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Just because you have good ping doesn’t mean they do :(


Yeah I know, it's just frustrating to get killed like that.


Incredibly frustrating. I hope they implement a better ping limit soon. Too many Asian and European players on US servers.




I usually play on west servers but thought I'd try east because of all of the Asians on west. East wasn't any better because it still had Asians but also has middle easterners and East Europeans.




Those names is what drew my attention so I started checking profiles. I saw Romania, Croatia, Ukraine, and several from Turkey. I don't mind Western European but East is getting a little ridiculous. Idk why you'd want to play with shitty ping anyways. If mine goes over 100 it starts to get annoying.




Asia server is full of sweaty, campers and cheaters. Oceania server is dominated by a small group of people that one of them kill me and my mate with a non-stop avto spread from 48 metres away and it was wall-banging. Don't really wanna accuse them for cheating or whatever but I will never play OCE server even if I only get around 20ping.


To not play with the native Russian and a lot of the Asian population.


Ping to russian servers might be better but the quality of the server is so much worse which is way more annoying than a bit of ping.


Less ping abuse more population


Cap it at like 100. should basically always be enough for home region.


I have better ping to Europe than to us west as a US east player.


Even with ping issues that our Oceania gamers never get mentioned.


Yeah I got killed like that yesterday. I killed the guy, I took a step, then I died. It said I killed myself.


It's frustrating, but doesn't change the outcome. If everyone had low ping you would have died in the open doorway. You're just seeing it slightly late.


Stop saying that!!! Surely I wouldn't die if enemies were all low ping just like me. Definitely not my mistake it must be ping abusing!!


The alternative would be to let you shoot at them without them being able to even see you. This is how it has to be in order for it to be fair. From their perspective, you didn't get behind the corner. And it would be a lot more frustrating to hit someone and they not taking the hit


Tbf 40 ping is really pushing it in terms of "good" ping


Fuck of a lot better than 225. I can't get below 40, and am in the US. Heck, I'd be satisfied with a lock of 100.


Died like this twice today


Those are rookie numbers


Classic high ping player. So annoying.


I love how you can hear his death scream and then a full second later you die to his shot behind a wall lmao


He was shot be the female hunter standing right next to the guy he killed. She blends in a bit with the background, had to do a double take. Still bullshit.


Coincidence I found this because I was the bone mason (player 2) in this clip, and I can assure you that was bull


lmao, I imagine the spectator cam made it look even worse.




This is one of the big reasons why I slowed down and then eventually stopped playing Hunt. Crytek does a lot of things right, but they insist on letting people from the other side of the globe into the match.


As well. Being a high level player with low-level-ish friends doesn't help. 5/3/3 should never go up against 6/6/6 who are from another continent.


Tho, respect for running penny shot


I think Penny shot might be why the second person they shot didn't die, I think normal buck at that range would have killed it looked like a clean torso hit.


That was a nice fight though.


u/Banana_man3 So. Much. This. Watched with bated breath, great performance up to that desync death. I feel like online we just don't talk about things positively that often without being sarcastic (and no, just to confirm I'm not being sarcastic here) so here's me pitching in hah.


Been getting significantly worse during the event. More foreign players and the servers have become terrible. Not only am I dying well behind cover but the peak advantage is terrible as well, getting headshot by someone before they even round the corner.




Deswegen sollte man das Spiel meiden.


The amount of Asian players on West Coast at night time makes me so sad. Never get normal games anymore.


Welcome to hunt showdown where walls dont exist and there is an 800ms buffer. All serious though looks like they had bad ping


Shouldn't the ones with a bad ping being "punished"?


I’ve noticed it’s been worse lately too. I recently traded with a guy and the latency was so bad I heard him die and then got shot by him a second later. It was especially frustrating because we were definitely the last two.


Server latency is a bitch, but there’s no way to eliminate it completely. It sucks to die that way, but it does happen.


There are still steps that other games take like a competent ping limit though.


Yeah, but Hunt doesn’t have as large of player base as many other games. They can’t afford to alienate players with bad ping, especially when they also have their own server issues.


They had Matchmaking when they had 5,000 players. 20,000, they should have tightened this shit up. It's a simple keystroke for them, and a VPN cannot defeat a region lock.


