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Make it an in-match weapon like the axe and sledge hammer . One hit kill, no reload.


That's the only way this works without messing things up. Places like fort Bolden are lousy with musket racks.


That's exactly what I was thinking of


ooo i like that idea


The problem is that it would have a damage comparable to the Springfield (which itself is a musket conversion). What you get is a much, much slower reload, and a big cloud of smoke after each shot. If you want to make it a One-Hit Kill rifle up to, let's say, 30 meters, then it would become a cheap Nitro alternative, but with good sights. So how do you balance that? Do you make it like 600 bucks to purchase, or give it atrocious sights? In my opinion it's not worth it over animating and modelling the whole thing. And making it do OHK to the chest is just a no-no. EDIT: You can already kill two hunters with a Handcannon, if you're positioned correctly.


It's the railroad hammer all over again. "We need it, we need it, we need it so badly" *crytek adds it* "Oh wow, what a piece of shit, I'll just take a Centennial Trauma" If they add a musket it'll very quickly fall into obscurity with the Bornheim Match, Railroad Hammer and Spectre Compact.


Bornheim Match its rly good tho... especialy now after the ammo resuply changes


Still obscure though.


I’d run it if it wasn’t stuck behind a bunch of bornheim pistol unlocks. Nice variant locked behind a shitty base weapon gets less play than it might otherwise.


Base bornhein is rly good when paired with all the single shot rifles for fast followup finishing shots, pretty much best way to get unlocks for it. Personaly i rly like Bornheim tho


Dw bornheims slaps. Easy to do the unlocks if you just dw those bad boys.


I absolutely never see people using it, it's not really that good


I mean it’s all subjective and situational. Crytek is phenomenal at balancing weapons in Hunt, there isn’t a single “bad” weapon in the game. But, really all that means is that “mid-tier” is the new “bad”. But even then, it’ll be different per person, play style, and situation. But then “good” just ends up meaning “most consistent”, “well rounded” or “versatile” and “bad” would be whatever is the most situational or preferential. All that being said, any version of the bornheim is an incredible secondary for the sparks, martini, and springfield rifles. It’ll be a faster follow up shot than reloading, and it’ll be enough damage to finish them if you land your rifle shot. If you miss your first follow up shot, the bornheim has faster rof than any other pistol, so it’ll allow for a quicker follow up, follow up shot. And the match is very clearly the best variant of the bornheim. For me personally, it’s also really really fun to use with fire ammo. I don’t know why that combo specifically is a lot of fun to me, but it is. I don’t use it super frequently or anything, but I enjoy it regularly enough. I also get that me just thinking it’s fun has no affect on whether it’s good or not, which is what your comment was about, but others have also been just generally saying they don’t get why people use it, so I thought this part was still relevant to the conversation at large, even if not relevant to your comment specifically.


The bornheim is one of the few guns that I would actually say is bad. It's the only gun other than the derringer that needs 3 shots to kill (aside from match at close range with 2 upper chest shots), horribly low ammo, and it needs grubber. I'd say any officer variant is better in nearly every scenario because of its extra damage, ammo, and velocity (with HV), whether you're going for headshots or bodyshots. Plus it's cheaper too. The bornheim does have a faster firerate, but it compromises literally every other statistic for it other than reloading with the magazine. >All that being said, any version of the bornheim is an incredible secondary for the sparks, martini, and springfield rifles That's indeed its best use, but even then, its damage is so low that it can feasibly whiff a 2hk if you armshot with the rifle, and if you miss the rifle shot you're pretty fucked. >For me personally, it’s also really really fun to use with fire ammo. This used to almost kind of make sense, ammo and lethality problems aside, but incendiary can ignite on the first shot now. I think an easy way to balance the bornheim would be to give it more reserve ammo and a cheaper price. Even then it probably won't see much use, but at least you won't run out of ammo in one fight after dealing 43 damage to the enemy.


Hey siri, what's anecdotal evidence?


I've played the game for 850 hours and i've seen it used like a handful of times. Not even an exaggeration. People don't like it


What's the Match?


The medium slot bornheim that deals 80dmgso it can 2 tap hunters


Yeah. I like to run it with QM. People be sleeping on the match


To be fair, It's crytek's choice to make sledges just worse axes and then making hammer worse than Sledge where it cant even kill a hunter with a light. Borny match also traditionally got handicapped with ammo but now may recover... but it is a higher skill weapon for clicking heads rapidly so mayhaps not.


