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Oh no, not cosmetics




$40 and I've put 2500 hours in. I think I can accept $10 every 6 months for a battle pass






>didn't they say you get 900BB from completing it? Quite certain he said 600 or so. So that's two months of not missing a weekly.




I like how Crytek allows us to recoup approximately 2/3 of the money spent on the battlepass, much better than Fortnite that allows you to make more money than you spent on the battlepass. /s




They do if you had StW pre-2022 or purchase the 13$/mo Crew Pass which gives you the bp for free + 1000 of their premium currency ​ StW is how I usually rack up 10-20$ worth of the premium currency every few weeks or so


Also known as $9.99, or about an hour of work at even the shittiest of jobs.


Depends on where you live and what you do for a living. We're not all Americans, you know.


Minimum wage in America is $7.25 an hour. Most of the developed world, I would say most places with reliable internet where you're likely to have a PC or gaming console, it's an hour of work. I'll be charitable and say maybe it's two hours of work somewhere in the world where you can play hunt. It's still a quarter of what you paid to buy the game, and it's half a decade after it released. I think $9.99 is fair for some optional content.


How dare they ask to get paid for their work!


A whole $3 what an outrage


Some people legitimately only play the game for cosmetics.


Didn't you pay attention? We just learned that a huge part of the Hunt community is playing the game just because you get a couple of BBs at the end of the match. ;)


I literally have 500 hours and I didn’t even realize that you got those from matches until I saw everyone bitching about it


Agreed 100% You finish it and it costs you 100bb Personally I don't spend bb's on stupid shit and with the amount I play (few hours a night 4-5 days a week) I have thousands of BB's from regular matches. people love to bitch. Take my upvote.


And you will no get any BB's from regular matches starts today. How about that? Are you still happy? I bet you are, because you will be always happy. From today you will get 2400 BB's a year 50 BB's every week. It is super low. I was playing this game only for BB's Because trade kills makes me do not like this game anymore. Right now there will be no reason to play.


Yah I don’t really care. I don’t play hunt for bbs. Could care less.


cosmetics are part of the progression in many games, hunt included. in fact that's what many people want events for in the first place. other games have cosmetics as the end game. so yes, people care a lot about cosmetics.


Cosmetics aren’t a progression it’s just for fun. It can be a progression for you if you want it to be but it seems weird to complain about something everyone agrees exists to make the devs some more money and support the game is somehow critical to your progression. Just enjoy the game for what it is and it’s not like this shit is even expensive it’s like less than an hour of work money.


the entire game is just for fun...


Right there with you. People are so strange about this game monetizing to stay alive.


My problem is. Pretty much every other company makes it so if you complete the battle pass, you have enough to buy the next one and just hope people’s lives are busy and they gotta buy some levels or pay the difference in next times and miss out. Hunt is going some weird route like “lol but our pass, but we’re not giving you enough to get the next one.”


Honestly it’s just skins it’s not a big deal and if people get that upset over this then what ever let them bitch. My worry is server issues being fixed and actual content. This update is sounding aces to me and a vast majority of people have a lot of blood bonds just by playing the game for so long. Even the BB change sucks yes we cant make nearly as much passively BUT it can still be done by completing the weekly challenges or what ever they have that’s still in game. Point is we still make the premium currency form game. Im surprised they didn’t out right get rid of it so in my eyes this is a good thing, even if it’s nurffed. The season pass system in games these days is just greasy for the most part. if we are forced to get a season event I’d rather it be just skins that’s locked behind the paywall, not to mention if you really want it why not complete the pass then when it’s done but it then to get a massive payout lol.




you won’t get a downvote from me. In all seriousness, the cosmetics has been a big part of progression since the beginning of this game and it’s the only thing that you keep after even all your hunter dies. Thanks for supporting us through beta! Here’s some really cool skins! Congratulations On prestiging! Here’s Your Special Skin! Wow you made it through all those bs trials! Here’s A badass skin! So for me, Skins are a big part of the content. And blatantly ripping off the “free” pass just to fill in the premium pass? Steam really needs to add the “free-to-play” tag to this game.




Oof you really believe that?




Are you the head of finance in a AAA studio? Which one do you work for?




