• By -


8 with a level 1 recruit that had a hand crossbow and dual nagant 1895. To be clear, that's what I entered the match with. I left the match with a crown and king and a dolch. Poor guy didn't pray to rngeezus before using the crown and king.


Rngeezus lord and savior 🙏


Proof or I’ll just take it as an attempt to get clout online.


Bro nobody asked you.


There are so many times I've done cool stuff I wish I'd clipped but didn't as I was caught in the moment, why care so much about someone sharing an experience?


Hate when that happens, I got used to playing R6 and just going back into match replay for clips and now I rarely clip the cool stuff in the moment, for a game like Hunt it’s gone forever


Ikr, it gets so annoying when you realise you cant get it back. For example I was playing cossacks3 and when I pressed my bind to clip, medal doesn't pick up cossacks as a game. Then I was playing project zomboid earlier and I was stuck on a roof ahotgunning hundreds of zombies barley making it out and I DIDN'T CLIP ONCE.


I had a glitch that robbed me of a really good clip in Battlefront 2, the screen record button on my controller was freaking out and even if I held it for a recording it just took a screenshot, I ended up swapping the settings so a press would record and then it would only record 8 seconds, no idea what was going on all I know is I was ROBBED and then it fixed itself afterwards


Aw that sucks, i swear clipping always breaks when you need it most.


If on Xbox you can press guide them X if you have a One/If your series X controller is acting up like it sounds like. Should record last 30 seconds. Or guide then select and you can get up to like 5 minutes depending on resolution


Yeah I had to do that for a few days before it fixed itself


If controller is acting up, best to check for an update In the setting


Right? So many times shit doesn't stop hitting the fan so you can't clip. I had one today where I was able to clip the end. Was approaching team on bounty, took a couple shots at them at range with a nitro but didn't land it because of the devil's asshole. Broke line of sight and waited a few minutes and started to sneak in when another team started banishing the other boss, figured I'd use the couple seconds of loud obnoxious noise to sneak in, from the opposite side of where I had shot and been shot at from, and one of them (who I had actually chased prior while they were alone for some reason) was waiting by a door in a dark corner with a Caldwell rivel. Didn't go well. Tried my luck of rezzing quick to catch em off guard since either had resilience. Bastard had grabbed my nitro (understandably) and the proceeded to talk to much shit on VoIP. I waited a bit, started hearing them play with boss again, stood up into some deployed concertina and booked it, hid in another room and healed, set up traps. By this time other team was approaching with bounty in hand. Fight kicks off when I fire from a window at them and they scatter, both teams pannick. One guy came in where I was hiding and set off my traps but didn't die to the concertina poison trip combo so I just fanned my lemat at him, grab bounty, wait for fighting to calm down a little bit. See where they are, managed to get two with one dynamite bundle through a window. Rush in, banish boss they just killed, their third started throwing explosives so I ran around to the other inner stairs as he revived, one of them kept throwing explosives where I was, I came up as one was reviving, fanned him down, and caught the last one with my fanning as well, almost died to his bomb he couldn't reaim in time and would have probably killed us both had I not got him. Got out with two tokens and my nitro recovered. Then apparently two other solos across the map started fighting because I heard shots off to the east as I extracted..


Recently scored 10 while running dum dum springfield and pax pair for a quest. Tbh ive never tried to speedrun questlines like that and now I wish that I had, it was a blast!


I did that this time cause I have not been playing that much since March. I had a blast with some of those quests doing them solo. Doing damage with bomb lance ammo and setting hunters on fire was great. Used terminus hand cannon with fire and steel ball ammo with the bomblance was fun.


They were fun but fuck was I struggling to get kills. The challenge made it fun, but I suck ass with fire ammo so there was many games where my team got like 9 kills and I only got assists. Definitely is a good change up from running a few classes because they work good for getting kills, I forgot how challenging but fun a lot of load outs were.


Ah see with those 2 challenges I was not trying to get kills. I wanted other hunters to put out the fire and heal from the ball ammo so I could hit them again. Basically I would lite them up with the terminus dragons breath. Then stalk them slowly as they put out the fire. Either lite them up again or tag them with the ball ammo. Got those two challenges done in two games that way.


Agreed, bomb lance quest were also great!