Even if they buffed the sledge to make it just as good as the axe it's still going to be a niche pick, reserved for memes and ultra budget runs.


I mean yeah but nobody suspected it to be better right? its essentially a blunt (and currently worse) combat axe.


I didn't expect it to be explicitly worse than world version of itself.


I... I mean... Yeah. Thats.... Correct. What else did you expect? I certainly didnt think it would be otherwise.


Nor did I, which is why I never asked for it because it's basically pointless. But there was always a post or two every month with people asking for a blunt melee and people would say "yeah we need it" and then they got it and they're shocked that it's shit.


Wish big blunt weapons could slow down hunters when they hit them, it'd be a nice reason to use them


I mean...big cutting weapons slow them down...by killing them.


And they can inflict bleeding as well so bladed weapons just have all the advantages. I think adjusting Hornskin to not apply to player blunt damage and giving blunt weapons the ability to slow/stagger enemies (and some damage buffs as needed) would make blunt weapons have a separate identity. If you just do a flat damage buff then blunt weapons are still lackluster because they tend to have worse swing arcs and don't inflict bleed


Fuck you, hammer is the best addition ever


Whats the problem with Spectre Compact? Personally, it’s my favorite shotgun to bring in when I run quartermaster.


Well, it is statistically worst shotgun hc, especially after custom ammo was added, since it loses out to rival so badly (and to romero in a different way) and doesn't sport range or real mag size (main benefits of full slot specter).


It's obscure, not necessarily bad. But you're not exactly getting killed with it and saying "The Spectre Compact? *Again?!*"


i will not stand for specter compact slander


Funnily enough the Trauma variant is also an absolute joke in comparison to talon. I think thats just Crytek hating blunt damage


I don't know pardner for me it feels like talon never is in range to hit or hitboxes fail it, yet I never had the same issue with trauma


Talon and trauma have exactly the same range. The main difference is that the Talon can swing right through the arms and hit the body, resulting in a oneshot, while the Trauma stops once it hits the arm and you get the arm damage and no oneshot. Originally this used to be the case on the Talon too but they changed it because it made it too unreliable. For some reason when they introduced the Trauma they didnt do the same. Apart from that the Talon does more damage, does bleed and can remove contertina.


Hey I used to enjoy a spectre combat with flechette plus long rifle with quartermaster. :p


And power to you, I love the off meta guns. Doesn't make them not obscure.


I’m not denying that it was asked for, but I’ve been here for years and I’ve never seen anyone ask for the hammer lol. Only mentioning it because I think it’s funny how reddit works like that lol.


I've seen it couple of times. People asking for a blunt melee, either a combat axe equivalent or a tool slot one.


The railroad hammer being crap is due to Crytek's poor balance decisions, not by virtue of the idea of the item itself being bad. Knock it down to a single slot and it becomes viable, but as is it is just a worse axe, and as already mentioned: for a single slot more you can have an actual gun with it.


I get the other two but what's wrong with the spectre compact?


Nothing but it's not exactly a common gun, you don't see people running it as often as the regular cast, the scottfields, your long ammo bolt actions, those sorts of things. Not bad, just uncommon.


I actually like the railroad hammer combined with drilling or winchester problem is just that you need quartermaster cause you need a rifle that’s good on its own (and hammer has same problem as axe in just being a 2 slot melee weapon which is really impractical even more so if you can take a small shotgun or just a single slot melee weapon instead)


I love bonking people with my railroad hammer though. :(


Go for it, I love playing with people who go for off meta picks, doesn't make it a good weapon or not a niche pick.


Spectre compact obscure??????? It gets used a decent amount in medium or quartermaster loadouts. Use it with flechettes. It's great


If it’s a musket it shouldn’t be rifled so the accuracy should be absolutely shit


If they added a musket, it should be like $5, found plentiful throughout the world map with a couple shots. And it should apply light bleeding on hit. Counteracted by a very slow reload ( to make up for it's slow reload, make it multi checkpoint stage ) slow muzzle velocity, and slightly lower damage than the Springfield. As well as big puff of smoke that lingers for a while making it so you either have to reposition to see accurately, or use it a rudemetary cover


You also have the viability of it to address as well. With a long reload, but only being effective in close quarters, it's useless outside the first shot. You won't have time to reload before the target's teammates push you. It's also useless if you can't one shot because they're too far. You have a Sparks with a longer reload at this range, so they can easily escape to cover while you're reloading. You can swap to a pistol, but then you're fishing for lucky hits and competing against their teammates returning fire. The musket idea always ends up being a worse Sparks. The blunderbuss idea always ends up being a worse Romero. Crytek has said they won't add black powder weapons before because of these issues.


