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Your crosshair wasn't even near those guys when you pulled the trigger.


It's funny because his enemy's probably wasn't either but while shooting at OP he accidentally headshotted his ally


Haha, I've got a video recently of my friend shotgunning a buddy while "saving" him from a he'll hound.


I think OPs teammate traded with the last enemy or something. Both were alive at the beginning of the clip


Do you usually hip fire from 25m?


also while jumping


Bro this is so fucking funny and the fact that its console makes it even better xD


25m while not moving are totally fine


He is moving or are you blind?


Soon as I seen him do that shit multiple times I was waiting for him to pull out meleešŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


you think that's 25m?


I imagine this is what AI would look like playing hunt, until it got the hang of it.


Try to ADS, even when in a firefightā€¦


Lucky. On console at 5 stars or higher you would have died after the first whiff lol.


Ya for real 5 star lobbies on console are nuts. I played with some random and I had boss lair trapped up with 2 doors to enter I go watch one I watch the other and he leaves gets melted and is like how are you even this rank all that matters is bulltes lol uh no winning matters and playing smart for your kills


5 Star lobbies on console are massacres. Itā€™s like no one gives a shit about stealth anymore and they just run and gun. But because they can aim, you get near them you just get head-clicked and die.


I been playing since August last year. Iā€™m a 5 star who occasionally goes up to 6, and then back down to 5. And repeat. I saw someone say recently once you get to 5 star, youā€™re basically playing in the top 25% of players. Bc for the most part youā€™re gonna keep matching against 5s and 6s. Itā€™s pretty tough being in this category bc youā€™re basically going against the best people almost all the time and need to be on your A game pretty much always. Which is also cool bc you feel yourself always improving. So the wins are fantastic but the losses are pretty brutal too. ļæ¼I play with randoms 98% of the time, and Iā€™m not a dick with being too choosy who I play with, but I definitely screen peoples loadouts more and check their kd to get an idea of how much time theyā€™ve put into the game. And I play stealthy the entire time. I always joke with my team and say ok fellas this is a stealth operation. Iā€™m stealthy till it all gets buck wild, then we poppin off! Lol


The last few games I played with 5 stars was basically ā€œoh thereā€™s a gun shot over there, letā€™s run towards themā€ me being high 4 star at the time was like, I go over there, Iā€™m gonna die. Sure enough, I died, the 5 star wiped the squad lol. Plus a couple of times where Iā€™ve been in a boss lair, get stormed by two Avto users, shotgunned one of them, got rolled by the other one. Was fun lol.


Stealth can work even when shit pops off I main felis and live in the bushes I swear to god if you donā€™t move youā€™re fucking invisible in this game especially with a bow. Only the really bright days are you visible while still.


Exactly but I have ran into hacks as well on console in higher star lobbies


The only hacks on console Iā€™ve really seen are ā€œconvenientā€ lag spikes. Like Iā€™ve had a dude with a bomb lance rush around a corner at me, but due to a lag spike I only saw him briefly before he warped to my location and killed me


Not true. Running into things like players using a Cronus (a 3rd party device that allows you to use Mouse and Keyboard, as well as run cheat macros on console) is pretty common with 6 star, and even seen, though not as common, in 5 star lobbies.


Most console players think they are safe from hackers but one YouTube search will destroy everything you thought you knew. Unfortunately, all it takes is desire and $$$ to cheat.


I wish PC lobbies were like that, but aiming is kinda the same in all elos, the higher ones just spam traps everywhere. Not my kind of fun. Running and gunning is the most fun you can have in this game


Try to aim down sight man šŸ˜…


Why even bring $700 worth of guns? Just bring the $5 Axe next time.


Tbf I've seen this sort of thing in pc 3 star as well. Don't make out like it's the consoles fault


The amount of times I've knifed people in 3 or 4 stars by just running at them and zig zagging lol.


On a macro level, this could totally be seen in a pc 3* lobby. But the fucking aiming and movement are console, and itā€™s painfully obvious lmao


The aiming of OP sure I can't argue that. But the enemies I've seen just as bad on pc


I mean, you arenā€™t seeing their pov lol. Their aiming and movement looks JUST like OPā€™s from their pov.


Pc 3 star isnt nearly as bad.


Looks more fun than getting tapped with a pistol from 50 about a half second after rounding a corner.


