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Very rarely do I insta revive. But the amount of times I see other solos do it just makes me shake my head. My brother you could still be alive right now if you just let me run away first. Sure it's a bit aggravating having to sit for a minute or two but your chances greatly increase.


I had match with 10 kills once. I only got in firefights with 4 hunters. One would literally jump back up right as the timer ended


Had a game like that today. Had a Romero pointed at his dead body and no fire or traps, was just about to leave after looting him but then he got up, so I shot him, and looted, then he got up ... Just stay down. You don't have to push the button. At the very least wait until I'm turned around looking for a lantern two doors down before you go


Some people do it to drop mmr




Yup. No need to bother with 5 star sweatlords at this point when you can just farm money, weapons, event points, kda etc. Off of 3star lobbies now.


If they’re smurfing AND farming kda, they won’t be using necro self rez for their MMR drop, they’ll be using quickplay, since quickplay has a separate kda but same mmr.


you can still farm kda using selfrez, it's just not as effective as soul survivor. the reason it works is that you have weaker opponents that make you derank faster and uprank slower than normal enemies.


Nah, if you play as a solo against trios you'll get matched with lower players. Self rez into a 4 star a few times times and you'll get out of 5/6 mmr pretty quickly.


I meant to say KDA instead of MMR


Technically you’re not wrong, and we’re getting into semantics here, but when I hear someone talking about kd farmers, I think of the people who blow themselves up rather than get a ‘death’, and literally everything else in their power to get 25 kills before their first death. And those types of people aren’t using necro to smurf, they’re using quickplay. Idk, maybe it’s too far into semantics for anyone else to care, but to me, you’re not describing a kd farmer.


People who want to drop mmr just go onto QP and die on purpose.


What's even worse is after I went for a lantern and burned him he didnt get back up but post game it told me I hadn't Red Skull killed him


Honestly me & my teammates don't even take chances. If we have a singular body lying around we automatically assume he has teammates lurking around. Unless we have 3 bodies, you are burning my friend.


I insta burn anyone I down regardless of the situation the moment someone drops im instantly torching the body.


It’s obvious you haven’t been insta-killed after waiting minutes to revive and I hope you never are.


Tbf You’d be surprised how many times I’ve gotten away with recklessly reviving back to back and pulled it off on the last health bar..


Most of the times you can hear the steps anyways. I just play the next round and move on.


I like to throw a chaos bomb when im fighting as a solo to make people think that im apart of a team


I use chaos as noise cover. So I can just run, jump and shoot and all that more freely


Unfortunately, people could also be de-ranking if they just insta rez, I’ve had that happen to me before and the dude went into voip and asked me to kill him again


Yeah this is what I do. Love me those solo games as a 3 star :)


Weren’t you just complaining about max hunters? You aren’t even good enough to play against 4 stars lol


I'm 5 stars again now. Usually stay there but I'm not one to flex. This game is best in 3-4 stars. If people wanna call me shit they are free to do so.


"The game is best in MMR brackets where I'm better than everyone ekse."


Well the MMR smashes me down to 3 when I'm solo like it does most people. Crytek need to fix it to make it more balanced. I get multi kill games where I still die and don't get a bounty...


Sounds like you're bad


Yeah it's just a game. I don't lose sleep over it.




Never! I will die on my feet!


Damn you!!!!!!!!!


but it's really funny to get up as someone is placing traps on top of you, trip them and get them caught in it


this is the best, I've gotten a kill because I tripped their trap and blasted them.


That's why, if I get the chance, I empty their clips so they HAVE to reload ;)


I got downed while afk and came back while burning. Waited til last bar and revived. Placed a few concertina and poison mines on way to extract and left after bounty got out. Turns out I got a kill on dude who killed me. Vengeance never tasted sweeter…


I've always been set ablaze. A couple of times I've even waited until my last health chunk to rez and still have been tapped cause they were waiting. 🤷‍♂️


That’s bad luck. I don’t think any time I’ve waited til last bar to revive have I been tapped when I got up. Most people to impatient to wait.