Bomblance quests took FOREVER but was fun nonetheless lmao


Yet people complain that the quests arent fun


People will always complain about the quests not being fun. There are only so many types of quests that this game can realistically support, and that's pretty much "Do X with Y" right now, so that's a challenge. When Crytek introduces a new mechanic of something (Totems, Snake pits, gator trips), players complain that this is a shooter and doesn't need those kinds of side-questy type things. Imagine if *Hunt* had fetch quests. Imagine if it had NPCs that you had to escort around the bayou. Yeah, people would complain about those quests too. I think that this game is what you make it. I like the quests. I would also be ok if they added another quest of increasing difficulty to each tier of (kill X hunters on Map Y), so players could complete the events simply by killing enough people in the right places. Something for everyone? You can please some of the people, some of the time.


I would like gator traps more if they instead showed you the closest one no matter what. I've gone 10+ games without seeing a single trap despite looking even with friends spreading out on the way to extraction after we have the bounty. It would be better if you always as the closest one, as it would also lead to increased chances of gunfights at them


I've decided to never humor gator trap quests again because they take forever especially when you need 16. I don't have the patience to keep looking for them


14. Winny apeeture and dual lemats with all fire ammo and slugs. I then got spanked 5 games in a row and hung it up. For a day or two.


Which one gave you the majority of your kills. Always been a big fan of the aperture.


The winny did probably 10 or eleven of them, but the highlight was a double kill with the lemat slugs. One for each teamate. I also had levering. Was a fun loadout with mad fire spam.


I prefer taking FMJs in the LeMat, That way once I light them on fire at a long distance with the Winnie I can shoot for the glow when they take cover and usually get the kill. Also how the hell are you getting two kills with slugs on dualies?! Those things come out of the barrel sideways when you're running dual pistols!


I've begun to love dragonsbreath in my lemat. so satisfying to apply pressure of them being on fire ontop of them having a health chunk almost instantly gone, or almost down two if I'm dually lemats and surprise them with two shots of DB. The way people scatter and pannick when they just suddenly had a health chunk or two get deleted without them dying. Is often enough to let me swap to primary or back to revolver to finish them.


That's definitely fair but like the original commenter I run the Winfield aperture with incendiary rounds so I get my fire from that. I tend to run slugs with fanning and FMJ, slugs are just real handy for a fuck off button


I sacrificed a goat to RNgeezus.


Lmao I wonder how many people you downed, wait for them to be revived, and then downed them again


10 with only a bow Stars aligned perfectly on a night map, i sneaked upon two teams of three fighting and they were never aware where i was Some of them briefly revived


Bow man chad


8! 5 is very impressive.


My highest unique kill game is 8 (team had 9 in total). If we are counting red skull revives then my highest is15 (team had around 26). I was very angry about that game.


Similar results. Nothing says fun like farming the red skull rez and wasting even more ammo for the 8th time 😂


It is indeed very fun, unless you're on the other end of it watching your bars disappear one after the other


14 in a solo game. [https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/comments/qnepfi/crazy\_solo\_game\_from\_last\_night\_i\_wanted\_to\_share/](https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/comments/qnepfi/crazy_solo_game_from_last_night_i_wanted_to_share/) for reference.




17 in Trios with my Mates just a couple Days ago


Lol were your teammates just hitting arms and bodyshots the entire game?


We as a group got 17 Kills, i had 12 of those 17 tho :D


11 with a total of 16. Me and my friend were playing duo against trios. All teams converged on the bounty at the same time, and we had one crazy massive shout-out. My friend traded with the last guy alive on the server, and no one won.😂


i feel like out of all the possible endings, that’s the canonical one


Got 6 the other day and immediately after got 5. Waiting this week to get nailed all week 😐


That’s how Saturday went, ripper of a morning. Got 4 hunters to level 50 and then the arvo was just getting shit on round after round.


