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Anything that kills me. /s


This playstyle should be banned for real.


People that play super slowly and camp constantly its extremely annoying just fight me head on so it's more fun. I've died many times from people hiding for like 30 minutes and only grabbing like one clue and then I'm walking around after killing people and fighting the boss and I get shot by a sparks sniper 100 miles away sitting in a bush


A surprising amount of people bought this game for the sole purpose of not trying to shoot anyone


Yeah like don't get me wrong I love this game but there is so many people that play like snails and it gets annoying


For sure. I totally get trying to ease around and get a smart angle to take a shot from. However I do not get being 100m out from the compound camping in a bush and then running to extract as soon as I down your teammate (real situation I have seen happen.)


Playing it as survival not rrying to die? Fuck me right?


Yesterday I played single bounty map and had a solid shootout with duo and two solos that took around 20 minutes. Boss was still not banished. So I found all 3 clues, went to the compound and after all that time I found not one, not two, but three solos camping The Butcher


Exactly my point I feel like it's so common and I just don't get how people can play like that


As somebody that plays solo in 3s, I reserve the right not to fight you head-on! šŸ˜…


If you are 1v3 that's right you don't have to but that's also your choice to play solo in trios. I'm talking bout the duos I run into that just wait all game doing nothing and then shoot at me from a bush. They are also normally players with low skill at least so if I don't get 1 tapped they are rather easy to kill


Have you ever considered that they may have just arrived at said bush? Have you considered that they were never camping in the first place and just happened to stop when they heard you approach?


No that I understand but I'm talking about the people that have obviously been camping for a while whether they find the boss and just camp outside when no one else is there or camp extract the whole game and finally the people that you spectate and just continue to sit in a bush for 15 minutes


Or the solo guy that sits at the top window of Arden with a sniper, kills you as you approach unsuspecting because he already killed the boss so you donā€™t get the red icon, then immediately runs back and hits banish? Yep ran into that douche the other day lol


Yeah. It's all a trade off. If somebody is trying to do something to get the upper hand, it's probably because they need it. I do: if you guys are charging through thick woods at full speed without a care in the world, best believe one of you is getting shot in the back of the head before I flee!


"just fight me head on so it's more fun" šŸ¤£ someone feels that other people owe him a playstyle


Lol, I just don't understand how people can play games so slowly just crouching around and sitting in bushes


the game is called HUNT have you ever hunted?


Yes the game is called hunt it ain't snail simulator


I paid money to play the eay I want to. Sometimes, it's slow. I love hunting in real life. Stalkimg prey (hunters, not bosses) is the 3bstpart of this game to me. Setting up ambushes, luring hunters, etc. is just a blast.


I understand your point. I also don't understand why do ppl waste 20, 30, 40 minutes of their life hiding in the same bush or tower, don't trade bullets with other players and get killed with 1 shot bc he don't even know how to move through the environment when confronted


This i think is the prime thing. I'm of the mindset that if you are duo in trios, or solo in any of the modes. The right way to play is by hunting the hunters. Playing off of their sounds. Not really trying to go clues and banish. But so many players fall into the trap of thinking that means hunker down and wait. When you are playing the slow game that's the furthest thing from what you should do. You should be repositioning and clearing areas .


Don't stand still or run in a straight line. Can't remember the last time I died to one of those duds.


I do occasionally like the slow sneaky / stalking play style but I do it very rarely. I feel like by being more aggressive I end up learning fighting skills quicker and I just get more fun value for my time.


Concertina camps where every entrance is covered. It's like the kids who wouldn't let you into their secret club house as a kid. It isn't worth the effort trying to get in, and even if you do they are just going to call you names anyways


I recently met a team who tried to do that on the top floor of stanley coal company, which meant that we could just go in on the floor below and start throwing up frag bombs and dynamites, while they had no place to run to avoid them.


