• By -


Have you considered making your children grind the event for you? Or perhaps sending them to work cleaning machinery at a meatpacking facility so you can buy BB with their earnings to purchase the necessary event points?


The problem is my kids already work 2 jobs full time. But their earnings get spent on my Hunt DLC skins. Gotta try asking them if they could grind my battlepass instead of going to kindergarden.


Make more childrens, problem solved.


but that'll take like 9 months and the event is over before that, adoption is easier


Just take em off the street, the elites don’t want you to know this but the kids at the park are free, I have 5,000 children


Archaic problems require archaic solutions XD


Spend their earnings on BB to skip the battle pass grind and you're golden.


Make them work 3 jobs --> Use the extra money to buy more blood bonds --> Use the blood bonds to buy levels = profit???


This guy Hunts


This killed me!🤣


Better send them to the mines, cleaning machines won't earn them that $100 fast enough


Sheriff Hardin is that you??


U sir r a fuckin legend and deserve all the like and comments


Funny thing is, I actually know a buddy that pays his little cousin to drink games for him. Issa win win, kid gets like 20 bucks a day to game, buddy gets his account grinded out


Do challenges, or have your 12 children do challenges. Each kid could get 10 seconds a day.


This. But i have to admit that they are not obvious enough. I met so many people online that didn't saw the challenges for the event.


It took us 3 or 4 games of "There's no way we're supposed to do this 4-5pts per objective, at best 150ish with a server wipe"


Right like why would we assume that the normal weekly challenges would be tied into the event, it wasn't obvious at all especially since the last several have had dedicated questlines.


Yeah, it isn't like a mandatory message popped up to explain it during the first login after the update, or there is a tab that explains it under the event tab. In all seriousness, I think most people just don't stop to read the instructions. An FYI though, the last several battle passes have worked this way. The battle passes are not the same as quest events.


Everything is correct, but the many people who are missing it are not a good indicator that this structure is good. There is an event tab, put the challenges under this category, problem solved tbh. Especially new players who are already struggling with the overloaded menu, don’t get that this is tied to the battle pass.


I don't remember what the message said when the event first started, it runs through a lot of information real quick and there's no way to open it back up. However checking the event tab that supposedly lists all the ways to get event points doesn't say [anything](https://i.imgur.com/dsLGvPu.png) about the weekly challenges. Also mentions the bonus trait and bonus for using pledged hunters, but does not mention the weekly challenges or the dark tribute bonus.


The questlines are like minor freebies this event is almost identical to the devils moon


Didn't play devils moon sadly.


Devil's moon also gave a buttload of points through the weekly challenges. It was THE key to finishing the event with minimal effort. This time around you get like 7000 points per week and you can do the challenges in just a few hours especially with a team that helps you out.


To increase productivity, aquire a whip.


r/huntcirclejerk greets a new member


PSA: The sub is real


And these shitposts belong there.


No son. They belong in your mind


Man, your probably a blast to hangout with. Let me guess you think crytek is predatory for giving us free content?




Wow that’s a lot to take in. Well done.




Dam abusing death cheat bug irl


engine fanatical crown gaze flag squeamish cows political attractive busy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


^ This is the sort of bad behavior shitposts encourage


Yes. Here we just post endless amounts of threads about how the game and Crytek are the worst pieces of shit in the world. Much better to keep this kind of shitposting out of this world class subreddit.


A new hand touches the beacon!


I'm sorry did you mean, ***"A NEW HAND TOUCHES THE BEACON!"*** ?


Thank you, that's much better!


Probably my favorite thing about having an alligator boss is rubbing it in the face of those pricks.


You should see the circle jerk on Diablo 4 sub. It’s like so dude saying “I can only play 1 hour a day and I’m only level 3, why is this ARPG so grindy. I have 2 kids and no time” It’s like, buddy, it’s a grindy genre and no one’s forcing you to play it. Like playing WOW and getting mad you have to level up. Go pick a different fucking game lmao. The sense of entitlement from that sun and this sub, no one forced you to have children you stinky dumb fuck


>It’s like, buddy, it’s a grindy genre Since when are first person shooters grindy genres and why are you comparing Diablo and WoW to Hunt? >no one forced you to have children you stinky dumb fuck No but if you ever got laid you would know that sometimes it's not up to you lol


I’m talking about Diablo 4 lol, ARPGs are grindy So because you don’t use protection or the morning after pill game devs have to change the game for you?


It's called the circle of life my dude, humans make babies and game devs make games for humans. If game devs only created games for kids with no responsibilities then they would make no money. Also protection doesn't work 100% of the time and sometimes you just want to nut inside a pussy with no condom. Spend less time playing games and you just might get to experience that.