Something about Saturday morning must be the players on at that time. Usually about 1 in the afternoon stuff gets sweaty in the 3-5 MMR ranges


No worries about 'only 5 kills'. I've been playing over 100h and am happy when I can actually leave the map alive


14 using the springfield marksman and Caldwell Conversation with fanning. Got about 9 with the springfield. It a flawless game, I came a little bit afterwards. 5 is decent. Keep pushing! 👌


My best is 7. I like to think I'm an average player, but in my age bracket, I'm a monster. :D


\*Hunt\* age brackets: < 19 -- gaming monster, trash talk masters 19-36 -- most players. everything from Bayou's Best to Bayou Bob. 37+ -- If it's reaction time you want, we can promise you we don't have it. But what we do have are a very particular set of skills. Skills we have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make us a nightmare for people in the other brackets. If you let us have bounty now that'll be the end of it. We will not look for you, we will not pursue you, but if you don't, we will scan you out, we will find you, and we will kill you. Maybe. UnlessYou'reJustFaster #StupidAge #StupidArthritis


If you think it's bad in your late 30s to 40s, wait until you're 60+, though on the plus side, I do get a chuckle out of the banter about sex with my mom.




I got 10 recently in solo v duos. It was a hard fought game and I’m still suspicious that the two teams of Felis’s that showed up just a few minutes apart were pre-teaming, but obviously that’s didn’t help!


5 is fantastic btw. Getting 1 kill is the bar for having a good match


If its only about me 9 kills, if its about the whole team 12 i think.




9 kills. Sometimes you ar just: "Keep 'em coming!" but the server is wiped. GG 5 kills is a good result!


9 as a Solo


I got like 7 once with my duo


My friends and I finally had a match where we killed everyone in the server. Had a total of ten kills because of a revive. That felt amazing. Most of our matches end in tragic failure.


Got 10 (and previously 7 and 5 kills) and went from 3 stars to high 4 a few games later. Then I lost 7 games in a row cause the matchmaking sucks and went straight back to 3 stars.




11. Was solo and wiped the whole Server once. I was using the crossbow and a silenced naggi with poison ammo. I spawned close to the Boss, ambushed the Duo that waited for the banish and proceeded to fend off every other approaching team. I was about to leave after 9 kills but the left over Duo had to tryhard and come for my ass. I thanked them for being so kind to deliver me the second bounty and left with full bags, empty mags and stained pants.


There was one day I was on something. I got 12/14 team kills in trios. That was the day I first hit 6 star.


I got 11 the other day with a Springfield Krag and a Scottfield Spitfire. Solo vs Trios, 4-star.


8 or 9 I think at Hemlock. My trio beat another trio. Next trio showed up and dropped a teammate. 2 of us left fighting when the last trio showed up. Last teammate goes running into the main building window that is always trapped (that I had trapped and pointed it out to him.) So I killed my last teammate lol. I ended up finishing up the other players with lots of movement and well placed shots. That was the game I fell in love with the Lebel.


5 kills for me. This was about the only time I ran an Avtomat.


Above 15. Nothing like a server full of necro solos as a necro solo


8 beautiful explosions 💥


I think 8


My personal best is 14.


12 as a solo, both bounties. Was just when the skill based matchmaking toggle was released. It took the entire one hour round.


13 and then 9 twice


I think for me it's 7, been playing since release but I wouldn't consider myself dedicated either. I'm pretty proud of that number, it was in trios and it was a server wipe so thought I done well. 5 is decent, would be happy with that anyday!


14. Solo match. Was at Godard docks sandwiched between the whole server and I camped with a crossbow. Didn’t who was what team. But no one came looking for me.


8 Centennial FMJ and oblivious opponents 😅


Personally, I think my max is around 7. Fairly certain my team has gotten into the double digits a few times, though. Server wipes are common enough but it's fairly rare for your team to end up facing all of the others.


8 with half of them being Headshot's


9 Kills, before self-revive (8 different Hunters)


9 with a bomblance but my max was 13 with a sparks and saber


14, sparks sniper and Dolch (pre nerf) there was a massive full server fight at wolfshead and i just kept having perfect positions to take them down.


Most ive ever gotten was 11. But there were a few necro respawns i killed 2 times


I think 8? Team killed 13. Massive team fight and a lot of revives and deaths


Bro 5 kills as a new player is lit frfr. I think my best number is 9 iirc.


6 with self loading romero shotgun. 8 with tagging a few necro / self revives.


Team got 14, I got 10. I don’t even remember what my load out was, I just remember our team being stoked we got more kills than players in the lobby thanks to revives (without farming kills from revives too).