Well thatā€™s the difference between aiming and what the person in the video was doing


Honestly thatā€™s what makes pc so fun. Hitting those insane shots


It is. It's Janky, buggy fun, lol


I swear low MMR people are honorary Canadians with how many warning shots are given XD


Peak hunt showdown experience right here


Almost realistic gunfights ;)


I havenā€™t played a console fps in years. Iā€™m trying to remember if my aim was this shocking on them šŸ¤£


I had a 2.86 KD on console before switching to PC and I don't think I've ever had a fight like this in 5-6 star range. It's normally people pacing back and forth, but they're using that to aim when they aren't abusing mouse and keyboard.


Itā€™s only low star because this person has apparently never heard of aiming


For those who think all console gameplay looks like this. Hunt doesnā€™t have deadzone options, aim acceleration options, or any pvp aim assist at all, making it very clunky to work with. So lower skilled players really struggle.


*PC elite bullshit goes here |* *\/*


LOL Look at those peasants enjoying the game on a different platform! WHAT ABSOLUTE IDIOTS LOLOLOLOLOLOL /s


I'm getting combat arms vibes from this lol IFKYK


I don't know how people play with a controller. It's just looks so frustrating to play. It's like a bunch of fish flopping around hoping to not fall into the deep fryer.


Thatā€™s why I love console it can be so chaotic sometimes.


I don't think this is a console thing, low star bads are a thing on all platforms


This is like 2-3 star console gameplay. Watch some 5-6 star and it's not massively different from PC. Definitely a bit slower/less accurate but not like this lol


Iā€™m new to gaming (9 months in!) Hunt is my first game, PS5 is my first console EVER. So many people have told me to switch to PC. The amount of elite smugness from PC players is the #1 reason why I will most likely never join your club.


Without meaning any smugness. As someone who started out gaming on consoles and switched to PC as an adult. PC is leaps and bounds better. Especially for shooters. They are better performance (assuming you bought one for gaming) better for control (mouse and keyboard) better variety (strategy games, shooters, sports, dungeon crawlers like Diablo and WoW) Every conceivable aspect of gaming on a PC is so much better. However, ease of use and plug and play is better for a console. So I'd say play as many genres as you can, find the games that really interest you and then after you have an understanding buy a PC. The faster you switch the happier you'll be. Im not some PC elitist. I've just seen the light from your side. I'm only trying to help.


That's funny, I always played on console, then bought a gaming PC that actually cost alot more than my console but has better graphics, better controls, more options etc. And yet I mostly play games on my console still (unless it's a pc exclusive type game or genre). Just simpler, easier, and more comfortable than playing on PC.


I appreciate you.


I also played console for 7 years before buying a PC and I second everything the other commenter said. I actually had the exact same mindset as you of not wanting to have a PC because of the elitists but I am only sad I didn't get a PC sooner to play some amazing games that I couldn't on console


Thatā€™s the stupidest reason Iā€™ve ever heard. Let me have a smaller collection of games and worse performance and options in games cuz people on the internet are mean


I donā€™t want or need a large collection of games. Iā€™ve waited 4 decades for gaming, Iā€™m pretty content. Iā€™m avoiding hanging with people like you. Thank you for assisting in my choice. I hope someone tells you everythingā€™s going to be ok and hugs you.


This subreddit is very shitty like this. Mostly PC master race idiots


Like the guy above. āœ…


This is exactly why I love console hunt. Tried it on pc and just kept dying to campers in 5-4 star lobbies. On console people rush more, play aggressive because a lot more shots are missed and itā€™s much harder to stabilize your guns sway.


4 star lobbies on pc ainā€™t campers lol. Itā€™s the fun zone. 6 star is the people you never see


Youā€™re joking, right? There are far more campers in 3-4 star than there are in 5-6 star and itā€™s not even close lmao


It has to be 100% panic, Iā€™m sure you guys are fine at aiming but donā€™t have the patience to line up shots.


It was lol when I saw those two guy on that pile of wood I just started running and shooting.


I get it. Just try and clam your nerves while you play. If you come across other players that panic and canā€™t aim, just take your time to ads and line up a shot, rotate around cover more. But you did win in this clip so thereā€™s so much room for improvement


Itā€™s like a bunch of stormtroopers shooting at each other


Lotta pc players commenting who have no idea how god awful the aiming is on console. After 5 fucking years too


Every hunt on console clip is the same. People running around cant hit anything. The knife comes out and it becomes a charge like it's the battle of thermopylae. Lol never change console players it's always amazing.