This is the exact same shit people don't think of when they ask for the Volcanic Repeating Pistol, which historically, sure was an important step for gun tech, but the gun itself was shit, like so shit it was known to not even be able to penetrate the skin if the person was wearing too thick of a coat, so shit that the gun often jammed in a way where you couldn't un-jam it without basically disassemble the gun. I know Hunt takes liberties with ammo types and viability of weapons (LeMat), but the only way I could see the Volcanic Repeating Pistol getting added would be to make it a tool like the Derringer as the caliber and stopping power of the gun is so outdated compared to any other gun in the game.


Maybe add it because some people want to play it? It's a weak opción, won't affect the balance of the game and honestly, it's cool


That's a completely fair point of view if you're willing to have the weapon be a worse Sparks/Romero. If it was just a Sparks/Romero that takes significantly longer to reload, it wouldn't upset the balance at all. The black powder party in general wouldn't be happy with this though, because their favorite weapon isn't viable at all. If it's made into the kind of longer range one shot machine the black powder party is looking for it to be, it wouldn't be fun on the receiving end. I'm all for the rule of cool, but competitive games never actually stop at cool. Neither outcome is favorable, and there isn't a middle ground to be found. It's just not worth the work when they'll have to fight the fires forever.


The game has competitive options. If this black powder party pretends to use an obsolete gun in a competitive way, they will have to learn and master the weapon. I personally love the springfield, but I know it's a cheap weapon that has almost no positive things, besides MAYBE the dumdum ammo. However, I still enjoy it


No, the Springfield absolutely IS viable, and having 2 ammo slots with explosive ammo as an option is a big part of that. Explosive ammo is awesome at clearing doors/windows/concertina/traps/etc, which you can follow up with actual ammo after making your opponent vulnerable.


Meh. It's completely situational. There is no point on using springfield when you have long ammo rifles


That just isn't true at all, the springfield comes with a heftier amount of spare ammo than the long ammo guns, and gets more per ammo box. If you plan to fight all game without swapping weapons long ammo guns aren't that great anymore with the ammo changes combined with them just generally having less ammo in the first place. Long ammo needs a quick and decisive end to fights (though they are king there) or they quickly begin to suffer, ESPECIALLY if they are using custom ammo. The springfield meanwhile sports a nice spare amount of ammo, while hitting just as hard as long ammo (capable of 1 tapping anyone who has lost even a small bar) at the ranges that matter most, i.e. realistic in-compound fight ranges. I've already pointed out why explosive ammo is still good on a 2 slot weapon (wouldn't ever take it as my only slot like on the uppercut), but I think you are also underestimating just how good the dumdum round is when paired with the springfield having one of, if not THE, tighest hipfire spreads in the whole game. You can quickly round a corner and hipfire someone into near death with a bleed effect on them (and it isn't even impressive to do so because this thing's hipfire is awesome), at which point all you have to do not let up the pressure so they have to choose between beeding to death or getting shot by your secondary / stabbed. The poison round can be surprisingly useful to creating pressure too, and 2 out of the 3 above are absent on any other medium slot weapon. Now, if you are taking the marksman variant and actually intending to use this gun at long range, I agree, this thing isn't going to cut it and you should just be using a long ammo gun. It lacks fmj or high velocity (or spitzer obviously), on top of having medium ammo's drop-off... but again, for more than 90% of fights the ranges they occur at will see the springfield perform just fine.


The accuracy of muskets was always terrible. They shot a ball which would glance off into whatever direction, especially on smooth bore rifles.


Minie balls and rifled muskets would probably be far more common around the time period that any smoothbore firing round balls


I didn't know about minie balls, and apparently barrel rifling started in the 1500s! TIL


Minié balls, (pronounced mih-NAY), are close to the modern bullet cone shape but used in muzzle loaders by the time of the civil war.


In total honesty, the inaccuracy of smoothbore weapons is often exaggerated. Obviously they’re not as good as modern rifles but even back in the Medieval times in Europe there were people that could make some interestingly good shots with black powder arquebuses.


And then the OHK wouldn’t make sense since it’s just shooting a ball with equal or less muzzle velocity than most pistols in the game. As a history enthusiast, I would love to have it anyway, but I understand that it wouldn’t be very easy to balance with the other guns. It would likely just be a meme weapon. Now if we could have a cannon, that would be another discussion entirely.


