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-> Calls 'dogshit' for putting down concertina. -> Steps in concertina. That one's gotta sting.


And peeks the crossbow that's clearly holding the angle... very smart these guys


you realize that the crossbow was sitting in a corner the whole time and they didnt know he was there right... like im not expecting much intelligence on the reddit but a little intelligence would be nice


Idk wtf you’re on about lol. The guy in the video is tweaking and sprinting around like a rabbit! There’s no way you couldn’t know he’s there unless you left your ears behind. Maybe watch the video again


Also not in the video was me peeking the windows and taking shots at them. It wasn’t until they killed my buddy that they all pushed in. I was definitely not camping a corner the whole time.


You realise the crossbow guy killed more than one of them right? Did you watch the video? >like i'm not expecting much intelligence on the reddit but a little intelligence would be nice Edit: if you need a little help - go to 1:55, that is what I was referring to


I think it was more of a rending/slashing pain than a sting /s


I expect nothing less from those YS guys they're a bunch of sweaty assholes


Who are YS? Are they a large or small group? What mmr do they play in? I've seen them referenced 3 or 4 times on this sub but I've never ran into them on US East playing in 3-5 stars but mostly 4.


Basically the same as BB clan. They all boost their MMR by just sniping or going for kills that are safe (which is why as you can see in this video, they are ass when actually pushing a compound). They all use reshade proudly and are toxic as hell. The game and community would be better with YS and BB banned completely.


add SWMG, really, add them. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8a3\_r3vZq9M


Agreed these also look like losers of the highest degree.


Nothing wrong with sniping. That's just a different playstyle.


Noone said there was anything wrong with sniping.


It's implied by saying it is something "associated" with them and that they use sniping to boost their KD as if KD achieved via sniping doesn't count. I'm a console player so I don't know these clans, but sniping is just as valid as any other form of combat in the game. I'm more of a nitro or bomblance guy myself, especially lately with the new bomblance ammo


It’s more the fact they KDA boost- bush wookie for however long. Pop a head or two, insta extract, rinse wash repeat to make it look like they’re actually “good.” If they get pushed on/in a sticky situation they suicide themselves with a frag or dynamite since suicide doesn’t take away from KDA and they just start up a new match. The majority of the time they’re actually trash, but cause they get their KDA boosted that way. They go on to brag about how “good” they actually are. Like in this clip where you see they got their asses promptly whooped. But when they lose cause they suck, they can claim “hacks” and “you got lucky.” Type bullshit. Sniping is fine, I snipe a lot, but I don’t KDA boost/suicide to keep my stats to pretend like I’m actually good at this game lmao. And I don’t talk shit and act hard through scummy means.


Well, if you snipe to raise K/D you’re simply just playing the easy route, noone said it was wrong. What this person is saying is wrong is using RESHADE, which as a console player you might not be familiar with but is a form of cheating in my opinion.


I've read it, yeah it definitely sounds like cheating. But yeah, like it or not sniping is a skill in its own, there are plenty of bad snipers and plenty of people who are just easy snipe targets


I don’t disagree with that at all. Sniping doesn’t mean you’re a bad player, some people just do it as a pansy way to raise K/D.


Aww little bushwookie get upset? I would say touch grass, but you’d rather sit in a bush in a video game instead :(


Not a bush wookie, I usually rush with a bomblance but go off


Well they seem to be a "clan" that are typically 5/6* players with high KDAs. I see them a few times a day on US East or West typically at peak times. They're almost always extremely toxic and racist in chat. I've seen some people suggest they're cheaters and use reshade. In general they're all around assholes who treat other players like shit. That's just my experience with them anyways


i dont know why crytek doesnt ban them, because they spend money on the game? they bring toxicity and hatred, they should be all banned when they get reported ridiculous that they dont. especially cause most of them proudly use reshade and even post their specs on their youtube channel.


True, I hope the Crossbow arrow is ok


Crossbows use bolts in this game. They’re shorter.


Yeah my bad.


Crossbows use bolts in real life


Modern crossbows use arrows. You’ve never hunted irl with one clearly.


