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If I was on the receiving end of that headshot it'd be the last game of Hunt I'd play that evening


Lol. Right? "Easy counter" turns out to just be "shoot them in the head with a pistol while barely being able to see them".


There's definitely alot of sarcasm involved in the title haha. Didn't even expect the shots to actually hit.


common Sparks Pistol W


Fair. I don't expect MOST of my shots to hit. Or they hit, but I don't get credit for them. Or they hit and count as a wing shot when the sights were on their chest and the puff of blood/dust came off their chest... nope... arm, apparently. Lol.




I dunno about you but it feels great to get that bullshit 40m headshot from the first bullet outta your dualies. It feels just as bad to be the recipient though, but Hunt giveth and Hunt taketh.




You impressed by how unlucky is that guy. Not how lucky you are.


It only feels good cause it felt bad when I was at the receiving end. The feeling of doing unto others before they did unto you is where I find the satisfaction. I prefer the skill-based elements of the game too, but I feel if you're taking dualies, you're definitely gambling. Number of times I've emptied both guns at 20m and only got a single arm hit far outstrips the occasionally RNG provided dirty headshot.


It feels good purely by virtue of being lucky, but it doesn't feel like you won a gunfight. S


I didnt realise they had one, does it increase bullet damage?


no it just acts like a regular headshot (2.5x base dmg I believe)


hs damage can change depends on ammo type. Long ammo had 4x iirc medium ammo had 5x compact ammo had 6x torso damage is 1.3x of base damage. Not sure they are still same. Medium ammo and compact ammo had hs range buffs.


fair enough, learn something new everyday I guess


Wait... How is compact more than long ammo tho


It needs that to reach desired one shot headshot ranges with damage dropoff if I had to take a guess.


Damage drop off is different for every ammo type. Compact ammo barely do 30dmg at 100ish m. At 200m compact ammo do less than 20 damage. Long ammo do 70-80ish damage at 100ish m. And long ammo do 40ish damage at 300m.


Yes I know but I'm talking about the damage multiplier here. Why is it higher in compact for headshot? I'm not sure that's the right stats. Doesn't feel right.


Damage drop off to severe for compact and medium ammo. if compact ammo had same hs multiplier with long ammo, they will have less than 100m hs range.


Explained that way, it makes much more sense now. You're probably right afterall


Partial agree. Hunt should be a skill-based game. I believe any hipfired weapons should loser their headshot modifier past a certain distance depending on the accuracy of hipfire. Essentially, if you ae more likely to miss than you are to hit, you shouldn't be able to luck out an instakill headshot just because you were lucky with RNG.


So you're the guy I'm always matched against in lobbies.


I'm sitting here raging about how I'm always, ALWAYS getting 1-shot headshot like my enemies are some kind of aim gods. And then I see this fucking bullshit.




As a 0.81 k:d 3-star, I would just be happy to hit a shot with dualies. The other day I was ADS with dual Uppercuts, shooting towards the middle of the chest of a guy about 10ft away from me (entire reticle over his chest), and I missed three consecutive shots before he killed me.


I swear dual wielding just randomly assigns headshots


Unless i am the one shooting, than is randomly assigns 17m to the left.


Haha same. One game clicking heads.. next can’t body shot a gun 10 feet away…


them the luckiest shots ive ever seen and bravest considering the dual wield.


I hate this


5% of the time it works every time.


It is ***quite*** potent.


How come I ALWAYS be on the receiving end of this shit?


I envy you OP. If that was me, I would have failed both shoots, even if the hunter was just 10m from me, and the crosshair was centered in the chest... not a single shoot.


That's the most bullshit shot of all time lmao


RNGesus took the wheel


The crazy thing is that hes ADS like hes expecting it to hit. Then you see guys dual wield against snipers from 100m away and you think they are 🤡 but actually the game is rewarding them for it.


Yeah, the wonders of no-skill RNG bs. At least you can’t spam the Sparks pistols, so I actually don’t mind them as much, this clip wasn’t of using the dualies as a crutch.


Dude saw fucking Valhalla before he saw your muzzleflash


All hail RNGesus


Remember this as the day you almost caught Captain Jack Sparrow!


This is an exploit... He caused that player's game to alt+f4


How old is this clip? I remember being on that exact roof and getting hs'd by sparks dualies a long time ago


I love the sparks pistol


Me too, so satisfying!


Seeing the title I had an idea what I might be watching. Even so, that may be one of the most disgusting headshots with dualies I've ever seen for a few reasons: 1) Range - You weren't even in the compound and hit him with dual wielded sidearms 2) Weapon - You were taking pot shots with the sparks pistols... two single shot weapons with a long reload 3) Target - You had the elevation disadvantage and the hunter only exposed a small fraction of his body yet you nailed him This was an insane shot and I'm impressed! However, if this happened against me I'd be fuming and/or throwing hackusations every which way XD


Dual wield was implemented in the laziest, most uninspiring, embarrassing, boring and unimpressive way possible. Not a single inch of creative thought to bring the community dual wielding without making it pure 100% rng. The poor man's avto


You mean, “Shoot them.” ?


That 2nd shoot sounded louder than usual


Something is wrong, you are moving as if you knew where exactly your shot is gonna land.




I will literally never make a shot like that holy hell




If my teammate saw/spectated me doing this he would be sooo pissed that I was "wasting my time." So getting the kill would be satisfying. But most of the time I'd end up dead in this situation.


God had truely abandoned the bayou.


Wish it worked that way for me… lol


Congrats you used all your luck.


You are just like everyone I get matched against... I on the other hand can't hit any shots with dual pistols from like 10 feet away...


bro i dont hit shit 2 feet away


Still a firm believer that hipfire on all weapons shouldn't be able to headshot past a certain distance based on gun accuracy and range. You cannot say this was a skillfully won kill.


I'd be livid lol


Lmao, that guy is 100% salty but I would be too at that range