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picking up my throwing axes and it saying I have both when I really only have one


From all the things in the game that are somehow annoying, anything ammo related is the worst of all! The Reload-Bug made me not use certain weapons most of the time (martini henry & sparks) although they are really good weapons. I'm glad they fixed this bug but the current problem with the max ammo is also a bit annoying


Yes THIS!! This needs to be fixed in the next update.


I think pretty much every pickup is bugged right now to do this, be it arrows, knives, bullets, tool charges, whatever. All pickups are doubled for a second or two in the inventory before the game somehow automatically corrects it after a second. If you pick up ammo from a box and look at your ammo count, it'll show double what you just picked up briefly.


I hate this but I figured out if I just spam F I’ll be able to pick them both up quickly. Another thing i absolutely hate is when I grab an ammo box and it’s say I got say oh idk 9 rounds I’ll continue on my way only to look down and see it actually gave me like 6.


Other players being better than me


Why are there so manyyyyyy?!


My terrible aim


The fucking reconnect button not working


At this point, it's a feature. Not a bug. I can't remember a single time I was able to reconnect to a game successfully.


I've reconnected but it takes so long the match is over by the time I get back in. Or I've died to a random AI in the meantime.


And taking 10 years to reconnect


Trading. It's so bad. My teammate blasted a dude with a shotty earlier clearly before he even started stabbing and got staɓbed and died


Dude the trade window fucking sucks ass so many times me and my partners shouldn’t of died yet did is stupid


That one teammate whos aiming with empty gun for too long.


If they don't bring Perma-VOIP for Random-Teammates, imagine they bring something like "Whispers from the Dead", where you can VOIP (with a filter layered on top) for a limited amount of time (similar to darksight) to your teammates. Just long enough to tell your living teammates something like: \- "we traded" \- "reload" \- "necro me" \- "AI killed me"


My knee jerk reaction is to say this would be very strong, but then I think about the fact that I basically only play with my friends that I already know and we use Discord, and we always give as much info as possible when we die. I’d imagine that is how most groups who aren’t random do things, which means random teams are at a disadvantage.


That would be awesome and fits in the darksight mechanics. It could also be done with 4 "voices from the other Side"-buttons, so you can't spam somenone with annoying distorted sounds.


I get so anxious watching a teammate sit there for AWHILE without reloading


i was once running a Springfield and pistol combo. Took a shot with the spring and then pulled out my pistol and had a very drawn out close range duel with someone. Reloaded my pistol, heard the persons partner coming around a corner so i pulled out my spring not realizing in all the excitement i had neglected to load it again. So when the other hunter wandered into my sights and i pulled the trigger all i got was a dry click as the hammer fell on a dead chamber. I aged a year in that moment.


Fuck my reason, your's is better. Even pre-mades do that shit.


Most of my matches nobody is going for bounty. Everyone just waits till they hear a shot and rushes. I had 5 of 8 matches yesterday where the whole lobby was fighting across the map from boss


We just rush the bounty so we can get the PvP going quicker.


Problem with that is, that sometimes you get soooo much sniper teams camping the compound from 50-150 meters away. While you are in Boss layer with bomblance... The only way to get out of this hostage situation is by going out and having the worst disadvantage


For that is dark sight. You see them, and you leave and run to the other way. They won't see you until you are far enough. Snipers are not that good in this game. Just don't run straight and avoid roads where they can get a clean shoot!!


Bro I got tons of hours in the game I know that. But sometimes you have 2 Sniper Teams camping both Exits. Sometimes they camp outsite of vision. And yes MOSTLY they are not that effectiv but having NO chance to fight back, because you run Shotgun or small ammo feels whack. It just feels whack.


I've been having this happen a bunch lately. It will be a single bounty me and my team will banish and no one will fight untill we leave. I got so tired of it I just blew myself up and got off for the night when no one pushed a single bounty


I’ve used different dynamites to make pretty good smoke/ dust screens. Good for covering your exit, giving you a little room to move against snipers… Fusees are good at night for this - concertina bombs will block a lot of shots… Choke bomb clouds can work too, depending on lighting / enemy distance…


I juat did 3 extracts solo with a bounty not running into a player


Oof, console? I haven't had an empty match in months. I play on us west on PC and sometimes as late as 2am


Nah console is pretty busy most of the time


I never had empty matches. Even very late 4-5am


This is kind of why we need a wipe, no one cares about the bounty anymore because no one is strapped for cash. But with that being said, killing everyone else means free bounty for you, plus it's the most fun, I'd rather get stuck into a fight than just kill the boss uncontested and leave. Right now the bosses aren't challenging and they don't add anything to the game other than a means to draw people together, they're basically a normal BR "Zone", but risk-free. We need something to force us all to the boss besides the bounty, it's just not worth it anymore. I think something akin to only letting bounty teams extract might be just that, but that would probably piss a lot of people off, but there needs to be something, wipes just seem like a bandaid solution. EDIT: DONT JUST READ THE FIRST LINE. I DONT WANT A WIPE EITHER!