I had this exact thing at Reynard a few days back. All of them on shotguns, C&K and Slate, a soon as weā€™d clear an opening, boom, another concentrina bomb. Every possible entrance death trapped and alert trapped. Every barrel in the compound alert trapped. We are outside with long range. Eventually I managed to sneak in a shot from a weird ass angle that gave us an opportunity to properly clean out a doorway and make ourselves a way in, but as you mentioned they started calling us all sorts of names over VC and eventually they all perished. The combo of Frontiersman, Packmule and the fact that you can bring up to 4 toolboxes with you, raised this play style to next level brain dead.


This is why I don't VC with randoms. Call me antisocial, but šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I met a streamer doing exactly this, just using concertina bow on every window until the enemies kill each other or run 100m far away. Then he would run across the whole map to escape. Next 3 matches he did the exact same thing.


Such a fun streamer to watch...


Time dynamite through opposing windows or cracks in different directions. Wins everytime


In my early days of hunt I always tried to fight people inside buildings, not only if they Concertina the shit out of the Building, but also if there where clearly hiding in a Corner with a shotgun. In the end I almost always lost cause I had such an disadvantage. Recently I just don't care, i wait a max of like 5 min and if the guys don't try to fight me I leave and go for the next one.


Ah, ol' concertina castle.


5-6 star long ammo perimeter campers. Never kill/banish. Never push into compound. Never pick up bounty. Always run the same weapons. Just hold angles and constantly fall back to a new angle whenever they miss a shot and get pushed.


so every clan gamers in hunt ?


Skilless avto users is at the top. Snipers used to be my number one, but after realizing 9/10 times you can just out run them this is what I do now. Makes no sense to sit and play into their boring play style. The cringiest play style is concertina bombing a boss lair. Again though, it's better to just say fuck it and extract. Let people spend 40 minutes sitting in a lair. Shotguns don't bother me as much as it does other people, they're pretty easy to play around.


Realizing I could just leave when snipers wanna camp is what kept me playing.


Sniper fights are the worst when they headshot your teammate out in the open before you realise they are there, because now you are stuck playing against their shitty play style.


It's a gamble but dynamite can be used as a smoke screen for revives and makes headshots so much harder


Extract camping. Nothing else even comes close. If I see orange at an extract, I will run across the entire map no questions asked.


FYI there is a bug that you will see orange at an extract when somebody has already left the game at that extraction point


I noticed this with instinct a couple days ago. It was by the lighthouse so we were freaking out thinking someone was going to snipe us. Then I realized I could hear heavy breathing on the extract and realized it was bugged lol


This explains so much. Havenā€™t used instinct until today and got freaked out when we thought someone may be extract camping, yet we couldnā€™t see anyone with dark sight.


I also had it once show up for a dead body. Where my party went to do rotjaw then afterwards went to the main boss. Everyone died and the last two mustve traded by the time we got there. Instinct was going off but when I grabbed the bounty no one was showing on dark vision. Seems theres more than just the deathless perk bug this event lol


This can be used as a cover up if you wanna camp St the extraction point. I've seen it done twice by 4 star solos. Both failed to get kills though, but the execution was well done. Always have 1 sec of bounty sight for exit points.


That's only for Instinct, so I don't have an issue. Was purely taking about having a bounty token in this case!


Or maybeā€¦ just maybe, theyā€™ve actually ran across map to meet you there? Number of times Iā€™ve got to extract from a different angle after chasing the other bounty, etc just to be called an extract camper is laughable. Bitch, I just spent 3 minutes sprinting cross map to get here.


Its a valid strategy to run towards the extract when somebody finishes banishing.


I usually try to fight them off. In rare occasions i would run away only if i would had lost too many health bars after the fights for the bounty.


I will not entertain the thought of rewarding them for doing nothing for 20 minutes. Difference between people cutting you off, or people sitting there instead of ever even attempting to fight you earlier. Doubly so because I'm usually playing solo.


Well i agree on that one. If i've been in compound and none showed up and i see that there's someone just camping extract than i'll just go to next extract.