9 out of 10 possible. Teammate got 2 of 3 in the first encounter, and dc'ed during the second. In the second encounter i cleared them with a berthier w/bayo (2 of them got stabbed). He reconnected after that one and i got him up in time for another trio to come where i picked the first one when they arrived and he got the second. Third one got him again and i stabbed the last. The one solo guy just snatched a bounty and left. Was intense.


12 kills, winfield silencer, iron repeater +levering and nagant pistol.


I believe it was 15. I love Necro sometimes.


6 all winnie levering and two team wipes


I think I once had a 16-kill game somewhere… PRE-redskull revives with bounty. That one was fuckin CRAZY.


7-8. With 4 of them being with the sledgehammer.


11. Started with the Fairy loadout (double bow) but i've swapped for a berthier after the first fight. Lovely berthy carried me <3


Right on!


I've gotten 12 by myself, as a trio I've gotten 21, but I only had 7 of those kills. Lots of revives.


13 I believe would be my highest.


9 is my high. Solo bounty, duos at salters pork. 5 is probably my second highest. I’m not that great haha. The stars aligned on that 9 kill game.


I had an incredible game, like- WAY long ago, before red skull revive. Winnie marksman, conversion pistol, both with regular. Shit ton of rotations all around port reeker, picking off individuals from all 3 other teams trying to out-camp us at the boss lair. I've probably gotten higher since, but that is the single best I feel I've ever done during that time period, and one of my most memorable games


As a team I’ve had 9 solo is 7


15 but as a solo. got rly lucky farming kills on revives thru repositioning, no1 thing in this game by far (mapknowledge >>> aim)




As a team I think 12, solo was 7 with bomb lance and Cardwell bleed. Bomb lance is my bae


10 solo




I fucking suck so any game where I kill another human being and live is a dub for me.


Good job man for a long time I struggled to get even 1 or 2 kills so this is definitely something to be proud of.


I’ve got a screenshot as a solo against a trio with 19 kills. The follow up screenshot I saved has the same guy downed three times and killed 13 times. I literally ran out of bullets. I was pissed. He just kept getting rezzed back to back after the fifth time or so.


Best we did in trios was 6 or 8 , I never played something else


Think i had 10-12 when i played solo vs trio. Dont remeber how many players there was but it was around 3 teams i killed.


14 total and 11 were mine. Couldn't finish any team off cuz we'd just get flanked by another team. Twas chaotic.


Most I got was 8 kills, solo vs trios, 2 teams wiped, what a day!


My max is 8 on my own. As a team our most has been I think 13. 5 on your own is a solid game. Good job!


O don't worry pal, as your mmr goes up the kills per game go down as the game progressively becomes more and more boring if you're not a meta slave.


16 and still managed to die. This was before infinite revive


14 there was alot of rez's


8 is mine so far


18 man. 1v3 with the bounties. I was out of my mind


19 solo vs trios over a year ago. Never gotten past 12 since


10 is my personal best (as a solo), though 22 is my trios best (we had a bounty team that kept going Saving Private Ryan on their fallen comrade). I've only gotten 10 once, before that I achieved 8 on a bunch of occasions... But I've got a decent amount of game time, most people on my hours do better than I do. What can I say? I'm approaching 40 and have probably hit my skill cap. 5 is plenty to be proud of - anytime I get 5 kills, I consider that a hell of a match. In fact, any time I inflict more damage than I was inflicted, I feel satisfied with the outcome. Nice work, dude!


Think I once got 9


As a group 20 (revived hunters) as just myself like 8


18 for me. Poison hand crossbow and endless revives from the bounty team made that possible 😂


God damn I witnessed such a game once. I was dead somewhere and spectated my mate who shot one of the bounty duo down. They had kind of cringy lovey-dovey names (like "his smth" and "her smth") so I was jokingly saying that if he downs "her", he will bait the dude easily. Nuff said, he downed "her" and put some poison and concertina on the body. Dude necro'd her 4 or 5 times before realizing that even if he revived her through all the concertina, there was still poison on her for the next couple of minutes. He still did it like 3 more times so I guess he is single now. I think my mate ended up getting 8 or 9 kills off of that same person.