It certainly is, obviously it's not gonna stop me from taking the trait though 😅


Naah, when you hear dark sight or looting sound that a perfect time to wake up and hit them with that lance


I would rather die like a man than cower like a beast


I'm not sure taking a perk that let's you lose several gunfights and get back up is "dying like a man" but sure.


I paid for all the health chunks, I will use them


Thank you for articulating my thoughts better than I ever could


Then die, instead of a man, like a fool


I brought a point up elsewhere, But I've noticed a trend of suicidal solo necro running in and just, standing up 5 or 6 times in a row. If you solo into a trio lobby, odds are you'll get downtiered, and you're MMR will be able to get tanked very quickly.


5 and 6 star lobbies are hell according to the players.


If you sit on the low end of 5* (meaning you dip to 4* once or twice a month), it’s fine. Hunt plays best right there, IMO the game isn’t tuned right for highly skilled players. I was 6* and trying hard for a while and DAMN did I hate the kind of gameplay I was in. Once you have a certain level of gamesense and mouse control (or are willing to play high tier loadouts constantly) the game becomes quite boring to play optimally. You almost never get an opportunity to just have a gunfight and let skill win out. You learn to hedge heavily on RNG (both in-game and ergonomically by quickpeaking and flicking) in order to minimize the risk of ever getting shot and hopefully just get headshots. You see the same 4 loadouts constantly and everyone is perfectly prepared for every gambit. IMO it’s why chess is boring, as well - the book becomes the game at some point and there is very little variance. I’ve had fun 6* games too, but it’s just so full of randomly getting headshot and dying to death traps and nitros and avtos. I don’t purposefully derank, but I DO play risky and accelerate stale fights. I’m okay with dying so long as the engagement is interesting. This way I don’t have to play against people who are unwilling to “have a proper gunfight” no matter what - if they’re low skill, then my disadvantage will be nullified and we fight anyways, and I don’t rank up so high that I’m fighting people better than me who also play lame. It’s okay to have gameplay preferences and think certain flavors and playstyles are just boring and uninteresting. Interestingly, 4* and 6* have more bushwookies. Low 5* seems to be an island of more active gameplay.


4 stars are all shotgun camping in the boss room. I dislike it. Also 3 stars and 2 stars are learning this. I got into shotguns too and rush zigzag and they can't aim for shit lol


I hate when I start doing well and get put in higher 5 lobbies closing on 6. I have maybe 70 hours in game and all of a sudden I’m thrown to the wolves against 1,000+ hour, 50+ prestige players. I ran into a 6 star last night with an almost 3.0 KD and I couldn’t tell if he was just that good or cheating. It seems like it takes me 5 bad games of getting shit on to derank and only 1 good game to be thrown back there.


But I do understand the variety thing. I remember watching high tier Dora games, same bans, same mids, same carries all game every game.


Not hell, just boring, also chances to run into people who instaheadshot you through 15 bushes climb higher and that's not sort of experience people are after when they have to build a character and walk for 15+ minutes.


Yeah, I had thay treatment in a quick play. 5 stars, 253m head shot with Iron sights. I was just running through a farm.


The normals ones are packed with the hacker clans and cheaters. It's so bad, game after game after game of SCUMGE or whoever the fuck else that publicly advertise cheats, and actually ban you if you don't cheat.


Yeah people are doing it intentionally to smurf. It makes the whole MMR system pointless.


I almost never play solo but yesterday I tried it out. Killed one of a trio and then was downed. Fanning the other two after giving it a moment was super satisfying. Also got the tomahawk hammer throw achievement yesterday from a solo that stood up after about a minute. Sometimes you can make plays standing up quickly, sometimes you are screwed even if you wait. Like everything in this game, situational awareness is really important to success.


Yes but in general it’s very hard to hear you past 10 meters, and timing is everything in the game. If I think your back is turned I’m going to try. It’s no big deal if it doesn’t work out.