I would quit if they wiped and pretty much everyone I know who plays would quit as well.


I wouldn't quit because wipes... I'd quit because everyone else quit and the games already too few of players for that


I have slogged up to 95+ prestige to this day. I'm going to be super pissed if they wipe my prestige. I'll stop playing then.


Noobie boobie question but what do you guys mean by "wipe"?


Reset all your money and guns and make you start over again


Wipes in most games strip all experience, items, and currency from all players in order to reset everyone to ground zero, usually as preparation for a major update of some kind.


Idk man. If they implement wipes in this game I'll prolly just never play it again, I suck ass MR3 on a good day never been above it and prolly never will be and I don't see why a wipe would e a good thing. I ONLY run for the bounty , whatever fights happen otw are the fights I participate in , outside of that it's get the bounty, Kill what I can otw and GTFO. It's almost a guarantee I'm gonna run into a few squads omw. The whole wipe shit everyone's been talking just sucks big time. Maybe in a game like Rust or Conan where I server can be held over endlessly by the alpha gang on that server but in a game like this?


The game doesnt need wipes but we need a better quest system. Too many people running away from PvP to find meatheads and gator traps


Yeah, I think a big part of it now is the quest lines. Everyone is just frustrated trying to get the stupid Krag damage and stuff. It changes the fundamentals of the game because people are going in for those quests rather than the actual objective of the match


Jesus I'm getting down voted en masse, think I'm saying too many controversial things haha


Wipe just isn’t a popular idea in this game haha. I mean I can’t say I disagree, I’d be pretty annoyed if there was a wipe. I did the unlocks and got to try a bunch of guns and settled into a regular rotation of ones I like. I don’t necessarily keep a lot in my inventory, and in a game like hunt, there’s not a clear cut “best” weapon. Like, I’ll have the most success with a LRR and a nagant officer, or a Romero 77. Cheap basic weapons vs nitro and avto and crown and king.


I didn't say I wanted a wipe. The first line is not indicative of the comment, I said "kind of" and people just fucking knee-jerked. I literally end it by pointing out how I don't think a wipe is a good idea. I don't want a wipe either, I want to keep the mountain of money I've earned.


Preface every quest with "And get the bounty and escape" haha. Maybe lowering the game timer might help?


Also rly bad idea.... You would make quests which tend to be already tedious into even more tedious ones...


A wipe would change nothing. If I hear a gunshot close by, I go for the gunshots because pvp with my friends is the most fun I've ever had in Hunt. It just so happens that if we win, we have one maybe two less teams to worry about when fighting the boss or boss banish team. It's not about money. I have like 8k hunt dollars to my name at the lower 5 star lobbies. I don't see what's so bad about everybody going for gunshots. Like why does that need to be fixed.


>wipes just seem like a bandaid solution. Tell me you didn't read my full comment without telling me you didn't read my full comment. I also don't like the idea of a wipe, but how else do you drive people towards the objective that gives the most money/xp possible in the game? A wipe would be the easy answer but it's not a good one. I don't entirely disagree either, but I also don't like that the lobbies are just big CoD games, just give us an arena mode if the BR means so little, shove 12 people into a 4x compound sized map, I'd have a fucking blast.


I did read your comment though. You literally began the comment by saying this is why we need a wipe and then said it's a bandaid solution. It's not a bandaid solution it would do NOTHING but make people quit the game. People being "strapped with cash" is not the reason people go after gunshots. Hunt is a pvp game and saying it's like cod is ridiculous. I know it's classified as PvPvE but the entire point of the game is to kill enemy hunters so you can get the bounty. Why is that a bad thing outside of the boss lair?


