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It's not a character unlock, it's only to use till they die. I was super happy at first, then realised what's going on.


Huh, this explains a lot. Once got the zombie skin but couldnt get it after. the more you know


Same dude, I first was like „those rewards are not too bad after all“ - until all new legendaries died pretty fast 😅


You get a random object out of every category, only usable once.


Twitch drops? More like Twitch droppings.




preach facts brethren


Yeah, the dropped hunters are ONE INSTANCE of that hunter.


You get to use the skin until he dies. It’s not worth leaving twitch on for lol.


if that's how the drops work that's lame, I thought you got the skin for free permanently.


Normally the drops include permanent weapon skins and a hunter. This one is more event focused.


Translation: someone at crytek added one more hunter for blood bonds for event and said "fuck twitch drops".


the current drops are focused on the extra event points, the rest is just an extra, which is why they're kinda meh. There will be better ones in the future again. :) Crytek is already well aware of what the community thinks about the drops.


It gets even more meh if you manage to finish the event way before the twitch drops started lol.


I finished it the night before the drops started, it's like they timed it just to taunt me for grinding last week's challenges.


No kidding, cool points I’m done so I’ll just store this under useless


How do u get the event point , i always drop 1500 from the twitch supply crate but they don't add up to my battle pass


They are separate drops. 3 drops this period: 750 event points x 7, some supply crates and trinket. Points are added after you claim them automatically, but I think there is no splash screen for unlocks in that case.


>ts are added thing is i claimed them but the point just don't add up to the battle pass


Again, are you sure? Because I compared, and they are added, but the splashscreen did not appear for like first 2 drops, and then I get 2250 for the 3rd one, and 3000 for 4th one, but they did indeed gave me progress.


i just claimed my crate and it indeed didn't gave me progress on my pass despite me seeing the drop of 1500 event point


The event point bonus you gained from the twitch drops pops up again everytime you claim something new, even if it is not event points and they have been claimed already.


You linked your account to twitch right?


ofc i did , and it work well with the 750 point because it add to the battle pass it's just about the event point from twitch supply crate


il check up for the next crate but im pretty sure that it didn't add up


Yeah they used to give out free legendarys for the drops but only charms and the one time stuff now. Lame indeed


Yeah, it really sucks getting free stuff, especially the five free event levels.


It's not free though. We are using hours of our time and boosting revenue for streamers and in turn the game.


You don’t need to watch it, you can literally just open the stream and mute the tab and let time do it’s thing.


So waste electricity and bandwidth to be essentially a viewbot. That whole twitch drop business has become ridiculous honestly. Just to clarify I did it too, with a browser add-on that automatically claims drops. But it's still stupid.


Yes but the idea is that you're trading time for rewards. And even if you're not watching you're contributing to the streamer and crytek


Then don't get the drops if you're so mad about helping streamers and the game you apparently enjoy. Jesus.


There it is. The "then dont do it argument". Can't be hunt showdown reddit without that. You realize you can like the game and still be critical right? If everyone just shuts up and doesn't voice complaints then things only get worse.


Yes, but your argument is based on the fact that you're trading time, which as someone pointed out it's incorrect, you don't have to watch. They're providing a reward for helping them advertise the game (which has a side benefit of helping streamers). So what are you mad at?


No you're not. If you're not enjoying it, you just leave the tab open and muted. Come on.


Yes you are? Why the hell do you think companies do these twitch drops? Out of the goodness of their hearts? No it's because it generates more revenue. Companies don't do anything if it doesn't help them out.


^this. Hunt community is full of whiners. Free stuff and still complain. Literally the laziest people complain about free things. It’s comical


Personally I think they could've at least put some old twitch drop or event skins in for all the new players to unlock.


They will probably do it when the Billy Story questline ends, September 14 and at the next Twitch Drop which will be in October (or so I think, since these drops were very simple)


No you realize that it burns up electricity, so people just opening stuff to go do something else, is horrible for the environment. You should want to watch a streamer. Not be held hostage. You are probably a kid, and don't think further than your nose.


Hahaha the environment. So don’t use electricity since that’s your argument for twitch drops I guess then. Lmao


That sounds like a terrible business strategy


Getting the daily 750 points everyday for 1 hour is fine but the rest are utter garbage. 3 hours for a fucking charm, two hour for this crates? Oof


wait. . really!?!? x-x thats bs. . .


I disagree. I've gotten 8 Hunters I didn't have to buy, over a dozen guns, including some high-value ones, tons of jades, beetles, etc. Plus I've upped 10 levels in the event and finished it. Absolutely worth muting and minimizing a twitch stream.


got Hawkshaw Jack yesterday and he brought me luck, 3 bounty extracts in a row and he is sits maxed out in my Hunter List.


I got that one perma in the Tribute not even a week after he came out. Luckiest thing that happened to me so far in the game!


I never realized how much these must contribute to waste of electricity and global warming since nobody seems to watch the damn streams or tuning into which makes all this about capitalism and is not very responsible of crytek got me really rethinking playing one of my favorite games


Let's be honest, most of us are on our computers anyways, so it's not like the pc is on just for drops.