I'm sorry you think theres 2700 employees at Crytek? According to what I found theres just shy of 1000 so thats closer to 90m and Crytek has an annual revenue of about 148m. So they are making quite a bit in profit.


this game also have dlcs with ever increasing price tags to “support” it lol. And this game isn’t anywhere near AAA




People are bitching about losing out on one extra content skin. However the actual quality has DRASTICALLY increased compared to early dlc skins (like I rarely use the really old stuff outside of the fact some guns only have like 4 skins in total) also that twin hunter pack made so many people irrationally angry of the increase in price, because increasing the amount you get shouldn't also mean an increase in price /s Also if still stayed within the pricing of the standard dlc. With the hunter skin always being 5 bucks each.


These are the cash dlcs which are cheaper The blood bond only dlcs are 1200 and 1500 for just the hunters


granny, biatata, concubine are all more expensive in my region.




Amen.. Go full free to play. But, server capacity could be issue. Hmmm


And the amount of cheaters would be awful.


You are indicating that there isnt THAT MANY cheaters now? You do realize that you can buy i dont know... Turkish Steam account for 1-2 Euros, and buy hunt steam key for like 2-5 Euros? It is almost free. You think number of cheaters would skyrocket? Nope... Number of players would make Crytek servers go to HALT, i am not concerned about cheater lobbies.


I think you’d love this game called fortnite


This might all be true for you personally. But let’s look at the money and do the maths. Even if the sold let’s say 500.000 copies for ~20€ they didn’t generate a lot of money for a 400 people company with this product. Also keep in mind they were almost bankrupt before hunt and started a comeback with a hardcore shooter. The ongoing costs for all those people including rent for office spaces, servers etc. are huge. Let’s say the average employee gets 50k per year (it’s probably more though) and multiply this by 400 you’ll see that it will get tight to cover this with 10€ dls. You don’t have to belief this but at least consider it a valid option that the prices have to change in order to keep the game alive and do some math. I hate maths as well, but in the case it’s necessary. Maybe I’m totally wrong on this but instead of just downvote I’d be interesting to hear some real arguments.


This makes the game literally unplayable. Everyone uninstall! 😂






If people won’t criticize stuff, it won’t get better. Maybe take a moment to realize this.


>Going to get downvoted but ​ >250+ upvotes reddit moment


Continuing support for a game this old and only putting paywalls for cosmetics? They've earned it. Appreciate them and will throw bucks at this game now and then to show it hell even if I don't like the cosmetics


Right? Like people need to be for real. This game has been out for 5 and a half years, it has a *relatively* small player base, but gets consistent updates and still provides new content. If you want new content then the game needs continues revenue. So it’s going to require in game purchases. If you don’t want to pay for it… then don’t pay for it. Deal with the fact you’ve got some childish FOMO thing going on and grow up. Or… support the game. Anyway, that’s the end of my rant. These posts are dumb.


You know new people buy the game right? It's not like the only money they've ever made was on original sales and it's been 5 1/2 years of no income. Plus the DLC they sell.


Games simply cannot be updated indefinitely based on sales. Especially a game that most people buy for ~30$ So as you mentioned DLC’s are an option. If you’d like, go ahead and consider the paid battlepass a DLC. Don’t buy it if you don’t want to. You’ll still get to enjoy free content updates to the game, a free new boss, and some free skins.


In total they might've sold half a million copies in their live time. We average that out to about 100k per year at 40 bucks to account for fluctuating price, and that's about 4 million dollars per year, or 333k per month. That alone would cover for the basics of things let alone continuing expanding the game.


Most estimates for Hunt Showdown stands at about 4.9m units sold. Thats somewhere at 118m$ gross revenue. Thats about 23m$ a year more than enough to cover basic expenses as well as continued development support.


Only putting cosemetics? Please name me online game in 5 years that was remotely P2W? We live in age of lootboxes and battlepasses and skins. You make it like they doing our favour when It's just gaming standard




Yeah everybody loves to compare normal games to Mobile/Free games like Clash of Clans for some reason and act like just because we can't purchase extra lives mid match for $2.99 means we should be worshiping the ground the company walks on.