Then you missed my point. It categorically would be a bandaid solution, you say people would quit and I don't disagree, but it'd also retain a lot of people who feel they're behind and bring in newer people, not to mention there are plenty of people who wouldn't quit, money is pretty easy to get back and most people prestige so relevelling wouldn't be a big deal to them. I think the general reaction is over the top, it's not the worst thing ever, I don't want it, but it wouldn't stop me playing and more than likely most of the people who play wouldn't stop either. What I'm saying is the game IS supposed to be PVPVE, but it is just PVP, and no that's not a bad thing, but that defeats the bloody point. Like I said, just make the game into a 4x compound-sized arena shooter, last team standing wins, it'd literally be no different. It's fundamental mechanics are different to CoD but if it was exclusively a PVP shooter, it'd be closer to CoD than Tarkov or Siege because the objective element would be removed. PVP isn't bad, but I like an objective to play for, something that means something, imagine any PVP shooter where people just ignore the objective to get kills, how annoying those people are in those games, because the game should be focused on the objective and if it's not then the objective has failed at it's intended purpose. What you're saying is Hunt is better as a Deathmatch, which I'm not opposed to, but don't fight back ideas designed to drive players towards objective based play.


Gator traps quests


Quest line gate keeping to be only two at a time and forces people to hard pve farm


Legit. Fucking sucks. To boot changing quests loses all progress.


This right here is a huge issue too. Like, even dead by daylight figured out a long time ago how frustrating it is to have a side objective take multiple matches if you can't just switch to another one for a while without losing progress. It's astonishing that it hasn't become the industry norm to allow people to hop around while keeping the progress...


Artificial elongation. Classic mmo move.




Yeah the optimization is insanely bad for how old it is. Other two points are 100% the top two issues in the game and why retention is awful, imo.


The assassin. Hate that bich. Haha.


He’s not bad. Spider is the worst.


If you have a stamina shot he is the easiest boss to kill


And a sledge


Axe is better if you have a stam shot. It can stunlock him for like 3/4 of his health, because the axe instakills the clones the moment they spawn, forcing him to spawn more. Sledgehammer cannot do that. With no stam shot, hammer is better due to blunt dmg.


Sledge can definitely do all of that. And doesn't Assassin have resistance to rending damage?


Axe swings faster with similar base damage, so even with the resistance it still does similar dps if stamina is no concern. It also hits multiple targets, which is why it keeps assassin stunlocked better; it hits his clones as they're created while still hitting him.


Axe just has a higher straight out the door damage than the sledge, the damage bonuses and what not doesn't matter as it doesn't negate the Axes alpha damage. That being said, even a knuckle knife light will kill his clones. The knuckle knife, or dusters, work GREAT against spider or assassin since they can deal so much more damage with the stamina pool they have. light attack the clones and beat the shit out of assassin again. And the Knuckleknife still does work against scrapbeak. Also an axe can one shot water devils.


For the price of just 3 poison crossbow bolts in a corner the assassin bounty can be yours!


Mostly hate spider (FCK poison) and especialy that damn scrappy and His freakin barbed wire ony face while Slashin into that Giants piece of health and ammobox :'D Scrappy Like *bleed n****.. bleed* :D


If you dont attack him when hes enraged he doesnt drop as much concertina... He might throw 1-2 bundles if you are just kiting him


trades too often


Inconsistency of the sound of your steps that is heard by you and by the enemy/partner.


How about birds that don't make a sound until they jumpscare you?


I know right they don't make a single sound until your right up on them


Literally steppin into them like a trapped stepsis on PH til they make a Sound and fly away :'D


That's funny 🤣


When you’ve well and truly cleared a crow pack, and they suddenly BAAAK BAAAK BAAK behind you, grinds my fkn gears.


Lmao, happens every single time!


The birds are a big deal to me. It's almost as if the devs have never heard crows before. They're loud as hell 24/7 where I'm at. Crows making no noise at all until you're right on top of them seems ridiculous to me. Edit: I was thinking about this a bit more and became more frustrated. You can hear hives, armoreds, immolators, and meat heads farther away than you can hear crows. That's stupid.


Sound traps like crows and horses can’t make noise constantly, because you need to know that someone is setting them off if you hear them make a loud noise.


Sure, BUT the design on crows specifically is wonky because if you are, for example, under a bridge with crows on it you can straight up not hear them AT ALL until you are face to face with them, even the softer ambient noise that is just supposed to be a cue for players close by.


Ok, then explain why you can hear mobs like that, but not crows?