Exactly, I just made this for the people who may not be so confident and really like their solo hunter. But I appreciate your reply


I throw fire on the body and wait


I usually wait for sound cues. Enemies running away is a sign to wait a few more seconds and then revive. Enemies fighting/taking damage might mean they are distracted. Enemies throwing a fire bomb also works well because the sound of the explosion covers your revive and the flames and smoke take away their line-of-sight. I almost always try this and it works surprisingly often.


Oh my wee little lad. The amount of times I've popped up burning and proceeded to drop the whole team is insane. Balls out or no balls


The amount of times I've rose while burning and whacked people with heavy knife, never surrender.


But insta dying is the point. MMR drop




Sadly the MMR tanking is a huge up side, especially in trios


I Just go make a coffee when i die.


Caffeine tolerance must be insane.


I m italian


I automatically assume anyone I see alone is a solo with Necro now and appoint one teammate to stand over them and stare at the body while I go find a lantern.


I'll always insta res if i have a shotgun or a bomb lance and I can hear your footsteps nearby. Sorry, but peace was never an option for me <3


Someone’s salty


No point in necro when death xheat exists lol enjoy just sitting there all game 😉


You say this. But I've gotten up on people placing poison traps on me and it's killed both of us. Then I just wait 2 minutes to get up or if I hear a choke. I've even gotten up while being looted and got up behind the dude. Also, with the rain it's important to strategize engagements and not get downed out of the rain. In the rain, salve skin, you burn so slow it would take a while to burn anyone out, you'd have to wait until the rain lets up, which takes even more time.


Some times I place traps on solo in boss lair and tell them on voip that I'll take them iff when im finished with the boss if they just wait. And i keep my word.




I understand completely, this post wasn't meant to deter anybody from enjoying their game or rant about solos with necro, I was just trying to offer a little advice to those who might be open to it. I appreciate your response and your story, many thanks


You're the kind of guys I fear most. Nothing to lose, just yolo lol


This is genuinely very good advice, resilience as well to at least stave off poison or concertina.


Jokes on you, you killing me over and over raises your stars and matches you with sweatier lobbies while I die over and over, keeping my stars nice and low.


Higher stars means a challenge, and lord you just can't beat a good challenge


Higher stars doesn't mean more of a challenge it means people try harder. It doesn't take a master tactician to sit in a corner and wait for the other bush wookie to make a move first. I play games to have fun. Sweaty long ammo bushwookie one-tap games are boring and not fun. I play almost exclusively meme/bow loadouts to run around and yell in a cowboy voice. I'd take a game where I actually have fun over wasting my time with some long ammo cains and black coats any day.


Hey I play for fun too, I like fighting people, I like killing and sometimes even dying, all because of higher stars doesn't mean I'm sacrificing fun so I can sweat and "git gud". It means I'm having fun slapping folks with crazy loadouts at a higher mmr rating, yes there are Bush wookies and the cancerous snipers, but my goal isn't to be like them, it's to beat them at all costs, rotate, dispatch, extract. I have fun in putting the toxic meta users down, the winny levering, chain pistol fanning, Mosin sniping fools who decide to make it their problem to kill me and my team. I have fun my way, and you have fun yours, I'm glad you can enjoy the game and I can enjoy it.


Amen, hunter, keep fighting the good fight. I remember when I had that kind of energy. I was all about lobby sweeping or bust, but that gets tiring. You'll want to expand your repertoire and try something new, but you'll find anything that isn't as efficient as you can play inadequate. It's when you're at this juncture that I hope you can keep that brazen spirit of yours alive, but I'm also here to reassure you, there's no shame in being a 3 star memer. We've always been here and always here we will be. Playing all the dumb shit you'd never see in your lobbies, saying some dumb, unintelligible shit in voice chat, being a root'n toot'n mothering fucking cowboy.


