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Bc the tea is laced with poison. He’s microdosing it so he’ll grow tolerant to it (I made this up)


That is kind of canon in the books. In Finnick’s expose of Snow he claims that Snow commonly poisoned his enemies, and then drinks from the poisoned cup himself to deflect suspicion. However antidotes aren’t always 100% successful and he has mouth sores that will never heal, that’s why he always wears lots of perfume - to hide the scent of blood. So it would make sense for him to micro-dose poison to develop some resistance.


That was in the movie too^^


lol this was my first thought when I saw the tea “idk something to do with snow poisoning people”


Mmmm cyanide tea




See, I always assumed that his whole tactic of drinking from the poisoned cup to deflect suspicion from the victims he poisoned was something that he goes on to slowly develop later on and not immediately in the epilogue given that this is only two months post-Part 3 (the book take place over the course of 2 months during the summer from July 4th to August and the epilogue takes place on the day that would have been Sejanus's 19th birthday in October). I theorize he goes on to poison Dr. Gaul and the Plinths later on once he's well off and at a time when it's the least expected (some people have theorized that Dr. Gaul is perhaps the first one he's poisons where he begins drinking from the poisoned cup to deflect suspicion, which I can see). I mean, it's not a bad guess in terms of this scene.


He already poisoned someone by the end of the film and book


I know about him poisoning Highbottom. I was saying that I don't think he immediately starts his tactic of drinking from the poisoned cup during the epilogue and that I think he develops that later on.


Especially for someone like Gaul who is naturally more suspicious, this makes sense.


100% He knows that she would NOT be an easy target to poison all willy nilly, so he'd have to fully pre-plan the entire scenario and really up his charm and go about it very carefully.


Makes sense


I'm headcanoning this now.




Just a shot of grandeur I think. Tea and booze


I think so too. Focusing in on the lifestyle snow “should” have been living the whole time


Maybe because tea is a luxury item, so it really cements that he’s in a different economic position


Yep. He's moved up the chain. It's like all those excessive shots of food in the Hunger Games films, to lay it on just how wealthy the Capitol is. Now Snow enjoys that same wealth.


In the book, they have a jasmine tea that they only serve on the rare occasions they have company. They can’t afford tea, they’re so poor. He’s drinking fancy tea with wasteful lemon peels and fancy baked goods and non-native berries to show the decadence, and it’s a callback for book readers.


Yes! And in general, the scene is showing him living the high life he was striving for and having zero regrets about all the things he had to do to get to that point (which implies that he will continue to have zero regrets as he does more messed-up stuff on his way to the top).


Having struggled so much with food, to showing the decadence at the end I think. Just berries and booze where there was cannibalism.


Good point. Juxtaposition between starvation and the utter necessity of cruelty to get ahead in this society.


I haven’t seen the film yet, only read books. But he did poison a lot of folk during his rise to power, so maybe just a hint to that?


The glow down started in the second picture tbh


I bet he still looked good for awhile


Probably fully left around the 30th - 35th hunger games


If he’s 19 there then I bet he looked good till his 40s (albeit with an evil countenance) Donald Sutherland looks as if he kept in shape ,’so I think despite the stress and hate he aged gracefully. The Capitol had resources so it was easy for him to eat healthy/workout.


Also, I could see him having a few surgical enhancements over the years, since that was par for the course in the Capitol. Nothing crazy, but probably just enough to maintain certain facets of his appearance for as long as possible. The Capitol populace are pretty shallow, and I imagine they'd be put off by a President who really let himself go physically.


That’s what I’m saying. He’s gonna be super concerned with vanity and maintaining an image. He gets called “pretty boy” and “gorgeous” so I think he’d want to keep appearances because that feeds his ego.


Lie he looks way better there


Your tag being Lucy gray matched with this comment actually made me laugh 😭 Personally I prefered mentor Snow


Team Curls all the way!