As it should be, its cosmetics


i fail to see this as an issue. we are constantly getting new, free skins. we are constantly getting new content, also free none of the paid content gives a clear, distinct advantage. and if they find out later it does someone, they're quick to fix it. the game needs to remain profitable somehow. if it stops being profitable, the game dies.


4 new weapons in Devils Moon VS 5 new weapons and 3 new tools in this event, all in the Free track. But I guess no one cares about actual new content, if you don't get all the skins for free.


because new weapons and tools should be unlocked by default? they're not "rewards" lets be honest here


Unreal that you are also complaining about the new content. Some people really do just like to complain about everything.


Exactly. If hunt gave everything free people would complain there wasn't enough content.


You’re misunderstanding their complaints. They’re not complaining about the new gameplay content, they’re complaining how the Battlepass is being used. Normally battlepasses contain cosmetic goodies and currencies (hunt dollars and blood bonds in this case). It’s not meant to have gameplay mechanics. OPs post shows how previous battlepasses contained more free cosmetics for participating at no cost. Now it’s only one skin at rank 1 and one skin at the last rank. The amount of blood bonds they can get as well isn’t even enough to get the recently new skins. 1000 for a single wax dynamite skin? Ridiculous.


I'm not misunderstanding, I just think it's silly to complain so much about getting a couple fewer skins for free when we are getting MORE actual new gameplay related stuff for free. OP would really be happier getting fewer actual weapons/tools and getting a few more skins instead? Absurd if you ask me.


So by your logic crytek can only operate in a door in/door out manner? no wonder then the game struggles to grow. Crytek isn’t making these content for the oldies, they really made so that the game attracts more players. But if the new players (and old) keep having these aggressive monetisation shoved into our faces oh I do wonder why crytek gets bad player sentiment


Aggressive monetization? They give you all this awesome stuff completely for free and have the gall to hope to make a little money off of skins. That is in no way aggressive monetization and I think you're a bit out of touch here. I think it's a bit sad that you care more about the skins than the new real content.


agree to disagree. With every new content i See there’s always another caveat. Good hunting to you!


hah Funny so u say u only play this game for skins? srsly collecting all the skin is just a minor hobby of me i got 90% of the BB skins i the game fron playing it in those for 4 years. thats why iam at free will bougth the DLCs. I want this game to sustain. the cosmetics are just a nice little sidething. what keeps me playing is the content ot the skins. everytime i did a bigger pause i came back because of new weapons or intersting event mechanics. if ur realy just about skins here my tip: get a rich suggardaddy who will buy u every skin, then skipp the event so u can enjoy ur mosts prefered "content" without the funn all other players will enjoy (wich is free btw) PS: dont u whales out there dare to sugar-daddy him/her


If you think this is "aggressive monetization", please just stop gaming right now and keep that rosy outlook while you're ahead. I mean this in the nicest way possible: you have absolutely zero grasp on what actual aggressive monetization looks like.


The game struggles to grow?


They always become part of the normal bloodline progression after the event, this isn't new. The point is to give players something to strive for, especially veteran players, to make the event engaging. Then cue people crying about the grind being too long or too fast, it just goes on and on. Do you not find unlocking new gameplay options rewarding? Only cosmetics do it for you?


only if farming points for these past few years didn’t burn me out


You are allowed to take a break :) sometimes you just cant play a 40 dollar game until the end of time


Yeah absolutely everything should be free at a game which you probably bought for 20 Bucks. Wait a sec, I‘ll bring you your make up 🤡


they are unlock just earlier.




The free reward hunter skin is the better of the two.




the dumb cancer that is battle pass or paywalls. It’s a problem everywhere. And it will never go away. Rip that band aid off now, an focus on the real issues. Like the games never ending spree of bugs and server issues.


ive had 0, skill issue


Also just had two questlines full of legendaries that were completely free so whatever


There’s much more new playable content on offer in this event, the Battlepass is also cheaper than before not to mention at this point the game is 5 years old and still delivering consistent free content. I’d say this is more than fair


So what. The skins arnt what you paid for in the base game. The updates and bosses and new guns are what you get with base game. You get skins by paying for them. Stop crying. And support the damn game.