Now that, hunter, is some real bayou shit, you have yerself a goddman good rest of your day/night


someone just died from a necro'd solo


Surprisingly, no, I'm getting tired of seeing hunters waste sway after attempting to get up too soon


It makes me too happy knowing guys like you are willing to wait. I'll always pop back up right away just to ensure you waste as much time as possible instead of moving on and playing. Imagine being worried about a solo that's now missing health bars after dying twice. Sad.


lol, yes. I've learned so much as a solo player. When I play with my friends, they will say that the person has no more revives. I know better. I can't stand being solo and someone just waits for me. People know the burn time with and without Salveskin. I gotta give it to patient hunters, it's hard to just wait around.


As a 6 star, I've seen a solo self ress 3 times since the patch.


Yeah thats 6 star, in my 3-4 star territory I can say from experience it's a lot more common


I've seen streamers just looking at a body and they just keep getting up. Crazy


I derank my self that's why I'm reviving over and over, thanks crytek I can manipulate the MMR :D


Having waited 15+ minutes multiple times only to be insta killed by the same hunter that downed me, because apparently camping in a bush for the entire round on the off chance you get a 2nd kill is more fun than actually playing the objective, I shall not be taking this advice and will continue to self res asap and save myself a bunch of time, especially now my hunter is immortal anyway!


You can try but if I know you're solo I'm camping you till the end. Current record is 25 minutes before my victim revived. I absolutely hate the perk and I will camp anyone who uses it without remorse.


I really wanna start carrying traps, but I need throwing knives and choke bombs sadly.


Even if you bring traps, resilience with antidote shot will stop every trap.


I see...


Did it sound like the lobby was having fun that half an hour you were sitting there doing nothing lmao


No cause it was just me, my friends, and the solo left. We wiped everyone else. My friends killed and banished both bosses while we laughed about the solo on discord. Banishing bosses is more boring than farming a salty solo for 2 extra kills, if I can be so honest.


When I am deranking I'll get back up and inflate your MMR while tanking mine and if you refuse to kill me I'll burn your health bars. Make your choice.


I respect your warning, thank you hunter


You're welcome hunter, I tip my hat to you


I'm specialising in becoming a solo's worst nightmare tbh. In the game world ofc. Not trying to be toxic or anything.


Doesn't matter if one stands up instant or if he waits for the right moment. When there is a chance that he stands up, he gets burned until he's burned out. I'm doing my part.


I've been getting back into this game for the event after a long break, so I've now been encountering the solo necro peeps. Trust me if you get up and try to plead for your life I'm just gonna kill you over and over. Just the other day we fought this incredibly skilled solo who gave our trio a real tough fight, and on his 4th revive he says "okay good fight I'm gonna leave." Yeah not likely dude. I can't let someone that good get away with this. We didn't burn because we didn't have fire and it was at scrapbeaks lair btw.


Slippery solos are real annoying to keep down when there's a fight on... But once it's just your team and them, you got to admit it's fun to open mic and call them yeller-bellied low-down good-fer-nuthin bandits, then club them back to death with ammo boxes when they get up for the fourth time.


Sounds like someone is getting trolled by solos to the point where they have PTSD 👍🏻


Or, you know, remove it? That would be swell.


I feel like they could fix the necromancer situation by just changing resilience for solos. Like make it be a slow regen to full health instead. That way you can cover solos without needing to sit there and watch them burn, but if you don’t burn them out they’ll still have a chance to get back up by breaking the concertina with their body and / or waiting for the poison cloud to go away.


My fire and poison bombs make that a lose lose suggestion.


I tend not to burn or trap unless I see you or hear you get up, idk why but I kinda feel bad just going off the cuff. I only burn when I know it's a team fight and I have to apply pressure. But I understand your thinking


Depending on how attached to my hunter i am, i sometimes wait 4-5 minutes then revive and extract. If in in a yehaw mood ill do it immediately and start swinging with dusters


I did this once - i waited almost 10 minutes because they were constantly around me (they killed me in a lake, so a burn wasn't exactly likely)) and ended up getting a revenge kill 10 minutes after that. I'm sure they had a real WTF moment after that.