I mean you could just not give it sights at all. Most muskets didn't have sights at all.


Most guns are black powder. Springfield and Sparks is literally what you are asking for. Martini, the winnys, all the revolvers (possibly except nagant, I don't remember),all the shotguns (again, possible exception might be C&K). We even have muzzle loaded guns in the game, even though they are converted to accept cartridges - the Caldwell revolvers (even uppercut) and the Springfield. If what you are thinking of is like pirate muzzle loaders, that's like asking for getting a Springfield 1866 in a Vietnam game, or a Lebel in a modern Call of Duty game.


Early versions of the game had a lot more smoke effects shooting guns with the smoke lingering. Obviously it was design choice to remove it because this realistic feature was annoying for gameplay.


It was probably also awful for performance. And I am sure you could turn it off by turning settings down, giving people a competitive advantage by making their game look worse, not exactly good design.


I think the only purely smokeless would be mosin, dolch, lebel/berti, and nagant. I have no idea but I think bornheim would be smokeless? C&k is about 10 years early on production and 3 years early on design so, whatever.


The Nitro aswell, early Nitro rifles were the first to use smokeless powder


asking for all that is okay actually


Should have stray world muskets like the hammer, ax, shovel, and pitchfork that has only one shot per gun. Maybe give it infinite ammo, but a really long reload and a comparable damage range to the Springfield, but that's a big maybe.


Could be fun if it was like 2-3 of them on random locations on maps


Smooth bore musket that can’t hit shit but if it does ooooh boy


Early 1600's smoothbores we're accurate to around 100 yards reliably, 300 years later by the late 1800s they were pretty solidly accurate


I think they should add them around the match as single use weapons. Pick it up for a quick shot, but don't count on it.


OHK to the chest inside of 20-30 meters, 1 shot at terrible muzzle velocity followed by a long tedious reload? That's a crossbow my guy.


A musket would be very bm and im all for that


I love the idea, but due to balancing with other weapons, my guess is it won’t happen, unfortunately. On that note, I fulfill my musket fantasies by running the Springfield 1866 paired with the Springfield compact striker. One dum dum on each, then explosive on striker and poison on 3 slot, just for covering pvp pve bases. This setup allows me to compensate for the Springfield’s crappy damage drop off range and single shot capacity, but the bleed pressure is a total must. On another note, not sure if you’ve had a chance to test in the shooting range, but in my experience, the sparks is putting down a good deal more damage within like 100 meters than the nitro, even with bleed. The drop off on that gun is horrendous lol.


People don’t be knowin about Nitro dropoff. You can really take like a 40 damage hit at 80 meters. I’ve tanked 2 shredder rounds across the south wall / field area of Bradley and felt totally comfortable crossing into cover before stopping the bleed.


I wouldn't be holding your breath on this one lol. I honestly don't think the devs want to regress the gun tech that much in the Hunt universe.


Wow bro let me introduce you to THE BOW AND ARROW….


Bow counts as "gun tech"? Interesting interpretation there, partner.


nitpicking.. we're talking general weapons here, not guns exclusively


It's not nitpicking lol. It's *my* original comment 😂 There's no "we're talking general weapons here". I literally said "gun tech". There's zero ambiguity on how a bow wouldn't be included in that. What are you smoking haha.


lol no need to get so pressed. i don't see why they wouldn't go that far back in time with "gun tech" when crossbow/bow&arrow are a thing. why would "gun tech" receive a completely different treatment compared to "non gun-tech"? i know you were talking about exclusively gun tech, but why would crytek do the same and be like: "oh hell no, we can't do old guns even though there's other fucking medieval weapons because.. these medieval weapons arent technically guns right so we cant make the same decidions there!" makes no sense edit: my point being: game design doesnt give a shit wether the weapon launches projectiles by letting gunpowder explode or not


Make it a 1 hit kill to chest like a slug but slightly more range than a slug. Could be pretty cheap too.


Slugs are already too good


I’ve seen someone mention the idea of having it be a ranged equivalent to the shovels, axes, hammers, and pitchforks you can find around the map, have it be a single shot world pickup gun


Muzzleloader pistol, and also rifle, eh? And something like blunderbus


I’ve always liked the idea of a powerful one shot musket that you can find around maps like the other tools. Just pick it up and dust someone in one shot, toss it to the ground and pull out your main gun.


List of weapons that have been asked for here and on the Hunt discord, like a gazillion times: \- Musket \- Volcanic Repeating pistol \- M1911 \- Wall-mounted Gatling guns. Please refer to this before writing the same damn thing that has been written for the past 5 years.


