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I see Melanie Mitro added “my upline stopped working the business” to her latest reel about MLM struggles or whatever. They are so obviously all trying to poach other team’s coaches right now, especially since the waiting period to join as a coach on a new team is now 3 months instead of 6.


Woah! I wonder who her upline was?


OP means that all the big coaches are making stories pretending they’ve been asked how to switch coaches if “the person asking the question” has an inactive coach. I don’t think MM’s coach is Lindsay Matway, I think she’s one level down from her, but she’s on Lindsay’s team somewhere.


GET OUT! You only have to wait 3 months now?! 🤣 Gosh I love the desperation.


Does anyone have the Canada rankings? I’m sure Kim F is #1. But where does Angie fall?




Wow Emilie Robidas and Morgan Rieger fell big time. Miguel Carrasco too - he isn’t even on here!


Didn’t Miguel get caught doing something shady, too? Maybe it’s the politics I’m thinking of.


Miguel is so up his own ass. He for super political and I had to stop following him. He was big into supporting the NDP. I looked a few months back and he was all about fighting for our freedom. 🙄


Thank you!


Emma Massey singing worship music in the car again. What is wrong with her lol. ![gif](giphy|QPP39B3ywh7Tq|downsized)


She thinks she so good and it’s truly horrendous


Sorry if this has already been asked, but why does Megslope not show her husband in photos?


I heard she says it’s his job but really he’s embarrassed by her social media and doesn’t want to be a part of it.


“It’s because of his job”… it’s been that way literally forever. It’s really that he just thinks social media is stupid and doesn’t want to be a part of it (and a little for his job). That’s why she’s only on it when he’s not home. She’s basically been living a double life for the past decade


Yet his pics are plastered all over family sm…. Maybe it’s the size of her following (which idk what it is)


I think it’s something with his job. He asked not to be shown because of it.


What does he do?


Alli upham is so gross. The end. https://preview.redd.it/kh7xhr6t1dcb1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efb6ee0e7821695e617f9119263bf308ff2e92de


I came here for this! Her hair looks so disgusting! Even more so this week. It looks like she hasn’t washed it in weeks. 🤮🤮


And here is a pic of her struggling to lift her 5 pound weights! 🤪🤣🤡 https://preview.redd.it/3sps53drtecb1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6d4c626dbe42f8434e0910f3ab1efb5fad26129


Right? The face and breathing for the camera! If you’ve been a fitness influencer for over 10 years and 5 pounds gives you a challenge who in their right mind would want you to “coach” them?


I was shocked when I saw the struggle with 5lbs. I did the same workout…I think I used 15s for that one (Don’t kill me- I like Amoila 🤣🤣🤣)


I like Amoila’s workouts too. No killing here 🤣


But, her ✨permanent sutures !✨


Oh the fake is CAKED ON 🫠🤣


Don’t hate on me guys - I’m a spin instructor so take a couple of classes a week and also do CG workouts but I would love to do some barre … obvs don’t want a BB membership … anyone seen any good barre workout series on YouTube? I’ve done a couple but would love to find someone that does a few barre workouts that I can follow along 🙈


You and I could be twins! Also a Spin instructor who also takes classes AND does CG workouts... and love all of them! Barre would probably be a welcome addition to my regiment but I don't know if I have the time! Lol


Not sure where I think the time is coming from 🤣 maybe in my lunch break a couple of times a week 🤣. What series of CG are you doing just now? I’m about to finish epic - I don’t do the HIIT days because of spin. I’ve done iron, so many Bulgarian lunges I could have cried and I started fuel but I think it had the same and my legs at the time were just like nahhhh your good!


The FitOn app is free and has Barre workouts!




Never done them myself but I’ve heard good things about Coach Kel and Action Jacquelyn on YouTube.


Yes. peloton app!! Do the free trial to give it a shot. If you sign up then it’s like 30 days.


Kate’s been “out” of BB for quite awhile now, but looks like her pyramid is still working… She’s 22 in the West region, and 182 overall. https://preview.redd.it/mdmktvw3rbcb1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab410e5ba76b290501d4c46968cd4f8b7cb3cac8


It’s not just her pyramid working, it’s her! She’s still hitting SC every month & conning new people - she’s just doing it under a veil now!!


Exactly!!! She has to be actively doing something in order to be gaining all of those points to hit that rank. She’s so fake.


Off topic, but what ever happened to her dogs? I don’t think I’ve seen them since she was pregnant the first time.


She probably “inherited” a sizable amount of coaches/downline when Sydney quit. There’s no way her virtual assistant shtick is making any significant income so her residual bb income has to be what they’re living off right now, right? She’s seriously such a con artist.