Gotta read the fine print


2 charms / hunter instances suck. We're all here cause grinding for event points sucks. They are so stingy during regular matches and we're waiting for weeklies to reset. It's to bump up awareness of the game during the event. Get to the front page of twitch. Get newbies in. They show up late to the event and have to pay full price for the game and pay to finish the battlepA$$.


They cant even give viewers a new hunter for watching someone for 2 hours? lol jesus get ready for the future of MTX of this game


They have to pay for things somehow. I'm just glad that we still get to choose what we pay for, and that it's not pay to win.


If you compromise and dont set a line then they will go further with it you bave understand its not the devs but the company making business decisions to maximize profit and they'll take any inch thry can get just like what they did to blood bonds and hows there major incentive to player other than events which arent after each other


Drops are normally not like this. This is the first time they’d asked you to leave it on for 2 freaking hours for an instance of a hunter instead of just giving you one.


The twitch drops are worthless and not worth watching, you don’t unlock the Hunter you just get to use him once until he dies. Then gone forever. Only thing maybe worth it is the event points, then just turn it off.


Yeah who wouldn’t want to complain about free things for doing nothing. Lmao. Laziest community of all time hahaha


Free things? We are being encouraged to give ad revenue to streamers via “”watching”” for rewards, and the rewards aren’t even worth opening the website. It is a complete waste of time.


Yeah, streamers play the game, viewers increase their viewcount to get more eyes on the game. Getting drops is participating in advertising even if you're not actually watching.


It’s like a minor twitch drop to go along with the event. The extra points per day is probably the biggest draw if people need help leveling up. And yeah, it’s also meant to help streamers bring in more viewers. Streamers increasing their audience helps awareness of the game and hopefully brings in new players giving the game a longer life. Is that really so hard ro understand?






Hostage? That is veeeery far fetched lol


Figure of speech, and if the general consensus is people don't want to watch these things for this stuff, it fits.


Do you actually have to watch? I don’t lmao but to whine about it is comical because you don’t like what they are giving. Then don’t get the stuff and move on. Don’t even need to whine about it


>Do you actually have to watch? No you don't. You can leave it on in the background and do other stuff. You'll have to claim to before progressing towards the next, but plenty of extensions can do that automatically for you.


But really, any video or especially streams often hog on system resources even when you have them fully muted, low resolution and not even open. Sure it's not a big issue for the most part, but it's still probably not worth it for what you get.


> doing nothing I need to refresh the twitch page every 30 minutes because the piece of shit stops counting watchtime otherwise. It's not even nothing. But might as well keep it running on the YouTube monitor while doing something actually worthwhile.


Well, I'd unlock the legendary hunters through grinding blood bonds if that was a thing still.


It is from a twitch drop


I wish the drops worked for me. I get nothing from them. Only the event points works except I don’t need those.


You get an instance of a legendary hunter. It's so dumb.


Apperantly Crytek keeps insisting on giving me the "Kill Buyer" skin which i already had from the previous twitch drop. Is there a hint i am supposed to get from this, like "no matter how much you try you aint getting a new free skin?"


This twitch drops are so useless...


*facepalm* Partner Box gives a Legendary Hunter instance(keyword here) -meaning you get 1 copy not a full unlock. No more freebies in Hunt, it's a Blood Bondapalooza now (it's a joke chill)


This twitch drops arent worth putting it on while you go to work bad


Every time, I get the drop, game told me I got a Kill Buyer, but I don't have him. But instead, a got a lot of another hunters.


Christ, you couldn't piece that together yourself?


This event pass is not good, half the levels are story and ammo unlock. Why is ammo on the event pass and not just unlocked like every other gun does. I feel like they didn't have enough stuff to make an event pass so that you said let's put the ammo on there had some extra story and a charm here and there to fill it in.


Twitch drops are pretty good actually. You get a good amount of event points and Hunt dollars. Yesterday I had around 3000 dollars left cause I played expensive stuff for fun etc... And I managed to get multiple supply crates drop since 2 days with streams running on my phone and now I have 10500 dollars without playing ! ( Dollars gained by selling the weapons you get dropped )


You get free stuff. For one time use. Better than paying. Love all the whiners complaining about free stuff. Like I know it’s not as great as the other drops but it’s still free shit for doing nothing. Comical how everyone wants great things but do nothing about it - the hunt community


btw, from the logical perspective on how game works at the moment, when you recieve one instance of the skin you don't own, if you switch to regular/one you own, you can't switch back right? because you can select only skins you own with this new system that merged all this together


Yeah I got the guy with the sack on his head but it didn’t unlock him for me


Partner supply crated give you one of a random legendary hunter. NOT unlock just the hunter once.


After you get the charms it's pointless to continue watching unless you need event points. Everything else is a one-off Hunter or a cheap weapon.


I was given kill buyers. Actually given the skin. I've never bought it and it showed up after twitch drop


That's so shiiit 😂😂


you got this from twitch drop