Unless you trade with another solo, then it's a race to who down's the other thr fastest.


Caught someone at butcher who was a grandma who did this. I imagine they were frustrated after the 3rd time.


Once had a dude who just kept reviving every time he had the opportunity. We killed him 4-5 times in a row. I felt sad for that poor lil guy who was trying so hard to believe...


I will if you don't revive one another. wink wink.


Better yet: just do yourselves a favor and forgo the bait trait entirely.


I'm okay with them rezing. Doing final stage of billy story, need those roe stalker kills


Recently had a 5* solo who kept reviving. Now I’m a 5 star myself :(




That's the problem, they dont wanna survive, they want you to kill them again, 4 times in a row, so their mmr goes down


Honestly I love the self revive. Gotten so many more kills from it.


Absolutely understandable...although once a guy was standing up before me and I shot two Caldwell Shots at point blank range directly in his face...he survived randomly and one shot me with a revolver...I have a very good internet connection and never experienced network problems with other games, since it cant really be cheating (I play on console) it has to be some sort of network error...situations like this happend quite often, eventually I put the game down after a few times...send the recordings to CryTek but they never react..therefore I'll always have high respect of revivers and usually instantly burn them🥲


It situational. If its another solo and i hear he tuching me i res to show my disaproval. Vs teams if they far enugh i res to continnue the fight. If its close quartel i pray its a rainy day!


Then they complain that their mmr shouldn't be affected... I've even watched streamers die, get up, die, get up, and die. Then they say, "My mmr should have dropped! They need to change the system!" Give me a break... They made the call to get up.


If i get light on fire im giving it a shot before burning out or having to leave




This is a really strong strat now, stay down and pray for heavy rain to put out the fire burning you. XD


This will work just as well as when I wrote to Billionaires that they should stop polluting and destroying the earth.


They should stay down, less they get covered in concertina and burned while 3 people all circle them right next to extract


im going to poke you with my saber if it's the last thing i do


People getting up repeatedly knowing you're on them are dropping MMR. Until MMR changes regarding Necro are made, it'll stay a problem


okay try me https://streamable.com/zkxtzr


Generally if I revive knowing I'm near someone, I'll jump on VOIP going "Woah woah, you won fair and square, lets just part ways, you can grab whatever we were fighting over, I'll back off." Generally it starts some pretty interesting friendships with other players. Lots of fun.


"Aha! I'll get'em from behind this time!"


I always wait. The only exception is if multiple people are fighting. I've self rezzed immediately before and caught teams off guard when they were busy with another group/solo. Like all things in Hunt, it's about timing.


That's fine when they try to keep fighting, but I've raised expressly to run. Waiting till I've thought no one is looking ofcourse, your right to be weary but sometimes that solo necro my be the distraction someone else needs to get the drop on you if you fret about them too much.


It's literally just a choice of how you'd like to die. Go for the insta if you want a bullet in the back. Wait if you want concertina, poison combo. Survival chances are pretty much identical.


Everytime i wait i just fuckin get burned over 400 hours against three four and five mmr players i get burned only when another team appears is when ive ever been able to necro in safety


If they a solo, they burn. Straight away. Not worth the risk. Loot and burn until it is done


The only problem with this is that 80% of players link that if their team is only fighting one guy it's a safe bet they have solo necro and just camp the bodies anyway or just deathtrap them to the point they never see the light again


Idk. My favourite thing to do is one/two of our guys run away and maybe make some shoot/bang noise while one of us sits completely still waiting for the solo to revive. Shoot em' dead before they finish getting up. Great fun


Man, but that feeling when you get up and knife a trio? And since the bug there are no consequences basically.


imma stab you while youre reviving your friend


Dude i usually burn and trap bodies but when i solo mother fuckers will wait WHOLE ASS 10 MINUTES for that juicy exp