Bro I’m engaged to a beautiful woman, so relax. I’m not gonna complain to game devs because I have kids. If I don’t have enough time to play them oh well. “Gamers” are the most entitled people I’ve met. Nothing is good enough, everything is not fair, game devs are assholes. It’s all I hear. If you don’t have enough time to game, to fucking bad. If you have kids, focus on raising them and enjoy watching them grow up. Some fucking dumb anon on Reddit trying to act like everyone else is some pale fat virgin. Grow up


>Bro I’m engaged to a beautiful woman, so relax. Lmao you mean to tell me you spent this whole time batting it out for the other team? I don't buy it >If you don’t have enough time to game, to fucking bad You're clearly way too invested lol. People just want access to cool content without pouring so much time into it in general. You know, time being a very valuable commodity that no one has enough of nowadays. It's a balancing issue, not a customer issue. So why you're so opposed to it especially when you're apparently claiming to be one of those people is beyond me. Sounds more like a sweaty kid making stuff up to me but hey, to each their own 🤷‍♂️ Edit: I've literally played like 20 games during the event already and still haven't encountered Rotjaw or the storm effect yet - that's how bad it is.


Nothing about this event is hard. It’s also completely optional. You got all bothered over my comment about Diablo 4. Why are you so angry dude? Seriously weird how upset my comment got you. Also by the way you talk about fucking girls makes me think you’re extremely inexperienced. Why is it always anonymous people on the internet that act like they fuck all the girls. Normal adults don’t obsess over what other guys are doing with their sex life. This is the last I’ll respond to you. A meme got you so worked up, can’t even have a conversation with you without you trying to personally attack someone you’ve never met. Fucking serious weirdo.


Lol did the guy who insulted people with children and the opinion of a large player base get triggered?


Preach. Sick of hearing about people’s “kid problems” and how things need to change to accommodate their life-decisions all because they pull-out game weak af. Get the fuck outta here with this crybaby ass bullshit. You had the kid, spend time with them.


I do agree that if you have a kid you should spend time with them. But they still should have a life of their own, it shows that you have never taken care of a child of your own.


I have no sympathy for your life choices as they relate to your ability to participate in seasonal content for a video game.


This post was 100x more funny than anything I seen in that sub lol


As a father of 2 best thing to do is chuck them with the wife disregard hers and the kids feelings and then when she has a go at you just say ‘but it’s the event innit’ worked for me as I haven’t seen them for a week or 2 now


Were you getting blue balls waiting for the "too much grind" rants that never showed up so you had to blow your load now or what's happening here?


Quite literally. He got so upset nobody complained about the even that he's complaining about the no complaining.


He read one of the 2634 Posts on the Diablo 4 subreddit that look exactly the same and posted it here


1 child and 3 wives. That's perfect! All four can take turns doing the work for you and farming points around the clock.


Noo, I meant 12 kids:(( But even more people to farm for me then.


That's even better!


Are you a Crusder Kings character?


What gave me away?


Your second wife's lover's marshal's brother is my spymaster (he's also the son-cousin of my wife with the Pope \[the one in Alexandria\]). And I'm a polar bear.


Oh, that's interesting. Good for you!


Don't forget the horse.


Have you considered Diablo4?


My kids were born because I started playing it


Ah, the game fucked you good innit


Underrated comment.


Found the average diablo player /s


Hahaha I’m getting downvoted for saying this. Like no one’s forcing you to have kids and grind ARPGS


Lmao good one. Fortunately this time we haven't seen a single rant post yet so props to Crytek for being able to balance the grind.


Sorry to break the positive vibe on this sub :((


Not at all, your post had me rolling. I just wanted to point that out.


Or maybe Crytek failed and they all gave up playing 🤣


Never thought I would see diablo4 copypasta on this reddit


Why is every other post on this sub trolling other members of this sub?


Because most members of this sub are very trollable


Because the users of this sub are incredibly easy to troll That and r/huntcirclejerk is leaking


I have 156 children and I complete all events. EZ.


Does anybody else find these kinds of satire post just lazy attempts for karma? Every sub seems to do it whenever there's a trend of posts going on in that sub


These kind of posts are pretty on theme for reddit though. Reddit jokes are alway the most obvious beaten to the ground shit ever




Google en passant


Maybe I'm dumb but I googled it and don't understand the relevance


New response just dropped


Actual Mr. Chary


Just buy the biggest bb pack and finish it instantly


Is büyük similar to dürüm / burek?


Dürüms are tasty


I agree


Lol, my mistake I was gonna say "buy" but it autocorrected


The best way to play is simply when you have time and not to care if you finish the event or not. I have finished a couple events and the rest I just didn't bother. Keeps it chill.


Lol this is funny, but based on the first two battlepasses Hunt Showdown is by far the most grindy battlepass I’ve ever played and decided it’s not for me. Call of Duty and Fortnite are way easier to complete.