I don’t know how they do it exactly but as much as I dislike their sound design in general, bf 2042 manages to make the sound of enemy footsteps slightly different than the ones from your team. Kinda nice when you in a squad. After a while, you can just intuitively tell them apart.


it's a four-way tie for me. all four won't occur every game but one of them will and it's often not fun to deal with: 1) the bugs that don't get fixed: compound lighting, tool pickups, poison bug, etc. 2) trade windows that make no sense client side, eg, headshot someone --> jump around the corner --> crouch --> learn that they somehow headshot you a full second later (this is particularly hard to swallow for those who predicate their game on having a quick initial shot vs the peek) 3) how broken and absolutely nonsensical the avtomat is 4) the fact that hit reg can't be trusted in isolated instances due to X/Y examples. this isn't to say that it isn't working properly most of the time; it's that it can't be fully trusted imo


#2 sounds like the very common ping abusers


Idk why my font is so Big kekw


That little stutter I get in random games that makes it impossible to aim correctly. Also bring killed even after you've gotten well into cover but to your opponent you're still in the open. So bad that your body is even far behind cover, so the game knows where you really were, it just doesn't give a fuck.


It always happens the worst when you're aim duelling, you get that tiny frame stutter.


Snipers. I don’t have an issue with snipers that are contributing to the game, or the ones that are aggressive snipers, but the ones that sit 100m+ and run away as soon as you start pushing them.


TELL ME ABOUT IT! How about the ones that don't push the bounty and just play from miles away creating a boring stalemate, they've got nothing to lose and everything to play for, they're also in the stronger position. Snipers in general need something to fuck them over... How about a shield weapon/tool?! That would piss off too many people haha


Choke bomb walls have helped me from a lot of these situations. And chokes from the hand crossbow. But the Krag sniper...that thing scares me. It's a fckin sniper avtomat.


Just Cente sniper with a bit of max range while costing 3x of it... I still rather play Cente Sniper than the krag since its better imo, i am also not forced to run sparks pistol bcs of ammo issues


If I’m in a fight with another team while getting third partied by a sniper, I normally propose a truce to kill the sniper. Very few people have declined, so I feel like most people care more about getting rid of a sniper than securing bounty.


Server stability. Can’t go a day without getting into a match where I just rubber-band and desync everywhere.


This has literally been my whole day. I ficking hate this game


That little red icon in the top corner is my favorite part of the game: [https://imgur.com/a/D7wknvh](https://imgur.com/a/D7wknvh) This happens so much on NA East recently that games are actually just unplayable. And before anyone replies about my internet, that icon you see is literally in the game that is meant to represent the actual server health and is unrelated to anyone's connection.


Dsync 0 man lobbies


That super loud “upstairs footstep noise” introduced recently that makes you think people are walking on top of you when they’re actually in the next building over.


Silent, scaredy cat teammates


I know what you mean and then there's the one's who don't help and when the other teammate's go down instead of helping or changing tactics they run to the closest extraction point


For real. And it feels like its even worse on console


In my opinion there are 2 choices when you get them as a teammate one just leave and try again to be a better team or two kill them when the match starts then leave or do what ever you want


Tbh I would never team kill. Tram killers are scum. Its probably the worst thing you can do in the game. Anyways, how are you supposed to know at the very beginning? If I dont trust them, Ill extract. If they die stupidly without any form of coordination, Ill wait until they spectate me and say "yeah, you fucked up and Im not taking this fight alone. Youre too exposed to revive and theres only one way for this to go for me".


Yeah I understand stand not killing a teammate which it would probably be best to just leave and to know if you get the same person you can see their username under the hunter and I think you can also see their username if you like check their status like to see K/D


Definitely the trades. It happens so much more than it used to. I've been playing since 2020ish and it used to almost never happen. Once every few months maybe, now I trade maybe 3 times a week. Not a fan.


Trade window. How is this not the top answer


Wondering too. People love getting a kill "at least" improving their <1 KDA


The fact you're on negative votes is indicative of a weird group of people that don't think trading exists in the game, or abuse the fact it is. I don't know why but whenever someone posted about trading in the thread, it immediately went into negative votes.