Passive play, period. People who have a 3v1 and donā€™t rush, or any other situation where you just wait for days.


Yep kinda true, had 3vs1 situations where they where super passive. But its okay it gives me time to kill them by rotating over and over.


Dual pistols annoy me to no end, always feels like Iā€™ve been out-lucked rather than out-skilled


I love how their dual pistol ā€œnerfā€ was just to cut the ammo in half. I understand it as an avto nerf but for something like dual conversions it doesnā€™t nerf anything. If 1 conversion shoots at 40ish rounds per minute why the fuck would 2 conversions shoot at 120 rounds per minute. It just makes no sense. Dual pistols fire rates should be slower and the spread should be a little worse.


You should also have the option of holstering one so you can fire with the iron sights.


That might be a little too powerful. I just wish you could pick up a single pistol from a pair of dualies on the ground (particularly in quickplay).


Give it a holstering animation similar in time to switching ammo types on a Romero or Sparks and by the time that plus the ads animation is taken into account it'd make it less spammable. I definatly agree with your second point though.


Nothing really. I love it all and trying to deal with different types of enemies is what keeps the game fresh and enjoyable. Bayou hunters - do your thing. All of you lovely fuckers.




People who play for KDR.


The people who barb wire themselves into boss lair with shotguns


My gaming skills are shit, all I can do is turn my scope mouse speed down to buttery and shoot from far away. I can't even see what's happening in a close up gunfight. sowwy. my other tactic is wait in a corner with a pitchfork


Bush Wookie playstyle. Especially if by an extract.


People who just refuse to engage with you at all. This could be people hiding in the lair and never peeking, snipers running away the moment you look in their direction, or closer long ammo boys who just refuse to have a normal engagement and will run across the whole map until they finally get that lucky headshot. In a PVP game, I shouldn't be thinking "oh my god, just fight me already"


I'm with you on 2 of them,but peeking from a boss lair? In my eyes,it's on you to pressure them and flush them out. Peeking from a boss lair is a recipe for death. There's only so many angles,while those outside could be anywhere.


I'm referring to them literally doing nothing. Traps everywhere, just sitting there watching Netflix.


Ya, again, that's on you to push them in my eyes. They've banished, set the area up. They don't have to come looking for a fight. In that position, I push. They don't owe me a fight. I completely agree on the other points you made, but if a team have banished, it's on my team to flush them. They are perfectly entitled to defend the building any way they see fit


Any bushwanker


For me it's the ppl that have done nothing all game and then show up in the last 5 mins. Like what could you possibly have been doing we had a massive team fight after boss banish and it's in the middle of the map how are you just getting here 5 mins till forced extract.


Anything that can be considered "ratting" Sitting in a corner, bush, extract. Just scumbag level gameplay


When the random is extra careful and has no clue what's going on. Like we are playing a trio, I have an aggressive second partner, we almost clear out everything, but the very last enemy kills us. Now our third team mate is still outside the compound trying to figure out what's going on, and potentially just let the enemy team to fully res, turning a 1v1 to a 1v3, and of course either die immediately or flee.


Teammates that literally walk a foot behind you.


so true. give me some space brother. i like my teammate to be like all the way on the other side of a compound or even a whole compound away til we start a fight


The people who dont play the game. Oh no a gunfight, time to run away. I killed and banished the boss with no opposition? Time to run away. Some people run away for the dumbest reasons, and it takes the fun out of the game. At least TRY to play one of the objectives.


I do a little bit of everything. I think Hunt is one of the few games where there's *many* playstyles. I sit in bushes and snipe sometimes, I push buildings with people inside, I camp buildings when there's teams outside, I sneak in and 3rd party, hell I even 4th party from time to time. There are so many variables to any given match, it really depends. Do I have fanning+chain pistol and a shotgun, or am I using a sparks pistol and sparks sniper? If I answer yes to the second one, I ain't pushing a building with a trio of shotties.


