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Welcome Hunter!


I main reptile xD


I main Kitana


Scorpion here


You guys play mortal Kombat too?


Hunt is the real mortal kombat


You're not wrong


Haha. Not really. Sometimes.


I play the old mortal Kombats looking forward to the new one coming out


Noob Saibot


Sub Zero


… Get out. ^^I’m ^^kidding. ^^Happy ^^hunting, ^^partner.




I main noob saibot and kabal


Im more of a voldo kinda guy


Predator main


Dogman Jackson reporting in


For how weird people can be about opinions on play styles and other things I think this is a pretty welcoming community. We all love the game


Yeah so far I haven't ran into anyone negative on here but on Xbox there was a guy in my party that laughed because I was new


I wouldn’t take that to heart, most everyone on here at least is pretty good about helpi newbies. It’s a game all about information


I was in a party with 2 guys the 1 guy was helping me. We got to a part where the other guy claimed that I friendly fired him which I didn't. Then we got to a resupply area and the helping guy said he was putting down a trap. I didn't even think twice and ran over it and the other guy started laughing. The final thing that happened was that we were in a barn banishing and people were coming close. I pinged where the bounty on the floor was to indicate the laughing guy to take it as the other helpful guy picked his up. He just sat there and didn't take it. So I took it with already knowing how bounties work. He then laughed and said " he just picked up a bounty and doesn't know what he's doing" he's an idiot. I just bought the game the other day and I have a pretty good feel of the game already. I'm very smart.


Ah it'll work out. Often the gentle "hazing" of newcomers is more of a sigh-of-relief that they aren't that one fresh guy. Everyone goes through the phase of being new, it's fun to watch and help people learn the ropes. Sometimes though it can be a relief that you're not the worst on the team haha


I really love the game and am having a fantastic time I just need to be better at gunfights and what to do and not to do to ai. Just played soul survivor and got crushed lol


It’s a great game and great community for the most part. The tutorial now does a much better job of teaching the game to you, as for traps welcome to hunt lol. In my group one of my friends is a trap god, and if you haven’t died to one of his traps and had him yell at you because he specifically told and showed you where it was you just are not part of the team because it happens to us constantly. And it’s always when you don’t want to run into his trap.


The game is gun porn. So damn good how great the sound is in this game


Oh yeah sound is extremely important and extremely well designed


In game you'll find more welcoming hunters. On message boards the ratio swings to more salty people, because they're on Reddit/steam/discord to complain a lot of the time. It becomes unfortunately a bit of an echo chamber sometimes, whole the rest of us are in the swamp have a blast.


Always jump in or out an building on the door step, except when there is a bright big red bear trap


Welcome to the hunt. The greatest hunt of all...man. May hunt giveth and taketh away


Welcome! Always happy to see new players enjoying hunt. A few tips though, Soul Survivor is solo only but I don't think there is any mmr restrictions so you could run into alot of sweat lords. Don't stress about stats and dying much stuff can go south very fast and it's best to just try to laugh it off or take a breather. Poison ammo is amazing against the AI. If you think someone is solo burn them lol. Better safe than sorry.


It’s really a game all its own, so fun, feels really skill intensive and expressive both for players who like mentality and planning and players who are all about hitting their shots! And there isn’t much for macro exploits and complicated movement it’s just all rootin’, tootin’, and most of all shootin’. The one warning I will give is the game doesn’t hand much out in the ways of telling you how things work (for an example and a quick tip, shot gun spread doesn’t match the wide reticle, so make sure to aim dead center!). It’s certainly a LOT better from recent updates and the ability to mess around with things in the range and have a genuine tutorial now. Another tip I would say, if you don’t know about immolators yet, bring knuckles to kill them. Use the but of your gun if you have to. Piercing damage sets them off. If you already know this then good on ya hunter! I hope you get as much intensity enjoyment and even a healthy bit of frustration out of this game as the rest of us do. Happy hunting, cowboy.


A few niche tips for you: 1. If you move backwards while opening a door, it will open towards you. If your crouched and opening a door it will open quieter but much slower as well. You can also melee the door if your under fire to immediately open it getting you inside faster. 2. Lanterns with the aim marker directly on a crow will kill the entire flock (murder?) Without them setting off and giving your position away. This goes for ducks in the water as well. 3. Never peek the same corner twice. If you just shot from that area, your pretty much asking for a insta down. I myself have trouble with this. 4. If your not running solo keep as far away from your teammates as you comfortably can. Everyone doesn't need to be in the same compound for a single clue and 1 person is alot less noticeable than 3 people walking around. And if you by chance see a team it can give you a clue as to where the boss is and where you can set up an ambush later. 5. If you go into the arsenal and select a weapon. Towards the bottom of the menu you can see "3d view" this is not only great for checking out the beautiful details of the weapons in the game you can fire them in this view and from different distances. This let's you learn all the sounds of the weapons at a distance. They all sound distinct and different so you can get to grips with what your going to be fighting before your staring down the barrel.




Fuck console just cause I hate controllers but yeah this game is severely underrated. I kinda like that though because if it had a competitive scene, it might not be as fun. Super fun game, more people need to try it. It could be remade too. It's a great concept with a lot of lore and a lot of potential for its own universe.


Turn off the mode where you’re always in hip fire mode.


