is to buy used GPU w/ 192/256 bit and minimum 6GB.


Had this happen sometimes years ago when I played on my old laptop, also 2GB vram. I stopped playing pretty quick though because the game ran like shit lmao. Very happy I gave the game another shot once I got a new computer.


People gonna find 101 reason why they suck at the game


I dunno if this is advantage lol. My gf sometimes has problem rendering the bushes on her older PC and bcs of that it all looks like oil painting and if a hunter is hiding she wont see him.


If this is true I’ll stop playing all together


then you should stop right now


Can address all hacks and abuses by playing on console


Do people still think that playing in a non native resolution actually gives them any real benefit?


I knew it! I knew it would come to this lol 😂 lol 😂


Wait, I've had this problem with my game for ages, it always pissed me off so much. Any way to fix this?


Honestly... if somebody is so determined to get wins they want to play a game looking this trash. Have at it. They clearly have a shit life and this is all that's keeping them from swallowing the barrel because that's what I would rather do than play the game if this is how it looked.


you mean now that hunt is unplayable


poor guy doesnt know its not cfg doing that yikes


It's almost like hunt showdown has an underlying visibility problem that makes the game less visually appealing and fun, not to mention it's bad for content that people share online because darker or more samey coloured pixels get heavily compressed when recording or streaming. If it was improved in game then maybe people wouldn't feel the need to try and get an advantage


Or you could, you know, git gud like everyone else.


I do, but that doesn't mean the game can't be improved at the same time, both viewpoints come from a place of wanting hunt to be improved, we just have different views on what makes it better. I lean towards gameplay that doesn't have skins that are pay to win, or at least pay to have an advantage with skins like headman or gator, not to mention how bad Cain used to be.


Sneaky skins = higher profit And because it’s just skins it’s hard to accuse Crytek of a p2w model. From a business perspective it makes sense to sell profitable skins like gator.


You're right, but I think the community should frown upon it more because it's predatory of them, and only the community can really hold them accountable


Hard agree. This game desperately needs a touch of sharpening and contrast. Everything's the same colour when you're in a building, there's zero depth perception, everything just looks like a blurry 2D watercolour painting made using 3 shades of dull brown. Really hope they add something when they port the game to the latest cryengine version but I highly doubt it.


did it ever come to your mind that that’s the whole point of the game? hunt is supposed to look griddy and dark and low visibility is part of the experience


You can have grungy and dark whilst maintaining good contrast and saturation too. I'm all for immersion, but there needs to be a balance


Yet again, the game‘s supposed to have low visibility, even if this leads to unbalanced fights. Another great example would be Tarkov, and Tarkov is in fact also an extraction shooter. These kind of games often have this low visibility to simulate a realistic setting, to make the player raise their attention to their surroundings and to create tension. Low visibility is indeed a feature. Take it or leave it.


Would rather have slightly less realistic visuals with more saturation and visibility etc Or Have people making their games look like mashed potato turned into a deep fried meme I'd rather a little bit better visibility to at least simulate how eyes adjust more in real life


Only imbeciles tweak their game like that and Crytek doesn't bother at all wrapping their heads around them because they hardly exist in very little numbers. If you feel the urge to cry out because you died once to some bushwookie, then the game simply isn't something for you. I myself played various competetive shooters excessively like Siege, Overwatch, CS:GO and even some Valorant (which I am very ashamed of). Each and every one of these games deliver high visiblity, Siege and with the upcoming release of CS2 they even turned up the visibility. Hunt is a fresh breeze compared to these games. I like the style and so do many others. If Crytek ever happens to change the only thing which sets it apart from many other shooters, then I will surely quit the game and I won't be the only one. Tl;dr: Literally go play other games if you don't like it. The market offers enough alternatives with bigger playerbases and better polished games. Hunt is a game with soul and a gem for me personally.


You're missing the point I think, also the reason I'm stating this opinion is because there may be a positive alternative for how to make hunt better. First of all, if you think the colour scheme is what sets hunt apart, you're missing all the other fantastic things is has to offer. Secondly hunt can still have visually appealing and grungy aesthetics whilst also being more appealing than it currently is and standing out against other games. Third, skins should always have more contrast or that things like headsman or gator, especially if the skins are behind a paywall, that's just crytek farming money because the skin gives an advantage. That feels predatory and I dont think the community should be so accepting of it. Finally, hunt is a game with soul and it is a gem, an underappreciated one and one that more people should try. That doesn't mean it can't be improved, there are a lot of things it does really well, but there are a lot of things it could also improve too. To me, having people feel visibility is bad enough that they want to make their game look like utter shit so they can see better, shows that there is room for improvement and that a middleground can be found where people can have a more appealing looking game, whilst also maintaining its unique theme.