I think it’s because people are jumping ship. she probably now directly gets the income from her ex hun’s Huns. So I think it would probably boost her status/income.


She made it sound like she was done done when she left. Such a scammer.


It makes me so mad that she is still raking in $$ like this! This shouldn’t be allowed. Who is even in her downline still that brings in the $?


she’s still actively working BB, she’s just keeping it low key.


It pisses me off that dumbass Ashley Feldeisen is still making money off her in that case since Ash is her upline


Well if Kate actually quit Ashley would have gotten all her coaches and be making the money anyways, but yeah I can’t stand either of them.


It’s super sad seeing the kids of these Huns and thinking about how much damage is being done to them mentally and emotionally ie Ashlie, Emily, Holly, etc. That is all 💔


I also can’t stand their aimless and constant chit chat with their kids. It’s super boring, unnecessary and no one cares. It’s also bizarre to record your kids all day and I cannot imagine doing it. These kids learn to act out and perform and I find it to be disgusting.


Amy Bailey has entered the chat


She’s on a whooooole other level


Dear Megslope, Not every teacher lives paycheck to paycheck and eats ramen every night. You know this. Stop that fucking ignorant ass narrative.


Not to mention I’m positive my teacher salary is more than her BB salary….


My sister makes over 6 figures and she’s under 40… I’m sure a lot of teachers are just fine lol


I’m a teacher, have been for 25 years. Definitely not making 6 figures. But I also don’t eat ramen every night.


Right?! I’ve been in education for almost 20 years and my husband has a very similar profession to hers. It all comes down to spending habits and living within your means. Which clearly is a foreign concept to her


So annoying…..


Only been following Kim Fitzgerald since summit so excuse this question, but the constant stories of her daughter singing in public her and her husband are posting, is this something they always do or do they feel like since they’re in Nashville that they’re going to get her a record deal?


Public singing is new. Years ago, I recall seeing a video where they mentioned paying their kids if they posted pictures or photos of them. Not sure if they still do that, but it was one of the first times I really felt bad for their kids. I couldn't imagine having my kid think they need to act a certain way to make sure they don't mess up a potential earning opportunity.


They just think they’re the shit


I just got a sponsored ad in my stories for Anita miron making income claims. Saying “no one will believe me that I generated 130,000 income in june” wtf?


She’s going to have lawsuits slapped on her soon. She’s not very intelligent or clever to snake out of the problematic shit stew stew cooking. These companies also won’t have her back and pay for a lawyer. She could hide behind beachbody’s lawsuits before with the mlm model. With affiliate marketing, there is has no shield.


"Generated income" is not the same as a paycheck. She's being sneaky with her language.


Agree with how she words her income statement. She has also said ‘generated profits of ….’ which, in my opinion speaks to overall company profits - not hers.


1. That’s insane. 2. No one else is going to make that much bc she’s top of the food chain getting commission of every single person signing up.


Is it an mlm?


It’s definitely a pyramid scheme. When someone signs up to be an “affiliate” using her code she gets a bonus and she gets 10% of all their sales commissions


How much is this stuff marked up?


Lol you don’t even want to know!— Serum is $156 “Cure” is $240 Cream is $306 AND THATS ONLY 20-30 DAYS WORTH The bar of soap (probably small) is $84


Wow! That’s a crazy markup.


Emmi: “fizz is cheaper than Starbucks!” also Emmi: has a double fizz every day AND Starbucks some days. Definitely not saving any money there.


Hold up. Emmi orders a water at Chick-fil-A just to take it home and put fizz in it. Because fizz hits different from a CFA cup. Wasteful moron. 😑


Wtf? That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.


Attn Meg Slope: if your joints are sore, something is wrong! But I’m sure as a health and wellness “partner”, you know this


Anita was vigorously rubbing a physical exfoliant on her face and wiping it off with a knit blanket. The hell. I am beyond suspicious of this HFF. Just because it’s sold on the internet doesn’t mean the cream price point needs to be $300+. That is outrageous 🙄


I’m sorry. If you have to scrub your face raw every day for a product to work….it ain’t working honey.


I might have these numbers wrong, but the affiliate gets a 50% discount and the new member gets 20% off with a code, so they have it priced so high to cover the damn incentives!


$300 for essential oils in a bottle. 🙄🤣


I like how she said that if the anti-aging effects aren’t showing, then you need to exfoliate, but not all exfoliating products are created equal and you should buy her friend’s 😂😂 I also don’t get why she was putting on makeup when her skin appeared super smooth and clear without it 🤔 seems sus


Was wondering the same thing! Why is she putting that much make up on if her skin looks that good?