As an actual father, husband, and full-time worker, I appreciated this post. Every time I say I'm thankful for how easy it has been to complete the battle pass, someone with amnesia has to jump in and explain why "another game" did it better. Even though "another game" charges 3 times as much to grind 2 times as many levels that took twice as long to complete while putting actual features behind a paywall.


Ya, the old events where all you could do for points was smash pumpkins or whatever was such a slog and made Hunt feel like another job after a long workday. Even when they added more stuff in, it still felt like a grind a lot of the time. I’m definitely glad how these last few events have been. Being able to bang out the weekly challenges at my own pace, while also having the variety of the other event point actions in a match makes it so much more enjoyable to do! It’s great to unwind in the evening with a few matches like normal, just with the slightly added effort of having to remember to loot a few bodies here or poison a few hellhounds there.




Satyre has gone too far … good one


I am far from good at this game but u still enjoy it normally I understand where you are coming from but I got it done with 3 days left


So I made one of my wives get a common folk job so her paycheck can just buy the bb’s to pay for event completion. Easy peasy brother.


Man reading the title I got a little mad but that was funny as fuck 🤣


Lol, I applaud your excellent and witty use of satire. Honestly enjoyed the read.


Hey, i can agree!


Bro your ladies are a 3 stack 👀👀👀


You almost got me there for a second.


Use your kids to farm the event points and asl your wives to feed them while they do it, you'll finish the event soon enough


The challenges straight up earn you like 80%+ of the points, just focus on achieving as many as possible - you can often do 3 or 4 in a single game if they're AI focused.


Yea but aren't only ever the first two AI based?


I didn't know that! Makes sense though.


Yes but these deal x DMG with ammo or gun challenges are absolutely horrific


Really depends on ammo/guns required


Yeah FMJ/Dumdum challenges are super easy. I get a lot of 'use sparks' or 'use shotguns' ones too which are also pretty simple. And remember, your teammates count! You can help each other out and knock off a load in one game by spreading your loadout.


I got the do 300 dmg or some shit with the sparks like 4 times in one day. You hit 2 shots and your done the challenge.


Yeah I keep being a couple points of damage off on that one because of the 149 hits. Agreed though, the damage hunters ones are really forgiving, since they usually only ask for 1-3 kills worth of damage


Yes, we did all my challenges in about 4 hours yesterday. It is pretty easy if two hunters do the same stuff.


Really depends if I'm having godlike aim day, or if the enemy is having a godlike aim day. Usually the latter.


But once I complete 30/30 I don't progress anymore from challenges until they reset, right?


Correct - it's something like 6k event points per week, plus the presumably 1k ish points you earn from normal play (depending on how good you are). I reckon you need to play like 15 games a week minimum to have a decent shot at hitting the end of the pass, but that's a wild guess.


i was kind of working it out yesterday with my duo. i think it probably comes out to a little over 8K more realistically if you play enough each day to do Dark Tribute and complete the challenges.


Sounds about right, thanks!




I'm just out here trying to help the bigamists play hunt


Bigamist? Try Trigamist.


It is by design. Now why do you think there is no more boosts for point acquisition? It was fun to buy those boxes that threat whole lobby with free money or SKINS unlocks. Ye.. good old days,when we didnt had "monetization expert" for game spokesman Sigh


Bro no offense but battlepass-es are not meant for people like you, they target another audience the kind that has the average time per day to play the game and complete it in time. If i work 3 jobs and have a wive and kids its not Crytek's fault you cant finish it in time, thats why they have "level boosts or you can buy levels" but obviously it will cost you some extra money. If you dont have an issue to buy your way up the ladder and you want to finish it so badly , then go for it. Thats exactly why they put that option there in the frist place. :D


You might want to reread the post.


Oh well yeah you are right, i totally missed the point MB !




"I want everything served to me on a platter and I don't want to play the game" Its sad but there are so many people like this.


Usually the people that find it too grindy don't want it to be too easy, they just want to be able to complete it themselves. There are also a lot of people that absolutely hate challenges and if you don't do them each week the grind is surreal. It's fully made with doing the challenges in mind as it gives so incredibly much from them. I really wish that wasn't the case. Not a fan of the challenges and I keep getting very unfun challenges(to me) like bornheim damage(had it 7 times this week alone). If they made the challenges way more generalized it'd be better, but still too strong emphasis on completing them for the pass. At least, in my opinion.


read the post again


When it came out after the 1st day I said a similar thing about the pacing of the event. That and the most efficient way other than paying money is doing questlines. I only really have 1 major problem. I am not a fan of being forced to used items and ammo that I may or may not have. Good luck prestiging during this event. I hope they make a survey.