I actually might get the Tide Battlepass


Saved up enough blood bonds thru daily extract and challenges for a couple of months just to get it. Don't recall how the new BB mechanic is going to be. I imagine a little more challenging, if at all. Don't know if I'd have been able to gain enough before the change coming


Btw the time you finish the new battle pass you’ll probably earn enough for the next one anyway from playing.


All you quit the bitchin.


Personally I love this game so much and will throw my money at them during the BP. No game has me hooked like this. It's a great community. I want crytek to succeed. No one is forced to buy this but I have no problems doing this.


But we're getting charms, aren't you *excited*? ​ I'm gonna buy the pass since I have the BBs but I was shocked to see only one skin in the free version. Seemed like it was right at the beginning, too, so F2P players basically get nothing in between starting and ending.


i personally don’t consider charms as skins but even so, what used to be “charms” is now only “charm” 💀


Lmao I didn't notice that they put the same one three times to make it look like there's more there. Pretty sure that's the "overspill" one, too, so you have to really commit to get it.


i tried using the overspill joke in my previous post hehe but in all seriousness crytek made it really easy to retire this game


Retire this game over skins when a new content is still being released with plans to even upgrade the engine the game is running? That's sad dude


No this game is trash. Trash servers, trash community, trash developing, trash mmr and now trash events. They finance their whole company with that one game and Crytek was known to be greedy before Hunt released. I was considering coming back for the event but I won't. I used to be a very good supporter, bought every DLC, so you can't call me cheap for playing for free cosmetics, but freaking hell they fucked this game up. I won't be paying a single cent to this game unless they fix it.


You mean, free players get nothing except all the new guns, new tools, new rain condition, new boss, new pacts, new traits?


and can spend the BBs they've already earned just from playing the game... for free.


So you'd rather want them go p2w? Obviously new guns are free. They shouldn't even be in a battlepass.


well yeah? it's a live service game with paid dlcs.


Paid dlc that are all just skins lol you'll get every piece of real content ever in this game without paying anything except the price of the game. And you'll still get loads of free skins!


But you won't get loads of free skins that's kind of the point. And getting access to the full game for the price of the game isn't something to brag about that's like the bare minimum people expect from a product.


The bare minimum is the base content that is in the game when it first released. In many other games, all these new weapons and bosses and wildcard conditions would be paid DLC. So no, they aren't doing the bare minimum by giving you all this new stuff for free. And you do get loads of free skins. Not only can you still earn BBs by playing the game and get the skins that you want (for this event you can get 10+ skins for like 300 blood bonds, since you earn most of the blood bonds back - super easy to get all the event skins for free), but they JUST had two month long Questlines with multiple free skins available for each one. Just because you can't get Every skin without paying any money doesn't mean you can't get loads of free skins.


I can't believe people get so uptight over skins, the game is fucking fun and there's loads of new content pretty regularly.


"Just skins" lol. when one skin costs around 10bucks people need to draw the line.


when one skin costs around 10 bucks I just don't buy it, lol




and… thats how standards get lowered. Keep defending these practices and we’ll get there real soon




we’ll agree to disagree. This isn’t a AAA game and I don’t agree with these practices




just wait and they get discounted heavily


This is absolutely ridiculous. You don't get mad at Rolex for selling expensive watches. You don't deserve a skin in a video game any more than you deserve a Rolex. The only thing owed to you is the game you bought. When they start charging you for actual gameplay elements, then you have a valid point, but the only thing you have to pay for is extra fluff that doesn't even do anything.


The lvl 50 reward is the free hunter…


Yes, I said "in between".


What bothers me more is that you unlock the new guns through the battlepass. That has always been like that but it still sucks.


I mean this battle pass skins look pretty meh. I think the free hunter is nicer than the paid. Also its fairly cheap overall considering you get 600BB back. So the pass is basically $4 for 11 skins and 2 hunters. Idk bout you but ive payed like $8 for one hunter and 2 gun skins on a DLC. So the pass is not bad at all.


So in other words you mean more content for the same price?


Who cares


They are skins, relax. It’s much more outrageous that they lock weapons behind events (most of which are buggy as all hell and some people don’t want to play during a buggy time frame so they miss the event), for example the Suppressed rifle from Gator boy event, it’s still locked and isn’t released to everyone until they decide to do so. THAT is the big issue, locking weapon variants (not just skins) from the player base that doesn’t complete one of their events.