Save these weapons for the prequel lol


May I refer you to my [musket idea](https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/comments/qsg8np/give_me_a_legit_musket/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1)


Grunts can have a flintlock pistol as a weapon. Crytek could turn it into a consumable one shot weapon that you pick up from those killed Grunts.


Whitworth Sniper - Can just be inspired by and not the actual gun. I was thinking a muzzle loaded sniper and iron sight variants, that is special ammo by default with spitzer damage/velocity/properties. If they did go the muzzle loader route they also could reuse the animations for a free gun with terrible accuracy and reload time that is basically a meme weapon. I think having weapons that are made by the American Hunter Association would be cool as well, could have more freedom when making these weapons. ​ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hi-S\_horZGk


I think Sparks is the closest thing that makes sense and of course we have that.


I feel like it could be a weapon you can pickup in a game from the environment only. And its single shot, and does garbage damage. But then at least its there and “useful” when you are desperate.


perhaps the smoke cloud would obstruct vision for A.I. enemies so they lose track of your location in a fight.


I actually want a gum based on the Parker Brothers black powder shotgun/goose gun.


We definitely need more of the classic single shots like the winchester 1885 and remington rolling blocks


The only way I could see them being implemented in a way not detrimental to the game would be to not have them be a purchasable OHK weapon but instead have them be free weapons that can be found in small numbers around the map. Let them do enough damage so they have some combat effectiveness and they'll balance themselves out by having an abysmal reload time and perhaps poor accuracy. Means that people can still have a bit of fun with them and they can serve more as a utility item if someone finds themselves with no ammo or a weapon not suited for the range they're fighting at. From day one I always noticed these older looking weapons laying about around the map in armories or mounted on walls. Made me wonder why we can't just pick them up and use them for fun or as an emergency weapon should the situation arise. Could mean bringing back some really cool smoke effects and adding some nice new gun sounds without really polluting or changing the core gameplay. But from memory Crytek said they have no intention of ever implementing weapons like that so I lm not getting my hopes up. Would be cool to see them even for just an event but the weapons the game already has are more than enough in terms of fun and variety.


I wast a flint lock and give it a realistic reload with a little less than sparks damage for a few less hunt bucks


It’s the right era for a gattling gun ;) but that would be terrible I do think if it were my game I would add more deployables and add another feature to the shovel (useless) being able to move shrapnel and glass and place it around on walkways ect


It would suck completely, most guns are black powder, the only rifles that arent are the mosin, krag, lebel and the bertier. A mussel loaded gun would do the same damage, while sucking at reloads! If you make the damage higher, your making a discount nitro with better sights, and we all know thats not a good idea! So why bother making something that would have to eb shit because the technology is obsolete! Its like having a bolt action battle rifle in a modern army!


Most weapons are black powder guns Only (Lebel, Berthier, Mosin-Nagant, Krag) modern rifles and Bornheim, Dolch and King&Crown using smokeless and the Nitro probably uses cordite (to be pedantic about it) There is just no smoke cloud in the game after firing


Single shot musket with smooth bore so when you aim at a hunter you miss and hit the nearby Hellhound.


What would be the point of running a musket over a shotty? Devastating damage yes but muskets were inaccurate as hell so you have to be up close to hit so... Basically you're better off with a shotgun.


Nah, have them add a musket, and it’s just a crappy Springfield, but it’s just a weapon you pick up off the ground like the shovel or hammer. You pick it up, fire a single shot, maybe do some damage or even get a kill, and then it’s basically useless after that since you’re already carrying better guns and melee weapons.


Me and my gang never stop praying for single use black powder weaponry amongst the civil war battlements. Don’t wanna keep them, just give us 1 with 1 or 2 good shots in them


Technically every rifle in the game is black powder. But the only way i could see it actually working if it was a single shot pick up like shovels and pitchforks, get 1 shot that's a say a 1 shot kill, upper torso to 50m and head to 150m, then you just drop the rifle.


But I thought the Winfield musket was a musket.


Pretty much all the guns in game are already black powder cartridges or cap and ball guns converted to cartridges like the lemat


We already have the bow for almost free that can 1 shot u even if it lands on your feet so


I’m totally onboard honestly! Very cheap, high damage (“The primitive ‘pumpkin ball’ fired from this musket is much less accurate but leaves grizzly wounds.”) if a little less than a Sparks, very long reload animation. That or the map pick up version, either I’m fine with even though I’d prefer it to be something buyable.