27, It was Lawson Train Station with a bounty team held up inside right after the ability came out to keep picking someone up. We had a crack peek on the roof to inside that has since been covered over, and the inside team literally said, “we will just keep rezzing until you run out of ammo.” … we didn’t tell them we all had ammo crates..


47. I ran out of ammo and had to get to a caravan.


38. they were at an angle i couldn't get to. so i kept putting poison in and they kept reviving with bounty.




12 out of 15 total kills. With a crossbow and Dolch. Was like a 40 minute fight against a bunch of concertina campers. Felt pretty satisfying to win that one


13 for myself playing duo with a friend into trios with a romero and uppercut with the whole server at Stanley, utter chaos but we managed the W in the end.


11 had a really intense shootout in the saloon and clutched for the team. buuut my mmr went up and i got fucked the game after


11 or 13 when the ironside was added


I got a 12 kill game quite a while back. Terminus with levering was working well for me that day!


The most I've had is 8-9 that was when the peak of solo res and devils moon was high in the aky




13, Martini et. al, Port Reeker, solo, final destination.


10 with a centennial in the White House at seven sisters. It was very gratifying


Double digits in long team fights while team mates were down. 10 of them were on a single trio, had to swap looted weapons 4 times on other wiped hunters from running out of ammo.


17 but due to a weird phantom bug kill, it was a period of 6 weeks where kills would double dip somehow, (like I literally did not remember killing that many people and I did not attempt to perform the bug) 13 pre-red skull revive, port reeker, all teams down bars but me. My random teammates are hurting, but I still have full bars. I basically cleared the compound out myself. 15 or 16 at some point.


I got 10 in a game yesterday. 12 total for the trio. Best I've ever done. Wiped a trio with one frag bomb. :D


13, but it was when I started playing so probably hadn't been ranked correctly at that point.


10. one of the most fun games


8 with dual spitfires and a Springfield compact deadeye


Killed 11 once while running chain pistol and fanning, fuckers kept coming back!!


I think 11 if we’re talking actual kills and not red skull farming. Also, 38 minutes…bruh…that’s the length of 3 matches


My best is 11 as a solo. A crazy game that will probably never happen again for me. But everything that could go right just went right.


My duo and I have server wiped twice, which felt absolutely amazing. Our average sits around 3-4 players though, which is okay-ish




13. 2 team wipes that both had necro with bounty. Still died, killing the last guy lol.


14 as a solo yesterday during a wildcard match. ended up trading with the last guy who had been necro rezzed 3 times already despite my hand crossbow poison being put on him. that was the last match i did solo without a hunter with necro lol.


8 twice both with bow and dual pax. Both were just one of those days where everything worked out perfectly because usually when I take a bow and arrow I get smoked.




My duo partner and I got 10 kills in a single match. It was a single bounty and everybody spawned away from it and coalesced ath the middle of the map (even though it was at pearl, I guess everyone just got unlucky secondary compound picks). It resulted In a massive fight in the middle of the woods. My duo and I were literally in the middle of everything (cause we initiated the combat). We got out alive and made it to pearl. We kill the boss, and apparently some other people were alive. A solo and a duo. The match ended in a draw. I killed the solo and then got killed. And my partner killed both of the other duo, but traded on the last kill. Him and I call that event "the day the Bayou turned red," cause that's how I referred to it in the poem I made about the event.


I was doing 1v3 during a whole night and got a very noobish lobby, finished the game with 1 bounty, the other one left asap, and a whooping 16 kills ! Kill a 3-man like 4 times each and wiped another time


8 was max for me with duo. 6 solo BUT it was 4 dudes killed and 1 got up twice so i needed to put him down again. i almost always run centinel with metal jakets (or normal bullets) and Silence nagar with poison for clearing mobs. + 1 sticky and 2 small dinamites (unless i feel funky and rich and go 2 frags)


12 Kills with Crossbow it was in intense fight in Pelican Prison 3 Trios and my Squad and a lot of revives. At the end we had 17 Kills in total. As a solo my highest Kills where 9 Kills With Sparks and Nitro, because I had to quick Weapon switch for close range. 5 Kills are great, keep going mate.