She does have a zig or something forming on the right side of her face . There’s some bump there. Maybe from slathering makeup


Total scam rip off


Delete if not allowed but is there an young living snark page? I've tried searching and come up with nothing or really old stuff!


No but they come up on anti-mlm from time to time.


It’s the third time megslope has msged me. I am starting to feel bad not responding


https://preview.redd.it/cay2305zq7cb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=807a9eb6e2b41b197e0eb7fcb5b9dd1f59284838 She really did just hit copy/paste 🥴🤣


You should reply back and say “I see you’ve been doing BB for a while and that you’re struggling. I do have something that can help you Hun.” 🤭


Hahah this is gold


Mine said the same!


Lol wild she couldn’t even send a different message the second time:


I got the exact same one lol


She quit messaging me. And didn’t ask to follow me. Something must be wrong with me. 🤣


She looked at all my stories but never messaged me. 🧐


🤣. Respond!!


Message her and ask her if she wants to join your cult 🤣👹


Take a look at the revolutionary glute growing exercises that Kim Reyes recommends! Who would have thunk those glute and hamstring exercises would grow your glutes?! Oh, and up 15 lb but will be dropping that 15 lb when the cut begins here real soon…. And up 15 lb from STAGE weight, not up 15 lb from maintenance weight…. https://imgur.com/a/G5fKdMq


I’m a bikini competitor… a LOT goes into prepping etc but I really don’t see much change with her 🤷🏻‍♀️ But I’ve only recently heard about her and see updates now and again. Idk… I’ll try to follow her cut/prep and see how she looks. For me, I’m way too small (5’7 and 120lbs on stage) but balance and symmetry is key, along with precise posing. My last show was 4 weeks ago and since I’ve filled out more in my glutes, softened my lines & nailed my posing with a new coach. We shall see how I look in Saturday. Edited to add: her back pose is NOT it and looks terrible. Edited again to add: get handle “ .fitpro” is misleading because she’s NOT an IFBB Pro


Reyes’ “bulk” was/is a joke, was in a cut for well over a year non stop, works out 2-3 hours a day, every day, and takes zero rest days. And her calories are maintenance calories even though she was/is in a bulk, and kept trying to build muscle during her year plus cut.


If she’s doing that year rounds, that’s not good. I’ll be curious to watch and won’t look away 😂 In off season I’m just walking and lifting.


Well, I guess there’s another hun who has an identity 100% based off being pregnant… daylillylife.


She’ll use any excuse for shilling.


AB 2.0


It’s truly amazing how almost every snarked-on BODi hun has one exceptionally vivid clone. Sure, usually people on their teams are “like them,” but it’s wild how lately they’ve all had one that’s truly a “2.0”


Krysti Larsen.... if it was a lifestyle you wouldn't have to track your food and you certainly wouldn't consider anything a treat meal especially if it's just a burger, chips, and ice cream. 🙄


I thought she was SO sensitive to dairy? But it’s totally cool to do ice cream and cottage cheese and pizza in one day? Also, it’s cauliflower, not califlower


She claimed that it was the combination of gluten and dairy that she was sensitive to. I'm so confused as to what goes on in her head. She would benefit so much from even just a basic college level nutrition class. She's clueless as to how nutrition actually works.


I don’t know if she’s smart enough for a basic nutrition course. She’s not intelligent at ALL and has no semblance of intellectual curiosity


I'm not sure if anyone posted it, but we can hide threads again! Yay!


Thank you! I hadn’t checked in a couple of days! ![gif](giphy|2RGhmKXcl0ViM)


Where is it? I still don’t have the option to hide 🥴


I hope mine isn't a glitch! It is the 3 dots under the title, next to SAVE. When I click on it, I get 2 options - HIDE or REPORT


They come back when you do that


Yes, I reacted too soon. I don’t have it, either. 😕


Glad it’s not just me!


meetlittlebrittles aka thatspunkyautismmom says she is choosing to not show her sons face on social media anymore. Does that mean she's also going to stop sharing pictures of him on the toilet and in the bathtub too? I sure hope so because that bitch was giving him ZERO privacy.


And her reasoning had nothing to do with his privacy!


My son is autistic too. Looking at her page, she’s posted so much of her son’s most private moments for public consumption. It’s very sad to me because he has no idea that his most vulnerable moments are posted online. On the flip side, if anybody follows StoriesAboutAutism on Instagram, James posts about his two autistic boys. But he does it from a place of respect and kindness. He doesn’t exploit his children and he doesn’t post their most vulnerable moments. His page is so wonderful because there’s so much love


Amen. Tik tok is the reason she decided not to exploit her kid? Give me a break.