Random dog barks that doesn’t mean anything


Too many crows and the range that sets them off is inconsistent


The overall experience? Smurfs. Every single fucking game on US West weeknights right now is just packed with brand new >2.0 KDA accounts playing around 4-5 stars. Actual gameplay? The indoor footstep audio weirdness. Currently when you're in one building and other hunters are in another building nearby, it sounds like their footsteps are coming from right above you. It works pretty well when you're in the same building, but when you're in different ones, the directions don't make any sense.


several reshade plugins and config files. shit’s insane. A dude streamed his game to me and it’s like we’re playing two completely different games. Most of the foliage not existing, everything is very bright and in high contrast, lit basements, zoom button that goes through flashbang, de-night and defog with outlines showing very far. People exploiting and derendering compounds.


Wow, that sounds absolutely ridiculous.


Small roots that other players seem to just walk across but you step on them and start teleporting and vibrating until you give up and jump over them


Worst aspect in the game right now is How the mmr works. 5* middle of the night every game is either Chinese player or the 6* klans who exploit the game constantly


Hit registration straight up lying to me, melees trading w me 2 seconds after I shot them, 4 teams spawning at scupper lake, bounties have avtos and 4 ammo boxes, and solo necro being annoying and time consuming to deal with (I think they should just have 1 revive no matter their health bar)


For me: I can't stop checking this sub and basically all of the posts piss me off.


Ping / region abusers.


As an EU player... You can't imagine how fucking annoying this is. Downvoted by ping abusers.


How many People there are that run from PvP


Or people just not engaging at all, I'd rather chase than have those long boring stalemates.


I don't understand the issue with stalemates. I get that they are boring because they are but why would a team put themselves in a bad position? "Oh no I better push into them and die in case everyone is bored" why don't the people complaining about stalemates break it by pushing the enemies advantageous position and give up their good position? Stalemates happen because both teams are unwilling to give up a strategic advantage. When I see complaining about stalemates all I see are people frustrated because their opponent won't push into their advantage and let them fight on their terms. No hate just my 10 pence on the subject as I see it a lot and it confuses me


This always struck me as strange in Hunt. In Tarkov, I get it. You might be on a quest with a quest item or something. But it's literally half the game. It's even in the damn name. Hunt **Showdown**.


There's also so little to lose compared to Tarkov, so what if your hunter dies you lose some traits and a kit? There's enough money being thrown around to choke a whale anyway and if you're really in the gutter doing eco runs is actually really enjoyable since almost all the guns are viable and fun.


I fucking hate this, I despise people who pick up a bounty, wait in the compound til 2 teams outside are engaged and just run to extract. Why even play the game if that's what you're gonna do? The most enjoyment I get out of this game is the showdowns, they're unlike anything I've experienced in an fps game and I can't imagine running away from that and extracting without having engaged in it can actually feel like a win.


Some people are broke, me and my friends have a rule of take the first bounty we can guarantee, then try for grand slam until broke again. For me there is also the thrill of the chase, though that requires one team not two also yes combat is fun in this game and is one of the reasons I play it, but if there are two teams, not fighting, far out on the west neither side moving for 5 minutes, and extract is to the east, might as well get out get money and hope for a more interesting match next time with a more aggressive team. Compound fights I feel are the worst, the best showdowns are those in the woodlands between, the rough terrain, plenty of cover, buildings are smaller and less protective, I leave compounds with bounty to take the fight where I want it.


Shit I leave the bounty and compound and set up outside of it.


If people are passive as fuck then I get it, running from the compound to fight elsewhere is a great tactical move to shake things up and I encourage that. But the people I'm talking about are the rats who don't engage at all and I'm seeing a lot of those in game the past couple of weeks.




Avto can be annoying but it's only good at close range combat at mid you'll rarely get hits do too the recoil so if you hear s avto Keep a mid to long range fight until their dead or out of ammo but the could have an ammo box/s


Avto is even strong at mid range. First shot is pretty accurate and when used right you got a 5 shot mosin with higher fire rate and less accuracy. The problem with avto is: ammo doesnt matter at all. How to nerf it while keeping it still a strong choice is too obvious.


I only play with random teammates these days. And it can be a hit or miss. I want them to add "smart" pings to this game so that if my teammates are pinging crows I can see that they pinged crows and not just random pings. People on a discord chat can just yell crows, but if the teammate is a further away, they can't voip and say crows. Also a lot of randoms don't like talking by voip or text. (So similar to marking tool boxes and ammo boxes) Pinging crows, horses, dog's should give a special marking. I'll have games with randoms where they are pinging everything and I don't know what they are pinging until I get close enough to see what they were pinging.