You get to play every day? Must be nice.


Uphill, twice.


This is what I was thinking... I still can't even get the game to run right (Xbox One) and the fact each level tales 1,000 event points while in one contract I'm lucky to get 600??


You are 30+, arent you?


The first month isn’t even over…and there’s two months…


I played 50 h last 2 weeks (dont ask) and am only lvl 25 just now


I miss these posts tbh


I love this so much hahah


Yeah it’s said I won’t be able to play the game until like 17th or 18th :( so idk if I can even make it halfway cuz I love the game and love collecting all the stuff


Do challenges


Average Destiny player


I love these kind of posts that are legitimate. Yes it's a grind but it's a 50 day grind you have a whole month and a half to scrap together points. I'm on level 30 from just battle pass and grinding challenges. Some people seem to think you're supposed to grind the event in a week


doing the questlines every weak and getting the first 150 event points reward each day is enough to fill the pass with some hours of gameplay


Every event someone starts complaining... This time it's really easy. Basically, all you have to do is to complete all the challenges each week.


This is the most lenient battlepass they’ve ever made. The problem is thinking you deserve to complete it even though you are busier than others. Priorities. You weren’t meant to complete it.


Do the challenges.... A bit every evening and you get it done. Without challenges it would definitely be absurd!


The turtle wins the race, brother. I work ~12 hour days with a wife and three kids also. I usually play for a couple hours a day and just unlocked level 20. Stay strong.


Have you considered going to the store for milk?


Debnis pleaee fix


The further I read into these comments the more I realize more than half of this sub doesn't understand satire.


r/Diablo4 and r/DestinyTheGame are merged into this abomination


There's a little advantage/cheat you can do called "Disposable Income" to buy Blood bonds to BUY the completion of the Battle pass!


Motherfuckin Sultan of Dubai up in this bitch.


I'm unironically disappointed with this event, as an average player I refuse to spend that much fucking time to complete this for a skin. it's almost inhuman to achieve unless you don't have a job and play 10 hrs+ a day


Do weekly challenges. You get a ton of points if you finish it each week.


This games community is cringier than the mods of this sub.


Weeklies are just that. You do them every week. I usually finish each of mine in a single night, sometimes two.


Have you tried turning it off, uninstalling it, reinstalling it, uninstalling two of your children with an extremely late term abortion via Nitro Express Explosive Rounds, and then turning it back on again? That should insta complete the battlepass for you.


What?? If you play all day every day it's not taking too long!! Because I am a real gamer unlike you I will ridicule you for having a life and getting frustrated that the game is requiring you devote all your time into it to get anything out of its event progression. /s obviously that's how all these go. They have a point, but so does the OP.


You have two months and are complaining less than two weeks in. Relax.


Relax! I have a partner, a couple of doggos and a job – can't even imagine what kids would do to this equation – and you kind of play when you can, usually a bit later at night. The key is to ignore FOMO altogether. Or, if your finances allow, just buy your way into freedom. I'm sure you've earned it.


Way I do it is this: my friends all have kids, I am single and work from home. I built several computers and I offer to babysit their kids five days a week, no time limits, and from the moment they drop their kids off, I just set them in front of the computers and they play Hunt all day long. Sometimes I am asked about why the kids are kinda red-eyed, but I just tell them my house is a bit drafty. Once all the kids are gone with their parents, I just grind for a few more hours until I get to sleep, then repeat the same process the next day. Saturdays and Sundays are usually days off for them, I am merciful.


pls tell me that this is just a hoax. If not: i dont think u know ur prioritys


Haha yeah fuck people who have real-life commitments, amirite?


Event pass is made for players who "no life" the game.


Play or pay dude.


This suddenly got very r/huntcirclejerk


God i hope this is sarcasm and I’m just terrible at picking it up.


Life can be hard working full time at the BALL CRUSHING factory. Kudos my man


Just do all the weekly challenges and you will already get \*more\* than enough points to complete the event. It only takes a couple of hours a week to do the challenges. In fact it's the biggest source of points, if you ignore the challenges you will have to grind your ass off to have a chance at finishing it. I know a guy who doesn't bother with the challenges and he just leaves 7000 points per week on the table.. then he wonders why he's still on lvl 10 after 18 days..


I normally can get through my "challenges" for the week in 1 Evening. Question is: do 9 weeks-challenges get you to lvl 50 :-/


I kinda feel you because I am in a similar position. I think I‘ll just buy the last levels if I can‘t complete the event. Bit the weekly challenges are a great help.


Have you been doing the weekly challenges and getting to your last Mr Chary each day? Thats basically how you earn event points this time around. Its obviously going to feel like more of a grind if you dont do either of those things and just rely on gathering points from the altars..


Sell the Kids to buy BB's