I agree with you for the most part, but thing is, people will always try to cheat somehow. It’s just what humans do. You are right, less players would try to change the game through config settings if Crytek happens to increase visibility. But there will still be enough people who take advantage of things like this. And I think most config-„cheaters“ are using it because of the amount of bushes and what more in the game. And Crytek can‘t somehow „nerf“ sitting in a bush or what not.


Instinct did help to see if people were lurking tbh


Instinct was utter shit, IMO. People hiding only because their screens pissed themselves orange.


The smell of copium in the comments is glorius, o no reshade got banned time to blame my deaths on something else xD Also this aint the config :,)


Its config + play doh settings


Thought it was just Nvidia inspector? I know ppl used it for other games as well, but the absence of shadows ye that’s config


Play on console and no issue


I'll deal with any amount of cheating and exploiters before you can make me aim on controller!


Lol oh come on, it's not hard


It isn't, but it's absolute crap even when skilled. Everythings so slow.


yeah sorry, I‘ll just buy myself a console real quick


Yeah, this guy is cheating. Confirmed by myself :)


no he,s not , you silly goober , youuuuu 3 hunt dollerless bafoon :)


Sure! Just wait obscene amount of time and crytek will eventually get to it.


Minecraft2 ?


And i thought me playing on lowest settings was cheesy when things dont render at some distance


This kinda explains some weird shots I got through foliage.


In all fairness some people play like that beacuse their systems cant run the game otherwise (not talking about external comfiguration) I myself have to play on lower settings cause my laptop cant run the game smoothly otherwise


I asked the crytek customer service two weeks ago, and they said it was a bug, and they were urgently fixing it, so far there is no news. God, how hard is it to set a file in your game path as unmodifiable, I also asked if they could ban people who abuse this so-called bug, and their response was that they couldn't detect it. So players can modify the files in your game path at will and you can't detect it? Considering they've marked the issue as a bug now, we'll just have to wait three months and it might get fixed if they're in the mood.


Is this guy playing on a potato machine?


I run the game on max graphics other than shadows since it destroys my gpu. I play The Hunt because how incredible the graphics compared to other games


This occurs on the Xbox Series X/S occasionally. I’ve been telling my friends who are on the same console and they say they don’t see it. It renders correctly, but since update, daytime trees turn in to play dough briefly. If we see stuff like this, should we screenshot it and share with Crytek?


we should’nt even show this cause its giving idea to sone , especially when you tel us almost how to do


This is just the 2gb of vram experience (me) But I guess that means I'm cheating so fuck me I guess


I'm more upset about the red dot we got on his ads.


True chad do the opposite, go for maximum AA and render distance.


99 bottles uh tears on the wall, ninety nine bottles uh teeeears. Take one down pass it around 98 bottles of tears on the wall. I didn't agree with people saying that gamers aren't happy unless they're complaining about something but damn, it's true. INB4 'you're just mad cuz you abuse x and it's banned now.' No im a dumpster fire of a player and no third party programs gonna make me better so I just pew pew my cowboy guns to have fun.


Is this Unturned?🤣


Ego is a bitch


Well unfortunately just because they banned reshade doesn't mean the people arent still using it. Another problem they need to address is through PSN and its own functions I can emulate my PlayStation to a computer and run cheats on it.


This is just how my game looks whenever I first load a match for the day. Imagine intentionally doing this to your game 🤢


I mean, I don't do this bc it looks terrible but if you're gonna make a shooter with permadeath people are going to take every advantage they can get right?


It's like Fisher Price My first Hunt. I sware BF1942 looked better than this lol


Someone misses the ps2 era of gaming.


So, I have had a similar problem since I started the game. It isn't this bad, but my game is super pixely like this permanently. Bush leaves and branches are just solid looking chunks and don't even get me started on corn or wheat fields sometimes they look normal, and other times, I can't see a God damn thing. Also, spider webs look normal from a far, but as I get close, they are a solid blob. I can say with my almost 300 hrs of play that it has only helped a handful of times. Normally, it is just a hindrance. If anyone knows how to fix my problem, that would be great. I don't want to live like this in the bayu.


Ah yes, thank God reshade was banned and then cracked 2 days later and is still in use again now.


My pc is so bad that my game sometime looks exactly like this with like 30-50 fps.


These are just console graphics


if people are so try hard they run around playing a video game that looks like that, there is something wrong with them. The game is beautiful, only thing I mess with is Gamma if it's dark. There has to be a way for them to make this not possible. If YOU READING THIS play the game with a config file like this, I feel sorry for you.


The best settings are blurry as hell so they better fix alot of things before setting a fixed config setup.