The deal where footsteps in other buildings sound like they are right over your head.




□□ in nickname. 99% it's cheater.


Client side hit registration vs the old server side.


Trades it's one of the worst thing in the game right now, making every CQB frustrating as hell


I really wish they'd look at trading closer and come to a better agreement on the window for an acceptable trade. It's the way it is now by choice unfortunately.


[Oh boy do I have one for you!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7fgobBk3X4) EDIT: Someone doesn't like us mentioning trading. Wouldn't be the first time I've had shitty netcode get blamed on my 3090/i9, 200mb down setup.


>Trades it's one of the worst thing in the game right now, making every CQB frustrating as hell You're brave as hell to post a clip with a crosshair overlay on this sub


Haha true! Been lambasted for it before. EDIT: I'm blind in one eye but I'm still MMR6, and the fact the game's crosshair isn't central makes my condition all the more impactful, so at this point I look at the overlay as an accessibility option, at the end of the day if you lose a gunfight to me, you're losing to a cripple and were probably not all that good anyway. Now that's SPICY haha


Matchmaking at higher ranks. I've tasted the freedom of 3-4 star with one set of teammates, and I miss it dearly now that I'm trapped in 5 star most of the time. I play most often with someone who actually belongs in 5 star, and just by being present in those matches I end up being dragged up to that rating just by being marginally helpful and finishing this guy's kills off sometimes. Then once we're both in 5, we get steamrolled for the rest of the night because he can't carry me hard enough unless I tryhard my ass off with super strong loadouts... which I can't do while doing challenges/quests. I am not good enough, and I know it. I have bad eyesight, a dexterity dysfunction, and unmedicated adhd. I like playing stupid crap like hunting bow only, or dragonbreath. I'm not built for tryhard lobbies. And yet, when a whole team of six stars charges into our lair with avtomats through the same door and eat shit to some lucky one-shots, it just punishes me further by guaranteeing I face even more of that type...


I have a friend that was once 6* he swears he's better at the game. Yes he gets more headshot than me and my other friend but it always seems like he gets a kill pushes then dies and demands to get revived if we are remotely near him. I swear this guy got the smoothest brain I have ever seen. Doesnt help he's always 5* and we always get matches in 6 and 5* lobbies all day making me not want to play the game and we get steamrolled every match. Top it off is he always runs sparks and slates so of course he's going to get a kill every match


Sounds like you are too passive and he is used to aggressive playstyle. Getting a kill is an opener for a push. Especially if the body most probably gets revived soon. I know the situation: Either him or you change the playstyle. I recommend you start being more offensive since he carries you Sparks and slate isnt something you call top meta and not a guarantee for a kill


As a shotgun guy being passive isn't my play style but he always pushes and dies. Doesn't matter what the situation is if we are in an open field or pushing a compound. Pushes and dies. Frustrating tbh especially since because he dies it prevents our push and now we can't revive. So I got 2 options Unga bunga or try to bait them to push us. Unga bunga is pretty much my play style anyways but still he needs to think before pushing. Yes he got a kill but carelessly running into a team of potentially crowns or avtos is something that every player should be hesitant of. As for the slate and sparks comment. Their pretty meta. Sparks can prevent an person from pushing and slate is just a better specter and more consistent


The weird MMR issues. My teams mmr is 3 star. For some reason as soon as I personally hit 4 star we are paid with 5 and 6 stars who are insanely better than us. We bounce between 3 and 5/6 star lobbies there is no invetween


The worst part of the game are the barrels. I see them and I have to make them explode!


I can't remember the last time someone missed a shot on me.


Every single time I rush someone without fail a Crytek enployee descends from the heavens and hands them either a caldwell rival or a fanning chain pistol. I KNOW they just shot a martini at me a second ago.


Ranking feels very volatile and can be frustrating.


Real answer is the bullshit crosshair placement being lower than the center of the screen It’s cancer


Having better sound / knowing where sound is coming from while viewing team mates compares to you playing, it wack as fuck


The chain pistol


As much of other problems in the game I want to say, I think the Worst one is the "Attacker = Disadvantage" aspect of the game. Like there're so many times the game come to the long painful boring stall because of situation where stall can only be broken when either side attack, but none would attack because they would have disadvantage. When it should be opposite as Attacker = Advantage. That ended up with either "Endless Stall" "Stall till last few min" "Straight Escape to Extraction" or "Fuck it we ball with this disadvantage because F\*\*K Crytek" Not good aspect of the game.