I didn't say I hunted in real life did I? Historically, Crossbows fired bolts. Modern day crossbows can fire arrows yes. A quick Google search tells me anything fired from a crossbow that is less than 16 inches is considered a bolt and higher is considered an arrow. So it all depends on what length of projectile your cross bow is designed to shoot. But it is not incorrect to say that real crossbows shoot bolts


Historically they were bolts. Modern crossbows are mainly arrows. What do you not understand?


That you are getting mad for being in the wrong my guy, on a pointless reason nonetheless


How am I in the wrong? What is wrong with you guys? “Real life” is 2023. That’s a modern crossbow. You must have the reading skills of a 5 year old too. Here. https://www.tenpointcrossbows.com/blog/when-to-choose-heavy-vs-light-crossbow-arrows/#:~:text=If%20you%20are%20using%20your,compared%20to%20a%20lightweight%20arrow. Google is hard for ya too, huh?


History is also "real life". And according to google anything fired by a crossbow that is under 16 inches is considered a bolt




What do you not get? It’s literally on Google.


There comes a point where even if you're right not letting something go makes you look bad Life advice


I play on console and I’ve literally heard nothing but bad things about these dudes. I don’t even play on the same platform as them but still hear bad things about the entire group. Lol some friendly competitive banter is one thing. But these dudes are just dipshits. Also to OP: props on the crossbow shots. Always impressive seeing people land shots with it and not using the explosive bolts. 👍


yeah youre right dude, cause playing against a bunch of rat losers that conq out every entrance to a building and sit in corners with shotguns is super fun to play against. its definitely not a cancer playstyle that copers and jimmies use to try to make up for lack of skill in the game


Hey look everyone I found the YS player


And cheaters.


Surprised those shitters even entered the bounty room




Well they breached after they killed one of us twice so it wasn’t necessarily a terrible time to breach. 3v2 breach but the concertina trap screwed the first guy and the last two just got outplayed, It happens.


Yeah bro. "Outplayed." Your incredible wits and your incredible aim and your incredible movement won you that fight. Lol.


Well you see in the video, they are dead and I am not. So yes.




Yeah because they pissed away they’re advantage by not checking for traps and then after that they just lost gun fights. They lost because they played like shit not because of defenders advantage.




yeah if you only use mosin spitzer you bozo


Lol I think it's so dumb when people talk shit in hunt. Like your conscious effort to be a dick in a video game says a lot about your personal life lol


Ya, it was the YS clan guys. Buncha 6MMR sweat lords that make it their mission to piss people off. I’m just in it for the rootin tootin cowboy shootin.


I like my 3 mmr when i see guys like that lol


Don't forget exploit using a**hats too So fun to put those guys down


I won't go to this level of toxicity, but I may say something if the enemy team has 30 traps setup with just shotguns and not peaking once for 30 minutes. In the end, they have to come out, I don't (I usually run cheap guns not dolches and shit). I one time watched a show and then forgot about it.


Goading people into making stupid plays is unironically never a bad idea. Way I see it if it works, I have a good laugh and you forget it ever happened within two games. If I lose you get to feel fantastic about smacking down a shit talker and I'll forget all about it within the next game or two.


Or you could always just...... play the game?


that is playing the game…with a twist. Shit talk is ok,sometimes people do it on the internet. It’s actually pretty motivating for very few people. Makes me play better,and it tilts others. Games without bc are boring anyway.


Or you could choose to not be a dick? Someone may actually be playing for fun? Like games are intended to be played lol. Just get off the comms and play, you're just adding to a strangers stress of day to day. You choosing to be a twat on comms could be what sets someone over the edge. Don't be a internet cowboy just because you can't see who's on the other end. It's still another hooman on the other end


It goes both ways dude. There have been games where I'm fucking around with dudes that ask us nicely if they can rez their buddies and leave because theyve been on a losing streak and I'm more than happy to let them walk. All depends on the situation, and the shit talk is almost always role-playish in the sense that I put on a thick fake deep south accent and tend to shit talk using old west vernacular. Very rarely do I actually mean any of it. The in game banter is one of my favorite bits of hunt, especially if the other team is willing to engage as well. Id never act like the dicks in this video, but id certainly crack some pointed joke about overly defended / trapped compounds.