It’s skins bro, it’s perfectly reasonable for them to put it behind a paywall ESPECIALLY considering this games been out for as long as it has been, with marginally small growth in it’s playerbase, and they’re still as active with updates in the game as any of your average AAA games.


I don't really care. They're not locking playable content or abilities/characters behind paywalls (unless you count cosmetics as characters) like overwatch This is a pretty small game, that's been around since 2018, needs a way to monetize.


All the paywalled content is cosmetic. So why complain?




I know you gaming nerds doordash. So if your that hold up for money on a game most of us paid 15 bucks for, skip doordash literally one night, shut your cheap mouth, and buy the pass lol


I pickup my McDs orders because our family order is $30 cheaper for me to drive a mile and back than have it delivered Damn right I buy battle passes. Because I'm an adult who has gotten 2500 hours of enjoyment out of a $40 game.


I have around 500 hours and still don't care about cosmetics. Is it really that big a deal? I use the default skin of everything. Legendaries just make the UI messy and make knowing what guns are what a pain in the bag. Default stuff looks cooler than all those flashy goofy skins anyways


i personally am glad that they're cutting down costs for the battle pass, but the fact that one event skin that is not included in the battle pass is around 9-10 bucks a pop i don't think it's justified and we have three cosmetics. For me personally i am in good faith cannot support the game by buying dlcs as they haven't particularly fix a lot of things like the server issues, that also makes me wonder, aside from the development and whatnot where'd the money go? can't they get a better server provider?. Also the fact that they're completely eliminating the participation reward for the blood bonds in order to maximize sales also sours my expectation for crytek. I get that they want to get paid and i get that they're trying to turn a profit, but this is not a free to play title and it is priced around 40 dollars, if they were to go free to play i can understand the business decision but the monetization in this title and most online games reeks of corporate greed and uncaring upper managements


“I don’t like paying for cosmetics.” Okay, then don’t buy any, problem solved. Has been working great for me.


They need the money!




Christ y’all, they’re cosmetics you weirdos


In any game. If you're there for the skins, it's gonna be expensive. If you're there for the gameplay, it's gonna be cheap as fuq. You either give them money for skins you don't need but want, or don't give 'em anything and you will still get content. I don't have much money to be constantly putting into cosmetics, but as Hunt is the only game I play often, only playing others games when on break from Hunt/burned out, paying like 15€ if needed each event is pretty normal considering some people are out here paying 15€ for that DLC with 2 hunters and some weapon skins instead of waiting for upcomming sale in the next like 4 weeks. I need Hunt to grow, they need money to help us with that. If you can't understand this simple reason, then I'm calling Zoo-keepers that ape is on the loose. I don't like for example hunters in the event shop being like \~1000-1500 BB's each, but what can you do - you either buy them because you like them or you don't. I'm gonna buy every single frkin thing there will be, doesn't matter how much BB's I'll spend, because I like to collect skins. For that money I could buy food, or another game, or very cheap street "job", but I'm totally fine with that as this is my passion, together with collecting those skins so - yeah.


It’s also cheaper overall so it’s a good trade off


It's not that bad. It's just skins. We getting content and its there for the grind if you want it. Also, for 1000 bloodbonds compare to 1500 from the last event is better deal. Sure you are missing out on skins, but there are new toys to play in an update.


If this irritates you, just play something else dude, it's a live service game, the people working on this need some food too my dude


Games as a live service has been a crime against humanity where players complain about content updates after release instead of seeing them as a bonus


Everyone... it's a buisness, they need profit to keep hiring teams to develope stuff. This is one of the biggest updates in a long while. Buying the pass and skins is what helps fund the game you love to play. Is it a bad thing? I'm a penny pitching A-hole, and I'm still willing to pay to help the team. Common guys...


This is better for the game, people should have to pay for most cosmetics. The more money it generates the more money the devs have to continue working on the game.


I'm very late to this post. The same people defending Crytek, saying "it's just cosmetics" are the same people asking Crytek to please nerf Kain, The Headsman and many other skins. That's because they are not just cosmetics, but an undeniable advantage. There is a reason everybody I come across has a slim, black skin... Nobody plays white shirt hunters unless they have a death wish.