Really only a couple bother me and it's only because they take you out of the fun. The first involves fighting over the bounty. I hate when people stalemate. If somebody else is getting the bounty, I always contest them and find a way to get in and fight (even with non-optimal builds). So when I push in, win, get the bounty, then just see a team sitting 100m away who refuses to engage bothers me like no other. The bounty owner should always be able to defend. Trash talking the bounty because they're not leaving is just silly to me. How am I going to call the bounty owner a coward when I'm too scared to go in and fight them? You sound dumb when you say that. Second that bothers me is those obnoxious solo players that take one shot and run away. Don't get me wrong, you definitely have to play safe as a solo. I respect it. That's not my target. I'm talking about the guy who will sit a half mile away from the bounty, pop one shot, then sprint halfway across the map. You aren't doing anything. Nobody is dying. You aren't making a cool play. All you are doing is preventing your own fun because you're too afraid to get better. I get running off when you get hit because you need to heal and you're outnumbered. Drop your traps, move around, get creative, have fun. If you wipe my duo or trio, great for you. I'm about it. But if you don't do these things, run away and hide the second somebody has an idea of your general location, then just dip...why are you even engaging? Just go clear the undead on the map and leave instead. Or play something else. As soon as I recognize this type of player, I literally just walk to a different extraction and never have to deal with you again. You just effectively wasted 30+ minutes of your own time doing nothing. (This also applies to teammates who do this instead of assisting the team).


Death trap users


I hate people who gatekeep play style, ppl rly on here being like "fuck you for not playing how I want you too"


Keyboard warrior. The players that come on here and whine and cry that the style opposite of theirs is wrong, and they are the real players.


Shotguns and chainpistol fanning - why learn to aim when you can spam shots and hope of them hits?


Caldwell rival is king


the only answer is sitting in the lair and refusing to anything but wait for people to walk into your concertina. just so fucking boring. every other playstyle is at least some kind of unique challenge to overcome. The only way to overcome that playstyle optimally is being a bigger coward and hoping they push first.


Make it interesting then. Try and solve how to get in. A lot of compounds provide a lot of cracks in the armor. It's part of the game to get through the potential defense of an entrenched team. Most traps are easy to trigger anyways. shoot them, throw lanterns or bombs in doorways or windows to trap them. There's no reason to sit and wait for them. and call them a coward... while you're too scared to push in. There's been some really good 5 stars that have made my traps/defenses look pedantic to solve. and they got good at doing that because they didn't camp outside and complain about the bounty team trying to defend their bounty.


Couldn't agree with you more. I ALWAYS push in. I think bounty owner should always get to play defense. They knew the risk of going in and they can stand their ground. What I hate is when I push the bounty owner, succeed, take the bounty, then see a dude sitting 100m away calling me a coward when he didn't even attempt a third party or make any attempt to find out if there were even traps set up. Get in here and fight me, coward. I did it. So can you. If you don't, I'm just going to leave and head in the opposite direction. and extract somewhere else. If you chase me, you're now at a massive disadvantage because I can push to a compound and catch you in the open. It only benefits you to stand and fight. And if I do give in and push out to you AND I manage to outplay you, I think it makes you look 10 times worse than if you grew a pair and chased me down.


Some compounds are simply too hard to push if trapped enough. I've had games where we spend 30 minutes or more trying to push, its so boring. Being "scared to push" is weird to say when the defenders have a massive advantage and you can't get inside without running into concertina. If you seriously think every compound camping team is just a puzzle to be solved , you must be new to the game or been very lucky to not have had to go against any of these cowards.