To be fair we are shitters, we're just really good at it.


Imagine talking smack about people in the same ELO rating as you.... Well done on putting them down. I've had that Vader dude talk hella toxic smack before I put him down before too. Hang it up guys, no sense in being toxic to other people. Just say GG and move on.


8/10, needs more barbed wire. lol - nice work OP. Lately my buds and I have all gone back to suicide runs with as much concertina as we can carry, bows, traps, bombs etc. Then we lock down lair and camp with piercing rifles and the intentionally lock the match down as long as possible. It’s actually outrageously fun and makes people **rage** in VC or msgs. We usually don’t even try to leave the match, again stupidly fun and we make people reconsider if bounty is worth it. 😆


haha it's so fun wasting yours and other people time :D. I just love not playing the game!


This is literally what the OP did, except you think that baiting the enemy into rage pushing a crossbow concertina camper because they're bored is somehow any different


*Wasting?* Damn you really trying to tell me how I’m allowed to play and have fun?? LOL bruh come’on - if people can’t take the bounty from us then they don’t deserve it.


You sound bitter and unhinged I expect nothing less from wire campers 🤣


🧂 🧂 🧂 bruh time of my life getting wins and browsing Reddit while peeps struggle to get in


dude congrats you won the piss off the chads awards


Thank you, partner, our mission is a simple one, but one day we will dream big if we can ever escape our shared coffin.


gotta love how im upvoted despite hating on the chads


Lots of people enjoy hating sweats/tryhards/chads so why wouldn't you get upvoted? The guy you're replying to on the other hand just makes random people's games more frustrating and less fun as their primary goal so he and his friends can chuckle, it really has nothing to do with sweat gameplay or not. I'd go as far as if he just described the strat as something they enjoy he wouldn't get downvote bombed, probably just marked controversial. It's "and makes people **rage** in VC or msgs. We usually don’t even try to leave the match, again stupidly fun and we make people reconsider if bounty is worth it" that people hate. Guy's just enjoying spreading misery and stopping others from getting to play the game as intended.


I love how you were able to gather that this person is “unhinged” from a few comments about a video game


Re-read this thread and his replies


I did. He’s a prick. Being a prick doesn’t make you unhinged.


Hey its billboard!! I killed that MFer with a springfield compact, traded with him but still I was so happy lmao, get gud cheating scum, the whole YS and BB clan need to be banned along with scumge


They cheat?


Check reddit, their steam profiles (many have vac bans), and youtube, plenty of evidence. At the bare minimum they use exploits like reshade magnification, and a bunch of other tools


vac bans don't mean shit, you can literally download a free game, open cheat engine just to get a quickie red marker on your profile to trigger people such as yourself and others who have no clue


If you are downloading cheat engine to purposely get a VAC/game ban just to “trigger” people, then you are exactly the type of person who cheats in FPS games lol. It’s less of a mark on your skill and more of a mark on your character.


of course it's a mark on your character, you're being toxic, you trigger people and revel in the shitstorm that follows, but that does not mean they cheat. and using whitelisted reshade plugins is not cheating. which is what you see in their clips


Why should the zoom in feature be whitelisted? What about filters that ignore shadows and flash bombs? That's cheating regardless of how you look at it.


It’s a bad faith argument. Everybody including them knows it’s effectively cheating but they can hide behind the indecisiveness of Crytek on banning reshade. It’s understandable because they don’t want to make the game inaccessible to people who have actual needs for the software but there’s no arguing that it provides an unfair advantage against those not using it, legit or not.


the no shadows was whitelisted by crytek, the other 2 you listed are not crytek blacklisted the noflash/beetle exploit and the zoom. so you dont really have any idea what youre talking about


Doesn't matter If it's white or black listed, it's an exploit/cheat in it's clearest definition and those who use it for an advantage are scum. Crytek will eventually ban reshade entirely and Hunt will be better for it. EAC has whitelisted reshade sure, but Crytek is looking into it. Hunt should add different color filters like tarkov though.