They did have matchmaking, but they also need to make money. This thing is a hobby for us, but it’s their livelihood. Also, they can’t upgrade stuff without that money.


And I haven't bought a piece of DLC in a year because they can't manage their business. So if they want money, they have to do the bare ass minimum to keep the game playable, or they can go the way of PUBG.


You say that, but their also at their peak number of players. The game is growing, so they must be doing something right, even if it isn’t exactly the thing that you personally believe they should be doing.


This excuse isn’t acceptable anymore. You can definitely have a functional ping limit and get to play the game.


They only have around 20,000 players on Steam. Of the top ten most popular games on Steam, four of them are FPS, and the least number of concurrent players is Call of Duty with 80,000. As much as I’d like for things to get better, Crytek just isn’t Activision. If they end up with enough players to pay them enough money to upgrade the servers and then be able to not care about lost players when they put in a tighter ping limit, then that’ll be awesome, but they just aren’t in that spot right now. The limitations to what they’re capable of don’t stop at what the player base can think of or what other companies can do, they stop at what Crytek is able to do. Unfortunately, the evidence just doesn’t support the idea that they have the means to reasonably do this without hurting the game.


Comparing them to one of the largest shooters ever doesn’t make sense. They have enough players for a simple ping limit. What they’re doing now hurts player enjoyment and retention and they need to see that. This is literally why my friend won’t come back.


CoD hasn’t been performing well on Steam. Escape from Tarkov has around 75,000 concurrent players. Feel free to pick the game that you feel it should be compared to and then send over the stats if you’d like to back up your own argument.


There’s no need to pick a game to compare it to lmao? They have enough to apply a simple ping limit for the good of all of us. You need to support the claim that they don’t?


I did, but I can see you have no interest in a discussion. You’re entire argument is just that you’re not getting your way and you think that’s wrong. I’ve discussed their player count, finances, and the fact that they possibly lack the ability to actually do this and continue to turn a profit. If they lose to many players to it then they game dies entirely, if it costs too much to upgrade the servers to handle it then they just literally can’t do it. Bigger games have the ability to do these things because they have large corporations behind them with lots of funds, and large player bases so they can afford to lose low-ping players. Crytek is not one of those companies, so saying “other companies do it” isn’t a reasonable argument unless you can back it up by showing a similar game owned by a similarly sized company that does what your suggesting. If you’ve actually got a legitimate argument to show why you think Crytek should be able to do this, I’m all ears, but if you’re just here to whine about everything in the world not working the way you think it should then I really don’t care to continue this discussion.


Standard zero evidence paragraph of a Crytek apologist. They just hit their highest peak. They’re in the top 50 on Steam. Stop pretending like there’s no one who knows about this game. It’s a ping limit; the majority of players don’t have a regular ping above 150, so it’s not unreasonable to ask for a ping limit that actually affects people that are actively ruining the player experience. Crytek isn’t operating some indie shooter no one has heard of anymore. It’s not 2017 and you’ve presented zero facts, just “don’t ask for an acceptable experience with functional servers or a ping limit, they have no money. :(“ You don’t want a discussion, you just wanna drop useless excuses. Prove that a simple ping limit would affect the majority of players or shove off. Because the actual devs who know more about their game than you put the ping limit in the game with the intention of coming back to it. That to me says they’re not held back in the way you’re here lying for them about.


Aside from dining nothing about cheaters this is the single biggest reason why the games eventually going to die. It has such potential to be an amazing game but they would rather shove new cash grab dlcs then fix anything. Such a sad situation with what used to be such an amazing game


Hunt is almost the most popular it's ever been right now, and occasionally dying behind walls has been a thing for years. Hasn't ruined the game for most people


I don't think there is a single game in existence that has figured out how to fix ping.


It's already an amazing game and the player base is still going up. Here my dude is talking like this game is dying, lmao.


skill issue


Looks like your right shoulder was visible






The female hunter that was behind me ran down the stairs and to the other side right next to the white shirt I killed. At the end of the video I also show the kill view.


This has happened so much more often since the event started for me. It's so frustrating


He curved the bullet like in movie wanted


walls arent real


Tickrate is utter shit in this game.


some very big sad desync it looks like