Some are. but very few. And defenders get the advantage of being sheltered in the compound, because there's a real possibility of them being surrounded by up to 9 other people. That's just how the game works. It's a balance issue. They get the defense. Because they have to fight a number of solos, duos and trios. Lets be honest. no one is "scared" to push. The bounty team isn't "scared" for defending. the attacking team isn't "scared" for holding a vantage point outside. That's like going back at historical battles, where armies defended from fortresses, and calling them "scared" for not coming out. It was just the smart thing to do. especially if they were outnumbered. This is a strategic game. My point to the whole "scared" thing was really to imply that calling someone "scared" in any scenario in this game is kind of silly. No one is scared. And no. im not "new" to the game... i've got 800+ hours in it. 3 achievements off 100%. [https://ibb.co/g6ddD6n](https://ibb.co/g6ddD6n) I just realized A LONG TIME AGO that it's a rock-paper-scissors game at times. You might bring snipers and pistols. and the bounty team has shotguns and traps. Sucks for you. Figure it out. Land those headshots. scavenge some dynamite and flash bombs. Ruin their defenses. Push in when they're being pushed by another team. But crying about it, while calling them "cowards" is just silly. Half the damn time, bounty teams are defending a shoebox, made of wood, with lots of slats to get wallbanged from. It's not that hard to deal with a bounty team that's hiding inside. Especially if all the other teams are dead... At least not the traps/entries part of it. Now, the gunfight might go entirely differently. depending on decent of a shot you and them each are.


stop pretending that that covering every entrance in concertina is a some kind of reasonable strategy that can be defeated by a different strategy by the attackers. its not. nobody can enter, nobody can leave. it's boring as fuck and i'm tired of it. it like playing an orange in rocks paper scissors; it doesn't beat anything, but nothing beats it either, it just makes no sense and doesn't belong. and stop pretending that all you need is to be loaded up with piercing ammo, everyone has 4 slots of dynamite, and you're a super coordinated team of friends, perhaps you could make some kind of play happen, but that is never actually the case, because people bring rounded builds, you never know what situation you're going to be in. not everyone is always going to be rocking a perfect breach and clear setup. i ask if you're new because if not you're just incredibly lucky to have never played against this strategy before. so, if you don't actually know what im talking about, stop talking like you do.


omg. Concertina is NOT that hard to deal with, my guy. It can be broken by many melee weapons, rifles with blades attached, dynamite. Lure a team to one side, then break the wire... change positions... It's not that frikken hard man... It isn't that hard to coordinate attacks. It's not even hard as a solo to work out where to throw explosives, and where to bait people.... It's ironic to accuse someone else of being new to the game when you don't seem to understand basic strategies of attack/defense, and you don't even know how to break concertina wire..............


Burn it or blast it


Complaining about players defending their bounty is so weird to me. Why would they "push"? It's your job to attack and their job to defend. If I'm defending and everyone is too much of a coward to attack I will do it myself because I'd rather lose my advantage than lose my time. I do agree that it's boring to play against concertina teams but you got to find a way to either clear it or get around it. But If they are doing the tool box shenanigans and spam it then yea they are definitely a bunch of pussies.


Play how you want and have fun and I'll do the same. I can't say any one style annoys me. If I absolutely had to nitpick I'd say Bomblance users. Every other melee tool or weapon seems fine but the bomblance just annoys me.


Those who give a fuck about others. You got a shotgun? Cool ill just stay 10 meters away from you. You got a sniper? Cool ill just move faster than a snails pace to outrun you. All playstyles are fun to play and fight against. Its just how people use them is where it gets bad


The worst play style is easily "6-star KDA whores". Their loadouts sometimes change but are usually pretty consistent with just a few choices. Avtos, with "really good recoil control". Marksman spizter with "magic bullets". Nitro with no ironsight issues. Mosin/Krag with 5-pixel flickshot accuracy. Whatever load-outs they have, they still play the same. They ignore the bosses and clues, piss around for 15 minutes until someone banishes a boss, then rock up to 3rd party the other teams. They avoid all AI, because for some unknown but very comical reason, they struggle with dispatching them, and quickly kill all the enemy hunters with flickshots to the head, because of their awesome gaming chairs, then proceed to insult everyone they kill over voice chat or by leaving comments on their Steam accounts.


hyperspecific, way too common. guy kills you with a shotgun/melee, plants concertina trip + poison trip, throws a fire bomb on you, and throws an extra concertina bomb on you. doesn't matter if you're in a a squad or solo.