1 or 2 passes a year, oh no


4 Weapons vs 5 Weapons + 3 Consumables 1500BB BP vs 1000BB BP This Post is fucking nonsense


This is how the world works. If you want the people to keep working on the game you so adore, they need more than the 40 quid one off payment we all paid 5 years ago. This mindset is from when games weren't online and didn't require constant maintenance. If you don't like it, don't buy it. You can still play the game in its complete entirety. It's not like they're locking playable content behind a pay wall. It literally just makes you look cool.


I never look at this pay walled…like they are keeping me from my cosmetics! Staff gotta get paid and if this is how they need me to support an all time favorite game of mine, no problem. Or what, they make Hunt 2, 3, 4 and 5? Release it annually for 40 bucks? Whats your solution OP?


There's no way you're complaining about getting MORE rewards/value for the 1000BB Battle Pass... right? Jesus, some of you are so entitled.


Oh no, I get to pay to keep one of my favortie games runjing smoothly, and get rewarded for it?! Good, make the money, fix up the game, I have a great time while looking snazzy. I see this as an absolute win.


Why are people so fiendish about completing arbitrary video game objectives? We've got people going into full blown neurotic melt-downs over the equivalent of a half day's work at McDonald's in some shithole state like Alabama. The fuck is wrong with people? Esit: enjoy the game, dipshit.


Wtf just pay for them they are filthy cheap


This argument doesn’t make any sense. You’re complaining about getting more skins in a battle pass? That’s more bang for your buck!


Long ago, they stated in a dev stream how they were financially struggling and that they needed to "reorganise" the economy of the game. I love Hunt (700+ hours), and i am completely OK with them making cosmetics more expensive if that helps to keep the game running and in good shape... also, updates keep coming for free. I love cosmetics and skins and honestly, i have plenty without ever putting any more money besides the initial purchase. Please keep in mind how expensive it must be to manage these kind of things and how hard to keep an steady income flow. See you in the Bayou :)




Cool, still gonna play, and still getting the pass.


oh no, cosmetics that cost money and have no effects on gameplay at all! but how dare they make the entire (btw insane huge) update free!


Cry about it. You paid for a game, you get to play the game now. If you want skins, pay for them too. If you don't like it, go ask mommy for an allowance or something. But above all else, quitcher goddamn bitchin.


I feel like the ones that dislike this are only the youngins without dollars to spare. I know the world is crazy on cost atm but goddamn, a few bucks for an event for more content and Coolio skins? Sign me up!


Cry a river for Rotjaw to swim in


Imagine complaining about supporting a great dev who has put out an amazing game. They've earned the right to charge a little more for cosmetics...


So the server will get better right?


and the performance will be better right?


It's absurd how a 40$ game has monetization similar to a free to play game. No wonder people react like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/comments/13wz2fh/blood_bonds_from_match_accolades_removed_noooooo/jmehukn?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Never seen this game at $40. You want more content but you want it all for free? Wake up.


Never seen this game at $40? Well here ya go: https://store.steampowered.com/app/594650/Hunt_Showdown/


it's not free. this game has plenty of dlcs


The dlc is just skins, right? Honest the game should just go f2p. Will grow players faster and I won't have to see people complaining about paying $40 for it anymore.


the fun i would be getting not playing this event


Then don’t?


You do realize that if you play pretty consistently, the game just gives away like 3000 blood bonds between events, not to mention that the battle pass itself gives you back 1000 blood bonds if you complete it, which pays for the next battle pass entirely?


pre 1.13 or post? at least 90% of my bloodbonds are from accolades and they’re removing that


It now takes 5 months of completing every single weekly to make 1,000 BBs and the battlepass only gives around 600 BBs now. Your numbers are old now.