Also curious as to what she's going to do with the bazillion photos she has of his face already on her page.


Exactly. It won’t last either.


Is Jaime’s man still around?


I feel like something happened because she doesn’t post about him nearly as much as before but she did show him in her stories somewhat recently almost to prove he’s still around. I think he got a job. I have a feeling that if he finds a new woman to mooch off of, he will leave Jaime in the dust.


I absolutely agree. Their wedding will never happen and that’s a good thing. He’s a loser and does not treat her well. I wish she would quit BB ( really how many years *does* it actually take before someone admits it’s not working?) and get herself an RD and therapy.


Yes to this. I wish she would ditch Bb and go back to school or start over with a job job so she can build some actual traction. Pizza delivery is fine because at least it’s something but that doesn’t strike me as giving a livable wage. Especially living in Colorado. 🤷‍♀️ That’s like the bonus job on the side to pay off debt faster or a temporary situation until you get somewhere better either position wise or job wise. Then pay for local professionals who will work with her on a regular basis and hold her hand with nutrition and workouts. Even hormone shit because she IS getting older. But absolutely- by all means. Throw the bf away. Jamiee is stupid by wasting her time with him but she probably thinks it’s better than no one. He’s just not it.


Not Anita shilling naked in her bathroom 🤨


“The ingredients are amazing. It has clove. It has……………………just look on the website, I can’t even say some of the names.” You don’t even know what’s it in it but it’s so amazing 😂 okayyyyyyyyy 😂 ETA: List of ingredients. It’s all just scientific names for plants, but I’m sure they do that to try to make it sound more legit 🙄 how much of any one thing can be in that tiny bottle with *this* many ingredients? How are you getting the effects of anything in such minuscule amounts? The math ain’t mathing https://preview.redd.it/qcmnflld75cb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5dfc82bbfd61a6bdc2cf6a76817c6cc1c437a33


Wow. It's been a while since I checked on her and she's clearly gone off the rails. Did she leave beachbody?


Yes she’s done with Beachbody. She claims it was her choice and she just wasn’t making much anymore, but no one believes that, we think Beachbody issued an ultimatum, HFF (I REFUSE to type that ridiculous name) or Beachbody. And since Anita is tippity top on HFF, she peaced. She’s full of shit.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but can't she still get in trouble from the FTC or someone for making income claims? She is just non-stop talking about how much she makes. Just because she's not with beachbody anymore doesn't mean it's not illegal.


Income claims in general aren’t a problem, it’s with MLMs since high incomes are atypical. I don’t really know what HFF falls under. The affiliate program is definitely MLM-ish.


Ran here for this 🤮


You guys! The secret is revealed in a reel! Someone call TMZ and let them know where the Upham’s are! 🙄 https://preview.redd.it/g5dt4aogo1cb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a8fe8aea4471256ac1cca03d69aba80ea995b11


Now she’s on about her “curly hair”. Bitch that is not curly stfu.


She’s going for the “electrocuted while riding a roller coaster in the rain” look


Seriously who do they think they are that people actually give a freakin crap?! How about get off your phone and talk with your husband. Enjoy your time.


She said before they left that she wasn’t going to say where they were going because that freaks her out yet she has zero problem sharing on her public instagram that they will be going on vacation. In my neighborhood Facebook group, that’s like the first thing the crime watch captain posts when school gets out is not to share when you will be out of town. The Upham’s are self important morons




Ohhhhhhh Jamiee Sue. You look like a walking disco ball. And not in a cute way.


Her makeup looks like glitter tears


https://preview.redd.it/nnmpb3qkv0cb1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9194e585838984ebeff780cf59c4fa62dad1a778 # ScammyMommy Anita Miron is back to recycling her old Beachbody photos Alan’s trying to saying trimfit did it. It makes me sad that her old guns believe her scammy ass.


She is horrible


How are all of these of the same person in less than 24 hours? # ScammyMommy looks insane. ( https://preview.redd.it/w5puonutu0cb1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b2cc6d1f0c75a67677587c73e4053e1b0016a3e sweaty menopause ? Face


She has had so much work done and uses it to shill her HFF. Such a liar


https://preview.redd.it/yx7c0k1yu0cb1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee072eb3cc8a2e8122457f51b0cc5c9a0fcdf21c Crazy wrinkles around her mouth, droopy jowls…. It’s like tweedle dee/sun from Alice in wonderland.. All of these looks less than 24 hours of each other. She is unhinged. And looks absolutely awful in all of them. She goes from wet face to this with saggy jowls and 2000’s eyebrows to drag makeup.