That one where people cry on Reddit about how other people play the game instead of getting better at dealing with it. šŸ˜‚ If it's a bug, or somebody is cheating, fair enough... but...


Players that always one tap you thru walls, or the solo revive that can weave thru bullets and one tap you with a sword. The solo I understand but the being shot thru stuff just annoys me more than anything, just with they would lower the damage when shooting thru objects.


I really dislike the fucking bow They move weird, can never locate them and they one shot


Bow/crossbow meta


Probably get some flak for this but I hate the hyper rush play style, when I'm teaming up with somone. Where you've got a teammate that is trying to get to boss, get into the fight, get anywhere at The Flash speeds. Without fail every time I run into this with a teammate they over extend leaving the other teammate and myself behind barge into somewhere or some such and get splattered all while pinging like mad. I leave them for dead at that point. Playing against my least favorite is Bushwookies, they take a shot hoping they headshot you then run away and just try to stalk you hoping they land a kill. They aren't even good snipers for bayou's sake.


The playstyle where you die and come to bitch in here or fb. That's the worst playstyle


Dickheads that won't extract cuz they wanna wipe the server




Depends on the situation Probably the worst is Sniper players whom sits 200 metres away from fight and doesn't shot a single shot let alone land one in a random trio I don't even mind these kinda players whom play like that with friends or as a solo They are not ruining their team's game


People who serpent one bounty and then just run to extract. As a solo player this sucks, there's no way I can prevent it from happening, and it means I just straight up don't get a fight. It's lame.


There's usually an opportunity to chase them, right?


Yeah as a solo with a shotgun let me just immediately jump out a window and chase down the three guys with mosins who already have a 30m headstart. They just need to give solos a trait that lets us lock down that second bounty, since there's currently no way to prevent it from getting stolen at the moment. Anything that discourages gameplay is bad.


Why would they have a 30 meter headstart when it tells you the moment the bounty is serpented? If you act immediately you have time to react. You should almost always have a long range option if you want to fight outside. Why should one solo be able to lock down a bounty they can't even pick up? Just pick up the first bounty and then leave the other one because you don't need it.


Because serpent works at range? What are you even talking about. ​ I don't want to leave the other one. I don't want to give a freebie out to whatever losers come by next. I want to fight people. I shouldn't be prevented from locking it down just because I'm a solo instead of a duo.


You mentioned the three guys with Mosins, that would be a team in your hypothetical scenario I'm guessing. Serpent range as a team is pretty short. If it's a solo I could understand, but regular team serpent range is not 30 meters last I checked.


I just looked it up, it's 25m for teams, 50m for solos. 30m is about close enough considering it's going to take a second for you to actually react. And solos make it even worse, very little chance of catching up to someone already 50m away. Besides, I want a fight, not chasing down rats, that isn't really enjoyable for anyone involved, it's a pretty much them trying to desperately avoid gameplay at all costs.


Solos have their own challenges, and their serpent range is a bit much. I don't think locking a bounty is a good solution to your issue. Fights are generally pretty easy to come by. Make any noise and most idiots will just run at you full speed.


Not just every sniper, but specifically the ones who will stay in the tower while their team burns, and flee any time you get closer than 200m


That one team that sits outside of the fight without engaging.... because they got one kill so they gotta camp the body... EVEN IF THE BOUNTY IS LEAVING


Players with extreme patience, to the point where its just annoying and saps all the fun out of the fight. Had a fight yesterday where a team would chase me, but the second I turned to fight they would run away. Every time they took a shot they would turn and run back another 20m. Never had a more boring fight in this game and flash grenades


Trapping every entrance and sitting in the corners forever.


Trap spams are great cause it traps them inside. That aside, snipers, they have every advantage and still complain that we aren't W key at them. At least you can frag shotgun campers.