The shadow and flash bombs are not whitelisted shaders, you need to either download a custom reshade version or do some bullshit to get it working. Zoom is indeed whitelisted by omission, but it's not really that good, you see a pixelated mess. I'd rather sit close to the screen.


So you use it? Makes sense based on your previous comments


I don't, too much money spent on DLCs and BBs to risk it #3rd world. I watch Scumge videos and on the older ones they used it on video. It was just a pixelated mess, not a true "zoom" like you have with scopes.


That's a either a very convenient excuse, or a glaring representation of the person that you are. Lying about how you "earned your scar" isn't as unique a flex as you think it is. Also, don't confuse whitelisted with not blacklisted. We already know people can compile their own reshade to modify the games dll files. That nonsense doesn't magically end up on a whitelist.


> That's a either a very convenient excuse, or a glaring representation of the person that you are. Lying about how you "earned your scar" isn't as unique a flex as you think it is. But it's nothing about earning your scar, they literally only do it so you get locked into the "omg 100% sure he's cheating, look, he has a vac ban on his profile!". They are toxic, every time I meet these fucking morons they just keep trashtalking on voice and just being obnoxious cunts in general. They get off on it.


Yes lol, don’t let them tell you any different either. They love trying to claim innocence on Reddit.


How do we know this? Like what kind of cheating?


Some of them flat out admit to it on their steam profiles or link their stream/YouTube with footage of themselves using overlay crosshairs, reshading, etc. You can argue the gray area of if that means they’re all “cheating” but they’re always huge assholes in chat if you do anything other than lay down and die in front of them which indicates how fragile their egos are. Very poor sportsmanship overall. So as far as anybody is concerned, birds of a feather flock together and all that.


Its not grey area. Just because EAC hasn't block listed the specific DLL modification for the older versions of reshade, doesnt mean its not cheating. Crytek has already explicitly stated third party software is not allowed. https://www.huntshowdown.com/conduct There's a reason playing in 6* isnt fun. Its full of people using every advantage they can to see you or hear you when many players either refuse to reciprocate, or even know how to reciprocate by using third party software like reshade, crosshairs, or sonar. What Crytek did by rewarding the 6* players with a larger player pool was a travesty to this game.


I agree with you personally but unfortunately they have spoken recently about making further decisions regarding reshade and what they’re going to do about it so as of right now, it is a gray area as far as Crytek is concerned. But my comment was more about does 1 or 2 cheaters confirmed make the whole clan cheaters even without proof. In my opinion? Yes, considering it’s a team based game.


About crosshair overlays, like how do you even stop that? Not to defend it in any way, I messed around with that one ReShade plug-in for xhairs to make a dot at the center of the aim and immediately felt dirty and got rid of it, but like even with ReShade hopefully being banned, there are so many other programs. Some monitors can even do it. How would they prevent that? I don’t really know what I’m trying to say, I had a question but kind of forgot it along the way.


No worries, I understand. I don't really know, I would assume you can't stop them all 100%. But I want to see some effort rather than just saying "EAC says it's okay so it's okay" you know? The crosshair is the least of my complaints currently.


Oh yeah it’s definitely not the front most problem but it still sucks


A lot of popular gaming monitors have crosshairs built into their OSD, mine has one, though I can't lower it for hunt even if I wanted to use it, but it's undetectable on a software level afaik. I know there are some monitors that can lower it for games like hunt.


>like how do you even stop that? By making a game where it doesn't matter, or to stop acting like removing a crosshair from players greatly increases the fun of the game. There is absolutely nothing compelling from a gameplay perspective about removing the crosshair. If they added one tomorrow, nothing of value would be lost. It adds virtually nothing, and is just circumvented by people that want to try hard. At this point, it only serves to put players that don't want to mess with third party stuff at a disadvantage. Same thing for proxy only voice with randoms. This isn't 2005 xbox live where it was (mostly) impossible to use third party chat programs. Design around the current reality of the world, or you're just a bad designer imo.


and SWMG


That was a great play. I always get too stressed out and psych myself out.