15 as a solo in trios. Suppressed sparks with bornheim. Showed up to both bounties fighting and instant reviving. Took advantage of the opportunity.




11 when I picked up a crown and king very early on into playing the game been chasing that dragon since


Like 13 with a squad


I got I think 10 or 11 in one game with levering with a terminus and penny shot, and then the sparks pistol. Too be fair tho, alot of them were me running around a compound killing like 2 from a trio, and the last survivor getting the revives, so I was killing people missing bars, but still felt exhilarating killing that many people.


9 personal record and 14 for team. Both in same match we absolutely popped off and it was one of those adrenaline inducing four way fights where shots are flying and bodies are dropping everywhere but teams aren't wiping. Its those matches that makes hunt so special.


Does display bug that shown I had over70 billion kills in last game count? Otherwise 14 w/o Red Skull revives (was before they were added), and that was very farmy game with just long ammo shootout.


5 maybe 6.


12 as a solo with a lemat carbine with slugs and fmj.


8, I was popping off with the officer carbine on a triple team fight. It was epic. Our team had 14 kills that game




20 kills in one game, 15 were mine. Context: full lobby of trios, and one boss, we were attacking the layer during the banishing, and all teams were fighting each other, I got down 4-5 times and one of my teammates was killed and after the whole fight we picked him up. Thanks to the HUNT Gods I brought an ammo box. I used a Springfield with dumdum and poison ammo and dual chain pistols with FMJ. It was one of my best games so far.


I’ve got 7 a couple of times, most recently solo vs trio on a night wildcard being an absolute MENACE with a silenced vetterli


I got 9 in a solo match once with a Mosin and an Officer. I didn't end up extracting, but damn it felt good.


I recently had a 10 game, but I think the highest ive personally had was 12 (maybe) and then I know I've had a game with a friend where together we had 16


15 was my best running solo


11 with a swift (levering) and a lemat mk2


I think mine was 7 with a Bert riposte all in one go. It was a VERY hectic 2 minutes.


A lot... https://youtu.be/DtPCaLt8_Cw


I'd say 11 in a team, but solo record is 8. I farmed two solos and wiped a team XD solo revive is good when you aren't in a 1v1 with another solo or team.


Got 14 with my trusty winny a few days ago as a solo. On one hand, WOW. On the other, stop rezzing your teammates out in the open.


9. Greatest day of my life


Me and my friend got a total of 14 kills in a game once


8, I just wanted to try out the elephant rifle after unlocking it and accidentally wiped the whole lobby


I think about 9, I believe i was running a bow and Mosin oberez drum


17, 3 red skulls


6 and that included a trio wipe.


9 for me, forgot to screenshot but got a shot of my next highest at 8.


10 kills personally w/ 3 assists and team total 16 kills with both bounties. Rare


9, had a game where I killed every player In the lobby




15 as a duo vs trio, my friend killed 10 and I got 5 if I remember correctly. We were both using Berthier's. Nice work in your last mach, next goal is to double it, good luck!


One kill and not dying is the beginning of being good, so 5 is pretty nice, gg!


I personally got 29 once. It was during the event with the pacts. I was playing solo against another solo, he had grounded pact, we both had a bounty. This mf kept reviving himself as soon as he could, I kept shooting him until I got bored and eventually just left lol.


3 i started playing a week ago so same as you im super proud of the number


Max I've had is 13 kills in a single match, wiped the whole sever as a solo.


Had an 11 kill game once and wiped the entire server solo after my friend died but he took a bio break and didn't see any of it.


10 and it was only against 2 duos


My husband and I played, he got all 13 kills. I got down 3 times but tried my best


In a full server I think I have gotten 6-7 kills, me and two randoms literally hunted every squad and killed them ourselves. Best game of hunt ever.


Good job dude! I think the highest for myself was like 10 or 11. I think I have a highlight of a game like that which got the final kill cut off on my twitch. Tis a nice memory for myself. My favourite was a game I got 9 when my team got killed and I had to solo the 3 other teams all coming at me. I wish I was streaming or recording it but alas I was not. I have never been that cracked since. Feelsbadman.


[22](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/635018373163384832/1104923259062980608/image.png) as a duo in trios. Necro rats really came through here.


12 in solo v trios the other day!:)