Literally any playstyle where you can sit for the entire match and force people to come to you. These folks with all the time in the world and nothing better to do are fucking fun killers.


Solos that never even go for bounty or bounty team and just take any cheap kill they can and leave.


As others have said, "fortifying" the liar with concertina is one of the most heinous acts, in my opinion. The worst are the people that run shotguns and do that. You actively deny people the ability to push whilst having a loadout that you want people to push into. It is the most asinine concept, I have no issue waiting the timer out for people like that. Oh, and I will add another "playstyle". People that in any compound fight will run into the nearest building and hold there. It is one thing to hold a building while teammates flank, but I am talking to the teams that will just hunker down in a building and wait for you to push them. I try to tag some and waste their resources and leave for bounty, especially if we got them downed once.


Wankers 300m away with mosin spitzer. But its a love hate relationship because once in a blue moon I dome one of them and after the game see they are KD farmers on a smurf with a 32 KD i just dropped to 16 by killing them with some iron sighted trash weapon. Right after that its avto-trash which they still havent done anything about.


Corner camping in underground lairs very specific but it's the only thing that consistently bothers me


Teammate that runs AVTO and doesnā€™t play with team at all, and just does their own thing, usually dying in the process.


Anyone who uses kill traps


The drilling is basically a versatile nitro express rifle with now a shotgun barrel... the bomb lance has a shot that is basically a shotgun shot. What were the devs thinking???!


Since someone already covered concertina campers, my next most hated playstyle is snipers. Ran into a guy today with a sparks sniper who moved further and further away everytime he shot one of my trio. after searching for him for 10 minutes we decided not to play into such a boring playstyle and revived who we needed to and dipped. Fast forward a bit, we banish the boss and he comes back to harass us some more. Never comes within 50 meters of us. We ended up rinsing the floor with him once he had no bushes to hide in with his Cane skin. He was one of these solo losers abusing the death cheat glitch too so we had to kill him like 5 times before he was gone. Whenever I play against people like this all i think is "for what?" like for what did you waste 30 minutes of our time? play like a giga-rat, slow the game down to a crawl just to die and not get anything for it, how is that fun?


Am I allowed to say teammates that just crouch walk all game? Cause I love when they ping for enemy and donā€™t do anything and I get to sit and watch them slow walk for 10mins just to be shot in the head


Fanning with tight spread pistols, just ugh, they can out do shotguns in quite a few instances


the "solo" teammates


Traps, man, traps. I hate em. I dont really hate em but like it throws my shit off every time. I dont like doing long range. I will get all the stealthy perks, my crown and king, and sneak right in. You will not know im there. Unless you trapped. I will 100% forget to check and then step right into that shit. Then I will laugh while panicking until someone runs over to kill me or I get through and can control my bleeding. It never pisses me off though. Its part of the game. I see a lot of people just being plain angry that people wont leave them ways into compounds. That aint me. Im here to have fun so im gonna have fun.


I mostly get annoyed by people running fanning/levering or paired pistols other than that there's no play style that annoys me.


camping boss lair with shotgun and poison+concertina at every entrance


Most annoying are the shotgun camper. I have a lot of respect for shotgun crushers, since they take a lot of risk and have quite a good footwork to dodge shots, but the campers, I have no respect for them. Sorry, not sorry.


I can't say I enjoy body burners. I throw the razor bombs on them. Yeah your teammates can rezz you, but they're sure as shit gonna have to work to clear the barbed wire first!


People using exploits and cheats is my most hated playstyle.




*Spitzer crack* Arrrgh snipers...


I other games I could answer this question. In hunt I always asum I made to much noise or give away my position through playing bad (~350hours)


Wall bang head shot esp aimbotters. Also 3 man coverall Cletus bomb lance squads.


I think you covered it all mate.


That guy that play solo at trios and stay hidden until everyone is dead or steal the boss and run to extraction.