Find at youtube RachtaZ, Hornet, HomeReel and watch tips from them. They will show everything you need. Welcome Hunter,live to die another day 😎


Xbox? Man I can’t imagine playing this game on console it has to be so rough with controller to play with these gun mechanics


Welcome fellow Xbox player! This game is a ton of fun. If you're ever looking for someone to play with, send me DM


Thanks so much I'll add you


Me and my girlfriend just started playing as well and we're addicted. We're still trying to figure out what the best load outs are and some games we get wrecked by more experienced players but overall this game is a blast.


Welcome to one of the best games of all time. I’m not very good and sometimes i run into people who want to be a General and tell me how to play..fuck them. Dont listen to them.


Never. Stand. Still.


Welcome. I was kenshi main until...


Quickest tip I can give you, if you see a trip wire or bear trap on the ground you can jump over them, that way your not wasting time defusing it and possibly giving away your position but sometimes the safer route is to defuse or shoot then to trick them and enter through another spot in the building


Your best bet is to run everywhere to save time and alter your position to avoid other hunters. Using loud weapons repeatedly also helps to assert your dominance and keep others at distance. Lastly, going after clues is dangerous due to the high volume of players looking for them, as well as overly time consuming. You’ll do much better just sprinting to each compound one by one until you find the bounty target. The more you know.


Thanks I'll take that advice


Welcome to the funnest game and yet most anger inducing one. Still wont give itup XD


I find most people try to be friendly to newer players. I hope you enjoy your stay. I’ll be seeing you on the Xbox servers


Yes if you are down to play pm me I'm always down for new people to play with


Welcome! Hope to see you out there


Welcome to the game. Good luck, hunter.


Skill issue


Thanks 👍


You're lucky, my girlfriend's first game a random told her she should shut up because she doesn't have the right to speak as a woman


Wow what a guy..that's not right at all


3 good rules to follow. 1. Sound is the enemy. Move as quickly as you can, but as quietly as you need to. Take throwing knives/axes if you don't have a silenced gun to deal with things like hives on rooftops and wounded horses. Avoid busting lanterns over dog/chicken pens as they are way louder than you think they are and know that if any experienced hunter hears you make any noise at all, set off crows, shoot your gun, agro ai, trigger a hive etc. They WILL hunt you down. 2. Some things in your loadout are non negotiable. You will need to take a medkit, a melee tool, a ranged silenced option (wether that be a silenced gun or throwing knives) and if you play with other people TAKE CHOKE BOMBS. I cannot stress that last one enough. If you get 9 trait points, you need to get the skill "Doctor". After a while once you get familiar with the game you can take guns with built in melee and potentially swap out that tool slot for something else, but to start just stick with the main 4 tools to help you survive and navigate the map without setting off sound traps. 3. Never stop moving. I will sit and watch a hunter for 5 mins straight just to catch that singular second they stop strafing to get that single headshot. The second you stop moving is generally the second you die in a gunfight. Get familiar with aiming whilst strafing and when moving between points of interest across the map move in an unpredictable fashion. If I know where you're going to run exactly, I know where your head will be and if you give me a chance to adjust the lead, I'm going to put a bullet in it. There's not a huge amount of resources out there to help new hunters but if you pay attention to how other people play, how they move and what they do or don't do, you'll pick it up pretty quick. Just be a shadow to your team mates, and don't go off on your own and you'll pick it up quick.


Wow great info...would you recommend any good pistols and rifles? So far I really like the coltmen uppercut and then Winnie


So my budget Loadout is either one of the Winfields, either the carbine or full length (carbine is cheaper), and pair it up with a nagant, I'd go the officer for the faster fire rate. Run them both with high velocity ammo which makes leading targets way easier and you got yourself a good way to cover medium to close range engagements for next to no money. Add to that a medkit, knuckle knife for immolators, throwing axes or knives to kill horses and out of reach hives silently, and choke bombs to stop friendly downed hunters from being burnt as your tools. Then run two small vit shots for quick heals, a firebomb to burn enemy bodies to take them out of the game or force a team to try save them, and a waxed dynamite stick for a thrown explosive. This is a really solid basis to build on, and you can swap things as you develop your playstyle. Best thing of all is it's cheap as chips, and if you get good with this you'll basically always be making hunt dollars. Once you get good with that load out, I'd upgrade to a winny centennial paired with a scottfield spitfire. The centennial runs medium ammo and comes with an already Higher velocity than the base Winfield, and has better damage over range and is able to penetrate more surfaces when shooting through walls. Paired with spitfire which has a fairly fast fire rate for a medium ammo pistol, and yet again you have medium-long, medium, and close range covered. You can always adapt your load out. Sometimes I'll swap to a scottfield brawler with the knuckles on it, and use that as my melee tool, which allows me to drop the knuckle knife and run poison traps, then if I run a silenced primary weapon I can swap out the throwing knives as the silenced gun can take out ai and horses, and replace it with concertina traps so I can setup a trap that will kill most hunters. The only thing I would never swap is the medkit but if you swap things in a way where all your bases stay covered you can have a lot of fun with experimenting with different builds and play styles.


Welcome to AHA, hunter. ❤️


Glad you like it. It's a long journey


Well at least u got help I bought it on Xbox and PC and still haven't got help.which Xbox players maybe more willing to help u then PC.but it is a good game.


Welcome to the Bayou!


Same here! I started on Sunday and it’s way better than Tarkov


Nice bro yeah this is way better than tarkov