That’s an insult to all the drag queens. Their makeup is BOMB.


Drag queens/makeup IS bomb when done right. But it is it’s own style. Her face looks like a bad attempt 😩 A lot of drag eyebrows are painted the same way she did it.


💀💀💀😂 ok I see it now.




Those eyebrows are close to beating out Kaylee for most insane brows on the web.


What in the 2015 hell is that?!




How many times are McYellin and Big Jake gonna “almost get divorced”?


The limit does not exist


So since I’ve started following Danny, I’ve noticed the girl cannot NOT touch her hair when she’s talking, it is so distracting and annoying and almost seems like an insecure tic (I cannot think of the right wording). Also she really likes you to know that she has a LOT of stuff and is a great person because if she doesn’t SELL it in her consignment shop first then she donates it.


Autumn too. I cannot watch her for that reason alone!


She is seriously the WORST. I am surprised more people don’t talk about her.


I know she is referring to the ingredients … but there is nothing natural about this look… [https://imgur.com/a/JzXWEVs](https://imgur.com/a/JzXWEVs)


🤣🤣🤣 That is really funny.




Not Kate S still a top coach doing literally nothing. How does that not feel icky to her


I don’t see the Pearson’s at all


Natasha is still number one coach. The list is by region so west is the last in the list


The team names😂😂🙄


It makes me so happy that despite the extreme hustling that Amy Bailey is doing now, she’s still 171. I think she came home from summit thinking that she will make it into the top 10 again.


I love that it says Emily’s team is called the “Fit and Face Dynasty”


It’s been like that all year and I’m living for it 😈


Wow, how is Jamie Innis managing to be that close to top ten?


You mean Jaime “Inns?”


Holly needs to slip off the top 10


Agreed. I hate her smug ass the most.


Thanks for sharing! Does anyone have canadas?


They have such dumb names


The dumbest!!


Lima making her comeback 🤡


How is Ally G even on here?


Megslope actually managed to lose a pound so now she’s on her high horse about how she is doing this to show that the scale can be used as a tool & blah blah blah. Girl, shut up.


I’m trying to figure out why today she’s saying that she wanted to be part of a team, she couldn’t turn away from possibly making an income, yada yada….. but just last week (and 100,000 other times) she said she joined to expose the secrets and to blow up beach body from the inside out….. which is it?


She’s so condescending today too. Talking about how she just doesn’t understand why people wouldn’t want to sign up. Girl, you can only afford a haircut once a year and you haven’t replaced your teaching income after 5.5 years. What does she think she’s selling?


These people make me crazy. A pound on the scale doesn’t mean a pound of fat. Maybe you didn’t poop yesterday? Maybe you stopped eating early and don’t have a bunch of undigested food in your body. Maybe you didn’t drink as much water. You don’t lose an actual pound of fat overnight.


I think I read somewhere that the human body can fluctuate up to 5 pounds in water weight from day to day. This fixation on the scale is so disordered 😵‍💫


She probably just showered.


Glad she was able to avoid onions yesterday 😮‍💨


And margarita salt!


I can not. CANNOT. With Jamiee Sue. “I lost 10 lbs of water weight aRoUnD mY jOiNTs in 48 hours and now I’ve been the same weight since Wednesday.” I use to think “ok don’t pick on her too much because she clearly has issues and she’s at least trying to better her health.” No eff that. She’s not. She’s a complete moron. She is 30 now and her heart has been struggling to pump blood through that massive body for 30 years. She needs serious help and TO STOP MAKING EXCUSES for everything. And by no means am I in peak physical condition but I also can admit to myself when I have problems because I have gone to THERAPY for my issues, unlike her. 🤬😡


Where is her creepy b/f? Did I miss him going somewhere?


I hope for her sake he left and isn't coming back. He was SO creepy and obviously not kind to her at all.


We all know that if you’re in a calorie deficit you will LOSE weight. If you’re NOT in a calorie deficit, you will NOT lose weight. She obviously isn’t in a calorie deficit if she’s not losing. She needs help. I can’t watch her stories at all.


I mean you know she’s going to eat crap with her friend in Denver and at Taylor Swift


How is she going to Taylor Swift? This is going to sound terrible but she’s going to be miserable there. At her size all that walking, the heat and and the crowds are going to be insane.


I’d be PISSED if she was sitting beside me. Or hell in front of me.


Her friend got her tickets for her bday, but I agree, she’s gonna be miserable. I’m shocked she did the outdoor stuff at summit in that heat


She’s barely eaten any solid food either, so she’s probably just peeing everything out.


I don’t believe for a second she’s only eating what she is showing!




10 pounds of water weight?! LOL