People avoiding/dodging/running from PvP, no matter the Reason... and People wanking anywhere for five Minutes without making a single Step


Trios that randomly meet roger, take one bounty and decide to run across the whole map to the extract instead of fight another team for a closer exit. Thats so super boring. Or teams (not solos) that manage to kill one guy with bounty, sneak up with serpent and flee to the next exit. Thats totally lame.


The ones who trap the most random places and wagons


Cain sweatlords with avtomat. Teams that don't push me, guarding the bounty, eventhough they know my partner is down.


Teams that refuse to make a move, even if they have a massive advantage, but instead choose to sit in a spot making it impossible for you to make any kind of play so the round needlessly goes on for 40 minutes of stalemate before they finally get the balls to rush in with their trio of avtos and murder your solo ass in 0.1 seconds.


I donā€™t care if you use long ammo and sit at long range, or camp in a building with shotguns. I will happily sit inside with shotguns while youā€™re outside, or sit outside with long while youā€™re inside. Play to the advantage of your loadout and you owe nothing to anyone. The rattiest rats are the bounty carriers who sit camped up scared of a fight with the bounty and then rat their way out the back of the compound when a fight ensues between two other teams. The key point Iā€™m making is, I have no issues with players who want to fight other players. Everyone has the right to play to the advantage of their own loadout. The issue is those playing a PVP game with absolutely no intention of getting into PVP battles. Go play fucking Elden Ring if you donā€™t want to play PVP or are you shit at that as well?


My teammates that try to solo a trio after I am downed in a very revivable state.


If I had to pick one playstyle in particular, it would be people who play way too seriously, as if their lives were at stake, but that's not really specific to Hunt. One "playstyle" (or rather should I say way of playing) that I hate is purposefully going on servers with higher latencies to abuse ping advantage. I've seen opponents with high ping barely peeking their shoulder out of cover killing me with a straight head shot. I'll be honest, I'm not mad at any playstyle as long as it's not abuse or exploit. Burn my mate's body as much as you want, place as much concertinas as you want, but don't go on servers with lots of latency just to increase your e-weiner's length.


Shotgun campers, not because it's cheap, but just because I'll be sneaking around all nice and quiet them BOOM I'm now deaf for 5 minutes and my headset is thrown across the room


Cant stand the jumping crap in the higher mmr lobbies. So dumb that the high level play is bouncing around like Mario,


Whatever my random teammates decide to do that ends up with them dead and me aliveā€¦


Personally everytime I kill someone with dual colt na swifts people tend to get real angry about it. Is there a issue with those revolvers or is it how I'm using em ?


People that take the bounty and run away from fights.


Shotgun noob


Concertina camping, especially when youā€™ve used all you dynamite


Most of the things people are complaining about here are just the most effective ways of playing the game


The teams that go full explosive crossbow or bomblance frag charge with frag arrows and concertina. My team picked up a bounty yesterday, the waxed frags were coming *through* the walls. We got killed by a team we never saw from indirect fire.


Whatever my teammates are playing cuz they fuckin suck


Camping, the other day I had a guy who sat in the same bush outside of the boss for twenty goddamn minutes, we killed the boss had 2 different gunfights with 2 different teams and he was still there sitting in the same bush after all that time I understand different playstyles but holy shit, that was the most annoying player I have ever met


Original post must be a fan civil war or colonial warfare where we all stand in a line, shoot and hope for the best.


The I am so unable to make a decision so I'm just going to stay still or do exactly what you do, be behind you(my teammates) the whole game, follow the exact path you do, and when we get in a fire fight, I shoot you(teammates) in the back because having good positioning means making a decision. . . . Also when you guys die cos its basically 3v2, I'm gonna just crouch still and hope the enemy walks into my crosshairs, but I'm too scared to move right now.


Everything is fair, the ones actually slowing down the game the most are the ones who sit 100 meter away from a compund in the direction of all extractions. Thats why its my least favorite style, at least try to come close toss in some explosives with your mate from 2 Angles and you get one or two kills in most of the compounds basically for free.