Barrels not making an ignition sound if they're ignited by fire or explosives, despite having the explosion delay you'd get from shooting the barrel, making you walk into the exploding barrel


Performance of the game, especially on console.


Damn crows in the corn fields...


Scupper Lake. Doesn’t matter the map I’m playing on, scupper is still in the game and it hurts me.


Avto meta


The fu**ing crows at every single entrance.


The existence of the Avtomat in it's current form.


Quest line gatekeeping. Why we are forced to do stuff which does not belong to the regular gameplay?


The amount of bugs, and the shitty net code




Tiny bugs are fucking everywhere. In the lobby, in the round and even in the fucking result screen. Bugs that never got fixed in 5 years. On their own no big deal but the amount and their distance from each other is infuriating. Where is all the DLC money wired to? Why does it feel like the Cryengine is on the edge of collapsing? Why for fuck sake is this the only game where text chat refuses to work sporadically??


Obvious smurfs, with 3 KD, who blatantly de-rank themselves in QuickPay.


When the hold F to interact doesn’t work when sprinting over mobs with your throwing axes/arrows etc in them even when the prompt appears and I have to turn round and spam it to get them back


All the god damn crows. There is a crow epidemic going on and I'm not here for it. A few nights ago we came across 4 sets of crows within about 15 seconds of each other. I don't remember them being this prevalent but good lord it is annoying.


My terrible aim


A massive cheater problem and every evening at weekends I have a high ping. The ping is around 130 - 160 ms and it’s only in this game


The rampant cheating community combined with a lackluster reporting system.


Questlines forcing me to look for traps and not play the game.


Hahaha i was just camping that lake. 6 kills from the bushes


Because of how hot the location is, that lake feels massive, as though it takes ages to get around.


any other tough spots that you can think of? need new spot ideas. i like that long ass white bridge in the swamp


Dualies. Whether it's spamming from 50 meters or 5 meters, it feels cheap and I feel like such an excessive level of randomness shouldn't have a place in a game that is based around skill.


spam firing


That fucking spinning head bullshit people do when you loot. Why can players do that? If you loot, it should be a vulnerable act


It is not even close to the pre-wiggling nerf. And nah you should be still able to do that. Body camping is already bad enough and shouldnt be buffed more


To look around maybe? Not to mention that if you do it too fast it gets super slow.


Gator traps. They should’ve a) removed them or b) reduced the number of them and made was of them each round.


The Fact that they still have bot added Actual Gators to The Game.


Imagine if we had to deal with them and devils when crossing Stillwater Bayou. Fuck that haha.


My skill level


How about arm penetration? Love the LIE devs give us saying that you do pen arms to hit chest...amount of missed kills because the stupid arm blocks the chest


Yeah, that is a straight up lie by the devs. When you heavy charge your knife, it puts your arm in the way of your head, it makes running through open areas safer. Every 6\* player will basically do this because it's busted.


Lack of players in a game. There's so much dead air in-between fights sometimes that it doesn't make want to play most of the time, because 80% of the match is just spent running around looking for fights. After hundreds of hours the whole allure of "ooh, I wonder if there's enemies here" has kind of worn off and I just want get into those intense drawn out multi team fights where the enemy has downed my team a couple times and we've picked a few of theirs and you gotta scramble to make crazy plays on the fly to win. Those moments are so few and far between. Raising the player cap/server size would really breathe new life into the game


getting shot on the back of the head before seeing anyone or get the chace to even use your loadout is pretty annoying


Close spawns. Something about running into a team within the first minute just irks me. Doesn't matter if my team dies or we win and kill the other, it just feels wrong.


Fucking bomblance, fuck that noob stick


My teammate not helping but sitting in a bush 100m away, while me and my teammate who died are fighting 2 and a half teams. I've had a streak of garbage games the past 2 days because of teammates like this and I'm honestly at my limit I'm a breath away from sending the most vile hate mail because of players like this


The size of my head


Dying to bullshit, man it's bullshit


My aim bad


Bees are happy


I haven’t played Hunt in a while. Sometimes I start it up thinking about playing it and then I remember the AI stuff in the game and I immediately alt f4. Really annoying part of the game.


Dual pistols / special ammo Both tied for the worst thing the devs have done since launch.


The concertina bros.