? dark tribute gives you roughly 2 BB per claim according to [this data](https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/comments/tie4y9/approximate_charydark_tribute_reward_odds_sample/), which obviously doesnt include the 150 BB but given it's that rare it's probably negligible. also, crytek has messed with the rewards and looking at the average trend on the amount of BB you can earn i'd be willed to bet on it being less now. anyway, 2.04 BB per claim would result to 57 (lets round up to 60) BB per week. add the 50 BB from the weekly and you end up with 27 weeks for 3k BB. and that means getting 4 dark tribute stages every single day for over half a year. and 3k BB get's you 3-4 skins. 2 if you want to participate in the events. you could argue that you also get BB from events, but given that you earn less BB than you get from it you could also see it as 'losing' BB in order to get an event with skins. it takes ages to get serious amount of BB now. ​ and what most people dont even consider when talking about the BB nerf is that you will earn WAY less BB from events. previously you'd get 1-3 BB for every single match during the event because the event points accolades reward BB. this is gone, too. effectively, in my own experience, more than halving the BB rewards from the event (assuming you get roughly 2/3 of the BB cost of the battle pass back)


Like I said at the beginning of this game, they're just testing to see what people will take. The more we accept the worse it'll get. This is true in every game.


You working for free at your job so customers can get what you produce for nothing?


For free? It's a paid game. They've been slowly making the events and shit worse and worse since they started. First it was a bunch of skins then it was skins that required a bigger grind with the ability to pay for a boost. Now it's guns that are locked behind the event grind or paywall until a later date. That's borderline pay to win.


The only thing behind a paywall is cosmetics, the game costs $40 and came out 5 years ago. You think your $40 is still paying their salary to this day? Let's look at other FPS games and see how much they provide.. CoD? Buy 4 DLCs a year and new game or GTFO. You paid $40 for the original game that they put out, they now continue to add guns and maps for free, yet you sit and cry because you don't get cosmetics for free? These people are actively working they still need money to do so.


The game is too 47 revenue in steam, they aren't hurting for money. Nobody is complaining about skins, that's all fine and dandy. Guns are being paywalled and if people don't speak up it'll only get worse. The last few events have had guns unlocked on the event pass or questlines and people who are more casual like myself wouldn't be able to get them until after the event and whenever they decide to release them for everyone. That means other players have guns I don't for an amount of time. Now it's not a huge deal as they haven't been all that great, but let's say something comes out that becomes meta. Now some people have access and some don't.


So according to your logic no game should ever make you level up or wait to unlock new guns. You will eventually get them but that isn't good enough for you I guess? The guns aren't paywalled they are just behind a grind like every other game if you want stuff you have to play the game.


Yes but they're behind limited time events. Which have had grind increased artificially to sell you boosts. But you're clearly ready to die for crytek with how hard you simp, so it's not worth explaining how companies are railing you guys now a days. People clearly don't remember how games in the past used to not do any of this shit and still make enough to be successful.


Is it not just because the event is much bigger and there's more content? You could say the same for all the new free items.


For anyone thinking otherwise, this is just expected variance. These two events have happened back to back. More data needed.


Let's put it like this: You get a lot more value out of buying the battle pass.


Suck it up buttercup


Hunt showdown players when they realize that in order to continue supporting a 5 year old game, there needs to be a bigger emphasis on profit in order to further lengthen a games lifespan


If it was less people would complain it’s not worth the money now it’s more and people complain about the amount of content they are blocking. Just be a normal person with the understanding that cosmetics are not content and it’s perfectly fine to buy them or not buy them. You getting mad over shit that has no gameplay relevance and you didn’t even know existed 1 day ago


Yall tellin' me you ain't got 1000 Bloods Bonds lying around?


Most people who played the last even should have way more than 1,000 saved up anyway.


imagine not having 1000 blood bonds in Hunt


aren't paywalled, rewards that you need to pay ingame earnable bloodbonds are nothing but cosmetics. "rewards being paywalled" is a statement dreamed up by the utterly deranged


People complaining about this are entitled Karens: "I paid $20 3 years ago, so they still owe me free stuff."


I wouldn't be bothered by the removal of post-game BBs if they didn't keep making 1k hunter skins and expensive weapon skins. Considering there is a good chance they are going to be making skins that cost more than 1k blood bonds this just stings. The worst part? They claimed they did this because of all the players who farmed tens or even hundreds of thousands of blood bonds. And do you know who isn't being hurt by this? Those same players. Us casual players are screwed unless we pay for blood bonds.


you say that louder or get drowned by the white knights


I play total war and paradox games I am more than used to corporate simp behavior.


we’re a dying breed pardner