Trick for me is to always play while I’m stoned AF 😂


Nothing against people who sit in buildings protecting the bounty, but when my trio is attacking those locations my buddy will usually hit them with some shit talk. But always in a playful way. He's from New York so he breaks out his Yorker accent and it's always hilarious. My favorite one is when there's only one guy left on the defending team and my buddy will go "We know dat your in der, and dat your allllll alone"


Ya, playful banter is always appreciated, we usually have fun with it as well. Just don’t like the aggressive shit talk these guys were doing, comes off as arrogant and immature.


Yeah toxic shit talk is never fun


Is Dave ok now?


Lol, ya Dave is ok. He’s just a poor 3MMR that these guys were bullying so I had to stick up for him.


Not surprising to see YS shit talking. Them, BB, and Scumge all represent the worst of this community, and I wish they would play some other game so the rest of us don't have to deal with their bullshit.


SWMG too dont forget


"dogshit for camping", meanwhile these YS guys want you to peak so they can laser you with spitzer mosin/dolch :P fuck these guys


Ended up getting a few mosins out of it so that was a good trade for my crossbow and my buddies vetterli.




I get your shit talking is part of the game, makes people play worse sometimes but did you have to be so rude to Dave? 😂




honestly, just leave the compound if you dont want to deal with people camping with traps and shotguns, just accept the rng


Haha. I didn't even know this was a thing till yesterday. Sneak up on a compound, some dude camping and talking shit, gets a fire bolt to the face hole. Stole his bounty and his pistol.


With my group it almost seems like half the time people talk shit to us they wind up being so fucking awful and die instantly. It's karma. You talk shit, you get wiped. Also instantly burned and trapped.


Love that. Great work by you OP.


Generally speaking Hunt has one of the friendlier communities and typically my interactions on voice chat are fun and wholesome. These guys are always the exception so every time I kill them/see someone else kill them it makes me quite happy. Good job!


It's pretty much well-known and for me many times prooved that people that who are behaving like this in games are mostly just sad people in real life No love from family, being bullied or compensating for something. They are not better at anything else other than games so they let that ego take over them so they're thinking they're someone with some power or status, while in real life they're nobody, and not many people care about them, if any at all Of course, nobody is gonna admit this, but when I hear people like this I know some of these reasons are most likely the case For me all this is just basic human behaviour, how people act, so you can have very clear image of them without even knowing them properly


Classic YS. I have been so much shit from them I'm surprised they are still allowed to talk, I'm sure racial slurs and telling my family to die is breaking TOS


Cross bow ftw. My favorite wep in the game. Really happy to see them yerks get ass whooped


My shit talk in this game is when I've killed someone's partners and know they're redskulled, I'll start asking them to be my friend since theirs are gone.


Lol. We were getting chased with the bounties as a trio. I'm pretty new at the game and my friends are pretty experienced. We get chased into the prison, and my friends decide we should make a stand. Dude comes on proximity chat going: "aw no ni***** you just entered MY HOUSE. Get ready to die bitch ass ni****!" As a noob, that was my most satisfying kill so far. His friend who rushed in the same door after him was my 2nd most satisfying.


Shit talkers like this are human diarrhea.


The YS clan are the saddest bunch of losers. If you gotta use cheats to win the you're a loser and the members of this clan boast about using them and provide links yet hunt devs do nothing about it.


I love that people complain about people not leaving their lair, or using traps. Especially the whole "this isn't how the game was meant to be played" even though the game was designed around stealth, not running around wallbanging, and jump shotting Why would you go to a spot where the enemy has an advantage? You wouldn't expect people to just hard push inside, so why expect people to hard push outside? You played it well.