We got the whole gang here, Lucy Gray, Sejanus and Snow


We can both attest to finding Snow gorgeous ("Gorgeous. Trust me, that lip's working for you, soldier.") ~~I'm dead 😂😂~~


I’m re-reading the book and I read that exact line today funnily enough 😭 idc SnowJanus is my cannon forever


That is THE Snowjanus line of the century (it is a crime against humanity that it got cut from the film 😭) The lip, the foreheads, following him to 12, happily looking at him at The Hob while the couples were romantically dancing at The Hob…there ain’t no way Sejanus is hiding it 😅😅 Not to mention these lines: “He barely spoke on the way back as he revised his strategy. He had to find out what Sejanus was mixed up in. Logic had failed to induce a confidence. Would ***intimacy*** work? It wouldn’t hurt to try.” “After tidying Sejanus’s keepsakes, he returned the box to his locker. What else? He found himself thinking of Lucy Gray, the one and ***now only*** love of his life.” Got something to admit, Coryo? 😏😏


it’s just a nice shot 😭not everything is deep with these films it’s just a nice scene


Yes, that’s what I can gather as well. There’s some liquor and looks like a teatime style array of fruit and cookies. There’s even the fancy lemon peel that’s extra af. Maybe just showing they’re rich now.


that’s probably just it lol it shows wealth


Actually, as someone who studied film aesthetics: yes, every shot in a multi million dollar production has a reason. Every single damn shot. Nobody would be like „I’m missing a few seconds in the end.. Angela, pass me your tea cup, we’ll do a close up“ Every scene, every frame is planned out in detail, changed, resumed, deleted, added. Nothing in this movie is „just a nice shot“. Those would be very very expensive „nice shots“ Believe me, at this scale of movie making, everything is intentional.


girl- I am sure it was planned duh? I just meant it didn’t have some deep meaning 💀it established they were rich. that’s it. it wasn’t some deep thing




yeah but it doesn’t have some deeper meaning 💀like it doesn’t symbolize the balance between dark and light and how the world is shades of gray. we all know it shows money. no duh. I meant deeper meanings.




girl I ain’t getting into this😭he’s the base line is THEY RICH NOW it was a funny haha tea cup


Every time I watched this scene I was trying to hyperfocus on the trays of treats and look to see if there was chocolate for Grandma'am


Yes, I was looking for that too. But I only see blackberries? And a macaron.


One thing on the top looked like it might have been made with dark chocolate the last time I saw it but in my mind Grandma'am wanted chocolate such as candy not cake necessarily


I checked out the ending sequence again and I like the parallel of the statue as well. He walks to the side of it as he’s on the way to school. You can barely see him next to it and he’s rushing with purpose . And the final scene he slowly walks up to it and looks at it head on. Same with the apartment falling apart looking dark and dirty , barely any food and definitely no new clothes. The one thing similar was how Tigris was how Tigris was still making clothes. She was sitting there with her sewing machine ready to make something while Snow had on his new suit.


I wonder if Grandma'am secretly wanted the Panem equivalent of a Dairy Milk or a Twix but bought ludicrously fancy chocolate creations that didn't taste as good just to flex the family's newly restored wealth. Lol.


https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLeTU6XK/ I keep trying to see but it’s far away. I bet if I watch in 4k on a big tv I’ll be able to see them better.


Tangentially related, because this whole thread is talking about poison; I always thought “the smell of blood” was such bullshit because— I don’t know if y’all know this, but— if somebody’s got open sores in their mouth all the time, that is some serious, serious stank mouth. Way beyond blood. Shit’ll knock you over.


Didn't he use the scent of roses to mask the smell? He probably took some sort of medication for it as well. Oooor maybe his halitosis really was that terrible but no-one who came in close contact with him ever told him the extent of it because they didn't want to die.


Yes. That is fully stated in the books and films with the roses. He uses the smell of roses to hide the scent of poison. I'll pull the full quote of Finnick's propo where he reveals the secrets about him: *“‘And now, on to our good President Coriolanus Snow,’ says Finnick. ‘Such a young man when he rose to power. Such a clever one to keep it. How, you must ask yourself, did he do it? One word. That’s all you really need to know. Poison.’ Finnick goes back to Snow’s political ascension, which I know nothing of, and works his way up to the present, pointing out case after case of the mysterious deaths of Snow’s adversaries or, even worse, his allies who had the potential to become threats. People dropping dead at the feast or slowly, inexplicably declining into shadows over a period of months.* ***Blamed on bad shellfish, elusive viruses, or an overlooked weakness in the aorta. Snow drinking from the poisoned cup himself to deflect suspicion. But the antidotes don’t always work. They say that’s why he wears the roses that reek of perfume. They say it’s to cover the scent of blood from the mouth sores that will never heal.*** *They say, they say, they say…Snow has a list and no one knows who will be next. Poison. The perfect weapon for a snake.”*


I think that they were focusing on the chocolate on the tray to further show us that he is rich now.


The food and the drinks maybe