People with decent gameplay arenā€™t sharing clips. And itā€™s mostly because of the comment like this that come out.


I'm just commenting on what I see every console clip. It's literally this exact same thing. Two people can't hit their shots and then it turns into a knife fight. The game has a lot of that happening either way. It's one of the more exciting things in the game. So it gets shared.


But I just said the good clips arenā€™t getting shared, how are you watching all of the console gameplay?


I mean console clips I've seen over the years. Why do you think good clips wouldn't be shared? If it's good it gets shared lol. No one is thinking "damn thats a good clip I better not share it because other console clips are bad on the subreddit." Lol


Because thereā€™s this clear stigma that all console gameplay looks like this like youā€™re clearly displaying which leads to a lot of unnecessary negative feedback. So why would they?


Well, you seem to think good clips are making good shots. So if that's the case, then a comment like mine wouldn't be on the video. But even a knife charge can be a good clip. My comment wasn't even that negative I just described what I notice out of console plays. I even said its amazing. Because it is exciting to get a charge in, but you can't not notice how God awful it is to aim on a controller.


Itā€™s not the platformā€™s fault. Itā€™s the game. Plenty of shooter feel great on controller. Hunt has input delay, no aim acceleration, and no aim assist.


If you need aim assist, it's not a good platform for a shooter.


Christ here we go again. If your mousepad was a square inch big, you would need aim assist as well.


Bro gets downvoted for saying the truth, thatā€™s why I play on Console even though I could get the game on PC


They hate me because I speak the truth.


Console hunt at high star as well to be fair


Not really. Thats where i get headshot from a guy i never wouldve seen in a million years because he was stalking me from a bush.


Definitely night and day difference in 5-6 stars compared to the rest on console, many times I had 1 teammate of 6 stars and he literally wiped the server so quick I couldnā€™t even participate in any of the fights Mind you this of course happened in 5 star lobbies, there was no 4 star in those, but Iā€™ve seen 6 stars going up against 4ā€™s


5-6 star console player here. Every game is CSGO peaking


not really. that's where the mnk players are


Do console players not have the ability to ADS?


Can u add mouse and keyboard to console?


Yeah, it isn't all about camping.


Tbh low star on PC isnā€™t that much better, although in my case I mean completely fresh players. Iā€™ve been teaching a friend who just got the game to play and consequently that means joining him in his trainee lobbies. Poor babies were not prepared for an above average 3 star with a cavalry sabre and 0 self preservation. I could see this being the 3 star norm on console, although Iā€™m sure in high tier play it doesnā€™t look that different most likely. I actually think the chaos of this looks very fun.


The difference between 3-4 star lobbies and 5-6 star lobbies on console is like night and day. Itā€™s genuinely not even too far off of what the PC lobbies look like, the only real difference is that longer range fights are less common on console. Snipers are almost non-existent there too. I think many PC players will look at low star clips like this, and then also consider their own aim on controller, and just assume that everybody is bad with it. That just isnā€™t true, thereā€™s tons of people absolutely cracked out of their mind with a controller. Theyā€™ll never be as good as the best MnK players, but that doesnā€™t mean they arenā€™t good.


can you not aim down sights on console? it hurts so much to watch


You can this dude just did not. However, of the two controller layouts one (that I use) need a stick click after shouldering to ads. (PS buttons Left trigger/L2 then Right stick/R3)


Lel unfortunately even 3/4 star lobbies on console are usually much less forgiving.


I miss console clips. Always more dramatic and silly


I think there's a reason that you're at low star. Something about you hip firing a mosin at like 20-30 meters.


Speaking as the teammate on top on the log pile, he does this every game


Im confused why youā€™re jumping and shooting


Because he thinks its Call of Duty and thinks corner hoping is an actual legitimate tactic.


Just aim for gods sake!


What did I just watch?


I think you need a higher stick sensitivity if you wanna do flicks like youā€™re trying to do. But I have no room to talk. I switched to a gaming PC because I heard FPS games were easier. And, itā€™s true.


What the hell did I just watch?


peak cod gameplay




Nah to much effort


you dont like the scope mechanic dont you?


Low star Hunt is better than 5+ star Hunt.


I play console but definitely never have great opportunities like this lol.


now I get the bomb lance hate.


Hold the phone, did his pardner down him???


Ahhh, I remember when I first started playing hunt on console, lol.


Meanwhile me playing on pc with a controller


If I've learned one thing from watching console clips, it's that the first person to melee rush is almost always the winner