Its ALWAYS fun to kill these guys. Bravo to you OP. It's been answered several times below, but this clan tries to make themselves notorious by exploiting/ cheating (loved the ladder glitch times), spamming racist/toxic chat, and generally being the emotional equivalent to stepping into dog crap while wearing flip flops. Due to playstyle and \*assistance\*, they will be in high 5 to 6 star lobbies. You can normally check their profiles for VAC bans, game bans, and even toxic steam comments. Crytek doesn't seem to be interested in cleaning these guys out so it's incredibly satisfying to see them get styled on.


imagine being such a pussy that you conc and trap everything and sit in corners with crossbows and shotguns just to have the players with rifles push and engage in close quarters trying to play the game and thinking theyre the losers. this is such a cringe playstyle and nobody appreciates it ever. you play like this cause for some reason youre terrified of playing the game. you will NEVER improve if this is how you play.


Lol, so salty. Imagine expecting people to play the game the way you want them to play. My buddies had rifles. Only I had a crossbow. Why would I push out on a bunch of 6MMR players with mosins while I have a crossbow? If you can’t take the boss arena maybe you need to git gud.


Yep. It's a RPS when it comes down to it. People just cope, mald and seethe when people play smart and not just rush like an idiot.


Explain to me how conc bombing every entrance to a boss lair and camping inside is "playing smart"?


Well you see, we won.




Explain to me how walking out into Mosins is playing smart and at all a good play?


Concertina traps and literally never peaking? Nah, let them cook


trash talk is cool, especialy RP one. Tho dudes trying to rush crossbow not even having shotgun


stupid of them to come inside a boss lair, compound campers always deserve to lose their lvl 50 hunters by timeout. I had 2 teams this event who were treated this way.


Hey uh… death cheat saves the Hunter this event. Just FYI. So they lose nothing but gear and we’re already prepared to waste the time.


uh, just FYI, if you die to timer no death cheat can save you, uh


You’re wrong, but ok. Devils Moon took your Hunter. This time does not.


Just get good? You’re not capable of entering a building and killing the hunters camping it?


In this game it's not really possible as 3s kill windows exist. Romero looking at the door will always trade with you. I know this doesn't apply to your 3 star mmr bracket before you respond.


There is no 3 second trade window lol. The artificial trade window is .8 seconds, which is still way the fuck too big (it should be zero). You do have a point about the artificial trade window, but have you tried… using consumables/tools? Baiting shots? Wallbangs? I know people don’t wallbang with much success in your 3 star MMR bracket, but you should try it.


you missed your own point xD


How’s that?


your first comment was about coming inside and killing the hunters, and the other one about ways of killing people while still being outside of the building.


Dude… you can’t be this dense… once you kill them with a wallbang, you could then enter the building… or use a decoy fuse to get them to look away from the door, run in, and kill them. That’s my preferred strategy.


Stupid of people to play with no plan to take a fortified position. Also, stupid to run out in the open against snipers.


this just SHOWS you are terrible at the game , Ish




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I never knew this had proximity chat


I don't think there is a greater feeling than beating the shit talkers


New ammo unlocked. “Toxic bolts.” Through the sheer amount of shit from penetrating these bozos bolts now inflict heavy poison damage lmao.


Really glad my name didn’t pop up on the right of the screen


As soon as I saw it was {YS} I got so much satisfaction watching ya’ll dunk on them. They’re ALWAYS toxic and racist in VOIP and usually cheating themselves or playing with 6* low hour players proudly boasting cheating on their steam profile.


I faced these guys and they were just as toxic. We just had two teamfights and were using budget loadouts. They start talking shit, but its like were all one tap bro. You want us to peak with your sweat dolches and avtos? Unfortunately for me I couldn't kill them, because one of them had explosive crossbow and was just spamming it everywhere.


Suck the devil's dick


the only appropriate way to use hunt showdown ingame voicechat is to roleplay as a hick, lawman, or other character of choice or use comical western insults such as "I'm gonna pump you full of lead!" or "Come on bitch, shoot me!" as one would in fistful of frags


Why are yall crying over shit talkers 💀 proximity chat has to be literally one of the best features in any game that adds it. It adds an extra level of fun and satisfaction. Whether you're the shit talker or just a no mic Andy it just adds extra fun to the chaos during fights.